

Last Week? 7 Trades - 7 Winners...Ready For This Week?


I hope you are enjoying your weekend.  Want to know how you would have had a far better weekend?  If you had traded all of the ETF Options Superstars picks this past week.  Mike & the team went for 7 Winners and ZERO losers.  5 ETF picks and 2 Overnight Pop Trades all banking gains.  

Imagine if your account looked like:  Winner + Winner + Winner + Winner + Winner + Winner + Winner

Now, you're right; not every week will be a blazing success like this.  But, with an 80% winning trade track record over the last year, you can bet you'll have plenty of positive weeks, right?  

How about setting yourself up for many enjoyable weeks AND weekends in the months ahead.  Head over here before it's too late:

80%+ Winning Trades:  The Straightforward System To Options Income & Growth

Curious about a few of the trades we took last week?  Here's a sample.  Take note of how they require modest capital, and can easily be traded with multiple contracts as your account continues to grow:

And, if you are wondering, we have just 8 spots left (42 of 50 already claimed) of the most valuable Free Bonus we've offered - full access to our "Overnight Pop Trades"  These will sell for $997 - $1,297 but you still have a few slots left if you hurry:

Watch the short presentation, get all the details on our high performance ETF Options trades and the brand new Overnight Pop trades, and be sure to secure your spot to lock-in this valuable add-on immediately:

80%+ Winning Trades:  The Straightforward System To Options Income & Growth

Great Success,


Mark Soberman & Mike Rykse

NetPicks Options Trading


P.S.  If you have any questions, you can either ask us a question in the live chat you'll find in the lower right corner of the video or send a question directly to Mike:  mike@netpicks.com   We are happy to answer any and all of your questions.







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