

Celebrating five years of publishing high-quality open access research

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Scientific Reports’ 5th anniversary – take a look back at our journey A Nature Research Journal

This June marks the 5th anniversary of Scientific Reports publishing its first articles!

Featuring authors from North America, Europe and Asia, and covering a diverse range of topics, these inaugural papers reflected from the outset the international and multidisciplinary scope of the journal. Now, as the world’s leading multi-disciplinary, scientifically valid open access journal, Scientific Reports has become the home for scientifically valid research.

Visit our anniversary website to explore the highlights of the journal so far through our interactive infographic and take a look behind the scenes of the journal with members of our team.


We also want to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the authors, editorial board members, peer reviewers and readers who have helped the journal achieve its success.

Best wishes from everyone at Scientific Reports

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