Do Your Vitamins Actually Work? |
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|  | Matthew Makowski Senior Health Researcher |
| | | Back when I first started getting serious about my health, I began my mornings with a huge dose of vitamin B12.
I'd take it, relax for a bit while reading the paper and enjoy a cup of coffee.
And 20 minutes later I was a ball of energy...
I'd lift weights like a maniac. A 30-minute jaunt on the elliptical was a breeze. I'd do laps around the apartment complex I was living in like I was being chased by a rabid dog.
But as I got in better shape, my diet started to evolve as well.
I stopped eating heavily processed foods and started actually getting the nutrients I needed... from the foods I ate.
Eventually, the big dose of B12 stopped having the same effect on me in the morning.
The reason is the key to understanding supplements... and why yours may not be giving you what you need. |
Changing Needs
For me, my dose of B12 didn't suddenly stop being useful just because I was getting in better shape.
Most likely, I had been dealing with a substantial B12 deficiency before I became health-conscious. So when I got that sudden big blast of it, my body started working better.
But once the vitamin restored the level of B12 in my body, the dose didn't trigger the same response... because it was no longer a drastic improvement.
Essentially, I stopped needing to supplement with that vitamin because I no longer had a deficiency.
Here's another example...
A while back I started taking a magnesium supplement right before my rock-climbing adventures. This little mineral helps move sugar into the muscle and reduces the lactic acid buildup that causes fatigue.
It helps me climb a little harder and a little longer.
But unlike with B12, even with my relatively healthy diet, I'm probably not getting enough magnesium. An estimated 75% of Americans are lacking in this department.
And when I don't take this supplement, I notice it pretty quickly after I start up a wall.
My forearms and hands burn out noticeably quicker, and I just can't manage more difficult climbs.
So I still take this supplement before my workout. Because it still helps.
Customization Is Everything
This is why understanding supplements is so important for your health.
We all have different diets. Different lifestyles. Different genetic makeup. Our gut absorbs nutrients differently because we all have a slightly different microbiota.
So vitamin intake is about finding what your body needs.
I've typically resorted to personal analysis to find the things that work best for me.
But another easy way to find out what your body needs more of is to get routine blood tests and then start supplementing.
This way you'll know exactly what your body needs some help with. It will be much easier to meet its demands that way than by going through trial and error (which took me years and still seems to be constantly evolving).
This is also why those popular drugstore multivitamins are usually a waste of money.
Yes, they contain vitamins and minerals that are essential to our health. But they're typically packed with the usual suspects that even a modestly healthy diet provides plenty of.
The quality of nutrients isn't great either. They typically don't come from organic, whole-food sources.
You're better off finding out whether you have any specific nutrient deficiencies. And you can do this without setting foot in a doctor's office.
Home-testing kits from 5Strands can test for 80 different nutritional imbalances. They require just a single strand of hair and a walk to your mailbox. No blood samples or crowded waiting rooms required.
If test results confirm any deficiencies, it'll be more beneficial to supplement with those individual nutrients. It'll be cheaper too.
This is the sort of precise health optimization you aren't likely to get from most low-quality and underdosed multivitamins.
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