


Happy Fourth of July from all of us at the USO!

From all of us at the USO, happy 4th of July!

USO Supporter,

Today marks a special holiday, one all about celebrating America’s freedoms. I hope you and your family have a safe and happy Independence Day. 

We all celebrate it in different ways, whether at ballparks or backyard barbecues. And as you do, please take a moment to remember the men and women who safeguard our freedoms and make possible our way of life.  

These heroes give up the comfort of a cold drink in the bleachers so that we may enjoy one. They sacrifice so that we that we can take part in our uniquely American experience.  

We can never repay the debt we owe the brave men and women who defend our freedoms. But we can do our best to lighten the burden of their service and ensure that every holiday, big and small, is marked in a way that makes our USO centers feel like a home away from home. Through the support of Americans like you, the USO holds pie-eating contests for service men and women in Kuwait, fills dunk tanks in Germany and turns the desert of Afghanistan into a “lawn” for ring toss, corn hole games and more.  
The USO is proud to be part of these celebrations, but we are even more proud of the men and women of our armed forces and the bravery that fuels them to fight for freedom, no matter where the fight goes.

Happy Fourth of July to you and to our heroes around the world. When you look up at the night sky and see it lit with red, white and blue fireworks, I hope you think of our service members and feel proud to be an American.  


Lisa Turner Anastasi 
Chief Development Officer
Senior Vice President of Development, USO



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