

Flexera Addresses Open Source Challenges with Palamida Acquisition - infoTECH Spotlight

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In a bold business move designed to improve the software supply chain and bridge the gap between software developers and producers and buyers, Flexera Software has made a key acquisition. The company, which specializes in software optimization and monetization, has acquired Palamida, a provider of software composition analysis solutions for open source software.
In the early 2000s, the once promising Internet bubble came crashing down, causing the economy to go into a tailspin and recession. At the time, many pundits analyzed this and thought that the Internet was just a fad and was not going to affect our everyday lives. However, what we have learned in the 15-16 years since the dot com bubble burst is that we as a society tend to overreact to these lessons and make dramatic interpretations of negative events.
The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining ground. Consumers and businesses alike want their products and services connected; they want ease-of-use, efficiency and mobile access that allows them to further streamline everything they do into a single smartphone. It's an exciting time and one that demands attention to software licensing.
A recent study conducted by Arbor Networks revealed that Americans are very concerned about their security when using the Internet. Seventy-five percent of people who were surveyed reported that they were "concerned about their security, privacy, malware or websites tracking them."
Organizations are faced with many data challenges, though two specific issues are top-of-mind for businesses of all sizes. The first is the enormous growth of data sources, and how this has made obtaining a unified view that can inform meaningful insights increasingly difficult. The second obstacle stems from this challenge - a reliance on IT departments to pull, maintain and analyze large disparate data sets, which is costing businesses time and money they simply don't have in an always-on world.
Norwalk, CT, October 17, 2016— TMC, a global, integrated media company helping clients build communities in print, in person and online, today announced a series of recognition programs to highlight technology companies committed to Workplace Excellence.

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