

Webinar Confirmation: Your Seat Has Been Saved!

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for registering for "Trading Secrets of Billionaire Traders".

You've heard of George Soros, right? He's that guy they say invested in the Forex market and managed to profit nearly $1 billion within 24 hours back in 2002. And, in May of 2013, he made $19 million in 36 hours ... Again, by harnessing the power of currency trading. Not too shabby, huh?

Do you want to know why Soros profited in that way? He knew where the money was. This billionaire chooses to trade currencies because he knows that money can be made in the Forex. If you want to be more like George Soros, you should join us for this webinar, and discover the step-by-step education.
Register now using the form on this page.

Please send your questions, comments and feedback to: mtiwebinars@markettraders.com

How To Join The Webinar

Tue, May 3, 2016 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

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1. Click the link to join the webinar at the specified time and date:


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Note: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you.

2. Choose one of the following audio options:

When the webinar begins, you will be connected to audio using your computer's microphone and speakers (VoIP). A headset is recommended.


If you prefer to use your phone, you must select "Use Telephone" after joining the webinar and call in using the numbers below.
United States: +1 (562) 247-8321
Access Code: 555-940-494
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the webinar

Webinar ID: 153-592-627

To Cancel this Registration

If you can't attend this webinar, you may cancel your registration at any time.

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