

Is This President Trump's "Hidden Downfall"?

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Manward Digest

Is This President Trump's "Hidden Downfall"?

By Andy Snyder, Founder

There's no other way to put it.

President Trump is in serious trouble.

Now, you may have seen Reuters reporting that "swooning stocks signal [a] higher likelihood of Trump losing [the] election" back on March 16.

But Trump's biggest problem ISN'T the economy.

Or perhaps you read CNN in May predicting that "the coronavirus recession will cause Trump to suffer a historic defeat."

But COVID-19 isn't the president's biggest problem, either.

And just yesterday, following the nationwide protests, a Washington Post headline declared, "Trump Is in a Free Fall."

Yet even civil unrest is NOT the president's biggest issue.

No, President Trump's hidden downfall isn't being discussed in the mass media headlines very much at all.

But if you are concerned about your family... your country... or your future...

I urge you to check out my urgent briefing on Trump's "hidden downfall" right here.

I believe it may trigger a crisis for the USA that's FAR WORSE than what we've already seen in 2020...

A crisis that will last not just for weeks... but for YEARS.

But here's the thing...

There's a way to protect yourself from this situation, and even see the chance to profit from it significantly.

(You definitely won't hear about this from Reuters, CNN, or the WaPo.)

For all the details, please click here.

Be well,


P.S. On November 3, 2020, some 140 million Americans will decide the nation's 59th presidential election.

To see the surprising issue that could decide it all, just click here.


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