

Nature Nanotechnology Contents Month July Volume 11 Number 7 pp575-652

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Nature Nanotechnology


July 2016 Volume 11, Issue 7

Research Highlights
News and Views
In The Classroom
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Open for Submissions

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Innovation off the beaten path   p575
The Nature/Entrepreneur First Innovation Forum in Quantum Technologies was an experiment in entrepreneurial thinking for young scientists.

What is Nano?   p575
A comprehensive nanotechnology-specific database has been launched as part of the Nature Research portfolio.



Environment matters for all   pp576 - 577
Chris Toumey
Nanotechnology-induced risks to the environment are of greater concern than envisaged, although different groups of people are concerned for different reasons, as Chris Toumey explains.

Research Highlights


Our choice from the recent literature   p578

News and Views


Electronic devices: Nanoparticles make salty circuits   pp579 - 580
Hao Yan and Nicholas Melosh
Diodes, logic gates and sensors can be built from metal nanoparticles coated with charged organic ligands.

See also: Letter by Yan et al.

Nanomedicine: Going small to beat the high   pp580 - 581
Eric C. Peterson and Laura E. Ewing
Aggregated form of single-walled carbon nanotubes can inhibit the neurochemical and behavioural effects induced by methamphetamine, offering a potential treatment for drug addiction and abuse.

See also: Letter by Xue et al.

Artificial molecular motors: Running on information   pp582 - 583
R. Dean Astumian
An autonomous chemically driven artificial molecular machine uses information acquired by allosteric interactions combined with an exergonic reaction to know which way to go.

JOBS of the week
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Missouri International Institute of Nano and Molecular Medicine
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Bouve College of Health Sciences, Northeastern University
Scientific Advisor in Nanoscience and Technology
Springer Nature
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Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference 2016
Barcelona, Spain
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The nanotechnology of life-inspired systems   pp585 - 592
Bartosz A. Grzybowski and Wilhelm T. S. Huck
Living matter should inspire the design of future nanosystems.



Quantum Hall effect in black phosphorus two-dimensional electron system   pp593 - 597
Likai Li, Fangyuan Yang, Guo Jun Ye, Zuocheng Zhang, Zengwei Zhu, Wenkai Lou, Xiaoying Zhou, Liang Li, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Kai Chang, Yayu Wang, Xian Hui Chen and Yuanbo Zhang
Improvement in sample quality has resulted in the first observation of the quantum Hall effect in a black phosphorus two-dimensional electron system.

Electrical generation and control of the valley carriers in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide   pp598 - 602
Yu Ye, Jun Xiao, Hailong Wang, Ziliang Ye, Hanyu Zhu, Mervin Zhao, Yuan Wang, Jianhua Zhao, Xiaobo Yin and Xiang Zhang
The use of electric fields to control spin currents, which is one of the goals of modern spintronics, has now been extended to control the valley degree of freedom in a 2D semiconductor.

Chemoelectronic circuits based on metal nanoparticles   pp603 - 608
Yong Yan, Scott C. Warren, Patrick Fuller and Bartosz A. Grzybowski
Metal nanoparticles functionalized with charged organic ligands can be used to create electronic devices in which the metal nanoparticles sense, process and report chemical signals.

See also: News and Views by Yan & Melosh

Single-nanowire photoelectrochemistry   pp609 - 612
Yude Su, Chong Liu, Sarah Brittman, Jinyao Tang, Anthony Fu, Nikolay Kornienko, Qiao Kong and Peidong Yang
Single-nanowire photoelectrodes show that the photovoltage output of ensemble arrays can be limited by poorly performing individual wires and that the high surface area of nanowires lowers the overpotential of photoelectrochemical reactions.

Aggregated single-walled carbon nanotubes attenuate the behavioural and neurochemical effects of methamphetamine in mice   pp613 - 620
Xue Xue, Jing-Yu Yang, Yi He, Li-Rong Wang, Ping Liu, Li-Sha Yu, Guo-Hua Bi, Ming-Ming Zhu, Yue-Yang Liu, Rong-Wu Xiang, Xiao-Ting Yang, Xin-Yu Fan, Xiao-Min Wang, Jia Qi, Hong-Jie Zhang, Tuo Wei, Wei Cui, Guang-Lu Ge, Zheng-Xiong Xi, Chun-Fu Wu and Xing-Jie Liang
Single-walled carbon nanotubes in an aggregated form can inhibit the rewarding and psychomotor-stimulating effects of methamphetamine, and can control relapse to drug-seeking behaviour in mice.

See also: News and Views by Peterson & Ewing

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A spin–orbit torque switching scheme with collinear magnetic easy axis and current configuration   pp621 - 625
S. Fukami, T. Anekawa, C. Zhang and H. Ohno
Although spin–orbit torque switching demonstrations have so far been based on the magnetic easy axis orthogonal to the current, it is possible to produce schemes with the easy axis parallel to the current.

Layered reduced graphene oxide with nanoscale interlayer gaps as a stable host for lithium metal anodes   pp626 - 632
Dingchang Lin, Yayuan Liu, Zheng Liang, Hyun-Wook Lee, Jie Sun, Haotian Wang, Kai Yan, Jin Xie and Yi Cui
Volumetric changes during cycling in lithium metal anodes can be largely suppressed by using a lithophilic carbonaceous host.

Wafer-scale monodomain films of spontaneously aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes   pp633 - 638
Xiaowei He, Weilu Gao, Lijuan Xie, Bo Li, Qi Zhang, Sidong Lei, John M. Robinson, Erik H. Hároz, Stephen K. Doorn, Weipeng Wang, Robert Vajtai, Pulickel M. Ajayan, W. Wade Adams, Robert H. Hauge and Junichiro Kono
Large films of aligned and closely packed single-walled carbon nanotubes can be prepared through slow vacuum filtration, and used to create terahertz polarizers, thin-film transistors, polarized light emission devices, and polarization-sensitive detectors.

Ultrafast proton transport in sub-1-nm diameter carbon nanotube porins   pp639 - 644
Ramya H. Tunuguntla, Frances I. Allen, Kyunghoon Kim, Allison Belliveau and Aleksandr Noy
Carbon nanotube porins with diameters of 0.8 nm can confine water to a one-dimensional chain and support proton transport rates that exceed those of bulk water by an order of magnitude.

Digitally encoded DNA nanostructures for multiplexed, single-molecule protein sensing with nanopores   pp645 - 651
Nicholas A. W. Bell and Ulrich F. Keyser
Multiplexed sensing of single molecules can be achieved with solid-state nanopores by using digitally encoded DNA nanostructures, allowing four different antibodies to be simultaneously detected at nanomolar concentrations.

Celebrating 10,000 articles published

On the 20th April 2016, Nature Communications celebrated publishing its 10,000 article.

To celebrate this milestone our editors have selected a sample of articles from each subject area published in the last five years.

Access the highlights here and sign up for free article e-alerts to stay up-to-date on all the latest content as it is published.

In The Classroom


Don't hesitate, innovate   p652
Ying Lia Li
Looking at your research with a business mentality can be surprisingly satisfying, says Ying Lia Li.

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