

Goodbye, Pesky Wrinkles

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Erase Wrinkles the Natural Way

Matthew Makowski
Matthew Makowski
Senior Health Researcher
I spend a lot of my day reading and writing without my glasses on. And in the 30 or so years that I've been wearing glasses, my vision hasn't gotten much worse.

But my skin is a different story.

All that squinting gave me wrinkles in the outer corners of my eyes. Seeing my crow's-feet in the mirror made me feel old for the first time in my life.

Though we have an excellent graphic design team that will keep me looking young for years to come (at least online)... this little revelation got me wondering.

Is there a natural way to repair the wrinkles around my eyes?

There sure is. And the solution might sound familiar...

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Between the Lines

When collagen levels are low, it can cause the skin to sag and wrinkle. So boosting collagen production, the theory goes, tightens up the skin and smooths out the wrinkles.

It turns out one of our heroes in the vitamin world also plays a helpful role in boosting the production of collagen... and in turn can help me get rid of those crow's-feet.

I tried applying a vitamin C serum around my eyes. And I'm happy to report that after a couple of weeks of adding this to my morning routine, the lines are significantly less noticeable.

I've seen the anti-aging power of vitamin C firsthand. And the serum was well worth the $20 I paid for it.

Even better, the benefits don't stop at collagen production.

These serums also contain magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a derivative of vitamin C. This helps the skin retain water and stay healthy and hydrated.

And unlike Botox or other surgical treatments, this is a completely pain-free fix that doesn't run the risk of causing swelling, headaches or flu-like symptoms.

Slow the Aging Process

If you're looking for a vitamin C serum to help fight wrinkles, here's how to find a quality product.

For starters, the label should clearly state that it contains L-ascorbic acid. This will ensure that it has pure vitamin C in it. And ideally it should contain at least 15% pure vitamin C to be effective.

Vitamin C is pretty unstable. It breaks down and loses its power if the conditions aren't just right. So it doesn't respond well to bright lights or humidity.

Based on that, the product should come in a darkly shaded bottle (or a box). And you shouldn't store it in the bathroom, which can get pretty humid after a hot shower.

If applying a serum doesn't appeal to you, there are other ways to reap the benefits of vitamin C.

Supplements and foods rich in vitamin C contain powerful antioxidants that repair free radicals and slow down the aging process.

The "official" recommendation for vitamin C intake is around 90 milligrams (mg) per day. But that's woefully low... especially if you want to harness its anti-aging properties.

So 1,000 mg per day is a reasonable dosage for most folks to help slow the aging process.

But don't overdo it either. Going too heavy on vitamin C can cause stomach pain and diarrhea. So if you've never taken a large dose of vitamin C, it's best to ease into it and see how your body reacts.

But studies have largely found that 1,000 mg or less is very unlikely to cause any harm.

Now, wrinkles are just one small sign of aging...

It's possible to look and feel decades younger when you attack aging from the inside out. That's why you need to take a look at this...

It's a stunning anti-aging breakthrough that could change everything doctors thought they knew about getting older.

The world's leading anti-aging expert calls it "the closest we've gotten to a fountain of youth."

It could make you feel stronger and more energetic... and it couldn't be easier.

Our own Dr. Phil Roberts tells the incredible story here.

Do you have questions for Dr. Roberts on the aging process? Send us an email here.

Your Secret Weapon for Fighting Aging... and Feeling YOUNGER

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By the time you turn 65, your "youth fuel" levels could be cut in half.

But this natural breakthrough could help you flip the "anti-aging switch" - and command your cells to act young again.

Could this controversial discovery help fight aging in every cell of your body?

Discover the details HERE.

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