

AT&T isn't doing us any favors

This merger would give a bad company even more power over our lives.


AT&T has a long history of overcharging you, limiting your choices and spying on you. And right after it announced its proposed takeover of Time Warner, news broke that the company has been profiting off the sale of our private information to law enforcement and intelligence agencies for years.

We're fighting hard to defeat this dangerous merger but we need to raise $25,000 to pull it off. Could you chip in $7 to help us get there?

Thanks so much—


This merger would give a bad company even more power over our lives.

free press action fund

Stop the merger


AT&T wants to take over Time Warner. If it succeeds, this would be one of the biggest media mergers ever, valued at $107 billion once you factor in all the debt.

If that doesn't scare you, consider this: AT&T has a history of fighting Net Neutrality, supporting lobbying groups that push for racist voter-suppression policies, and helping the government spy on people.

If this deal goes through costs would rise. There would be more barriers to entry for content creators. Many working people would lose their jobs. AT&T would wield enormous control over millions of people's internet access and the content they view.

We need to raise $25,000 to stop this merger. Could you donate $7 to get us going?

We're up against one of the most established and well-funded companies operating in Washington, D.C. AT&T is one of the biggest donors to members of Congress and already has 100 registered lobbyists who are getting huge paychecks to convince federal regulators that the deal doesn't violate antitrust laws — and is actually good for people.

You can help us lobby for people like you — and for a fraction of the cost.

Donate $7 or more to help us launch a major campaign to stop the merger.

We have a track record of stopping deals like this one but we need your support right away to do it again.

Here's what your gift will help us do:
• Put boots on the ground in Congress and at regulatory agencies — so decision-makers hear from the people this deal would harm and not just corporate puppets.
• Run aggressive campaigns to mobilize the public.
• Coordinate with allies to raise the alarm and work together to stop the deal.
• Get the truth out in the press: This deal is toxic for everyone except the corporate fat cats.

AT&T isn't doing any of us any favors and this merger would give a bad company even more power over our lives. We have to stop it.

Donate today and join us in fighting back.

Thanks for all that you do—

Candace, Carrie, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. AT&T is an enormous media, telecom and internet gatekeeper with a horrible track record of overcharging you, limiting your choices and spying on you. Don't hand it more power: Donate $7 or more today to stop the merger. Thanks!

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more here.

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