



The Smells of Reproduction and Body Odor

Posted: 02 Nov 2016 04:00 AM PDT

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!

Research about the smells of human bodies
compiled by OttoDidact, Improbable Research staff

Garlic Ingestion and the Odor of Amniotic Fluid
“Garlic Ingestion by Pregnant Women Alters the Odor of Amniotic Fluid,” Julie A. Mennella, Anthony Johnson, and Gary K. Beauchamp, Chemical Senses, vol. 20, no. 2, April 1995, pp. 207-209. The authors, at Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, report:

Amniotic fluid samples were obtained from 10 pregnant women undergoing routine amniocentesis procedure.... Randomly selected pairs of samples, one from a woman who ingested garlic and the other from a woman who ingested placebo capsules, were then evaluated by a sensory panel of adults. The odor of the amniotic fluid obtained from four of the five women who had ingested the garlic capsules was judged to be stronger or more like garlic than the paired samples collected from the women consuming placebo capsules.

Peculiar Odours in Newborns: Spicy Food
“Peculiar Odours in Newborns and Maternal Prenatal Ingestion of Spicy Food,” G.J. Hauser, D. Chitayat, L. Berns, D. Braver, and B. Muhlbauer, European Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 144, no. 4, November 1985, p. 403. The authors, at Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel, report:

Four cases of newborn infants with peculiar smells are described. In two, the sharp odour was identified as cumin, one smelled of fenu-greek and one of curry. All these babies were born to mothers who ingested spicy food prior to delivery. In one case, the foul-smelling amniotic fluid led to a spurious suspicion of amniotitis.

(Image credit: Flickr user Lou Bueno)

Reproductive Sniffing, Long Unassessed
“Sperm-Activating Odorous Substances in Human Follicular Fluid and Vaginal Secretion: Identification by Gas Chromatography–Olfactometry and Ca2+ Imaging,” Constanze Hartmann, Annika Triller, Marc Spehr, Ralf Dittrich, Hanns Hatt, and Andrea Buettner, ChemPlusChem, vol. 78, no. 7, July 2013, pp. 695–702. (Thanks to Veronique Greenwood for bringing this to our attention.) The authors, at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Ruhr-University, RWTH-Aachen University, and Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging, all in Germany, report:

Fluids of the female reproductive tract have so far—to the best of our knowledge—not been investigated for odor molecules.

Pause: Botox and Body Odor
“Amelioration of Body Odor After Intracutaneous Axillary Injection of Botulinum Toxin A,” M. Heckmann, B. Teichmann, B.M. Pause, and G. Plewig, Archives of Dermatology, vol. 139, no. 1, January 2003, pp. 57-59. (TECHNICAL NOTE FOR NON-SPECIALISTS: “Axillary” means: pertaining to the armpit.) The authors, at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, report:

Body odor is a ubiquitous phenomenon.... Sixteen healthy volunteers were injected with botulinum toxin A in one axilla and 0.9% sodium chloride solution in the other axilla in a randomized, double-blinded fashion. After 7 days, body odor was assessed by a T-shirt sniff test. A significant reduction of odor intensity was observed for the botulinum toxin A-treated side. The smell was also rated significantly less unpleasant. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that botulinum toxin A can ameliorate or even improve body odor...

(Image credit: Genia Brodsky and Noam Sobel of The Weizmann Institute)

Impact of Body Odor on an Electronic Nose
“Detection and Classification of Human Body Odor Using an Electronic Nose,” Chatchawal Wongchoosuk, Mario Lutz, and Teerakiat Kerdcharoen, Sensors, vol. 9, 2009, pp. 7234-7249. The authors, at Mahidol University, Thailand, report:

Armpit odors of two volunteer persons were measured by an E-nose during five days using a combined hardware/software humidity correction. During the experiment period, the volunteers were requested to go about their ordinary life and activities: for example, they took a shower twice a day (before going to bed and after waking up following the morning sample collection). To avoid fluctuation in odor samples, they were not allowed to have sex and/or consume alcohol. To study the effects from deodorant, the volunteers were requested to use deodorant, after taking shower in the morning, but only on the right arm.... The E-nose is still able to recognize people, even after application of deodorant.


This article is republished with permission from the March-April 2016 issue of the Annals of Improbable Research. You can download or purchase back issues of the magazine, or subscribe to receive future issues. Or get a subscription for someone as a gift!

Visit their website for more research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK.

David Tennant Narrates Scientifically Soothing Relaxation Videos For Pets

Posted: 02 Nov 2016 02:00 AM PDT

If you live with an anxious pet then you know how annoying those whiny, nervous and pacey little punks can be every time they hear scary noises, and how hard it can be to get them to relax.

You could get your vet to prescribe something, or buy a thunder shirt and some ear muffs, but who wants to buy more overpriced pet junk that may not work or turn their pet into a prescription drug addict?

Instead, let David Tennant calm your pet's scared and anxious soul with his wonderfully soothing voice, as he narrates the new pet film series by British insurance company More Than:

Pet behaviourist Karen Wild and vet Robert White-Adams (with a little help from David Tennant) talk about the science behind the first films for cats and dogs designed to help calm them around fireworks and loud noises.

(YouTube Link)

David Tennant should just officially change his name to "The Doctor" because he is an unique and amazing individual!

-Via Laughing Squid

The Horse and the Unicorn

Posted: 02 Nov 2016 12:00 AM PDT

This horse doesn't have a horn like a unicorn, but he sure has a chip on his shoulder! The ice cream must be sour grape flavor. And if no children ever crowd around him, he can blame it on the unicorn, instead of his own cranky disposition. How convenient. This is the latest from John McNamee at Pie Comic.

Traditional Wedding Outfits From Around The World

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 10:00 PM PDT

(Image Link)

Traditional American wedding attire is about as bland as a mayo sandwich on white bread, but the outfits worn by brides and grooms in other countries around the world are far from boring.

(Image Link)

In fact, the wedding dresses worn in Mongolia, Ghana, Nigeria, Indonesia and China are so visually compelling and brightly colored it's hard to take your eyes off the bride.

(Image Link)

And if you think those wild wedding outfits are the farthest thing from traditional American wedding attire on the planet check out what a Gorani bride wears to her wedding- it's out of this world!

(Image Link)

See How Traditional Wedding Outfits Look Around The World here

Uncle Matt Pocket - Your Guide To Life Among The Silly Creatures

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 08:00 PM PDT

uncle Matt pocket by MarianoSan

When you're out exploring the kingdom of the Silly Creatures it's important to know how to act, what to say and when to totally freak out and run away flailing your arms and screaming at the top of your lungs. Which is why it may be a good idea to ask Gobo's uncle Travelling Matt to come with you, because his extensive experience with the Silly Creatures, and his vital research into communicating with these large, fleece-less beings, may come in handy should you encounter something strange on the surface- like a cow, or a bus, or something that looks like a chicken but is really a Silly Creature in disguise...

Take the wisdom of Fraggle-kind with you wherever you go with this Uncle Matt Pocket t-shirt by MarianoSan, it's a wise fashion choice that may turn your life into a grand adventure!

Visit MarianoSan's Facebook fan page, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

The Shining SaberHipsters TimeThe best father in the galaxyup kiss

View more designs by MarianoSan | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Hoshino: a Star Wars Fan Film

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 08:00 PM PDT

Ko Hoshino is undergoing Jedi training with master Jaan-Xu. She wants to train with a light saber, because don't we all? He thinks she isn't ready. But you know how young, impetuous trainees are.

(YouTube link)

You recall when Luke Skywalker first met Obi-Wan Kenobi and played around with a lightsaber? You can't help but think, "You'll put your eye out!" And that's the feeling you get watching this beautiful short film from Stephen Vitale. -via Tastefully Offensive 

Zapp Brannigan Quotes That Will Make You Miss <i>Futurama</i>

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 06:00 PM PDT

(Image Link)

A certain candidate who shall remain nameless keeps saying stuff no presidential candidate has ever said before, constantly reminding us all how much he has in common with Zapp Brannigan.

(Image Link)

You remember Zapp- he's that Captain Kirk wannabe from Futurama who wasn't afraid to speak his mind even though he made people cringe every time he opened his mouth.

Zapp was a fictional character created to be obnoxious and the other guy is "real", so remember that while you're drawing comparisons between the two.

(Image Link)

Whether you see the connection or find this comparison far fetched you need to know one thing- no matter what they claim they'll both handle an alien invasion this same way:

(Image Link)

See 20 Zapp Brannigan Quotes That Will Make You Miss Futurama here

Tyrannosaurus Cheerleader

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 04:00 PM PDT


The Denver Broncos cheerleaders put on their Halloween costumes for Sunday's game. You see a lot of superheroes, princesses (with short skirts), pop culture characters, and a classic spooky skeleton, all rendered in the "sexy" style. But what's this?


Romi Bean performed wearing an inflatable T. rex costume!

(YouTube link)

Bean managed to execute every move perfectly, despite the famous short T. rex arms and the oversized inflatable costume. She was the hit of the halftime show! -via reddit

Food Challenges Only The Strongest Eaters Will Survive

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 02:00 PM PDT

Food challenges have made eating enough a mountain of food into a sport, and those who make it their mission to tackle challenges wherever they go have to physically train their bodies to handle the feasting.

As food challenges become more popular the restaurants putting out the challenges keep raising the bar, so only the mightiest of appetites will stand a chance of winning.

(Image Link)

This is the Kitchen Sink challenge from the San Francisco Creamery Co., which consists of eight scoops of ice cream, eight topping servings, whip cream mounds, three sliced bananas, chopped almonds and maraschino cherries.

Eat it all in 30 minutes and you win free ice cream for a year, but you'll probably need surgery to repair the damaging effects of brain freeze.

Eaters who prefer savory to sweet and adore seafood might want to try the 15 Dozen Oyster Challenge at the Acme Oyster House in New Orleans instead.

(Image Link)

If the competitor eats no less than fifteen dozen oysters in an hour their name goes up on the board, and they learn what walruses and carpenters feel like after dinner. 

Speaking of dining with buddies- this massive burger is the 50-lb Mount Olympus cheeseburger challenge offered by the Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, New Jersey.

(Image Link)

A team of five eaters has three hours to eat the whole thing...or they have to pay for the burger!

See 10 Insane Food Challenges Reserved For The Bold here

Eight Apps We Would Make If We Had Time

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 12:00 PM PDT

The guys from Glove and Boots have some great ideas for new apps, but they just don't want to put in the time or effort to develop them. Or, in their words, they don't have the time.

(YouTube link)

Or, maybe the ideas aren't all that great. If you see any potential in these goofy ideas, hey, run with it! Assemble your venture capital, rent a facility in Silicon Valley, and start coding! Meanwhile, check out Vampire Caveman for no particular reason at all.  -via Laughing Squid

What Really Happens When Mario Dies In One Of His Games

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 10:00 AM PDT

When Mario dies in any of his video games he gets an extra life until it's game over...and then he starts the game over again with a fresh batch of lives.

This never ending supply of lives allows gamers to mess up all they want and keep playing, but they'd probably try harder to keep Mario alive if they knew what happened to him between lives.

(YouTube Link)

I'd love to see this fun fan film by Nukazooka turned into a survival horror game set in the Mario universe, then Luigi would finally get the chance to devour his brother!

-Via Geeks Are Sexy

How We Got Voting Booths

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 09:00 AM PDT

The United States began as an experiment in democracy, and the progress we've made in the process has come gradually but not consistently. The idea of a truly secret ballot in American elections is a relatively recent innovation. Voting locations in the nation's first century were put together with few rules, and it was often corruption and chaos.

Polling places might be set up in private homes or “sodhouse saloons”—usually there was some separation between the election officials and the crowd of voters, but there was no privacy for voters. Partisans would corral people to the polls to cast their party tickets and keep other parties’ voters away from the polls—using fists, knives, guns...or any other effective means. Voting could mean risking your life: in the mid-1800s, 89 people died trying to get to the polls.

By the 1880s, ballot reformers were looking for a new way to run elections, one that would wrench some control away from parties and limit vote buying and other fraudulent practices. They found it in Australia.

Australia had been letting people vote in secret. What an innovative idea! The secret ballot system was adopted state-by-state, and everyone had a different idea of how to do it. I've personally voted in more than one election where you filled out slips of paper on a counter with a cardboard divider between each voter. The voting booth has taken many forms, which you can read about at Atlas Obscura.

What Your Google Thinks About Your State

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 08:00 AM PDT

We in the US believe a lot of things about our neighbors, many of which aren't true (though some of them are). Now thanks to Google and Redditor Salem-Witch you can see what stereotypes people have about your state. The map simply takes what autocomplete suggestions are offered when someone enters a search for "Why is __(state)___ so." It even covers Canadian territories and Mexico as a whole.

Via Thrillist

Natalie Sideserf Takes Cakes to the Next Level

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Making a cake that looks like a person is hard, but making a cake that is recognizable as a specific person is amazing. Austin, Texas, baker and food artist Natalie Sideserf did a realistic cake in the likeness of Willie Nelson that we showed you a few years back. But that's only part of her cake talents! Sideserf has also done cartoon characters, movie scenes, and inanimate objects in delicious cake. Have you seen her steak cake? If you can imagine it, she can render it in flour, sugar, and eggs. See some of Sideserf's best cake sculptures at Unreality.

(Image credit: Sideserf Cake Studio)

A POV Ride Through The TRON Lightcycle Power Run Coaster At Shanghai Disney

Posted: 01 Nov 2016 06:00 AM PDT

Shanghai Disney seemed like an unnecessary addition to the Disney Parks family until I saw this video showing a full POV ride through the TRON Lightcycle Power Run roller coaster.

Now it seems like a must-see destination for theme park fanatics, and a place full of rides and attractions that will make me jealous every time I go to Disneyland in Anaheim.

(YouTube Link)

SoCal Attractions 360 shared this awesome POV video of the TRON Lightcycle Power Run ride, which was shot with a low light camera so we can see the entire ride.

The TRON coaster cars look really cool, but some sections of the ride seem unfinished, so as a bonus here's another SoCal Attractions 360 video showing the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Shanghai Disney. *drool*

(YouTube Link)

-Via Laughing Squid

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