

I'm Begging You

Manward Digest

I'm Begging You

... and that's a wrap. Just one more sunset and 2016 is behind us.

No doubt, 2016 was an interesting year. America endured a lot - politics (ugh), terrorism, corruption and scandals. But we enjoyed a lot, too - markets at record highs, medical breakthroughs and, can you believe it, the Cubs won the Series.

On a personal level, 2016 was one of our best. My family is stronger and happier than ever, our farm is growing and, oh yeah, we launched a little thing called Manward Press.

But the good times weren't by accident.

No way.

In the days ahead, we'll see and hear all sorts of things about New Year's resolutions and goals for 2017. Almost all of it is pure junk. Most resolutions fail. Heck, most folks don't even believe in the promises they make to themselves.

That's why I beg you to take a different direction... a direction that I've personally proven leads to success.

Yes, you should set your goals for the year. But you must take it a step further. As we refresh our calendars, I simply want you to ask yourself a question.

Ask yourself, "Why?"

It's a question that lies at the heart of Manward.

Answer it truthfully, and you'll often find an answer you don't like. Sorry.

Perhaps you'll learn you're simply following the path of least resistance... or you're doing something because you were told to do it that way... or, worse, you're doing it because you think others will like it.

Those are all terrible reasons that will lead to failure. Avoid them.

But if you take the time to seriously ask yourself why and come to a positive answer, science proves your chances of success will be dramatically higher.

Another proven tip is to write down your goals and give them to somebody. It creates clarity and accountability.

Feel free to send me your goals... I may even follow up with you later this year. You can email me at mailbag@manwardpress.com.

And to keep things fair, here are two of my leading goals for 2017...

First, I want to play more. I've got this whole working thing figured out. I like to brag to friends that I only work half days - but they scoff when they realize I mean I'm really working for only 12 out of the day's 24 hours.

My goal is to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Why? Better relationships with my wife, kids and friends, and stronger health. Plus, and this is vital, playing hard shows respect for the work we do.

Second, I have huge goals for Manward in 2017.

My "passion project" has been a massive hit in the last three months. But I'm not surprised. Men are yearning to get back to basics... and learn how to live a truly fulfilled life.

But why do I want to pour so much time and effort into the project (especially if I intend to play more)? Sure, money is part of it. I'd love to see if we can actually make a buck with this thing. But really, it's about sharing ideas... my true first love.

Ideas are the only thing that makes us unique. And I'm convinced we have a grand idea at Manward. We believe by focusing on just three core traits - Liberty, Know-How and Connections - we can lead men to richer, fuller and happier lives.

That's a goal worth aiming for, wouldn't you agree?

I'm excited to see where the year takes us.

With that, I wish you and your family a healthy, prosperous and idea-filled 2017.

Remember, send me your goals for the year - and why you set them - via an email to mailbag@manwardpress.com.

Be well,


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