



20 Hot Dogs to Add to Your Bucket List

Posted: 30 Oct 2016 04:00 AM PDT

It's easy to think that a hot dog is just a hot dog -especially when you're just talking dogs and not sausages. But there are a lot of different levels of hot dogs out there and if you like a good dog, you won't want to miss this great article over at First We Feast featuring twenty hot dog versions you really should try before you die. Different topping ideas include cream cheese, mango relish, cole slaw, bologna, curry jam and more. So, what's the strangest topping you've ever had on a hot dog?

Beardy Quinn

Posted: 30 Oct 2016 02:00 AM PDT

Ladybeard is a cross-dressing professional wrestler who became famous in Hong Kong and now lives in Japan. He is also a heavy metal vocalist, formerly with Ladybaby (previously at Neatorama). And for Halloween this year, he's Harley Quinn, armed with Negan's baseball bat! He calls the character Beardy Quinn.

See more pictures at Facebook. -via Metafilter

New Yorkers Don't Like It When People Talk Trash About Bodega Cats On Yelp

Posted: 30 Oct 2016 12:00 AM PDT

(Image Link)

If cities were filled with cat lovers then every store would have a resident cat or two, and employees would bring their purr-fect little angels to work with them every day.

But the cat haters out there keep the store cat presence to a minimum except for in New York, where Bodega cats are a respected member of the community.

(Image Link)

They keep the stores rat free, give residents who can't have pets in their homes a furry critter to scratch under the chin, and add some much needed animal warmth to the concrete jungle.

(Image Link)

So if you have a problem with New York's Bodega cats take it from cat hater Diana D. and don't vent on Yelp or people will send the hate right back at you!

(Image Link)

It seems all of NYC has turned against Diana D. since she foolishly decided to hate on bodega cats on Yelp- she has deleted her Yelp account and is now hoping the city's bodega cats don't decide to get revenge.

-Via Cheezburger

Chicago Halloween Light Show

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 10:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

Sabrina Faire and her family put on a musical Halloween light show every year. But how many times can you listen to "Thriller" or "Monster Mash"? This year, they had a better idea. It's been very popular with the neighbors and everyone in the city. The Chicago Cubs are currently playing the Cleveland Indians in the World Series. -via Bits and Pieces

Kawaii As Heck - Sinister Yet Squee Worthy

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 08:00 PM PDT

Kawaii as Heck by Mykel AD

When people look at kawaii stuff all they see is the cute, but sometimes that cuteness helps hide a dark secret hidden inside. That's a lesson for us all- just because something looks cute doesn't mean it isn't dangerous, in fact, cuteness can actually enhance the danger level by attracting more victims. Luckily, evil organizations are still stuck on presenting themselves as tough and macho so they've overlooked the power of cute. But if a group of Satanic supervillains start waving a banner with a kawaii goat head and pentagram on it the reckoning of adorableness will be upon us...

Show the world you're cute and dangerous with this Kawaii As Heck t-shirt by Mykel AD, it's the funny way to swear your allegiance to the cult of cute!

Visit Mykel AD's Facebook fan page, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more adorably geeky designs:

BFFs (Best Foods Forever)KnifechanSqueak SquadDino Smash

View more designs by Mykel AD | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The Creepiest Unexplained Phone Calls

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 08:00 PM PDT

Even though everyone uses a smartphone with caller ID nowadays, and we're far more likely to text than talk on the phone, there's still something super creepy about receiving a random phone call.

You answer the phone, say "hello? hello? HELLO?" with no response...only to hear a debt collector or telemarketer on the other end. *shiver*

But as frightening as those calls can be they pale in comparison to the calls on Cracked's list of The 6 Creepiest Unexplained Phone Calls, like the call that predicted JFK's assassination:

Sometime after 10 a.m. on a routine workday, an Oxnard, California, switchboard operator received a call from a whispering woman who dropped a bombshell: the president of the United States was going to die in 10 minutes.

That time passed without incident, but the woman, still on the phone, doubled-down: "The president is going to die at 10:30." She continued to babble away with cryptic statements like, "The Supreme Court. There's going to be fire in all the windows," and, "The government takes over everything, lock, stock, and barrel," before the call finally disconnected at 10:25.

Have you ever received multiple crank calls that really creeped you out because you were sure the calls all came from the same scary person?

Imagine how Bashir Kouchacji felt when he received death threats on a daily basis for over nine years:

The caller earned the nickname "L'Enfant," which we believe is Swedish for "the child," because the caller eventually decided that he wasn't being creepy enough and mimicked a little girl. Anyone associated with Kouchacji was a target, from his pregnant spouse to his restaurant employees. And the abuse got physical when the Star of David was scratched all over Kouchacji's Mercedes, although we're glad to know that constant harassment didn't stop him from making serious cheddar.

There didn't seem to be any escape. When Kouchacji traveled to Philadelphia to visit his sister, the calls kept coming there. Things got so bad he suffered a mental breakdown and committed himself to a psychiatric ward, but the calls continued to his restaurant, which we're guessing had a pretty high turnover rate.

This is just the beginning of Bashir's unexplained phone call story, which may have begun back in his home country Lebanon, where he was abducted and tortured for five days in 1974 because the PLO mistook him for a CIA agent...

See The 6 Creepiest Unexplained Phone Calls here (NSFW language)

Simon's Cat in Halloween 360

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 06:00 PM PDT

Simon's Cat has an interactive video! Use your cursor to scroll around and keep up with the creeping cat.

(YouTube link)

You can also scroll up or down, or use the switch at the top left to spin the scene around, but you might lose the cat. Still, it's a video, you can always find the cat again. Your kids will enjoy this. 

Formal Fashions for Your Furry Friends

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 04:00 PM PDT

We love dogs, but let's face it -they're not typically ready to attend fancy cocktail parties. But now they can be thanks to Marie's Handmade Shop on Etsy. Whether you have a pug looking to attend a friend's wedding or a terrier getting ready for her doggy graduation party, these fashionable frocks are ideal for any fancy dress occassion.

And did I mention they have a Lincoln dog costume?

You know you can trust Honest Abe and his emancipation barclimation.

Puppies Crash Bachelor Party

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 02:00 PM PDT

For Mitchel Craddock's bachelor party, a group of friends from Vicksburg, Michigan, went on a five-day trip to Tennessee to stay in a cabin in the woods and ride ATVs. The first morning, they were cooking bacon with the door open, and a hungry dog came to the door. They fed her bacon, gave her water, and made friends. When it became apparent that she had puppies, they followed her to a spot she was protecting and found seven puppies hidden in a hole!   

Although the pups had to be washed of dirt and fleas, Craddock said he was surprised by how healthy they were. “Every single one had a big fat belly on them. The mom had given the pups literally everything she had.”

All eight dogs, including the mom, were adopted by the groom and his groomsmen or their relatives. Their new happy homes are close to one another — within a 5-mile radius, Craddock said.

Craddock and his groomsmen didn’t expect to be caring for puppies at the bachelor party. “We pooled a bunch of money to buy food and beer. After the third day, our beer fund turned into puppy food fund,” he said.

Best groomsman's gifts ever! The puppies have all been treated by a vet and are settled into their new homes. Their names are Brimmie, Rosie, Daisy, Knox, Gunner, Bear, and Finn. Mother Annie is also happy in her new home with Craddock's grandparents.

(Image credit: Trevor Jennings)

Clever Cosplay With A Twist

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 12:00 PM PDT

(Image Link)

Cosplaying as the same old characters can become boring, especially for those cosplayers who make different costumes for every convention they go to, but it's easy to make an old character look fresh again.

(Image Link)

All you have to do is put a new twist on the character's traditional look, or put together an always compelling hybrid character costume, and bend both time and space to your will.

(Image Link)

But be forewarned- once you start meddling with the traditional look of your favorite characters you might find it virtually impossible to go back to basics!

(Image Link)

See 28 Awesome Examples of Cosplay with a Twist here

Dog's Chew Toy Comes to Life

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 10:00 AM PDT

Jolene the golden retriever loves her Gumby toy. It's her favorite! So how do you think she'd feel if it came to life? Watch and see!

(YouTube link)

Ben Mesches selected his Halloween costume because of Jolene. At first she's incredulous, but then she's the happiest dog ever!  -via Metafilter

Celebrate The Holidays In Style With A Fun Shirt From The NeatoShop

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 08:00 AM PDT

Hawaiian Halloween by Dooomcat

With Halloween coming in just a few days there's no denying the inevitable- the holidays are coming, and for the rest of the year we'll be holidaying it up with our friends and family.

Everybody wants to look their best during the holidays, and there's no better way to show off your individual sense of style than with an awesome tee or hoodie from the NeatoShop.

Halloween comes like a thief in the night, a thief who uses costumed children to take our candy

How the Beetlegrinch Stole Halloween by Punksthetic

And then, before you know it, the time of the turkeys will be upon us

I see dead turkeys by Boggs Nicolas

Once we've had our fill we'll move on to gobbling up gingerbread men

Sweet Christmas Ugly Sweater by IdeasConPatatas

Then we'll sleep for six days, dreaming of all the delicious critters we'll eat in the New Year!

Battle for The New Year by Thom2Maro

The holiday season begins with friends getting together for some ghoulish fun

The Massacre Machine Halloween Horror by NibiruHybrid

Some will go camping together

Marshmallow Jousting by Biotwist

Others will hit the road and see where adventure takes them

Oh My by Hillary White

Folks tend to get together more during the holidays

Let's Be Brave Together by Kuitsuku

But the festivities really begin with a mutual love of Halloween

Love Halloween by Paula García

We love all the cute trick-or-treaters who come to our door in costume

Trick-Or-Treater by Artistic Dyslexia

All the candy we get to eat

Candy Inspector by Boots

And we love dressing up in Halloween costumes and partying all night long

Hallowine by fishbiscuit

The next day we'll feel dead on our feet, which is perfect since it's Dia De Los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos by Deerokone

And then the Presidential Elections will sweep in on November 8th and chill us all to the bone

Anyone Else 2016 by WinterWolfMedia

We'll hope a cool candidate gets elected (even though we know that's impossible)

#Ash4President by ikado

And then we'll drown our sorrows in turkey...and lots and lots and lots of pie

Baby Got Pie by Sophie Corrigan

The terrible election, and the dark fate of our country, will be but a memory come Christmas

Cthulhu Xmas by Captain RibMan

Or Chrismukkah, as the case may be

Merry Chrismukkah by Cafe Pretzel

And although the real horror will have just begun

Freddy Claws by daletheskater

We shouldn't let our fear of the future stop us from enjoying the holidays

Happy Holidays From Vault-Tec! by NoobDesign15

Because it will all be over before you know it!


It's never too soon to start your holiday shopping, and whether you're looking for a tee or hoodie for yourself so you look sharp this season, or you're shopping for folks with exquisitely geeky taste, the NeatoShop is the place!

The NeatoShop has thousands of designs that are sure to blow people's minds, and with the best prints in the biz you can be sure you're giving, or wearing, a gift that will last for years to come when you buy a NeatoShop shirt.

So head to the NeatoShop today and do the holidays up right!

Beaver Dam Collapse

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Rick Smith took drone footage of this lovely beaver dam and pond in northern Minnesota. Beavers worked on this dam for seven years. Then it collapsed.

(YouTube link)

The water from the pond drained in about four hours. Smith said,

We own the property that this dam is built on and were totally heartbroken when this dam gave way. The beauty of this natural setting is why we bought the property in the first place. We had no part in the destruction of this dam. It merely could not take the pressure of two week of heavy rain draining into beaver pond flood plain. Also, the beavers built it too high, 9 Ft. It was an engineering marvel. Double decker beaver dams are not that common.

But the beavers didn't give up. Within six weeks of the collapse, they had rebuilt the dam to about four feet. Smith has another drone video showing their progress from May of this year. -via reddit

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