



50+ Fantastic Cosplay Photos From the 2016 San Diego Comic Con

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 04:59 AM PDT

Last week, Zeon Santos and I experienced the delightful, chaotic mobbing of geekery known as San Diego Comic Con. As always, some people went all out creating amazing costumes to celebrate their favorite movies, tv shows, comic books and video games, so as always, we took tons of pictures of those cosplays to share with you here at Neatorama. So here goes:

My personal favorite costumes this year were this Alien and his little brother, the Predator. These two couldn't have been more than 8 and 6, respectively, and the crowd loved them.

This incredible Xiall from Court of the Dead makeup was put together by Cig Neutron, a former Face Off contestant, and his talented model and partner, Rannie Rodil.

If you love costumes featuring stupid puns though, then perhaps you'd enjoy this group of "Slashers."

I got to see a real life barbarian this year, so that was pretty cool.

When it comes to beautifully detailed costumes, it's hard to beat this lion portrayed by Jo Skellington who even had sratches and scars carved into the fur on his body. Anyone know where he's from?

When it comes to over-the-top costumes, it was hard to beat this epic robot cosplay. Anyone know who these two are?

This Horus Guard was intimidating as all heck.

This Labyrinth cosplay was pretty much magical.

This was a fresh take on Winter Soldier costumes and it was pretty creepy at that.

This couple looked great -especially the Warsuit of Lex Luthor.

There were tons of Harleys and Jokers this year, but I thought these two were particularly cute.

I've never seen a Joker like this -and that was delightfully refreshing.

This old-school Batman crew made everyone feel nostalgic in the best possible way.

When it comes to group costumes though, it was hard to beat this massive Game of Thrones gang.

I was pretty excited to see this Star Trek: Next Generation group though, especially since I've never seen Guinan cosplay before.

And this clown was scaring people all day long.

Speaking of scary, this guy was horrorific, though I don't I know what he was. Do any of you?

Then again, some people would find this Five Nights at Freddy's costume way scarier.

I've never seen someone cosplay as Samurai Jack before, but this was certainly worth the wait.

And I've seen a few Bebop and Rocksteadys before, but these two killed it.

This Cheetara was purrfect.

This girl made a great Misfit from Jem and the Holograms.

Have you ever seen such an adorable Marvin the Martian? 

I think this guy was born to be Spike from Cowboy Bebop.

This guy was born to play Dr. Evil.

I've never seen a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man that looks like this.

There are always a lot of Doctor Who costumes at Comic Con, but I've never seen ones like these.

They sure would have worked well with this lady Cyberman. 

There were a surprising number of ships from Star Wars flying around, from this X-Wing

to this TIE fighter. Unfortunately, I didn't spot any Millenium Falcons, but I won't be surprised if I see one next year.

And while I've seen plenty of BB-8s in the past, I've never seen a warrior one like this.

There were all kinds of Star Wars costumes, but this little Rey may have been my favorite.

Speaking of little cuties, this Super Girl had the energy of five full-grown heroes.

Who doesn't love a mother and daughter Chucky and Bride of Chucky?

I've been trying to help this guy out. Have any of you seen his Gate Keeper?

Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn captured the cutest Superman ever.

Iceman was happy to show off his power.

Squirrel Girl was all the rage this year and Riddle did a fantastic job bringing her to life.

Riddle also did a great job with her Assassin's Creed cosplay.

The cell service in the Convention Center was overburdened, so people had to go outside to play Pokemon Go. Even so, I caught a Pikachu.

This Mad Max costume was all the better since she was rolling around on a Segway the whole time.

And this fantastic Hagrid was going around giving acceptance letters to Hogwarts that referred people to the Yuki the Destroyer Facebook page.

This Dumbledor and Professor Sprout looked amazing together.

I absolutely loved this costume, but I have no idea what it was. Any hints from the audience?

This Tiana was all too happy to kiss her frog prince.

And this Ariel may have been elected prom queen just before coming to the convention.

Speaking of princesses, Princess Kenny looked thrilled to be recognized and not be called Zelda again.

I like to think there were a lot more people dressed as Antman, but they were all ant-sized.

Watch out, this Juggernaut was ready to run.

This group may not fit together all that well, but they sure looked great.

These Street Fighters weren't even there together, they just happened to look perfect in a group.

I wonder how those Street Fighters would fare against these ones.

Love the pictures? Check out more cosplay photos from Comic Con 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010. You can also enjoy more pictures from this year's convention at Rue the Day -and I'll be posting even more links to more photos from this year soon, so keep your eyes peeled.

Son Replaces Family Photos With Pics Of Steve Buscemi, Mom Doesn't Notice

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 04:00 AM PDT

Steve Buscemi has a very unique appearance which makes it unlikely he'll ever be mistaken for, say, your uncle Ted, that is, unless Ted is a Buscemi look-alike.

Steve's look naturally makes him stand out in a crowd, and he can't hide his Buscemi eyes for long before somebody notices there's a major movie star in their presence and starts freaking out.

So how come Spencer's mom didn't notice when he replaced all the photos framed in their house with pics of Steve Buscemi? Is she somehow immune to Buscemi's ocular charms?

The guy's sister @claremaura has been documenting the Buscemi invasion in her household and sharing it with the internet, and now that the story has gone viral maybe mom will finally notice?

-Via FAILBlog

Bat Boys - The Three Best Friends A City Badly In Need Of Repair Ever Had

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 02:00 AM PDT

Bat Boys by TeeKetch

They're the three best friends Gotham ever had, a trio to strike terror into the hearts of criminals and repair all that is wrong with their city. Bert, the Bat and Dick, also known as the Bat Boys, are there when you need them, even in the middle of the night. And you don't have to worry about tipping the Bat Boys after they finish repairing your problem because they're not working for a paycheck- they're working to keep the wheels of justice ROLLIN'!!

Show the world who you've got fixing all your problems with this Bat Boys t-shirt by TeeKetch, it's sure to drive your fellow fans batty!

Visit TeeKetch's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Army of UndeadBlack Magic Supply CoHi Ho Geronimo First Rule

View more designs by TeeKetch | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Parrot Becomes Squeaky Toy

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 01:59 AM PDT

(YouTube link)

Believe it or not, this is a live parrot, and not a squeeze toy! Kanji has not only learned how to make the exact sound of a squeaky toy, he also knows the appropriate time to use that talent. -via Tastefully Offensive

Instagram Account Shows What It's Like To Go Camping With Your Cat

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 12:00 AM PDT

(Image Link)

For some reason I've never been able to get my pet cats to stay in the house, let alone stay in my yard, and yet there are cat whisperers out there who take their kitty with them wherever they go.

(Image Link)

These lucky humans can travel halfway around the world and their little kittie pal will stay right by their side, exploring the world with their owners by day then setting up camp right next to them at night.

(Image Link)

And when the two (or more) intrepid travelers encounter strange and scary sounds outside their tent at night they can look to each other for comfort and protection.

(Image Link)

Some cats have gotten so used to traveling with their humans they've started shooting photos and footage of the trip for posterity, and thanks to Ryan Carter of "Camping With Dogs" fame they can share their fun pics with the world via Instagram.

(Image Link)

See "Camping With Cats" Instagram Will Inspire You To Go Hiking With Your Cat here

Real-Life LEGO Minifig Head is Super Creepy

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 09:59 PM PDT

Special effects artist Frank Ippolito calls his creation "Creepyfig." The costume includes a 14-pound silicone LEGO minifig head complete with hair and skin creases . . .

. . . as well as unsettlingly realistic hands that have nails and clearly defined joints.

In this episode of Adam Savage's Tested, Ippolito dons his costume and walks around the San Diego Comic-Con, to the delight and horror of other visitors. The best part comes when he visits the LEGO display in the exhibition hall and tries to attach LEGO pieces to himself.

(Video Link)

-via Kotaku

The Color-Changing Lake

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 08:59 PM PDT

Lake Urmia in Iran is suffering the fate of many lakes, and is shrinking. One factor is drought, and the other is all the water that is diverted for agriculture. As the lake shrinks, it becomes saltier, and that is causing it to actually change color during the year. NASA’s Aqua satellite captured the image on the left on April 23, and the image on the right on July 18. Rains and snowmelt bring fresh water to the lake in spring, but by July, that starts to change.

The fresh water in the spring drives salinity levels down, but the lake generally becomes saltier as summer heat and dryness take hold. That’s when the microorganisms show their colors, too. Careful sampling of the water would be required to determine which organisms transformed the lake in 2016, but scientists say there are likely two main groups of organisms involved: a family of algae called Dunaliella and an archaic family of bacteria known as Halobacteriaceae.

“Previous research suggests that Dunaliella salina is responsible for reddening of Lake Urmia,” explained Mohammad Tourian, a scientist at the University of Stuttgart. “In the marine environment, Dunaliella salina appears green; however, in conditions of high salinity and light intensity, the microalgae turns red due to the production of protective carotenoids in the cells.”

Read more about how Lake Uremia changes at NASA’s Earth Observatory. -via Boing Boing

Extreme Alpine Soccer Is Played on Impossible Slopes

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 07:59 PM PDT

Franz Mair and Peppi Knünz of Montafon, Austria claim to have invented alpine soccer. It's a regular game of soccer, but played on the most extreme slopes available in the Alps. In this case, that looks like almost 40º.

(Video Link)

This video, which is a promotion for Mercedes-Benz, shows a demonstration of the sport. It's an orthopedic surgeon's dream come true.

-via The Presurfer

The Confederate Town in Upstate New York

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 07:00 PM PDT

We read about various conflicted communities in which the locals did not side with the rest of their state during the Civil War, but Town Line, New York, was a puzzling outlier. This town is nowhere near the South- it’s near the Canadian border, just east of Buffalo. There weren’t any slaves or slaveholders there. The citizenry was almost entirely German immigrants. But for some reason, they voted in 1861 to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy.  

According to New York: A Guide to the Empire State (Federal Writers’ Project, 1940), the dissenting minority referred to the town as a “nest of Copperheads,” threatening them with arrest under charges of sedition and even lynching. Nonetheless, according to oral history, at least five members of newly-Confederate Town Line headed south to join the Army of Northern Virginia, even as twenty residents stayed put and fought for the Union Army.

There are few records about Town Line’s secession, and the names of those who voted for it were not recorded. Add to that the fact that the federal government dealt with Town Line mainly by ignoring it, and you’ve set up somewhat of a historical mystery. Read about the New York community that joined the Confederacy at Atlas Obscura.

(Image credit: Chriskyddwr)

Worried about Malaria? Wear a Chicken

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 05:59 PM PDT

(Photo: Drew Coffman)

If you're traveling in malaria-prone areas, it may be a good idea to keep a chicken close by. According to a study published in Malaria Journal, the Anopheles arabiensis mosquito, which is the primary means of transmitting malaria in sub-Saharan Africa, thinks that chickens stink (no offense, chickens). From the abstract:

When tested in the field, the chicken-specific compounds, isobutyl butyrate, naphthalene, hexadecane and trans-limonene oxide, and the generic host compounds, limonene, cis-limonene oxide and β-myrcene, significantly reduced trap catches within the house compared to a negative control. A significant reduction in trap catch was also observed when suspending a caged chicken next to the trap.

-via Seriously, Science?

Oh, the Shame!

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 05:00 PM PDT

America’s Funniest Home Videos put together a compilation of confounded dogs and cats struggling to deal with their cones of shame.

(YouTube link)

It must be awful to suddenly find that either your head or the world is a different shape. Some of these pets aren’t sure which it is, but it is difficult. -via Tastefully Offensive

Conversation Skills

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 03:59 PM PDT

(Fowl Language Comics/Brian Gordon)

Pretending to be interested in what other people have to say is an important life skill. Teach your kids by example, as they are trying to teach you. If successful, then we all learn how to fake sincerity as adults.

Bird Enjoys Moving Sidewalk

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 02:59 PM PDT

Wheeeee! A little bird laded on the handrail of a moving walkway and was carried down to the end. It must have been a fun ride, because he went right back to where he was to start all over again!

(YouTube link)

If only we could all spend time enjoying the little pleasures of life. We don’t know where this is, but the walls sure could use some artwork. -via Laughing Squid

Scientists Think Cockroach Milk Could Be the Superfood of the Future

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 01:59 PM PDT

(Photo: Geoff L)

Got milk? That's good! It'll keep you strong and healthy. But you probably got it from a cow or a goat. For a new treat, try cockroach milk.

Cockroaches aren't mammals, so what they secrete isn't, technically speaking, milk. But that's what scientists are calling diploptera punctate, which is a protein crystal that roaches feed their live young. Researchers say that it's good for humans to eat. Science Alert reports:

"The crystals are like a complete food - they have proteins, fats and sugars. If you look into the protein sequences, they have all the essential amino acids," said Sanchari Banerjee, one of the team, in an interview with the Times of India.

Not only is the milk a dense source of calories and nutrients, it’s also time released. As the protein in the milk is digested, the crystal releases more protein at an equivalent rate to continue the digestion.

"It’s time-released food," said Subramanian Ramaswamy, who led the project. "if you need food that is calorifically high, that is time released and food that is complete. This is it."

Milking individual cockroaches is a chore, though. So Banerjee's research team is working on a way to artificially duplicate the roach milk production process in a laboratory setting. Sadly, it will be a while before you see roach milk on grocery store shelves.

-via Joe Carter

Hero Type-S - How To Train For A Really Short Fight

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 01:00 PM PDT

Hero Type-S by Legendary Phoenix

Sorry kids, but you can't buy the makings of a hero at any store, and you certainly won't learn the secret of the one punch technique by shopping for goods like sheep. What you've gotta do to be the very best is train hard, like 100 push-ups, sit-ups and squats hard, then top off your workout with an 10km run, and the rest will come to you in time. Don't believe me? Just ask Saitama how he manages to take down each and every supervillain, kaiju and cyborg he comes across with just one punch and he'll tell you the same!

Show the world how a hero is built with this Hero Type-S t-shirt by Legendary Phoenix, it's the mighty minimalist way to declare your allegiance to Saitama!

Visit Legendary Phoenix's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more powerfully geeky designs:

Solaire oh HyruleTony's WarRaising the flagPlaying without batteries

View more designs by Legendary Phoenix | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

39 Facts about the Middle Ages

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 01:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

We love to study the Middle Ages because Europe a few hundred years ago was such a weird and busy place. You’ve got the fall of the Roman Empire, early written English, the plague, crusaders and conquerers, myths and legends, and the stuff that we use for our fantasy pop culture these days. John Green gives us some fascinating tidbits to add to our store of knowledge about the Middle Ages, in the latest episode of the mental_floss List Show.   

Community Fridge Crook Discovers They've Been "Borrowing" Breast Milk

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 12:00 PM PDT

(Image Link)

You'd think those sneaky little crooks who steal other people's food from the community fridge at work would have learned their lesson by now, especially after reading all the revenge stories posted online.

But it appears one hungry jerk in particular never saw any of these stories, and they continued to use up a fellow employee's "coffee creamer" until this note appeared on the bottle:

(Image Link)

If the comments on Reddit are any indication then discovering the creamer is actually breast milk would be no big deal, but something tells me Redditors aren't the norm and most guys would be horrified by this discovery.

-Via FAILBlog

10 Amazing Uses for Swim Noodles

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 10:59 AM PDT

You pick up a bunch of swim noodles, or pool noodles, and throw them in the pool. The kids will use them to stay afloat and hit each other. But if you play with your kids, you can show them how versatile these things really are! For example, you can use them as light and portable construction materials for your backyard obstacle course:

Even for parents that are not very crafty or good with tools can make this simple but fun outdoor activity set. The only materials you need are about 40 swim noodles, 3 rolls of duct tape, some yard stakes (less than 20), and soccer balls.

Create a tunnel crawling course by pushing a yard stake into the ground, placing a swim noodle over it (through the hole in the center of the swim noodle), ending the swim noodle to form a semi-circle, then pushing another yard stake into the ground and placing the other end of the swim noodle over it. Make several of these and voila! Your tunnel crawl course is complete.

You can read instructions for several other components of your obstacle course, plus other handy uses for swim noodles at Housely.

Baby Owls Go for a Swim

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 10:00 AM PDT

The Snowy Owl family on the North Slope of Alaska needs to move toward a new home. Daddy Owl has already scouted out a new place to live. Since the baby owls can't fly yet, they have to walk. And when they get to a river, they have no choice but to swim across it.

As this scene from Nature illustrates, they're quite good at it! Even without swimming lessons, the baby owls figure out how to row across the water with their wings.

(Video Link)

-via Gifsboom

Ice Bucket Challenge Leads to Significant Gene Discovery

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 09:00 AM PDT

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge of 2014? It was a viral sensation, designed to raise awareness of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and donations to the ALS Association. Seeing people dump buckets of ice over their heads was fun, but awareness campaigns often don’t lead to significant donations. This one did, to the tune of $115 million in a six week period! The association assigned funds raised by the Ice Bucket Challenge to Project MinE, an effort to sequence the genes of 15,000 people, which required the participation of scientists all over the world. That research has identified a new gene that contributes to ALS.

According to a paper published today in Nature Genetics, researchers part of Project MinE’s global gene sequencing effort, funded by The ALS Association through ALS Ice Bucket Challenge donations, have identified a new ALS gene, NEK1, which now ranks among the most common genes that contribute to the disease, providing scientists with another potential target for therapy development. This was the largest-ever study of familial (inherited) ALS, involved contributions from over 80 researchers in 11 countries, and was led by John Landers, Ph.D., of University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, Mass. and Jan Veldink, Ph.D., of University Medical Center Utrecht, in The Netherlands.

The ALS Association’s latest awareness campaign is called Every Drop Adds Up, which is a salute to the success of the Ice Bucket Challenge. -via reddit

(Image credit: Bill Gates)

Man Leads Police on High Speed Chase Because He Was Bored

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 07:59 AM PDT

(Photo: Scott Davidson)

The suspect had no prior criminal convictions or outstanding arrest warrants. Nonetheless, police say that he drove right through a red light in Thuston County, Washington on Saturday. A sheriff's deputy tried to pull him over, but he wouldn't respond.

Police chased the man in his car through two counties for over an hour. Eventually, he crashed his car. That's when police arrested him. They asked the man why he ran. Well, it was something to do on a slow day. The News Tribune reports:

“He said he was just bored,” Odegaard said. “It looks like to us right now … he instigated this pursuit because he was bored and just wanted to do it.”

-via AP

A Car Ride with Motoki

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 06:59 AM PDT

Motoki puts his heart into his lip-sync performance. And his sense of humor, too! For safety’s sake, his mother is driving. She's seen it all before. 

(YouTube link)

You’d expect to see something like this on a dance floor or stage, but the clear view and intimacy of an automobile gives us a better view, and his mother nonchalantly driving gives a find counterpoint to his goofy antics. -via Viral Viral Videos

It's Good To Have Someone With A Can-Do Attitude In Your Corner

Posted: 27 Jul 2016 06:00 AM PDT

It's good to have a partner in life who will help you soar to new heights instead of weighing you down with their negativity, but sometimes you've gotta swap out the one you're with to find the right fit.

And according to this comic from Zen Pencils you'll know the Can-Do guy or girl of your dreams the minute you meet them- they'll be the one offering to help you(r heart) soar to the stars!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

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