

Salford University Student Apartments - Less than a mile to Manchester City Centre - Extra Apartments Released Today - £89,995 each

Good morning


We’ve just released 20 more apartments for sale at our Brand New Off Plan development of Student apartments in Manchester – X1 The Campus.


They are all priced the same at £89,995 each, come fully furnished included within the price and will complete in Summer 2018.


Payment terms are great - £5,000 to reserve, 25% on exchange of contract, 25% 6 months later and 50% on completion.


Investment wise, they are priced around 20% less than other comparable apartments in the area and will give you an income of around £6,000 NET per annum.


If you would like further details or to reserve a unit, please either reply to this email or call me 0161 772 1370.











Stephen Byrne

Senior Property Consultant

Knight Knox


+44 (0)161 772 1370


+44 (0)161 241 5360


+44 (0)7788 258 827



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email is subject to our terms of business.

Knight Knox Limited is a company registered in England and Wales.

Registered number: 5236745. Registered address:

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