

10 Fundamentals For Protecting Your Customers From Ransomware

Business Solutions Newsletter | July 05, 2016 | View web version here.

In This Issue

Featured Articles
6 Tips For A Better Than Average Newsletter

A newsletter is a simple way to pull people to your website, to engage local businesses, and to differentiate yourself from the competition.  And if you can manage to find your niche, you might actually have a little fun with it.

The State Of Local Storage

Storage is one of those technologies that gets lost in the shuffle. New CPUs with their ever higher clock speeds and GPUs with their increased processing power dominate the headlines to the point it's easy to overlook how much storage technology has changed over the past decade.

Making The Transition From VAR To MSP

Your core services are becoming increasingly commoditized. You face fierce price competition in a crowded marketplace. And although demand for hardware and software is growing, profit margins have become razor-thin — and are steadily declining. To break free from these challenges, you need a way to diversify your value proposition and service offerings, generate new sources of recurring revenue, and increase the value you deliver to both new and existing customers.

Downtime, Deletions & Security Breaches: Why Your Customers' SaaS Data Could Be At Risk
There are misconceptions about the safety of data stored in cloud-based applications such as Office 365, Salesforce, and Google Apps. As a managed services provider, it is imperative that you ensure any of your clients who use these applications that their critical cloud business data stays as safe as it would be on-premises.
Why You Should Adopt The Hybrid Business Model

The industry has sent a clear message to solutions providers — embrace managed services. Vendors have embraced this message, delivering it in force across the industry. Trade organizations and business coaches recommend it, and it's clear it's a path to profitability.

Mobile Creates Channel Opportunities

As mobile devices transform the way applications are being built, deployed, and managed, great opportunities are emerging for the channel. CompTIA presented five mobile opportunities in a research report.

Bringing Google Home To Work

While Amazon Echo has steadily gained popularity over the last two years, the upcoming launch of Google Home will likely propel the adoption of smart devices even further in the home. And why not?

6 Windows Vulnerability Threats To Watch
Despite the major advances Microsoft has made in terms of increased security safeguards available in the latest release, Windows 10, there are millions of PCs still running older versions of the popular operating system that are highly vulnerable and susceptible to external threats. Of the many flavors of Windows still widely used, Windows 7 remains the most popular version of the operating system and where cybercriminals continue to focus much of their efforts.
What's Your Number: A Business Value Conversation

If we miss in creating enough value in our company, we will fall short in having enough dollars to fund our lifestyle in retirement the way we wish it to be.

10 Fundamentals For Protecting Your Customers From Ransomware

Ransomware attacks are now common, disrupting business operations and costing thousands of dollars in losses. As an MSP, you can protect your business clients from ransomware by understanding the threat and by having the right technologies, policies, people, and processes in place to counter this insidious attack. Here are 10 best practices to consider for protecting yourself and your clients from ransomware.

From The Magazine
Expand Your Line Card
By Mike Monocello, editor in chief

How does your line card compare with that of your peers? More importantly, where are the highest margins and most revenue?

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