



The Bittersweet History of Candy Land

Posted: 29 Jul 2016 05:00 AM PDT

It was 1948, and Eleanor Abbott was bored. The retired schoolteacher was stuck in a San Diego hospital surrounded by young children who, like her, were hobbled by polio. The kids were lonely and sad, and Abbott, with nothing else to do, decided that a cheerful board game could be the perfect antidote. So she supposedly grabbed a piece of butcher paper and started sketching plans.

The end result was perfect for young children. No counting. No reading. Players simply needed to grasp colors and follow instructions on the cards to travel around the board, stopping at various delicious-sounding locations along the way. She shared it with the children in the polio ward, and they loved it. One year later, Milton Bradley bought the game—and it became a surprise hit: Candy Land.

(Image credit: Jeanne W. Houghton/Polio Today)

While Milton Bradley kept that origin story under wraps for decades, the game’s connection to the disease didn’t stop there. It’s possible that polio helped make Candy Land famous. In the early 1950s, a polio epidemic swept the country. The best way to stay healthy was to avoid people. Public swimming pools, playgrounds, and bowling alleys were shuttered. Moviegoers were encouraged to sit far from each other at the theater. Wary parents wouldn’t even let their kids outside to play. Healthy or sick, everybody needed entertainment to help pass the time. That, coupled with the fact that postwar Americans had more money and leisure time than ever, were ideal conditions for making a child’s board game popular.

Plus, it was about candy!

(Image credit: Flickr user Tiffany Weisberg)

Today, polio has practically been eradicated from the globe. Candy Land, however, keeps on giving. It’s sold more than 40 million copies and was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2005. But Abbott kept a humble low profile for the rest of her life. According to Nicolas Ricketts of The Strong—a museum in Rochester, New York, devoted to the history and exploration of play—when Abbott received her first royalty check, she gave much of the money right back to the children she met in the ward. How sweet!


The above article is reprinted with permission from the Scatterbrain section of the July-August 2015 issue of mental_floss magazine.

Don't forget to feed your brain by subscribing to the magazine and visiting mental_floss' extremely entertaining website and blog today for more!

It's So Hot in New York That Poop Is Bursting into Flame

Posted: 29 Jul 2016 03:59 AM PDT

(Photo: David MW)

How hot is it? It's firey poop hot. Officers with the state's Department of Environmental Conservation found that piles of horse manure in a barn in Throop, New York have been spontaneously catching fire. The AP reports:

The responding officer learned that the owners of a horse stable had been storing the manure in large piles that frequently spontaneously combusted in the excessive heat and dry conditions.

DEC officials say a shift in the prevailing winds carried the odor of burning manure into the neighbors' windows.

It took three local fire departments two hours to douse the burning manure.

-via Dave Barry

A Stormtrooper Escort

Posted: 29 Jul 2016 01:59 AM PDT

Nicolas Denton went to Walt Disney World with his family. For the Hollywood Studios Star Wars Experience, he dressed up as Kylo Ren. When a couple of Stormtroopers saw him, they went right on duty, escorting him around the park, parting the crowd, leading him right into the Launch Bay their, past crowds of visitors in line, and right into the presence of a much-taller Kylo Ren!

(YouTube link)

As one of the commenters said, “A fast pass is no match for the power of the dark side.” A good time was had by all. -via reddit

The Chosen One - Kung Fu Cop Turned Hitler Killing Machine

Posted: 29 Jul 2016 12:00 AM PDT

The Chosen One by Yiannis

It ain't easy to be a hero, but being chosen to become a hero is even harder! There's often a trial by fire or combat, some electrifying stage that really hurts, and some messed up part where an animal like a cobra or tiger bites you and makes you feel like you're dying. But if that's what you've gotta go through to unleash the fury inside you then fight on, true hero, and show the world what you're made of! Kung fu is pretty radical, but kung fury is a force to be reckoned with, an energy so powerful not even the Kung Führer can withstand its awesomeness!

Take your geeky wardrobe back to the 80s that never was with this The Chosen One t-shirt by Yiannis, it's one totally kick ass design!

Visit Yiannis's Facebook fan page and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty rad designs:

Wild FireIts over 9000!I Want You for the V4ultWildflower

View more designs by Yiannis | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Norway Considers Giving Finland a Mountain to Celebrate Its 100th Birthday

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 11:59 PM PDT

(Image: Google Maps)

On December 6, 1917, Finland declared independence from Russia. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of that event, its friendly neighbor, Norway, would like to give it a mountain.

The Norwegian government is considering ceding the peak of Mount Halti, which is on the Norwegian-Finnish border, to Finland. At 1,365 meters tall, Mount Halti would become the tallest mountain in the country, nudging out another mountain, which is 7 meters shorter. The Guardian reports:

The originator of the idea is a retired geophysicist and government surveyor, Bjørn Geirr Harsson, 76, who learned last year that Finland would celebrate the 100th anniversary of its independence from Russia on 6 December 2017 and recalled being puzzled by the location of the border when he flew over Halti in the 1970s.

Harsson wrote to the ministry of foreign affairs in July 2015, pointing out that the gesture would cost Norway a “barely noticeable” 0.015 sq km of its national territory and make Finland very happy.

-via reddit, which includes this important point of etiquette:

The Pikachu Hunter Pumpgun

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 10:59 PM PDT

You shouldn't use dangerous weapons while hunting Pokémon in real life, because you're more likely to harm the little critters you're hunting than capture them.

Instead, you should check out this video by Joerg Sprave of The Slingshot Channel to see his Pokéball launching pumpgun in action.

It's the most hardcore way to catch 'em all, and actually makes being a Pokémon hunter look kinda cool...

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

Missing Cat Emerges in Paris Eight Years Later

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 10:00 PM PDT

Marna Gillian and Sean Purdy had a cat named Moon Unit, until she disappeared from her home in London as they hosted a New year’s Eve party in 2007. They searched for her, and posted notices, but after a few months decided that Moon Unit was not coming home. Fast forward to 2016, and Gillian received an email from a French animal rescue group that they had identified Moon Unit from her microchip!  

"She was found in Essonne, a suburb south of Paris," Gillian explained. "We have no idea how she got there. Our best guesses are that she stowed away, or found a new family, was brought over by them, and then ran away? The stowaway theory seems the most likely i think.

"She didn't get there legally, we do know, because her microchip would have been checked in that case."  

Gillian and Purdy are no longer a couple, but they took a train together to collect Moon Unit in Paris. They say she is adjusting well, and will soon be introduced to one of her adult kittens. -via Uproxx

(Image credit: Marna Gillian)

Pooper Is Like Uber, But for Dog Poop

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 09:00 PM PDT

(Image: Pooper)

Some people, like my slovenly neighbor Frank, hate to scoop their dog's poop and just leave it where their dogs excrete it. Other people don't mind picking up dog poop and would like to earn a few extra bucks. Pooper brings them together.

Pooper is a new app that connects people who are willing to pay to have someone scoop their dog poop with people who are willing to do just that for cash. Poopers use their phones to leave geographic markers on a map. This is viewable to Scoopers, who scurry over to snag that brown gold. The Washington Post talked to co-founder Ben Becker:

Becker said they believe Pooper is what America needs now, because there’s too much dog waste on the streets. “It’s not our intention to ostracize,” he said.  “It is our intention to solve a problem in a unique way.”

The app, he said, has already gotten sign-ups “by the hundreds,” to be both poopers (customers) and scoopers (employees), even though it is only “at the tail end of an alpha rather than a fully functional public beta” testing phase in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York City. He said they hope to fully launch in those cities in the fall and then expand Pooper to as many locations as the market demands.

(Video Link)

This promotional video shows how Pooper works. Some people think that it's a hoax. That would be a shame, as it would be a great job for kids who would like to earn a bit of money.

-via American Digest

The Case For Leaving City Rats Alone

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 08:00 PM PDT

Are there more rats in Vancouver than ever before, or are people just more aware of them now? There has been very little research on rat populations in cities, and the Vancouver Rat Project aims to change that. Veterinary pathologist Chelsea Himsworth is leading a team that captures, analyzes, and tags rats to see where they live, how they behave, in what diseases they may be carrying. One thing they know is that rats thrive in urban areas because rats always thrive where the natural world has been disrupted.  

Which brings into question the constant human quest to disrupt rats and their habitats. As much as rats thrive in disrupted environments, Byers says, they’ve managed to create very stable colonies within them. Rats live in tight-knit family groups that are confined to single city blocks, and which rarely interact. The Rat Project hypothesized that when a rat is ousted from its family by pest control, its family might flee its single-block territory, spreading diseases that are usually effectively quarantined to that family. In other words, the current pest control approach of killing one rat per concerned homeowner call could be backfiring, and spreading disease rather than preventing it.

Read exactly how this can happen, and the case for leaving city rats be, at Nautilus. -via Digg

(Image credit: Jia Sung)

Real Life Tarzan Runs Straight up a Tree

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 06:59 PM PDT

(Video Link)

This guy is amazing! He doesn't need rope or hooks. He moves so quickly up the enormous tree that his method looks more like running that climbing. And since he's been caught on camera doing it, he'll have to submit to the government in keeping with the Mutant Registration Act.

-via Geekologie

A Full Load Of Package Delivery Fail Pics

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 06:00 PM PDT

Postal workers and other parcel dropper offers are supposed to ensure our packages are delivered safely and not just left out in the open like cardboard prey, so they try to get tricky with their hiding places.

Some opt for the old "hidden in plain sight" routine, while others figure no crook would ever climb up into the rafters to steal a package so they stash it up high.

A small percentage of postal delivery specialists will do whatever it takes to get that package delivered, literally putting their blood, sweat and tears into their job.

While the rest adopt a "yeah, whatever" attitude about parcel delivery, disregarding their customer's feelings like a dog disregards traffic when they zero in on a mail carrier's behind.

See The best Delivery Mans at hiding packages here

-Via Boing Boing

Do Mice Really Like Cheese?

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 05:00 PM PDT

In a word, no. But somehow we got that idea and enshrined it in our fables and pop culture. Simon Whistler from Today I Found Out gives us the lowdown.

(YouTube link)

Someone told me long ago that it’s better to load your mousetraps with peanut butter.  But I never had to compare the baits because I have cats. -via Laughing Squid

Cosplayer Creates Epic Scale Spider Monster Costume

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 04:00 PM PDT

Cosplayer Marie-Claude Bourbonnais is so much more than just a beautiful face and a sexy costume- she's a truly talented costume designer and a crafty fabricator too.

Recently she created a costume that showcases all of her skills and makes her look amazing too, based on the anime character Rachnera from the series Monster Musume.

She “wore” the costume at Anime Expo 2016, although as you can see she can't really move in it once she's seated inside, and people began to bow down to the new queen of epic cosplay!

Marie crafted the arachnid abdomen and legs from scratch, starting with a fiberglass base which was covered with auto body filler so Marie could add sculpted details.

The whole thing was then sanded smooth and painted much like you'd paint the body of a car, with a nice glossy clear coat added on top of the paint job to make the whole thing pop.

See more process shots from Cosplayer Marie-Claude Made An Incredible Spider Costume here

Sleepy Horse Uses Woman's Head as Pillow

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 02:59 PM PDT

(Video Link)

Jimmy the horse wanted a nap. His human's head was handy, so he leaned over to use her for support. The human, Lisa Brown, explains:

I was out in the fields early one morning, and Jimmy lay down to snooze, which he does often. I took my cup of coffee and went to sit with him. I was scratching and stroking him, and he began to lean on me and then pushed me gently back until I was basically his human pillow! Jimmy has a very peaceful nature, but he's also a comic genius!

-via Tastefully Offensive

Politifact in Real Life

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 01:59 PM PDT

Politifact, a fact-checking website from the Tampa Bay Times, is a handy tool when you want to know the real story behind a political soundbite, even when you don’t like the results. Most of the time, the details are a lot more complicated than the sound bite would lead you to believe, and if you click on the quotes and read the entire explanation, you can see how the information was distilled and sometimes twisted. You can guess how the politicians quoted feel about it. Imagine Politifact following you around and checking the validity of the things you say all day. It would only take about five minutes before you are ready to strangle it. This is the latest from Randall Munroe at xkcd. Go to the link to see the hover text punchline.  

Casey At Bat - He's Batting A Thousand Against The Foot

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 01:00 PM PDT

Casey At Bat by ClayGrahamArt

You've most likely heard the tale of Casey who went to bat and struck out in Mudsville that fateful day, the mighty baseball player falling from grace. Well, this Casey ain't got nothin' to do with fairy tales, and his bat doesn't hit home runs- it gives those Foot Clan ninja chumps the skull crackin' they deserve. Casey Jones sounds like the name of a guy who has lived a mythical life, right? Wrong, this guy don't know nothin' about fantasy or wonder, he just knows that Shredder has started a war with him and his teenage mutant turtle pals that they aim to finish once and for all...

Take your favorite NYC vigilante with you wherever you go with this Casey At Bat t-shirt by ClayGrahamArt, it's a home run!

Visit ClayGrahamArt's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more mighty geeky designs:

RE-VAULT-ING BOY (Pip-Boy Edition)GwenS.P.E.W. MemberCoppertop Lotion

View more designs by ClayGrahamArt | More Cartoon T-Shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Man Throws Batarang at Pursuing Police

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 01:00 PM PDT

(Image: Warner Bros.)

Batman has been in close calls with the police, who haven't always seen him as an ally. He has always gotten away, though, through his skilled use of precision tools, such as the batarang.

(Photo: Seattle Police)

But Batman's luck ran out on Monday. Police in Seattle say that officers were summoned to a bar one evening when a man began swinging an improvised spear (a knife tied to a stick) at a bar employee. He fled when police arrived. While they chased him, the suspect threw a batarang at a police SUV, which became embedded in the body of the vehicle.

(Photo: Seattle Police)

They arrested the 23-year old vigilante.

-via Nerd Bastards

Photographer Sent Bill for her Own Photo, Fights Back

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 11:59 AM PDT

Photographer Carol Highsmith began donating her works to the Library of Congress in 1988, and continues to do so. She also posts images on the website of her non-profit photography foundation This is America! But Highsmith received a copyright infringement notice and a bill for $120 from License Compliance Service for hosting an image she herself took.

Highsmith then had a 27-minute phone call with LCS, where she explained that she was the author and that she found it baffling that she had to pay a license fee for a photograph that she not only took, but donated to the public.

Two days later, she got an e-mail from LCS, saying that it considered the matter “closed.” However, according to the suit, the photo in question remained on sale by LCS and Getty.

And it isn’t just Getty Images. Highsmith also found her images for sale at at the image licensing company Alamy, which was named in the notice she was sent from LCS, and Picscout, too. All are named as defendants in a one billion dollar lawsuit. The coming suit will be quite interesting, and will possibly uncover the photo licensing companies' methods for selling licenses to publish public domain images. In fact, it may be an important, precedent-setting case. Read more of the details at Ars Technica.  -via Metafilter

(Image credit: Carol M. Highsmith via the Library of Congress)

Guy Busts Out A Dubstep Beat Using Only His Mouth And A McDonald's Soda

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 10:59 AM PDT

Dubstep used to be the electronic soundtrack of choice for movies and TV shows, oh, and commercials loved to slam it in our faces too.

Now you rarely hear that dubstep wub-wub-wub-wub pouring out of the world's speakers, and musicians no longer need digital equipment to do the dubstep beat up proper like.

Now they can just chill at McDonald's and create the rhythm using their mouth and a straw.

(YouTube Link)

The guy in the video is Parker Kane, and he's auditioning to become the one-man-band at his local McDonald's restaurant...nailed it!

-Via Laughing Squid

Pokémon GO Baby Names

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 10:00 AM PDT

The explosion of the game Pokémon GO is leading to the inevitable: babies named after Pokémon. It’s not the first time someone’s done it, but the popularity of the name Eevee is growing, as well as Onix. Ash is also seen more often. There have been babies named Pikachu in Japan for years, and it may well happen in the U.S. soon, if it hasn’t already. These children will never be able to lie about their age. -via The Daily Dot

Wear Your 90s Nostalgia On Your Chest With One Of These Rad Retro T-Shirts

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 09:00 AM PDT

I Heart the 90's by Boots

The dream of the 90s has been alive in Portland since the 90s, but now the 90s are back in a big way with everyone who feels nostalgiac about the decade that closed out the 20th century.

If you're a lover of all things retro, a fan of 90s movies and TV shows, or you're simply stuck in the 90s and refuse to leave, then you'll love the amazing designs found in the NeatoShop!

Back in the 1990s we didn't know how good we had it with our Hidden Temple game shows

Hidden Temple by JP Perez

And cartoons about rugrats running around and wallabies named Rocko living a Modern Life

ROCKO and his best friend! by ALIENBIKER23

There's no need to fight in the street about it- the 90s were at least II times cooler than today!

Guile Wins by Aaron Morales

The TMNT were born in the 80s, but they became mutant turtle superstars in the 90s


While the Savage boys took the TV world by storm

Savage by Patrick Towers Art

The cinematic genius David Lynch showed us around a strange little town called Twin Peaks

Black Lodge Dance Hall by spike00

Ren & Stimpy showed us that cats and dogs can live together peacefully...if they're both a bit off

Sten & Rimpy by cart00nlion

And dinosaurs ruled the airwaves and movie theaters like they once ruled the world

Stupendous Dinosaurs! by Boots

There were so many great things to love in the 90s, plus there were Pogs!

Nineties Neanderthal by SaltySteveD

Movies were full of enchanting and bewitching characters back in the 1990s

We Are The Weirdos Mister! by Andysocial Industries

And music was more thuggish and ruggish than it had ever been before thanks to Bone

E 1999 Eternal by Patrick Towers Art

We were introduced to some of the funniest, and stupidest, pop culture characters ever drawn

The Great Hansolio by Spudmunkey

Like those odd looking characters from Springfield who would make us laugh for decades to come

Krusty Joker by Riverart

Or that Funnie little new kid in town Doug who fought for the love of Patti Mayonnaise

Doug Time by JCMaziu

Horror movie icons got a goofy mallard makeover

Duckula (Green) by Russ Jericho

And the same guy who built Springfield gave us a glimpse into our ridiculous future

Captain Earthica Future War by Prime Premne

But the 90s weren't all about cartoons, because there was plenty to crow about on the big screen too

Neo Noir Superhero by Vincent Trinidad

Like a park full of dinosaurs from the Jurassic era- mindblowing!

Dino Chase by Tom Ryan's Studio

And don't even get me started on those creepy cool movies by the mighty Tim Burton

The Gardener by Vincent Trinidad

We met the Big Lebowski

He Abides by Megan Lara

And all those bad mofos from the Tarantinoverse

Jules Winnfield: Bad M.F. by Donovan Alex

And did we mention toys actually came to life?!

Pocket Story by Soulkr

It's no wonder so many people are still nuts about the Nineties!

I miss the 90s by ClayGrahamArt

Wanna add some 90s retro charm to your geeky wardrobe? Looking for t-shirts that make people feel nostalgiac about the good old end of the 20th century?

Then head to the NeatoShop and browse through thousands of designs so good they're timeless! Each design is created by indie artists who love the 90s just as much as you do, and the NeatoShop has the highest quality prints in the biz.

So head to the NeatoShop and get fresh today!

10 Kids Treehouses That Go Well Beyond Treehouses

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 07:59 AM PDT

Did you have a treehouse when you were a kid? Mine was a few boards placed across some branches, just a platform, really, but the neighborhood kids had fun climbing up and sitting in the tree together. Thanks to professional treehouse builders and/or parents with free time, some kids have more. Much more.

This extra large treehouse very closely resembles a modern day lake house retreat. The beautifully detailed staircase has natural branch supports that make it have a sophisticated quality. The large porch area is big enough to play with several friends. The main part of the house has a skylight and has a large metal double roof. The builder used natural wood for the exterior just like a lake cabin would have. There is two extra large sectional window for that have great views. Under the treehouse are two playground style swings. The whole structure is held securely by two large pine trees.

See more fabulous kids' treehouses at Housely.

The Craziest Bike Path

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 07:00 AM PDT

UPDATE 7/28/16: Thanks to commenters T313, Rudolph, and Andre Woola, we now know! It's Entrelacement, a public art work by Michel de Broin. You can see it on Google Street View here. Go team Neatoramanauts!


Bartek Komorowski, an urban planner and biking enthusiast, posted this photo of what he says is a stretch of pathway near the Charlevoix Bridge over the Lachine Canal in Montreal. It's not for the novice rider.

Is this real? I can't find any supporting information about this section of the path, but Komorowski doesn't seem inclined to tweeting Photoshop gags.

-via Jeremy Barker

Big Bird Does “Summertime”

Posted: 28 Jul 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Big Bird channels Will Smith as he and the the usual suspects from Sesame Street do the song “Summertime” by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince. It’s a product of the editing skills of Adam Schleichkorn, also known as Mylo the Cat (previously at Neatorama).  

(YouTube link)

It will take you back to the summer of 1991, or in some cases, back to the days of watching Sesame Street as a kid. -via Uproxx

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