

Bobolink News: Pig roasts, full market schedule

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Cheese forecast and market schedule:

We've got Cave-Aged Cheddar, Semi-firm Drumm, Semi-soft Drumm, Frolic, Jean Louis, and Gooey Baudolino.  We also have Amish Blue and Amish Schmearkase at our markets except for NYC (pre-order here for NYC markets).  Have a ramp omelette, with Bobolink Cheeses as an accent, and some Flax Armadillo, Rosemary Epi or Medieval Baguette on the side!

This week:




Sunday, 5/1:

Special market:

Wednesdays, 5/4 & 5/11:

The farm store, as always, is open MWThF 12-6, S&S 9-5
This weekend, we have  tours on Saturday and Sunday at 2

Don't forget to get your breads, butter, buttermilk, milk, cream, chocolate milk, Emmer Pasta, and Pesto!

See you soon!

Weekend of pig roasts, 
Saturday-Sunday May 14-15!

Time to dust off your hawg, grab your motorcycle mama (or papa!), and head on out to the farm....

We'll be doing another two pig roasts here at the farm on Saturday May 14th and Sunday May 15th.

These are pigs that were raised by us on whey from our cheesemaking, bakery waste and tablescraps, plus all the bugs, grubs, moles, voles, etc.

The pigs are being roasted in the Cuban style, in a Caja China. We'll be serving pork sandwiches with gravy on Nina's bread, or packed to go by the pound, with gravy on the side.

THESE PIG ROASTS FREQUENTLY SELL OUT, so we strongly urge you to RESERVE your piece of the pig NOW, to avoid  disappointment later!

We'll have our tents up with some tables and chairs for picknicking, and we'll be spinning some tunes as well. 

We will also be grilling Bobolink 100% grassfed burgers, for those who aren't porcinally inclined, or if you miss the boat!

Bobolink LLC | Jonathan & Nina White | info@cowsoutside.com | 908-864-7277
Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse, 369 Stamets Road, Milford, NJ 08848
Sent by jonathan@cowsoutside.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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