

I'm disappointed

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Saturday, June 25, 2016

I'm Disappointed

editor headshotI'm disappointed in some of our readers.
He cited concerns about a major currency shift... and perhaps a big hit to the stock market.
And he even gave the perfect investment to use instead.
It's a 100% principal-protected investment. (In other words, you can't lose money.) And it still offers upside potential upward of 97% and beyond.
This was 48 hours before the Brexit chaos sent markets plummeting.
So I understand why some readers probably felt they didn't need a way to protect themselves against a major market drop.
But if our readers had listened, they wouldn't have lost a single penny of their investment in the chaos. In fact, they might have even been up.
That's the whole point of investing in something with virtually no risk.
But I'm not writing to you today just to say "I told you so."
Rather, I'm urging you to reconsider this zero-downside, massive-upside investment.
It's virtually the only way I've seen to make a good chunk of money while knowing for sure your principal cannot drop in value.
There's no telling what might happen in the days ahead.
Stocks could drop much more than they have already.
But I can tell you this: With this one investment, even if stocks drop 5,000 points, your principal is 100% safe.
Ignoring this opportunity would be a huge mistake.
I suggest you watch the full story on this investment here... and consider how nice it would be to invest in something where you don't have to worry about losing money.
Good investing,

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