

Nature Methods Contents: May 2016 Volume 13 pp 381 - 458

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May 2016 Volume 13, Issue 5

In This Issue
This Month
Research Highlights
Technology Feature
Brief Communications

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In This Issue


In This Issue   



Data sharing comes to structural biology   p381
New archives for raw X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM data will accelerate progress in structural biology.

This Month


The Author File: Judit Villen   p383
Vivien Marx
Measuring phosphoproteins reproducibly and taking time to bike.

Points of Significance: Regression diagnostics   pp385 - 386
Naomi Altman and Martin Krzywinski
Residual plots can be used to validate assumptions about the regression model.



EMPIAR: a public archive for raw electron microscopy image data   pp387 - 388
Andrii Iudin, Paul K Korir, José Salavert-Torres, Gerard J Kleywegt and Ardan Patwardhan

Research Highlights


Hijacking Cas9 for live-cell RNA imaging
Researchers target fluorescent protein-Cas9 fusions to specific mRNAs for tracking in live cells.

A miniature platform for studying corals at microscale resolution sheds new light on their biology.

A multi-purpose cross-linker
By coupling protein cross-linking with reversible affinity purification of cross-linked fragments, a newly reported tool should enable many applications in structural and systems biology.

Manipulating neurons with magnetogenetics
The Magneto channel, an orthogonal tool for optogenetic actuators, provides magnetic control over neuronal activity.

RNase footprints re-examined
A computational tool enables the study of native nonribosomal RNA-protein complexes from ribosome profiling data.

Light-responsive enzyme inhibitors
A hybrid of a photo-responsive ligand and a small-molecule inhibitor enables optical control of epigenetic mechanisms.

Methods in Brief

Cryo-EM with the Volta phase plate | Mutational burden of neurons | Long noncoding RNA networks of suppression | Zooming in on single tumor cells

Tools in Brief

A minimal bacterial cell | Putting a spin on high-throughput force spectroscopy | Delivering crystals with sound | A spotlight on synaptic plasticity

JOBS of the week
University Professor of Organic Chemistry - Synthesis and Synthetic Methods
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Postdoctoral Scholar in Computational Genomics
University of Chicago
Postdoctoral fellowships in molecular epidemiology
Stanford University
Postdoc scholarship in Computational Genomics Bioinformatics
Lund University
More Science jobs from
ECCO-AACR-EORTC-ESMO Methods in Clinical Cancer Research Workshop
18th June - 24th June 2016
Zeist, Netherlands
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Technology Feature


Microbiology: the road to strain-level identification   pp401 - 404
Vivien Marx
Tools are emerging to help labs trawl for sequences that reveal microbial strains and their functional potential in deep pools of metagenomic data.



A practical guide to hydrogels for cell culture   pp405 - 414
Steven R Caliari and Jason A Burdick

Measuring cell-generated forces: a guide to the available tools   pp415 - 423
William J Polacheck and Christopher S Chen
There is a growing appreciation that mechanical forces have important roles in many aspects of biology. This review provides a survey of methods for measuring the forces exerted by cells and discusses technical barriers to their implementation.



Standardized benchmarking in the quest for orthologs OPEN   pp425 - 430
Adrian M Altenhoff, Brigitte Boeckmann, Salvador Capella-Gutierrez, Daniel A Dalquen, Todd DeLuca et al.

Brief Communications


Plug-and-play analysis of the human phosphoproteome by targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry   pp431 - 434
Robert T Lawrence, Brian C Searle, Ariadna Llovet and Judit Villén
A method (and resource) demonstrating the mining of information from large-scale phosphoproteomics data sets is presented, allowing users to build targeted parallel reaction monitoring mass spectrometry assays to study phosphosites of interest.

Strain-level microbial epidemiology and population genomics from shotgun metagenomics   pp435 - 438
Matthias Scholz, Doyle V Ward, Edoardo Pasolli, Thomas Tolio, Moreno Zolfo et al.
PanPhlAn detects strains and characterizes strain-specific gene content and activity within metagenomic and metatranscriptomic samples for microbial population analysis and epidemiology.

Quantitative super-resolution imaging with qPAINT   pp439 - 442
Ralf Jungmann, Maier S Avendaño, Mingjie Dai, Johannes B Woehrstein, Sarit S Agasti et al.
Quantitative points accumulation in nanoscale topography (qPAINT) makes use of predictable binding kinetics between DNA-PAINT imager and docking strands to achieve accurate and precise counting of molecules in spatially unresolved complexes.

Sparse PCA corrects for cell type heterogeneity in epigenome-wide association studies   pp443 - 445
Elior Rahmani, Noah Zaitlen, Yael Baran, Celeste Eng, Donglei Hu et al.
Principal component analysis on a subset of differentially methylated regions in a mixture of cell types is the basis of ReFACTor, a program to account for heterogeneity in epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS).

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High-efficiency cellular reprogramming with microfluidics   pp446 - 452
Camilla Luni, Stefano Giulitti, Elena Serena, Luca Ferrari, Alessandro Zambon et al.
Microfluidic reprogramming of human somatic cells to induced pluripotent stem cells is rapid and highly efficient, enabling large-scale derivation from patient cells as well as seamless on-chip differentiation without cell expansion.

Reprogramming eukaryotic translation with ligand-responsive synthetic RNA switches   pp453 - 458
Andrew V Anzalone, Annie J Lin, Sakellarios Zairis, Raul Rabadan and Virginia W Cornish
Ligand-triggered ribosomal frameshifting allows control of the relative stoichiometry of two proteins and enables the building of logic gates from a single mRNA.

nature.com webcasts

Nature Publishing Group presents a custom webcast on Advances in neuroscience: New methods for correlating structure and function

Thursday May 5, 2016 8AM PDT, 10AM CDT, 11AM EDT, 4PM BST, 5PM CEST 

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