

Iguana Chase By Killer Snakes and more...

Just forget about any thriller/action scene that you've ever seen in your entire life. This iguana being chased by a pack of vicious killer snakes is as thrilling as it gets.
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Iguana Chase By Killer Snakes and more...

Iguana Chase By Killer Snakes


Just forget about any thriller/action scene that you've ever seen in your entire life. This iguana being chased by a pack of vicious killer snakes is as thrilling as it gets. 

Submitted by: (via BBC)

Tagged: nature , intense , Video , iguana , snake

Massive Iceberg Nearly Takes Out Ice Climbers


That guy's adrenaline kicked into high gear when he saw the monstrosity that was the iceberg flip over, and start hurtling toward him. 

Submitted by: (via Jenny Miler)

Tagged: nature , crazy , scary , dangerous , Video , iceberg

Package Thief Steals Gifts, Gets Glittered, Then Gets Evicted

This isn't the first glorious tale that we've encountered involving a package thief getting a well deserved glitter surprise. This particular cascade of events ultimately results in the package thief getting evicted because the glitter ended up being sufficient proof that they were out there stealing people's stuff. Just don't be a thief. 


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Submitted by:

Tagged: glitter , revenge , package , petty , Reddit , funny , win , thief

People's Best "No Power Here" Moments

Someone on AskReddit got a fun thread going about the times that egotistical people got reminded that they "have no power here." Well, the thread isn't all egomaniacs. Sometimes, it's a case of someone literally not having power. Like the homie that couldn't pay his electricity bill because he couldn't access the internet he needed to get the job done. It can be a deeply satisfying experience to watch someone who was power tripping all over the place get put in necessary check. 


Text - doctor-rumack • 2h 3 2 Awards A co-worker friend of mine was flying back from a sales conference in Vegas and he was able to upgrade to a first class seat. We had this bitch sales VP that was on the same flight - she was the snobby, entitled type with a full time nanny and giant McMansion in the suburbs, and she generally treated people who worked for her like servants. She sees him in a first class seat as she is making her way to coach and asks him how he got that seat (he used points t


Text - voice_of_craisin • 2h One of my new employees came from a competitor who is, shall we say, not as put together as we are. Her former boss had actually called me to yell at me about "poaching" his consultants. Which, in and of itself, is weird enough. However, a few weeks after she started the dude rolled up to our office. He had apparently been calling her to get her to finish an analysis for him and she just ghosted him. I went to the lobby to see what the fuck he was doing here. He star


Text - voice_of_craisin • 2h One of my new employees came from a competitor who is, shall we say, not as put together as we are. Her former boss had actually called me to yell at me about "poaching" his consultants. Which, in and of itself, is weird enough. However, a few weeks after she started the dude rolled up to our office. He had apparently been calling her to get her to finish an analysis for him and she just ghosted him. I went to the lobby to see what the fuck he was doing here. He star


Text - mywifemademegetthis • 3h 2e 11 Awards I taught my 6th grade students about democratic processes, and we ran a simulation. Without fail, every one of my classes tried to impeach me. Reply 29.0k


Text - kaxobixo • 3h 1 Award I was working as a consultant for a company, there was a bit of a competition between me and this guy, company starts to have some financial issues so I leave and start working for a client of theirs. Shortly after joining they bring in this guy I was competing with at my old job, he was technically my equal except now I was employed by the client and he was just a consultant. He was trying to one-up me during meetings and my boss told him that decisions are made by


Text - Varvatos_Vex•3h A QA 2 25 Awards We had an HR lady who was extremely power hungry. She is walking around with the president of the company who flew in from Japan. She rushes him though the warehouse. Just spits out "oh these are the warehouse guys we don't have to stop and talk to them." He stops walks over and starts talking to me about my last vacation. How buying my house went. You could just see her fuming behind him as we talked for almost 45mins. I've had multiple meeting with him w


Text - greasedlightning343 • 3h 3 Awards I worked at a Walmart as a cashier, and the assistant manager there was a dick, he would insult everybody working there and forced us sometimes to do work above our pay grade. 6 months later me and him got transferred to another Walmart that was just built and they needed to pick a manager and assistant manager some random got manager but I got assistant manager (I guess all the complaints on the assistant manager basically gave him a demotion) so one day


Text - epidemica • 2h O &eg 7 Awards In my first apartment, my parents came to visit, and I said "Fuck!" when I hit my head on the open door of the freezer while standing up from grabbing something from the fridge. My mother said "You can't talk like that in my hou..." and stopped midsentence. Reply 13.7k ...


Text - Pentacostal-Haircut • 2h 1 Award New director. Decides admin should hold a meeting at noon M-F in the nurse's lunchroom and bar them from entering during that time. Defines it in a group text as a "quick win." My response: please help me to understand how this is beneficial to remove the nurses from their lunchroom during lunch break?" No response, his peers and higher-ups in on the text. He Is then moved to the Quality Department. Screwed up in so many levels... Reply 4.0k ...


Text - TGodfr • 2h 1 Award When my manager at mcdonalds gets into bitch fights with all the agressive/toxic customers and booting them out the store by calling the mall security if they refuse to leave. Reply 2.0k •..


Text - Bradddtheimpaler • 1h I used to work at a few Subways. Thing is, the owner inherited them when she already had a busy and lucrative career elsewhere. She mainly held on to them to employ immigrant family members, I think. One time, she was in the back when she heard me interact with an angry customer. Afterward, she came out and said, "You know you don't have to take shit like that. I trust you, you can use your judgment and just toss anybody out who talks to you like that." After that I


Text - goblinmarketeer • 1h I have one that crosses with "I don't work here lady" a bit. I have a job, but I will still do interviews every couple years. this means the script is flipped a bit. They have to convince me to work there. Anyway I got the town early so I stopped at a bakery to get something to eat. the woman went in the back to get it, and this squat toad of a woman walks in, yells at me to get her order and then yells at me again for not getting up right away to serve her. When I po


Text - The_Atlas_Moth • 2h 13 Awards A few years ago I interviewed for a job (in the US) that was labeled as a senior-level position, which is my level of experience in this field. I go through 2 phone interviews and a stellar in-person interview. Shortly after the in-person interview, they call me and say they absolutely loved me and that I would be a great fit at the company. However, they thought I was "a little too green" (implying I was inexperienced) for the senior-level position, but luck


Text - There was silence over the phone for a moment and then the interviewer said in an offended tone, "Well we've all had to make sacrifices for [company name]!" To which I replied, "You may have had to, but I don't make sacrifices for anyone." Stunned silence.


Text - Then the interviewer, who was so appalled that they didn't know what to say, replies, "Well ... Maybe you can think about it and l'll call you tomorrow to check in ..." I said, "No thank you and please don't call me." and hung up the phone. They do this a lot to young females like myself in a variety of industries. Don't take shit from anybody. Know your qualifications, believe in them, and tell abusers to fuck right off. Your talents will be appreciated and paid for elsewhere, I promise


Text - letsgingerale • 3h 1 Award When my electricity got shut off and I couldn't submit a claim on their website because i had no power Reply 1 4.2k ...


Text - rancidquail • 2h Not sure if it fits but during an insanely busy weekend before Christmas, a Karen was complaining to every associate about how messy our store was. The manager had relieved the girl at the fitting room and was helping to hang stuff. Karen pulled her crap and was trying to make a point that we were messy and a horrible place to shop. At the this manager told her roughly, "Ma'am we're messy at the moment because we're a popular store. And the biggest reason we're messy is b


Text - TigerTownTerror • 2h Pretty much every time my in laws come over. For over twenty years they have attempted to dictate how I should live my life, raise my kids, dress, cook, etc. I always just nod and say,"l'll consider that", but not in a genuine way, it a condescending "fuck you" way. When they press it, I simply say, "You may leave my house now". Reply 555 ...


Text - Nathaniel66 • 1h New CEO came to our deparment on the 1st day of his work. He didn't have a pass card yet and a lower level employee told him that he can't enter without pass card. CEO got upset and ordered a worker to let him in, but the worker insisted: show me the pass card, or you're not entering. Few days later this worker got a bonus. Reply 556 ...


Text - Lpunit • 2h When I was working at a collection agency for a few months (paid well, shit job) I had a guy call in, absolutely livid. He ranted on and on about how he shouldn't have to pay us. As per how things flow, I advised him that the next step would be to take it to court if he didn't want to pay me. He said something along the lines of: "Well I'm never going to buy from you ever gain!" Dude for some reason thought I cared if he didn't buy from the company that had passed his debt on

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Puns for the Mined, Bawdy and Sole

There are those of us who love puns, and those of us who would like to take every pun-maker on the planet and shoot them out of a cannon into a brick wall. Many of us fall somewhere in between. Puns can be dumb or clever, but if one thing is for sure it's that they have an appropriate time and place.


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Submitted by:

Tagged: jokes , clever , puns , lol , dumb , funny , stupid

Crazy Boss Tries To Overwork Employee, Doesn't Pay Accordingly, Regrets It

Man, this boss was clearly blind to their own ignorant toxicity. If you're going to hire someone and pay them double the person that is training the new person, there is clearly a monstrous hole in your logic. And then for the employee to take that well warranted concern to their boss, and have it thrown right back in their face? Get out of there with that. Fortunately, it sounds like inconsiderate boss learned their lesson. 


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Weird And Horrible Junk People Tried Selling Online

You can't knock people for their hustle, even when that hustle is trying to re-brand a useless 70-year-old couch as "vintage." Okay, maybe you can knock them a little bit. People will create and find some strange and dumb junk and immediately think that someone might pay top dollar for it. At least some folks have a sense of humor about it.


Dish - Nishikori Young ... 5h. Eggs filled with peanut butter and jam great for kids birthdays can do 12 for $20 pm for details can also do wedding's


Product - >_< Mcalel @mcalel_ BRUH THIS DUDE REALLY PUT AN APPLE STICKER ON HIS OLD CRAPPY MONITOR AND IS TRYING TO SELL IT AS AN APPLE MONITOR 141 PM Thu See Viewson $40 Apple monitor Ships from Las Vegas. NV for $10.99 O Posted 2 weeks ago 40 - S10.99 shipping Ask Make offer Buy now 00:41 · 18.09.20 · Twitter for iPad 1 Retweet 1 Quote Tweet 25 Likes


Cuisine - Mason jar full of Ramen Seasoning* $4,500 Listed 24 weeks ago in Logan, UT Share Message Details Condition Used - Like New Listen here and listen here good. Opportunities like this don't come around often. Exclusive to northern Utah, I have here a jar of mason jam packed with -444,000 mg of Earth's finest: ramen seasoning (95% chicken flavor, 5% creamy chicken flavor). This is how many packets of ramen l ate over the course of my graduate degree. I suffered through making my own season


I'll call this the noisemaker $30 Listed 15 hours ago in Elkhart, IN


Food - 4:02 LTE O A etsy.com – Private artfordayzzz 106 sales Chicken nugget clock $95.00 V In stock Add to cart Other people want this. 18 people have this in their carts right now. Item details


FREE upright freezer full of bullet holes FREE O Knoxville, TN Free upright freezer. It was used as target practice and is full of bullet holes. Guaranteed not to work!


Property - AC for free $1 AC for free $1 Details Condition Used - Fair > Description About 10-15 AC for free. All working when the building closed. Not sure they are working now. You need to remove it from the wall yourself. AC for free $1


Adaptation - ull Sprint LTE 1:17 PM © 80% AT YOUR OWN RISK or whatever. Beok the E 2h · A Dodge Ram $15,000 O Amarillo, TX Dodge ram 2500 MESSAGE Contact Seller Dodge ram 2500 for sale, 600k miles runs like new. 15k firm. Don't low ball me I know what I have. COVID-19 Info for Buyers and Sellers Learn More 32 4 Comments O Like Comment


Font - 6h e I make energy can and soda can masks. Only $6. Just tell me what you want. If you can provide 2 to 3 cans that would be nice but not necessary. It comes with a disposable filter and everything is sanitized. bang


Food - 12:20 Epoxy cheerios coasters $20 $30 O Ships for $8.00 O Includes Purchase Protection Learn More Buy Now


Earthquake - Everything that you see only 100 Dollars cash only And No holds!!! $100 This could be yours!!! 4 4 Comments


Text - A ebay.com ebay Search for anything Merchandise & Memorabilia > Tins 1/4 Cute Smiling Funny Potato Chip I Found in a Bag of Chips . .Weird Chip $300.00 Ships from United States 5 watchers Buy It Now


Furniture - ll AT&T 4:28 PM A sfbay.craigslist.org prev next reply Mid Century Couch- Needs Love - $150 (sebastopol) image 1 of 5 Our beloved couch has seen better days. We've moved on but would love to see it go to someone who would like to take the time to restore her back to her original glory. Good bones, but needs a major refurbishing. Could be a fun project for someone who loves mid century furniture!


Arm - Harry Potter Invisible Cloak $15,000 Listed about a day ago in Pflugerville, TX O Get Local Delivery. Learn More


Hamburger - $350 Travis Scott burger (bitten by Travis Scott) A Ships from Los Angeles, CA for $3.29


Joint - 11:41 Antique animal catcher $5 Listed 6 hours ago in Halifax, NS


Wood - N O 66% 00:02 .. Cancel Hand made tree trunk light


Footwear - Lgh Ugh Ughs $85 Posted 2 hours ago Make an Offer Ask for Details


Cartoon - -s > Buy, Sell, Trade ur Topeka 4 hrs · O ... cake $275 O Topeka, KS I'm make cakes. The cake pictured is $275. Inbox me for you next party. I make all kids characters.shoes.purse cakes as well. Discount of 3% if you mention my ads. I also make baby cakes.


... Virtual Yard Sale 1d • Ceiling lights that look like nipples $10 $5 each You can also reach local buyers when you list Create Listing 69 14 Comments O Like Comment


Nose - Teeth babies $30 O Buffalo, NY New jumbo teeth baby. DM me if you have any questions.


Footwear - Nice, rugged pair of Steel-Toed Crocks $200 - Washington, MO New, only wore to work one day, got fired. Could really use the cash. $200 or best over over $100


Newsprint - Vintage San Francisco 90's-2000's Trash Can Art Authentic Graffiti/ Stickers $8,000 O San Francisco, CA Authentic trash can that lived on corner of Haight Ashbury @ the Ben & Jerry's through the 1990's and 2000's. This is an amazing art piece which chronicles street artists of San Francisco, stickers of the time, and I added a few stickers of my own capped with the Garbage Pail Kid large sticker on the lid which I always had on there. This is a rare art piece ideal for a store, studi


Tree - 10:53 7 ? Mongoose Mountain Bike $450

Submitted by:


Maniacal Mad Lads That Don't Give A Dang

We've all seen a mad lad storm that social media feed like a bull in a china shop. They light up an otherwise peaceful comments section with bullish bravado and their fiery antics. If you enjoyed these instances of dudes being verified mad lads, check out some more mad lads who were the maddest baddest lads over here.


Text - DOMINIC DOES @DonnieDoesWorld LMAO my parents were at a charity auction last night and one of the items was dinner for 10 with Steve Carrell. Steve Carrell showed up undercover and outbid everyone with $31,000. Now some charity gets 31K and Steve Carrell doesn't have to hang out with strangers.win win.


Text - • 1 year ago I've had a Wii for 8 years, and I have never used the Safety Strap It 1.6K i ç›®324


Text - Rob Witts is staying home @robwitts Fair play to my dad sending me the sarky card I made for his 42nd birthday, astonishing commitment to karmic justice HEY, EVERYBODY! quess t you wait long eaough what WE WON'T DRA ATTENTION TO iT HE'S rewnd L0 mei roua! WILL WE? 42! HAPPY 42 BIRTHDAY DAD Rob OF COURSE FROM ROGBE ad 11:31 PM · Sep 10, 2020 · Twitter for Android 6.7K Retweets 493 Quote Tweets 73.9K Likes


Text - morice: blaineheavenanderson: thesmallestactofkindness: Gave my students a pop quiz today and learned something new: If you make all the answers to the questions C, you will see 35 of the most hilariously panicked and confused faces in the world.


Text - FUTURISM • 1 MIN READ Scientists: Probe center of Uranus, you'll hit some weird water Don't even have to mention the joke, right...?? 68 2d Like Reply O P Author Futurism No jokes here, just serious science. We were passionate about Uranus long before scientists said it was wet. 227 2 d Like Reply


Sitting - 8:33 Offering a Girl a Rose, Then Eating It ThatWasEpic · 294K views · 2 days ago


Text - THEGUARDIAN.COM A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? | GPT-3 O0 52 33 comments 1 share O Like Comment Michael | Interesting to see yet another of my uncle's predictions proven correct. Very prescient man Like Reply 43 m Trevor Unless he predicted it at least 30 years ago, it was less of a prediction and more of an inevitability. Like - Reply - 19 m Michael He predicted it recently and a lot of people doubted him Like Reply 15 m Trevor| Then those people weren't ve


Text - Michael Not talking about automated journalism Like Reply - 7 m Trevor That's what the article is. Like Reply 5 m Michael I haven't read the article. My uncle predicted that I'd spend all afternoon on the internet replying to posts about robots. A lot of people doubted him but he's been proven right yet again Like Reply 1 m


Text - 12 Dildodike Round VTISAD 2 card you're probably not seeing that thing again until like September 2020 Quit? Replies ElectricBoi • 4 years ago 1:56 I will come back at September 2020 and comment about that 17 E 19 Add a public reply... ElectricBoi • 2 weeks ago (edited) Oh shit thank you all for reminding me I'm right at it 4 MasterOfGames • 33 seconds ago @ElectricBoi legend 101


Text - Spellman Stfu this post is stupid O1 17 mins Like Reply More Speelman Spellman your last name is spelled wrong. Sit down 18 14 mins Haha Reply More Spellman Speelman hahahahaha this is amazing 13 mins Like Reply More


Text - Apple Music O @AppleMusic What's everyone listening to this morning? ellie @miseryawg spotify


Photograph - lexie @lexie_roessler my parents invited all their friends & family to a costume party then when people got there they found out it was actually their wedding Kahel ENERGZER


Text - Rover Hendrix @audrocur guy joined zoom class shirtless and the tutor told him to turn his video off and so he did and it just displayed his profile pic of him shirtless at the beach 1:00 AM · 8/27/20 · Twitter for Android


Text - NASCAR O @NASCAR - 13h There's NOTHING better than winning that first crown. @WilliamByron | @FallGuysGame 48 21 24 47K views O 50 t7387 2,309 NASCAR O @NASCAR - 13h .@timthetatman wasn't even in contention at the checkered flag. 29 t782 1,188


Text - Ronsmithza · 22h 8 Awards Reply 501 A CaioDosGames · 22h 1 Award That's your first comment in 4 fucking years. 388 Ronsmithza · 21h A 9 Awards Took me a while to figure out what I wanted to say. 702


Text - Matt... What more do I have to say? Why It's Almost Impossible to Make a 7-10 Split in Bowling | WIRED 2.4M views 29K 887 Share Download Save Matt From Wii Sports • 2 weeks ago It isn't that hard. I hit those kinds of splits all the time. 4.4K E 46 58.7k 244 Share Award BEST COMMENTS ▼ MattTheCoach : 10mo As Matt, I can confirm that its easy. You just spin it so fast the ball slices itself in half, and throw both pieces.


Text - r/blackmagicfuckery Posted by u/yesispeakcanadian • 5h • v.redd.it This plane takes off almost vertically 7.5k 127 Share fi TOP COMMENTS questfire · 5h Very strong headwind. + Reply 1 1.3k yesispeakcanadian 5h 3 Awards Shhhh I want karma 1.1k


Banana family - kevinbiegel O @kbiegel Favorite new thing: Scratching haunting things into bananas at the market so when people take them home hours later and the words appear they think a ghost knows their secrets.


Text - Class Teacher last seen: today at 18:59 Hi 17:54 Your assignment has not been submitted yet 17:54 Email your assignment... 17:54 Sir I have network problem 17:54 That's your problem 17:57 f/Sarcasmlol Sir I have mailed my assignment 18:56 Hope you have received it 18:57 |haven't it received yet. 18:59 That's your problem! 19:00

Submitted by:


Times Troublemaker Ken M Toyed With People

In case you're unfamiliar with the work of Ken M, it's a Twitter/FB account dedicated to trolling people online. Ken M basically rolls into that comments section or hits that Twitter feed with just the kind of nonsensical jargon that makes it impossible for anyone else to take anything seriously. It's an art form, really. 


Text - 12h Can someone confirm if it's starve a cold and feed the flu or the reverse cause messing this up could be disastrous. 192 27 29 ♡ 227 Ken M @horseysurprise Replying to the flu one is a myth, you're supposed to shout at it and make yourself seem as big as possible


Smartphone - New report backs up September iPhone 5 release date Ken M about an hour ago Remove you have to wonder what the person who invented science would think about this -- i doubt he expected his humble invention to lead to smartphones 2 Replies


Text - Mike L 46 minutes ago Report Abuse "the person who invented science" -- if you are trying to make an intelligent point, think about the wording of your sentence. No one person "invented" science. That is like wondering who invented art. It is not invention, just a natural extension of our faculty of reason. Dolt. Ken M 2 minutes ago | Remove guess technically he couldn't have 'invented' science because the person who invented inventions wasn't born yet -- but that just makes his achieveme


Text - Ken M Following @horseysurprise mountains get big cause they have no natural predators RETWEETS LIKES 658 1,203


Text - Ken M Jimmy Dean Sausage June 7 at 5:00am we like your pork links but it seem like more folks would buy your product if it was dish-washer safe Like Comment Share Jimmy Dean Sausage O Ken, we're not sure what you mean by dish-washer safe. Feel free to DM us and we can try to help you further. Like Reply O 1 June 7 at 10:54am Ken M Thank You well i have arthritis so it would be better to use the dish-washer instaed scrub the links by hand before cooking Like Reply June 7 at 8:03pm Ken M al


Text - Belief in God Boils Down to a Gut Feeling LIVE SCIENCE By Stephanie Pappas | LiveScience.com – 13 hrs ago Comment from Ken M Ken M 17 minutes ago With all the evidence out there, it's a LITTLE bit hard to respect people who doubt the existence of the Bible :) • Collapse Replies Livingunwantedfetus 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse Evidence? You retard. Richard 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse What evidence? Ken M 11 seconds ago Embark on a holy pilgrimage to any hotel in America, and lo, there y


Text - Ken M Following @horseysurprise Abandon your family and friends for a budget-friendly Christmas RETWEETS FAVORITES 36 19


Text - Ken M Following @horseysurprise grandson is about to become the first person in our family to pass the 1nd grade R.. RETWEETS FAVORITES 43 80


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise some priceless paintings are so realistic that you can literally touch them and face real world consequences


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise It's oddly cathartic to realize l'l never be able to pay off my student loan from when I borrowed $400 from a student


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise · 5h We like goats and tortoises but it's the land slug that keeps us keep coming back to the petting zo0 01 2724 137


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise even pretending to wash your hands after using a public restroom is a kind of performance


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise City pigeons are strikingly intelligent and social creatures yet we casually stomp on them like bugs


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise The old restaurants accepted food as currency and in return you could sit in a booth and chew on your debit card


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise the best part of Cinderella is when she turns back into a pumpkin on her wedding night and it only makes Prince Charming love her more


Text - Ken M Following @horseysurprise men are better swimmers than women but only because they are part sperm G.. RETWEETS FAVORITES 53 65


Text - Ken M @horseysurprise there's no i in collaboraton

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Scoundrel Runs Down Family's Mailbox, Family Creates Invincible Mailbox

A new mailbox sure was cheaper than the thousands of dollars that this inconsiderate, reckless scoundrel ended up paying for his stunts. This isn't the first time that we've come across a story involving one person running over other completely innocent people's mailboxes. It seems to be a trend amongst people that like to spread negativity into other people's lives. Check out another time that someone lost to a steel mailbox with this story about an evil snowplow being defeated.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/Punch_Drunk_AA • 4y + Join New mailbox, 20 bucks. New car 10k. Finally a place to post this story. My best friend and I are both sons of police officers. His dad was a Highway Patrolman and mine was a Deputy Sheriff and detective. They are both retired now and living comfortably. This story happened shortly after we both graduated high school about 15 years ago. My buddy and I grew up in a rural area and for the most part was very quiet and we rarely had any problems. That


Text - Flash back a few months before my buddy's dad retired. He decided he didn't want to quit working so he went down to the local trade college and became certified as a welder. After the second time their mailbox was destroyed my buddy called me over to his house and we all went to work. Buddy and his dad did the welding and cutting, I did the grinding and his mom [who is a fantastic artist] did the painting. Throw in two bags of cement, seven feet of steel pipe, and the necessary re-bar and


Text - A couple weeks went by and bingo. My friend called me around 7:00 am on a Sunday morning and told me to get over to his house ASAP. When I came around the turn to their house, there it was in full glory. A 92 Pontiac Grand Prix wrapped around a steel poll almost to the passenger compartment. The car was abandoned but all the necessary information needed for an arrest was there. It took a couple of days to track the owner down and sure enough he confessed. However there was also a half emp


Text - Edit... Time to add some context. Look we know what we did could be potentially dangerous to others, we're not idiots. However, when we placed the new box and pole it was well within my friends property line, and off the road. Their family owns a farm and has the acreage to spare. My friend's dad cleared off a large area with his tractor, packed the ground down and added a layer of road base. He made it large enough that the postal worker could park and be completely off the road to acces

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Entitled Individuals and Their Childish Requests

Whatever area of society you inhabit, there will be entitled people with their demanding boldness. There are prospective clients who demand work for free, exes who expect to keep using your streaming services, and complete strangers who want a live-in maid for no more than a thank you. It's a wild world out there of people wanting stuff.


Text - If you're a photographer trying to work with me, here's how NOT to do it lol Hey this is pretty random but l'm trying to get more into portrait/ street photography and I was wondering if you'd be down to shoot sometime? Yesterday, 9:53 PM Hi! l'd love to! My rate is $40/hr, unfortunately I only have time for paid shoots rn HA, don't flatter yourself. I collaborate with IMG models and crew from NBC pro bono because they know my quality of work 7:29 AM That's awesome! I don't doubt your cap


Text - 12.27 1 Safari Tweet E @R.. · 30.07.2020 I love you so much and the world you have given. But $64 when people just lost a ton of income and may lose their home? It seems beautiful. But so out of reach for so many. I am so torn on this. The Black House @UnitedSubreddit Replying to R Then maybe, just maybe dont spend your money on a collectors edition of stardew valley. Oversæt Tweet 12.20 · 24.08.2020 · Twitter for iPhone ili Vis Tweet-aktivitet 8 likes Tweet dit svar 20


Text - My name is Shelley and I love that ring 5w Like Reply 1 I have panic disorder and I would love that ring as a gift I would treasure it 5w Like Reply


Text - 14:38 17% O +27 76 245 c01 <1 11:37 HK. 74:58 / oo I wanna tell you somth 15:54 What is it? 15:54 / i was asking if you could lend me money so i can buy a phone 17:05 i have 1000 and the phone is 3000 17:05 U im buying a samsung a20 because this phone is nearing its time of breaking 17:05 so can you donate me a bit of cash so i can buy it 17:05 ill pay you weekly 17:05 im left with 2000 more 17:05 i promise you 17:05 i will do your home work and do 28 17:05 anything you ask im desparate j


Dish - Carindale Hotel's post AVCMENU.COM 30% Off At Carindale Hotel Get Offer Expires on 27 Sep 2020 O Like Comment A Share 20 Most relevant v OhI am happy with that!!!! 2 d Like Reply it's not 50% but it's still better than nothing!!? 2 d Like Reply Write a comment... GIF


Text - Cuz im trying to make it a full sleeve Is that the font you want? You want it all in capital letters? Yesss And yes please Thank you so much,im actually shocked and happy cuz never thought im actually getting a reply from u I6-S No problem Do you have paypal? Yes Awesome. That will cost 50$ Wow that's expensive thught it was going to be free Message..


Text - s shared his first post. New Member · 5h · I'm basically looking for someone who is an expert at drawing humans, and willing to take up my request. But before you say yes, here are a couple of things that you need to know: 1) This is a free request. 2) Even though my request is of a human, it'll most likely take you outside of your drawing comfort zone


Text - 25 y.o female looking for a home Hello. I'm a 25 y.o white female. Country girl. Single. Looking for a place to call home. Preferably in a private place. Mountains. I like to have a big garden in the summer time. Want to learn to hunt. Love fishing. All by myself. I have no form of transportation. Very little money. Love the outdoors. Blue grass music. Jammin. Looking to find a trust worthy friend to blaze fires worship the lord and make music with. I love animals. Hate electricity. Reall


Text - Why are men legit so fucking stupid? I've asked him for a new phone for my birthday.. And guess what he got me? A fucking note 10... Get yourself a better man and don't make my mistake girls.e9 12:02 AM - Sep 20, 2020 · Twitter for Android


Text - Oculus ... VR Community 3h Does anyone give out vr headsets for free I can't afford it 36 83 Comments Like לו Comment Share And hell no to cardboard Im talking quest 2 View 3 previous replies... so ur asking if any stranger wanna spend hundreds of dollars for u to buy u a brand new vr headset that just came out? And when someone suggested something u can afford u think is not good enough and only want the newest one? Go ask ur mom and dad


Text - Description Brand New, Never Opened Nintendo Switch, color grey. Local pickup only, which includes: oncin , and (if you ask nicely). Cash only. No 50's or 100's No coins. No change given. No holds. No discounts. No nonsense. Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Why is the sale price $320? A: Excellent question! $299.99 + 6% Michigan sales tax comes out to $317.99. The price is rounded up to $320 for (my) convince. Q: If you are selling them for almost no profit, what's in it for you? A: Because


Text - Tattoo artist (Free) Anyone know anyone or know someone that knows an individual looking to do free or very discounted tattoo work? I need way more ink and this Covid thing knocked me out of work. (Which makes me want more) Please post examples of what you can do. My body is your canvas. Just make sure the work is semi decent at least lol. Thank you. Vote Comment 1, Share Award BEST COMMENTS Any semi decent tattoo artist would not do this for free Edit 1


Text - Our family needs help. If you want to help support our family, we need help cooking and cleaning, organizing our home, purging things, and organizing/executing our plans for where to move to next, as well as building our community. Paying is a full-time job and it's only getting attention to more intense. Two-parent households dedicated to giving children the attention they need are unsustainable without a screen to babysit the kids and we refuse to partake in that form of absentee parent


Text - 9:53 PM I will let you know I have quite a few artist friends in the area and I can definitely share your art with them. Word of mouth spreads the word. That's been profitable for me. Money doesn't inspire me as much as the working on the project. Look at that way. I'm older than you l'm sure. But I've been around the art business for years. In all mediums. Is this your way of trying to get something for free and offer "advertisement" as payment? 10:32 PM I have a great network


Text - 20/4/2013 0 因1 图 I asked a representative for a $9 discount on a screen and this was the reply I got: "Your offer is a joke, and a good part of our reputation is responding to that kind of silliness in kind. You want us to sell this part for less than our wholesale cost - that is ridiculous, I would say on par with the ridiculousness of your question" ..Unprofessional and unwarranted harassment... Comment by PRepair Group: I define unwarranted harassment as repeatedly asking for a $9 disc

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Wholesome Green Flags of True Friendship

There's being friendly and then there's having a true friend. Knowing you have a deep bond with someone is a great experience. You can be honest, share your real feelings, and that person will be sure to help you out in a nonjudgmental way. For example, here's a Twitter thread about a loyal friend who took ridicule on behalf of their friend in school.


Text - jorph 796 points · 1 day ago When they can walk into your house unannounced and be welcomed in like a blood brother who's come back after being away for the weekend


Text - Naweezy 781 points 1 day ago When you're not afraid to disagree with them, because you know they'll actually listen rather than just hurting you.


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Text - Amilase2020 6.9k points · 1 day ago 1. They will let you know that what you did was wrong. 2. They won't judge you for your flaws 3. You feel completely safe to tell them your biggest mistake/flaw. 4. You feel at ease around them.


Text - JAdamsidk123 5.4k points · 1 day ago "wanna hang out" then you don't hang out and neither of you mind and then you hang out next week


Text - SheketBevakaSTFU 4.4k points 1 day ago O 2 e When they don't judge you for things you can't control. In high school, I had a sleepover, we all slept in the same bed, like normal. I'd recently started some new medication. Turns out, a side effect was bedwetting. They never told anyone. They never judged me. They helped me change the sheets. I'm still friends with those girls.


Text - MorgainofAvalon 3.5k points · 1 day ago e When nothing you ever told them, ends up as gossip.


Text - SilasDeane76 3.0k points · 1 day ago They text you first when they don't want anything.


Text - hamanar 3.0k points · 1 day ago Being able to make each other laugh. Really, truly, help-I-can't-breathe laughter. I didn't realize how rare it was until it was too late.


Text - Justbecauseitcameup 2.8k points · 1 day ago · edited 10 hours ago They are happy for your successes They notice when things change They are ok with you having prolonged negative periods. They stick around if you're sick for a long time. They notice things and talk with you about them later - lieka tuff that reminds them of you. They will help you bury a body and not ask how it happened. (Jk. Probably.)


Text - NotAnNSASpySatellite 2.4k points -1 day ago When they listen to your problems and give you intelligent solutions, or remember something you once told them that was important to you.


Text - RedditGremlin13 2.3k points ·1 day ago When its 3am, you KNOW its 3am, NEITHER OF YOU ARE HIGH, and yet youve both been chortling at something that was said at 10:30...


Text - kraftykitten 2.1k points · 1 day ago When you can talk about nothing and talk about deep things. Lots of friends only have one or the other.


Text - enselord 908 points · 1 day ago They know when something's wrong and check up on you to see how you're doing

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Quick Funny Tumblr Thread On Food Allergies

This quick and entertaining Tumblr thread has us witness the online spectacle that is a Tumblr user potentially learning for the first time that they're allergic to citrus. While we're on that note though, what's with the whole eating ants thing? Like, come on, man. That being said, this thread should definitely serve as an educational reference point for anyone who has ever found themselves with an unexplainable itchy throat after eating bananas/avocados/fruits/etc. Oh, and honey isn't supposed to burn. That's no good. 

Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about how people's brains turn off around pets.


Text - @eggzbian-deactivated20191126 orange juice is the superior beverage bc it makes ur tongue feel like u ate a bunch of ants which reminds me of my childhood when I would put ants in my mouth and eat em except this time it tastes good too spacefroggity Hey op I think you're probably allergic to citrus?


Text - luckylesbiano is. this not what oj is supposed to make ur tongue feel like grimehands kramergate every time I tell someone about my potato allergy they go "oh that sucks I can't imagine not eating fries or mashed potatoes!" and im like oh rest assured nether god nor the devil himself could stop me from trebucheting hot spoonfuls of starchy face-swelling throat- itching good shit into my dumb as hell gaping potato receptacle


Text - noxtheox kramer i'm still not over the fact that you thought the potato sweats were A Thing kramergate I simply assumed we were all willing to suffer for our passions


Text - darkersolstice Did you know that if your mouth itches when you eat kiwis, it is not from hairs left over on the fruit after you peel it? I didn't untilI was about 26 or so! solarpunkarchivist Confusingly, pineapple is supposed to feel like that, the damn thing is attempting to digest you right back.


Text - justketerthings Numb lips are not part of the intended experience of peanut butter, apparently demonsgold YALL calamity-ashley Are we just gonna ignore the part where op says they ate ants?


Text - ryukohime • 15h I forgot I'm allergic to nickel once and I wore a nickel- plated watch and I couldn't figure out why my wrist got sore and itchy and bumpy Three months later I was still wearing it daily and my mom was like "honey I think that's nickel. You know you're allergic to nickel, right?" Also l'm lactose intolerant and there is nothing and no one that can stop me from eating a whole block of cheese/family-size pizza/pint of ice cream in one go. Sometimes I remember to take my pill


Text - Luvlygrl123 • 15h Had to explain to my bf that no, honey is not spicy nor does it tingle Reply 221 PaynefullyCute • 12h This exact tumblr thread was what made me realize I am allergic to honey (or something in it? idk). Cause I assumed it was supposed to make your mouth and throat a little bit burny feeling. Cause it's a load of sugar, and some sweets do that too, and maybe the sugar in honey is just like those sweets? Nope, allergy. No wonder it never actually helped my throat beyond the


Text - strtdrt • 16h I have this with banana/avocado! Only found out it's not normal as an adult :D Reply 27 HauntedMeow • 14h For some reason banana/avocado allergy can develop into an allergy to all sorts of fruit and vegetable skin. Happened to a friend of mine. So watch out for that. 20 ucchan801 • 9h This is exactly what happened to me too. Started with bananas (I thought the the itchy tongue and throat that came with it was normal as a kid). Then it later developed to include avocado, wate

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Entitled Karen Pesters Woman For Speaking Welsh

Love to see a good case of the entitled Karen getting put in her place. Karen apparently took it upon herself to harass another woman for speaking Welsh, because according to Karen the only acceptable language to speak is English. Fortunately, the mom was ready to put Karen in her place. Check out some more Karen drama with this salty Karen who claimed she was sold a faulty machine, until proven otherwise.


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Video Portrays Life On Ship When Boat Rocks


Seems like the sea was battling some indigestion. 

Submitted by: (via Wolfgang227)

Tagged: nature , sea , ocean , ship , boat , intense , Video

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