

Hey Indiana - Disruption, Pros and Cons Webinar - Join Ramon for LIVE discussion

Hey Indiana,


What have you been up to today? Me? Just the hustle...meetings, phone calls and a few other things.


On 28 June I'll be discussing about "Disruption" in a LIVE webinar.


We hear so much about disruption and I'll be speaking with two other experts on the pros and cons of disruption.


It's gonna be a fun and informative webinar for sure.


Hosted by Lenovo, join TJ McCue, Amber Osborne and yours truly!


The link to register is here




REMEMBER - the 11th Annual Smart Hustle Small Business Conference takes place October 20th. We are ALREADY having our first registrants!! I hope to SEE YOU.




All the best,




Ramon Ray with Guadalupe Students


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