



Sweaty-Scent, Body Odor, and Onion-Odored Women

Posted: 03 Aug 2016 03:59 AM PDT

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!

Research about smelly people
compiled by Alice Shirell Kaswell, Improbable Research staff

(Image credit: Phil Scoville)

Cross-Adaptation: Sweaty-Smelling, Pleasant-Smelling Odorants
“Cross-Adaptation of Sweaty-Smelling 3-Methyl-2-Hexenoic Acid by a Structurally-Similar, Pleasant-Smelling Odorant,” J.D. Pierce Jr., David H. Blank, Evgueny V. Aronov, Zhenrong Guo, George Preti, and Charles J. Wysocki, Chemical Senses, vol. 20, no. 4, August 1995, pp. 401-11. (Thanks to Miriam E. Tucker for bringing this to our attention.)

Body Odor Transmits Happiness
“A Sniff of Happiness,” Jasper H. B. de Groot, Monique A. M. Smeets, Matt J. Rowson, Patricia J. Bulsing, Cor G. Blonk, Joy E. Wilkinson, and Gün R. Semin, Psychological Science, vol. 26, no. 6, 2015, pp. 684–700. The authors, at Utrecht University; Unilever Research and Development; Koç University, Turkey; and Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, Lisbon, Portugal, report:

The evidence is inconclusive... as to whether happiness can be communicated through the sense of smell via chemosignals. As chemosignals are a known medium for transferring negative emotions from a sender to a receiver, we examined whether chemosignals are also involved in the transmission of positive emotions.... We observed that exposure to body odor collected from senders of chemosignals in a happy state induced a facial expression and perceptual-processing style indicative of happiness in the receivers of those signals.

Detail from the study “A Sniff of Happiness.”

Young People Don’t Smell Like Old People
“The Smell of Age: Perception and Discrimination of Body Odors of Different Ages,” Susanna Mitro, Amy R. Gordon, Mats J. Olsson, and Johan N. Lundström, PloS One, vol. 7, no. 5, 2012, e38110. The authors report:

Body odors were sampled from three distinct age groups: Young (20–30 years old), Middle-age (45–55), and Old-age (75–95) individuals. Perceptual ratings and age discrimination performance were assessed in 41 young participants. There were significant differences in ratings of both intensity and pleasantness, where body odors from the Old-age group were rated as less intense and less unpleasant than body odors originating from Young and Middle-age donors. Participants... were able to correctly assign age labels to body odors originating from Old-age donors but not to body odors originating from other age groups.

Smelly Genders
“Gender-Specific Differences Between the Concentrations of Nonvolatile (R)/(S)-3-Methyl-3-Sulfanylhexan-1-Ol and (R)/(S)-3-Hydroxy-3-Methyl-Hexanoic Acid Odor Precursors in Axillary Secretions,” Myriam Troccaz, Gerrit Borchard, Christine Vuilleumier, Sophie Raviot-Derrien, Yvan Niclass, Sabine Beccucci, and Christian Starkenmann, Chemical Senses, vol. 34, no. 3, 2009, pp. 203-210. (Thanks to Ron Josephson for bringing this to our attention.) The authors, at the University of Geneva and at Firmenich, also in Geneva, report:

The volatile fatty acid (R)/(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylhexanoic acid ((R)/(S)-HMHA) and the human specific volatile thiol (R)/(S)-3-methyl-3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol ((R)/(S)-MSH) were recently identified as major components of human sweat malodor. Their 2 corresponding precursors were subsequently isolated from sterile and odorless axillary secretions....

[We discovered that] women have the potential to liberate significantly more (R)/(S)-MSH, which has a tropical fruit- and onion-like odor, than (R)/(S)-HMHA (possibly transformed into (E)/(Z)-3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid) that has a cheesy, rancid odor.

Is Male Sweat Smell Disgusting to Youths?
“Age-Related Changes in Children’s Hedonic Response to Male Body Odor,” Richard J. Stevenson and Betty M. Repacholi, Developmental Psychology, vol. 39, no. 4, July 2003, pp. 670-679. The authors, at Macquarie University, Australia, explain:

Male sweat smells disgusting to many adults, but it is unclear whether children find it so. In Experiment 1A, children (mean age = 8.7 years) and adolescents (M=16.6 years) smelled male sweat and other odors, rated each for liking, and attempted their identification. Only female adolescents disliked male sweat and could identify it. Experiment 1B, using the same procedure, obtained this gender difference in adults (M=26.7 years). In Experiment 2, children (M=8.1 years) and adolescents (M=16.6 years) were cued about the identity of the same odors. Irrespective of gender, adolescents disliked male sweat more than did children. In sum, dislike for the odor of male sweat may be an acquired social response that is based on odor identification.



This article is republished with permission from the March-April 2016 issue of the Annals of Improbable Research. You can download or purchase back issues of the magazine, or subscribe to receive future issues. Or get a subscription for someone as a gift!

Visit their website for more research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK.

The Impostor Syndrome

Posted: 03 Aug 2016 01:59 AM PDT

Are you plagued by the feeling that you can’t possibly be as competent as the people around you think you are? Do you feel like everyone else knows what he’s doing, but you don’t? Do you feel like you’re faking your way through every day? You may be suffering from Imposter Syndrome, and it’s more common than you think.

(YouTube link)

The School of Life breaks down Impostor Syndrome, where it comes from, and what we can do about it. Mainly, it comes down to realizing that other people have the same insecurities as you do. We just don’t broadcast them. -via Laughing Squid

See also:The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Strapping a Helicopter Camera Rig onto an Elephant

Posted: 03 Aug 2016 12:00 AM PDT

(Photo: Huy Cordley)

It can be hard enough to get human actors to perform properly on camera. For producers of nature documentaries, there are even greater challenges.

How do they do it? To find out, TechCrunch talked to Huw Cordley, a producer for many of the BBC's nature programs. The task requires a lot of creative problem solving:

“People are always developing new equipment,” Cordey says, half grinning, half sighing, as I imagine him waving at an enormous pile of Peli cases stacked in the corner of his no doubt stacked-to-the-rafters office, “which is perfect for us. If you think about it, wildlife hasn’t really changed what they have been doing since we started filming nature documentaries. Instead, we have to come up with new ways of telling their stories.”

Photographed above is one of those solutions. It's an 85-pound gyroscopically stabilized camera rig known as a helicopter rig because that's what it's commonly attached to. This time, though, Cordley and his team attached it to an elephant.

A Supercut Of 70s And 80s Movie References Found In <i>Stranger Things</i>

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 10:00 PM PDT

If you're a fan of all the fantastic sci-fi and other genre movies that came out in the 1980s then you will really enjoy the new Netflix series Stranger Things.

Here's the official blurb, so as not to spoil the series for you:

This thrilling Netflix-original drama stars award-winning actress Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers, who lives in a small Indiana town in 1983 -- inspired by a time when tales of science fiction captivated audiences. When Joyce's 12-year-old son, Will, goes missing, she launches a terrifying investigation into his disappearance with local authorities. As they search for answers, they unravel a series of extraordinary mysteries involving secret government experiments, unnerving supernatural forces, and a very unusual little girl.

If you haven't seen the show yet you may not want to watch this supercut of references to movies from the 70s and 80s found in Stranger Things because it contains spoilers.

But make sure you come back after you've watched the show!

References to 70-80's movies in Stranger Things from Ulysse Thevenon on Vimeo.

French journalist Ulysse Thevenon edited this side-by-side comparison supercut together for our edification, and even though the references were obvious it only added to the overall vibe of the show in my opinion.

-Via Laughing Squid

The Nelsons

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 07:59 PM PDT

Wedding photographer Shalyn Nelson took pictures of her grandparents in a wedding-like setting to celebrate their 63rd anniversary. Joe and Wanda Nelson met in 1950 when he pulled up in his car and asked her for a date. They’ve been together ever since. Shalyn asked them write letters to each other before the shoot. His begins,

“Dearest Wanda, it’s been a long time since I have written you a letter. I think it was when I was working in Canada, that I wrote you last. Anyway, I still love you just as much, probably more.”   

See the rest of the photoshoot at Buzzfeed. -via Pleated-Jeans

The Official Magikarp Music Video Is An Anthem For The Underdogs

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 06:00 PM PDT

Poor little Magikarp- he's the biggest loser in the world of Pokémon, and even though he can evolve into the spectacular and powerful Gyarados his base form does nothing but flop around pathetically.

But everyone loves an underdog, so Pokémon fans naturally feel sorry for Magikarp and want to brighten his day by making him feel appreciated, even if they don't really want him stinking up their Pokéball.

Maybe he'll feel better about himself if we sing him a little song?

(YouTube Link)

This official music video shared by the Pokemon official YouTube channel features this inspiring chorus:

Weak pokémon, Magikarp

The weakest thing in the world

Weak pokémon, Magikarp

So weak that it's actually shocking

No wonder that flopping fish is always down in the dumps, even the songs dedicated to him are sad!

-Via Meme Base

No Peddlers

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 03:59 PM PDT

Stories from the police blotter in your local newspaper can be weird, overly trivial, or funny enough to make you smirk. Rarely are they laugh-out-loud material, but this one caused me to giggle uncontrollably. The misunderstanding makes enough sense to be believed, yet those poor kids badly need to expand their vocabulary. And the sign maker needs to learn how to spell "peddlers." Found at Bad Newspaper.

Old School Tech Support - Console Gaming Used To Blow

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 02:00 PM PDT

Old School Tech Support by Brinkerhoff

Back in the day when the geek squads were still in training pants gamers had to go it alone when they ran into problems with their console games, and more often than not that meant blowing really hard into the bottom of your cartridge. It seems the designers made cartridges which could hold tons of music, cool graphics and dozens of hours of gameplay, but if they got too dusty the game was over before it could even start. Thankfully, old school gamers were trained in the ways of the mighty cartridge blow, and between that and tricky ways of inserting the cartridges into the console the game would always go on!

Show the world you're a veteran of the console wars with this Old School Tech Support t-shirt by Brinkerhoff, it definitely doesn't blow!

Visit Brinkerhoff's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more retro-tastic designs:

Fighting FirefliesBlankachuLeguigiJack's Nightmare

View more designs by Brinkerhoff | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Slave Leia Sailor Moon

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 01:59 PM PDT

Knockie Cosplay offers this beautifully executed mashup of Princess Leia in her slave outfit from Return of the Jedi and Usagi from Sailor Moon. She is accompanied by her cat Luna, now transformed into a fully operational Death Star.

You can see more cosplay photos of Knockie at her Instagram page, including pictures of her with a Jedi Sailor Moon cosplayer.

Bear Riding on Garbage Truck

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 11:59 AM PDT

(Facebook link

You’ve read about bears in dumpsters looking for a snack, but here’s a bear on a dumpster truck! La Cueva volunteer firefighter Caleb Johnson caught video of the bear catching a ride in Los Alamos, New Mexico. You can imagine how confused the bear felt when his huge dumpster find started moving. Someone suggested the truck driver back up to a tree, and when he did, the bear took the opportunity to move to a more familiar space. After the truck left, the bear scampered off across the canyon. -via Arbroath

The Multi-Million Dollar Flinstone House Nobody Wants To Buy

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 11:00 AM PDT

People often design and build houses to look like no other structure on Earth thinking this will make it an oddity and therefore more valuable.

But a unique look can actually lower the value of a building, making it virtually impossible to sell because it only appeals to a niche market.

Case in point- this cartoon lover's casa in the Hillsborough, California known as "The Flinstone House", which has been on the market for years but is apparently too quirky to sell.

The Flintstone House was built in 1976 and renovated in the 80s after the building suffered weather damage, and even though it's now artsy and upscale in a modern Stone Age kind of way the price is dropping by the day.

Something about the house has made it sit on the market without interest for years, and the price has dropped $1 million in the last year despite the house being seen as a Bay Area landmark.

Whatever it is, it can't be this amazing bathroom setup, look at that crazy caveman style shower!

-Via design you trust

Where All That Olympic Money Goes

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 10:00 AM PDT

What’s the best job in all of the Olympics? Gold medal winner? Sure, those few people might make a good career out of winning, but overall, the many athletes who participate are pretty much at the bottom of the money funnel. The real winners are the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the non-profit organization in which the 100 active members control billions of dollars (and since they are based in Switzerland, the money is not taxed). Members are considered volunteers as they receive no salary, but the job comes with plenty of perks, like $450 to $900 per day when traveling on Olympic business, $7,000 a year for office expenses, and lavish treatment from cities trying to win future Olympics. And members do not age out of the committee until they’re 80 (although a few have been kicked out for taking bribes).       

But athletes can take heart that they’re doing better than the people who are displaced from their homes to make room for Olympic venue construction.

The Washington Post constructed this graphic to show where the money comes from (broadcast rights and sponsors) for the Olympics and where it goes. -via Digg  

The Strangest Food and Drink Conspiracy Theories Ever

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 09:00 AM PDT

It should go without saying that Tim Horton doesn't add nicotine to their coffee to get you addicted or that the government isn't adding fluoride to your water to control your mind. Of course, that doesn't mean people don't believe these things. 

Strangely though, some consiparcy theories are surprisingly accurate -for example, the popularity of fondue in the seventies was all a result of brilliant marketing from the Swiss Cheese Union. It sounds absurd, but it's actually well documented.

You can read up on more of these odd theories over on Thrillist

Meet Rowdy

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 07:59 AM PDT

Rowdy is a dog with unusual markings that he wasn’t born with, but developed over time. It’s the result of vitiligo, a condition that affects the pigmentation of skin.

(YouTube link)

Because of his look, and even more because of his friendly attitude and popularity, Rowdy has become the mascot of the the American Vitiligo Foundation. -via Tastefully Offensive

PS: Rowdy is also the subject of a recent reddit Photoshop battle.

You Don't Have To Be Stoned To Enjoy Man Vs. Rock, But It Doesn't Hurt

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 07:00 AM PDT

When you stroll around the dealer's room at San Diego Comic-Con you get to see lots of friendly faces trying to sell you their independently created comic books.

The artists are generally quite nice but their comics rarely thrill me, because they just sound like the same old superheroic premise presented with lackluster art.

But this year Kevin Bieber and Victor De Troy introduced me to their fun and funky new comic drawn by Jared Lamp called Man Vs. Rock.

The premise is brilliantly ridiculous- rocks have been treated like crap by humans for thousands of years- we've peed on them, spit on them, crucified them and used them as slaves while building the pyramids.

So naturally rocks are fed up with the way humanity treats them so they decided to revolt, bringing about the Rock-pocalypse, and the only man who can defeat them is crazed geologist Buck Stone.

The series is satirical, abstract and totally over-the-top in terms of humor, with jokes galore on each and every page, and yet the premise is compelling enough to make you want to read on.

I mean, who wouldn't want to find out how to stop the Rock-pocalypse from happening, right?

Read samples from the first five issues here (NSFW)

100 Tiny Houses That Make Downsizing Look Good

Posted: 02 Aug 2016 05:59 AM PDT

The tiny house movement is gaining ground for several reasons. It’s not only part of the moment to simplify your life, it’s a mechanism that forces you to keep your possessions under control on an ongoing basis. Those who live this way will tell you that while downsizing the space you take up and the amount of stuff you own simplifies your home life, it opens up time and possibilities for other things, like adventure, introspection, and socializing. Housely has a list of advantages and disadvantages of tiny house living, plus 100 images to show you how stylish and distinctive tiny houses can be, from vacation homes on wheels to high-end luxury homes.

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