

G Suite Updates: 2 new posts

G Suite Updates: 2 new posts

Use Google Voice and Google Fi, now with the same account

Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:01 PM PDT

Quick launch summary

Google Voice now works with Google Fi, so you can have separate Fi and Voice numbers on the same Google account. This means you can use different numbers for different purposes, like one for family and friends and one for work. When you set up forwarding in Google Voice or Google Fi, you'll receive calls from both numbers in one central place.

We hope this change makes it easier for you to manage your calls.

Getting started

Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.

End users: To manage both Voice and Fi with the same Google account, set up call forwarding on the Google Voice settings page. To sign up for Fi, go to fi.google.com or download the Fi app.

Rollout pace


  • Available to all G Suite customers with Google Voice licenses


Currents to become generally available on July 6, 2020, replacing Google+ for G Suite

Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:58 AM PDT

What's changing

At Google Cloud Next in 2019, we launched Currents in beta. On July 6, 2020, we'll make it generally available to G Suite customers.

If your domain is currently participating in the Currents beta, your experience will remain the same. If your domain uses Google+, you'll be automatically upgraded to Currents, which has an updated look and feel and provides additional features for users and administrators.

Please note that starting on July 6, users will not be able to opt out of Currents or revert back to Google+.

Who's impacted

Admins and end users

Why it's important

Currents offers a more streamlined experience that makes it easy for employees to have meaningful discussions across an organization and to view suggestions for useful and timely content. It provides users access to new features, including custom streams and tags. In addition, Currents allows super admins to enable content moderation and administrative privileges for specific users in their organization.

Additional details

If you're currently participating in the Currents beta, your experience will remain the same. If your organization uses Google+, however, you can expect the following as you transition to Currents:

  • Starting July 6, 2020, your users and all of your organization's existing Google+ content will be automatically transitioned to Currents. Your users will have no option to revert back to Google+.
  • The Currents Android and iOS apps will replace the Google+ Android and iOS apps, which will no longer be supported. Users will be prompted to upgrade to the new Currents app to continue to use the service on mobile; those who have auto-update enabled will be automatically upgraded.
  • All existing links to plus.google.com will continue to work—users will automatically be redirected to currents.google.com.
  • In the days prior to the switch, users may see a banner in Google+ notifying them of the launch and providing links to relevant Help Center content.

Getting started

Rollout pace


  • Available to all G Suite customers



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