

Clinton V. Trump, Round 1: Just The Facts

We turned out the newsroom for this one: A massive, real-time debate fact check, courtesy of reporters, editors and producers from across our organization.
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Fact Check Time!

The first presidential debate, thoroughly fact-checked

We turned out the newsroom for this one, gang. NPR reporters, editors and producers all gathered to annotate last week's debate as it happened. The result is a debate the way it should be — held to the facts, and only the facts. Meet us back here Tuesday for the VP debate?

In the meantime, better study up

Et Tu, Pepe?

I guess we need to talk about Pepe the Frog

Poor Pepe. Once an innocuous Internet cartoon, the little green guy with the big eyes just got listed as a hate symbol by the Anti-Defamation League. So, how'd the popular frog become a pariah?

Behind the amphibious ambiguity

Not Just A Police Problem

When preschool teachers expect bad behavior, whom do they watch?

That answer, according to a new study from Yale researchers, is much more likely to be black boys than white children. Pre-K teachers, white and black alike, spend more time watching black boys for potential trouble. And, one researcher says, "If you look for something in one place, that's the only place you can typically find it."

The science of bias

A Farewell To Arms

Today, Colombians vote on whether to end over a half-century of war

And that's big news not just for Colombia, but for all the Western Hemisphere. The peace deal brings to a close the rebel insurgencies in Latin America that began in the 1950s — and means that, for the first time in decades, the Western Hemisphere has no wars.

The long path to paz

No Laughing Matter

Beware the sinister figure dressed as a clown

This may be your worst nightmare: Ominous sightings of "clowns" — or, at any rate, people dressed as clowns — have been reported across the country recently. North Carolina police have acknowledged "the heightened tensions about these entertainers."

The cold case(s) of the 'clown'


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