

Nature Reviews Immunology Contents October 2016 Volume 16 Number 10 pp 593-656

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Nature Reviews Immunology

October 2016 Volume 16 Number 10
Nature Reviews Immunology cover
2015 2-year Impact Factor 39.416 Journal Metrics 2-year Median 31
In this issue
Research Highlights

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T follicular helper cells in space-time
Hai Qi

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Innate lymphoid cells: ILC diversity maintained by microbiota
p593 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.101

Single-cell genomic analysis of ILCs from the mouse small intestine identifies high levels of diversity that are maintained by the commensal microbiota.

Innate immunity: IL-1β activation under scrutiny
p594 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.102

Interleukin-1β is activated by the group A Streptococcus protease SpeB during infection.

B cells: Genomic reorganization in germinal centres
p594 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.108

The genome of germinal centre B cells undergoes a multilayered reorganization to coordinate transcriptional reprogramming.

Innate immune cells: A Morrbid way of stayin' alive
p595 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.104

The lncRNA Morrbid controls the lifespan of short-lived myeloid cells.

Innate immunity: Threat level adjustments
p596 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.105

Regulatory variant of peptidoglycan recognition receptors in Drosophila resolve immune responses according to threat level.

Innate lymphoid cells: Human ILCs face redundancy
p596 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.106

There are no obvious clinical symptoms of long-term deficiency of innate lymphoid cells in humans, which suggests that their postulated functions might be redundant.

Immunometabolism: Feast or famine to combat infection
p597 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.109

Fasting metabolism has opposing roles in maintaining tissue tolerance; anorexia improves survival during bacterial infection whereas it has detrimental effects during viral infection.

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Regulatory circuits of T cell function in cancer
Daniel E. Speiser, Ping-Chih Ho & Gregory Verdeil
p599 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.80
In this Review, the authors summarize the features and the molecular drivers of T cell dysfunction in cancer and compare these with dysfunctional T cells in chronic viral infection. The metabolic competition in the tumour microenvironment is also discussed. Understanding antitumour T cell responses has important implications for cancer immunotherapy.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
T follicular helper cells in space-time
Hai Qi

p612 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.94
This Review discusses our current understanding of the development and functions of follicular helper T (TFH) cells. The author explains how these cells do not fit with the classical instructional model of helper T cell differentiation and, instead, proposes a model of default TFH cell development with inherent spatiotemporal stochasticity.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Sex differences in immune responses
Sabra L. Klein & Katie L. Flanagan

p626 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.90
In this Review the authors discuss some of the key differences that exist between male and female immune functions. They explain how these differences lead to sex biases in susceptibility to infections, inflammatory diseases and cancer. Moreover, they highlight the urgent need for immunologists to consider these sex differences when designing experiments.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
Immunological aspects of intestinal mucus and mucins
Malin E. V. Johansson & Gunnar C. Hansson

p639 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.88
This Review describes the unique properties of mucus and mucins, with a focus on the intestine. Mucus and mucus-producing goblet cells contribute to our innate immune defences and, in turn, are regulated by the immune system. The authors discuss the link between defective mucus production and increased susceptibility to infection and inflammatory disease.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
nature.com webcasts

Springer Nature presents a custom webcast on Pure protein: optimal resin selection to maximize purification efficiency

Date: Thursday September 29, 2016

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An expert panel will answer all your questions regarding resin selection strategies following the webinar.
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Élie Metchnikoff (1845-1916): celebrating 100 years of cellular immunology and beyond
David M. Underhill et al.

p651 | doi:10.1038/nri.2016.89
In this Viewpoint article, Nature Reviews Immunology invites five experts to share their thoughts on the contributions made by Élie Metchnikoff to the fields of phagocytosis, macrophage biology, leukocyte migration, the microbiota and intravital imaging.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF
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