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Is the Pandemic Crisis Over?

Manward Digest

Is the Pandemic Crisis Over?

The following message comes from our friends at Paradigm Press. They're supporting the Manward mission, so we hope you support them.

That's the question on everyone's mind right now.

Luckily, two of the smartest minds in finance decided to go on camera to answer that question.

Click here to see it.

But warning...

Their answer will most likely shock you.

This is the story the mainstream media is NOT reporting.

You see, these men do not work for Wall Street or any media... so they're 100% independent.

That means they aren't taking any money to fulfill a particular agenda.

And because of that, they aren't beholden to anyone.

If you think you can handle the truth, click below...

Video still


Frank DeVechio
Managing Editor for Jim Rickards

ICYMI: NEW Coaching Education Program

Social media app Parler sees influx of new users

Other platforms benefiting from Facebook ad boycott | The 4 elements for successful content | How marketers navigate work with reduced budgets
Created for ignoble.experiment@arconati.us |  Web Version
June 30, 2020
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The Big Story
Brands that are responding to civil rights groups' call for a Facebook boycott due to misinformation and hate speech are now considering alternatives, such as North Face eyeing Google, Pinterest and affiliate marketing, according to a company spokesman. Eddie Bauer is considering Gmail, TikTok, Snap, Pinterest and YouTube, while others are examining minority community publishers such as AT&T, which is working with Black-owned Pod Digital Media.
Full Story: Ad Age (tiered subscription model) (6/29),  The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model) (6/29),  Digiday (tiered subscription model) (6/30) 
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Connecting & Collaborating
Ashley Segura of agency TopHatRank describes four key elements for successful social content, such as including the right keywords and creating content in formats that can shared across different platforms. She offers advice on how to nail each element and provides examples from brands.
Full Story: Marketing Land (6/29) 
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Restaurants and retail chains were hit particularly hard amid the coronavirus pandemic and location shutdowns, which required marketers to maximize their shrinking budgets, writes Richard Collings. He shares insight from executives at leading brands that are weathering the storm, such as Wendy's and its focus on gaming and Authentic Brands' usage of influencer networks.
Full Story: Adweek (tiered subscription model) (6/29) 
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Marketer Moments
Camp + King livestreams Shaq from a Papa John's box
(Papa John's/YouTube)
Camp + King is touting Papa John's new Shaq-a-Roni pizza with a 60-second spot that features board member Shaquille O'Neal surprising Atlanta families in their homes via Zoom from a screen placed inside pizza boxes. The brand is donating $1 to its Foundation for Building Community for every purchase and a special Shaq pizza box unlocks an augmented reality experience on Snapchat.
Full Story: Ad Age (tiered subscription model) (6/29),  Adweek (tiered subscription model) (6/29) 
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Featured Content
Sponsored content from Twitter
Five best practices for virtual watch parties
In times of isolation, people turn to video for moments of levity and inspiration. Smart brands can help by hosting Twitter watch parties for a show's biggest fans. These five best practices can help you throw a party truly worth watching. Check it out.
How Salesforce launched a virtual content series.
Salesforce is bringing brands and business leaders together virtually with #LeadingThroughChange, a new weekly content series live-streamed on Twitter. Learn more about how the company has adapted its live event strategy to the new normal.
Platform News
Two-year-old social media app Parler -- a challenger to Twitter -- gained significant buzz over the past week as GOP leaders joined and urged others to follow. The app added about 500,000 users last week, says CEO and founder John Matze, and it has risen to be the top iPhone app in the news category.
Full Story: CNBC (6/28),  Forbes (6/27) 
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Facebook is enabling creators to monetize short-form video content with image and post-roll ads, launching livestream ad formats and expanding access to its fan subscriptions and livestream "stars" payments options. It also is allowing Instagram users to log in to some Facebook revenue-focused tools, including the company's Creator Studio.
Full Story: Social Media Today (6/29),  CNET (6/29) 
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Measurement Matters
Report: Reach increases for Instagram Stories
The overall reach rate of Instagram Stories rose to 7% in 2020 from 6.7% last year, Conviva reports. The study also found accounts in the "sports" category achieved the highest completion rates and the average number of Stories published each week decreased for accounts across all analyzed categories.
Full Story: Adweek (tiered subscription model) (6/29) 
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Social Shareable
Twenty-one-year-old twins Tim and Fred Williams have gone viral with a "First Time Hearing: Twins the New Trend" YouTube series that features videos showing the pair listen to classic songs for the first time. Music artists the duo have discovered include Dolly Parton, Queen, Aerosmith and The Carpenters.
Full Story: People (6/29) 
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Content creation is a healthy combination of story-telling and convincing, which requires highly valuable and authoritative writing and creativity .
Ashley Segura, vice president of operations at TopHatRank, writing for Marketing Land
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