

NPG Asia Materials - Table of Contents alert Volume 8, March 2016

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NPG Asia Materials


Volume 8, March 2016

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NPG Asia Materials is proud to present a web focus on Magnetic materials for spintronic devices. This web focus features a selection of articles that are related to magnetic materials for potential application in magnetoelectronic and spintronic devices. Such materials include artificial multiferroics, half metallic Heusler alloys, topological insulators, Dirac semimetals, manganites, nanofibers, and spin wave materials, as well as molecular interfaces. 

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Computational studies of solid-state alkali conduction in rechargeable alkali-ion batteries

Zhi Deng, Yifei Mo and Shyue Ping Ong

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e254; 10.1038/am.2016.7

Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles


Promotion of reversible Li+ storage in transition metal dichalcogenides by Ag nanoclusters

Ge Ji, Yong Yu, Qiaofeng Yao, Baihua Qu, Dongyun Chen, Weixiang Chen, Jianping Xie and Jim Yang Lee

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e247; 10.1038/am.2016.21

Abstract | Full Text

Coating sponge with a hydrophobic porous coordination polymer containing a low-energy CF3-decorated surface for continuous pumping recovery of an oil spill from water

Zhuo-Rui Jiang, Jin Ge, Yu-Xiao Zhou, Zhiyong U Wang, Dongxiao Chen, Shu-Hong Yu and Hai-Long Jiang

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e253; 10.1038/am.2016.22

Abstract | Full Text

Mobility enhancement of strained Si transistors by transfer printing on plastic substrates

Wonho Lee, Yun Hwangbo, Jae-Hyun Kim and Jong-Hyun Ahn

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e256; 10.1038/am.2016.31

Abstract | Full Text

Built-in microscale electrostatic fields induced by anatase–rutile-phase transition in selective areas promote osteogenesis

Chengyun Ning, Peng Yu, Ye Zhu, Mengyu Yao, Xiaojing Zhu, Xiaolan Wang, Zefeng Lin, Weiping Li, Shuangying Wang, Guoxin Tan, Yu Zhang, Yingjun Wang and Chuanbin Mao

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e243; 10.1038/am.2016.9

Abstract | Full Text

Deflection induced cellular focal adhesion and anisotropic growth on vertically aligned silicon nanowires with differing elasticity

Yi-Seul Park, Seo Young Yoon, Jeong Su Park and Jin Seok Lee

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e249; 10.1038/am.2016.5

Abstract | Full Text

All-in-one synthesis of mesoporous silicon nanosheets from natural clay and their applicability to hydrogen evolution

Jaegeon Ryu, Youn Jeong Jang, Sinho Choi, Hyun Joon Kang, Hyungmin Park, Jae Sung Lee and Soojin Park

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e248; 10.1038/am.2016.35

Abstract | Full Text

The emergence of charge coherence in soft molecular organic semiconductors via the suppression of thermal fluctuations

Kenichi Sakai, Yugo Okada, Takafumi Uemura, Junto Tsurumi, Roger Häusermann, Hiroyuki Matsui, Tatsuya Fukami, Hiroyuki Ishii, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Kenji Hirose and Jun Takeya

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e252; 10.1038/am.2016.30

Abstract | Full Text

The relationship between magneto-optical properties and molecular chirality

Satoshi Wada, Yuichi Kitagawa, Takayuki Nakanishi, Koji Fushimi, Yasuhiro Morisaki, Koji Fujita, Katsuaki Konishi, Katsuhisa Tanaka, Yoshiki Chujo and Yasuchika Hasegawa

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e251; 10.1038/am.2016.17

Abstract | Full Text

Tuning ultrafine manganese oxide nanowire synthesis seeded by Si particles and its superior Li storage behaviors

Hang Wei, Jin Ma, Biao Li, Li An, Junli Kong, Pingrong Yu and Dingguo Xia

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e255; 10.1038/am.2016.29

Abstract | Full Text

Fiber optics for spin waves

Xiangjun Xing and Yan Zhou

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e246; 10.1038/am.2016.25

Abstract | Full Text

Structural-relaxation-driven electron doping of amorphous oxide semiconductors by increasing the concentration of oxygen vacancies in shallow-donor states

Han-Wool Yeon, Seung-Min Lim, Jung-Kyu Jung, Hyobin Yoo, Young-Joo Lee, Ho-Young Kang, Yong-Jin Park, Miyoung Kim and Young-Chang Joo

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e250; 10.1038/am.2016.11

Abstract | Full Text

Trimodally porous SnO2 nanospheres with three-dimensional interconnectivity and size tunability: a one-pot synthetic route and potential application as an extremely sensitive ethanol detector

Ji-Wook Yoon, Seung Ho Choi, Jun-Sik Kim, Ho Won Jang, Yun Chan Kang and Jong-Heun Lee

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e244; 10.1038/am.2016.16

Abstract | Full Text

Heterogeneous-surface-mediated crystallization control

Shifeng Zhou, Binbin Zheng, Yasuhiko Shimotsuma, Yunhao Lu, Qiangbing Guo, Masayuki Nishi, Masahiro Shimizu, Kiyotaka Miura, Kazuyuki Hirao and Jianrong Qiu

NPG Asia Mater 2016 8: e245; 10.1038/am.2016.15

Abstract | Full Text

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