

Let me show you this strategy working live in the market!


I rarely do free training during my trading hours, but
here's your chance to see how well this strategy works
in real-time during the trading day.

Hi Trader

Tomorrow, May 4, 2016, I'll be one of 5 traders teaching our favorite trading strategies for free as part of free event called "MarketFest".

I'll be teaching you the 3 steps you can easily take each day to identify:

  • The right day to enter your trade,
  • The right stock or ETF to trade that day, AND
  • The right time of day to enter and be profitable that day.

And here's an unexpected BONUS....

Since my presentation is during the market hours, I'm going to teach you my favorite strategies live in the market!

You'll discover strategies and tactics for entering day, swing, and even option trades based on floor trader secrets that identify the best trend days and market reversals!

You'll leave this training session with ideas you could trade that very day!

And the good news is it's absolutely FREE!

Plus... you'll also get access to 4 other traders sharing their favorite trading strategies.

Click Here to learn more and Register for MarketFest

I look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes for you Trading,

Geoff Bysshe

P.S. When you sign up, you'll also get access to the archives of the previous MarketFest events -- that's over 15 HOURS of training on multiple strategies that have been proven in today's market. 

You won't find a unique lineup of top quality speakers like this anywhere else. Don't miss this special event on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, starting at 9:00 AM Eastern (6AM Pacific).

Click Here to Register for MarketFest

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