

Our Supreme Court:

Senate leaders are saying they'll jam through the Supreme Court nominee. Stand by responsible senators fighting against this undermining of our democratic institutions.
Organizing for Action
Lewis --

Last night, President Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch to be the next justice on the United States Supreme Court.

Legal experts expect that if he's confirmed, he will be one of the most conservative modern justices to sit on the Court -- and based on his record, I'm deeply concerned about his views on women's, workers', and civil rights, as well as his perspectives on environmental, health, and safety protections for Americans.

Now more than ever, we need a Supreme Court that reflects America's core values and independently serves its crucial role in the system of checks and balances that is at the heart of our democracy.

A nominee who has shown those core values should be able to attract broad support. Both of President Obama's Supreme Court nominees passed the Senate's 60-vote threshold, and Judge Merrick Garland was widely viewed as a consensus nominee -- but Senate leaders refused to even give him a hearing to move his nomination to a vote. Senate leaders broke with more than a century of precedent in holding that seat open.

Now, after stonewalling a highly-regarded consensus nominee for a year, Senate leaders want to further rewrite the rules. They're already saying that if Judge Gorsuch doesn't get 60 votes, they might just use the "nuclear option" to override the minority party's voice and force his nomination forward. It's another partisan scheme that would damage America's democratic institutions when we can afford it the least.

There is a group of responsible senators who are doing the right thing -- they're fighting to stop Senate leaders from changing the rules to jam through a nominee with extreme ideological views.

It's important to show support for those senators' efforts right now. We're collecting petition signatures to deliver to them to show that we're behind them.

Sign the petition


Jennifer Warner
National Organizing Director
Organizing for Action

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