

Chef's Stove Hack Turns Gas Range Into Flame Thrower and more...

It should be mentioned that this guy has officially stated to not try this at home for fear of starting a fire or losing something down your gas pipe. Apparently a gas range is just one popped off diffuser plate away from being a flame-spewing, wok ...


Chef's Stove Hack Turns Gas Range Into Flame Thrower and more...

 In This Issue...

Chef's Stove Hack Turns Gas Range Into Flame Thrower


It should be mentioned that this guy has officially stated to not try this at home for fear of starting a fire or losing something down your gas pipe. Apparently a gas range is just one popped off diffuser plate away from being a flame-spewing, wok heating machine. It's probably a bad idea to modify your own stove against the wishes of any warranty agreement or insurance adjuster, but like, it's pretty cool.

Submitted by: (via J. Kenji López-Alt)


Lad Having A Terrible Day Walking On The Mud


Anyone who has ever tried to muddle through a gnarly slush pile of uncompromising mud like this, knows that the challenge to remain upright is a daunting one indeed. Naturally, this guy fails repeatedly while trying to not fall over. It makes for a wonderful series of fails. 

Submitted by: (via FunnyJunk media)


Cringy Influencers Caught in the Wild Compilation


Sometimes the world puts on such a strange show that it just ends up feeling too cringe to be real life. This particular compilation of influencers doing their various attention-grabbing activities while out in the wild feels like it's right out of some kind of documentary dedicated to providing a commentary on the ills of the social media influencer industry. Sure, not every influencer is bad, but there are so many that have rapidly cultivated notorious reputations for being insufferably entitled

Submitted by: (via effspot)


Drivers' Silliest Excuses To Get Out Of Speeding Tickets

It can happen to the very best of us. Sometimes, one can get caught up in such a maddening rush to get to their meeting, appointment, dinner reservation, etc. that they end up completely disregarding the speed limit. This disregard for the speed limit can result in acts of pure reckless driving, or maybe you're someone who ended up going just a few mph over the speed limit. Then from there, getting caught by a cop waiting to dish out speeding tickets can really just end up being a game of luck. These people tried to pass off some unforgettably silly excuses when they got busted. 


Text - PressureAwkward · 2h Not a cop, but I had one laugh in my face when I was 19 and got caught speeding. I was doing 75 on the highway at night, in an area that has signs that indicate the speed limit is 70 during the day but 60 at night. I legitimately didn't know I was speeding because of of this incident when I was a kid... my dad was kind of a speed demon, and I was a snitch of a kid. One night on this same stretch of highway I looked over and saw him driving about 80, and I pointed out


Text - Billbapawpaw • 4h My brother is a cop. He said one guy told him "I saw the wife cheating on me in the nanny cam and l'm trying to get home to confront them during the act" He gave him an escort. Reply 398 ...


Text - lookingforfreedom90 · 4h A friend of mine worked with cases where people appealed to get a ticket removed(dont know how you say it in english). He told me a story not about a speeding ticket but a parking ticket. Apparently a guy had doubled park. He got the ticket and appealed to have it removed. His excuse: He had diarrhea and had to run to the toilet so he didnt have the chance to park the right way. So because of his diarrhea he shouldnt have to pay the ticket. Needless to say the par


Text - FreshlyWateredFern • 2h My boyfriends dad got pulled over once for speeding. The officer said he clocked him going 50mph. "But officer I was only going 45!!" "Sir this roads limit is 35.." Needless to say he got a ticket. + Reply 4 48 ...


Text - Inri137 · 1h Not a police officer but I have a story about this: I was a physicist at an engineering school and the older faculty liked to tell the story of a long-gone graduate student who tried to get cute with a police officer. He was speeding (going some 20 over the limit on l-95) and gets pulled over, and the cop asks him why he was speeding, etc. etc. Being a physicist, he explains that the sudden cold snap overnight caused his tire pressure to fall and he was speeding because the f


Text - The cop, amused, asked if what he said about tire pressures and speeding was true, and the young grad student replies "yes, absolutely, I'm a physicist at MIT." The cop then goes back to his vehicle and returns with two tickets: one for speeding and one for knowingly driving with underinflated tires ("driving an impaired vehicle" or something like that). Needless to say this poor fellow became a very good example of times when intelligence is not a substitute for wisdom, and why it's poor


Text - VitaminThoughts · 5h I ain't no cop, but I think I saw it on tv many moons ago. A police officer was running a speed trap and when he pulled someone over, he walked up to their car and told the driver "I've been waiting for you all day," to which the driver responded "well I got here as fast as I could!" E Q Reply 1 233 ...


Text - tysonn101 · 4h Didn't the old manager (maybe Alex Fergusson) of Manchester United try to get out a speeding ticket by claiming he was being chased by Manchester City fans? Reply 58


Text - Sachifu • 5h Not a cop, but I've thought about saying "Officer, the speed you quoted is mechanically impossible with how much power this motorcycle maxes out at combined with how fat I am." Reply 67 ...


Text - SnooHabits8041 · 17m Was riding with a friend of mine one night on the maiden voyage after he installed a V8 in his Pontiac Fiero Got pulled over and the cop walked up and says "I stopped you because I clocked you doing 76 in a 55" Buddy says "you should get that radar thing checked, it's not accurate " Cops says "we calibrate it twice per shift etc etc Buddy says "no , you don't understand, if it says we were doing 76, it's not working right, cause we were doing just over a hundred" Cop


Text - mySip · 2h One of my friends once got pulled over for speeding and when the cop asked him why he was going so fast he replied, My wife ran off with an officer 6 years ago and I was afraid you were bringing her back! The cop let him go. Reply 4 -1 ...

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Dumb Moments from The World's Precious Dullards

When we feel like we're dumb, nothing hits the spot like seeing other people make dumber, worse mistakes than we do. It doesn't make us feel smarter, but it does make us feel less stupid. Luckily there are facepalm moments from humanity's best and brightest to help provide the world with some of that needed self-esteem.


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Shower Thoughts That Dispensed Insightful Wisdom

The subreddtit r/Showerthoughts offers moments of insight and clarity that most of us can only hope to dream up when we're in the shower. A few minutes of silent, pensive oneness with the universe and soap is sometimes the only way to get the brain really running. Shower thoughts melt minds in all the right ways.


Text - u/blendergremlin 2mo 4 Awards If you can't look back at your younger self and realize that you were an idiot, you are probably still an idiot. 93,0k 1,1k Share


Text - u/kioshi43 • 8mo S 6 Awards Biting your tongue while eating is a perfect example of how you can still screw up, even with decades of experience. 110k 975 Share


Text - u/vpetrychuk • 2mo S 6 Awards If a morgue worker dies they'd still need to come in to work one more time 89,7k 726 Share


Text - u/goodluck_canuck 10mo 3 2 Awards Humans must be a very confusing species to wild animals. One minute a human might be trying to kill them and the next minute another human is trying to help them. We are the least consistent predators on the planet. 86,3k 553 Share


Text - u/Vulpinand · 8mo O 9 Awards People don't really want to go back to a time when the world was simpler. They want to go back to a time when they didn't understand how complicated the world has always been. 1 80,1k 1,1k Share


Text - u/Live_ferociously • 4mo S6 Awards If elevators hadn't been invented, all the CEOS and important people would have their offices on the first floor as a sign of status. 1 140k 1,6k Share


Text - u/avetisyan818• 11mo S 4 Awards The man who invented Internet is 80 years old now. If you see him walk down the street, you'll think he's just another old dude who doesn't know how to use Internet. 1 87,9k 1,7k Share


Text - u/pyro925 • 6mo O A S 15 Awards Pavlov probably thought about feeding his dogs every time someone rang a bell. + 137k 1,4k Share


Text - u/Biles · 5mo 2020 EO O 26 Awards We laugh at dogs getting excited when they hear a bark on TV, but if TV was a nonstop stream of unintelligible noises and then someone suddenly spoke to you in your language, you'd be pretty frking startled too. 1 177k 1,1k Share


Text - u/RodzRodzRodz • 1mo 11 Awards Being able to tolerate the sound of your own voice in a video is probably the highest form of self acceptance. 1 142k 2,3k Share


Text - u/[deleted] • 11mo 3 4 Awards Night before a day off is more satisfying than the actual day off. 1 114k 1,2k Share


Text - u/1Ferrox • 6mo S21 Award Lamps in Videogames use real electricity. Excellent Showerthought 1 115k 1,0k Share


Text - u/pete7568 • 9mo S 5 Awards An onion is the bass player of food. You would probably not enjoy it solo, but you'd miss it if it wasn't there. 96,4k 2,4k Share


Text - u/jessicajingle19 • 9mo O 4 Awards You know you're getting old when your parents start disappointing you, instead of you disappointing them. 88,5k 1,8k Share


Text - u/JustA90sKid • 7mo 3 1 Award We get more starlight during the day than we do at night 68,8k 737 Share


Text - u/bhakunikaran • 9mo 1 Award As a kid a wiggling tooth is exciting. As an adult a wiggling tooth is terrifying. 77,1k 1,1k Share


Text - u/kpingvin • 3mo S 7 Awards While we sleep our brain makes up stories and then gets scared of them + 78,9k 945 Share


Text - u/DukoBoss • 10mo A 3 3 Awards People are so amazed by the fact that every snowflake is different, but nobody cares that every potato is unique 93,4k 1,7k Share


Text - u/v-v-v-v-w • 2mo S5 Awards we thought our parents were embarrassing, but when the tiktok generation has kids, those kids will face forms of embarrassment unknown to us. 90,1k 1,5k Share

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Childhood Mysteries People Solved Years Later

Growing up is a whirlwind of frustration and lies. Becoming an adult requires you to unlearn a whole bunch of half truths you were told growing up. Sometimes those mysteries were put there to make things more convenient, and other times they were literally people just messing with you. For some more uncovered mysteries, here are stories of things people later discovered were illegal.


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Bride Wants Narcissistic Twin Sister Out Of Wedding

Many folks out there have a family member who just seems continually committed, if not addicted to being the center of attention. Some folks are just born into this world wanting all the attention all the time. If it's a family member, you'll often do your best to adapt to that big personality, but sometimes special, life-defining occasions arrive and you don't want to risk that narcissistic family member making your special day all about them. That would seem to be the case here with these twin sisters. It sounds like the twin sister in this scenario doesn't have a great track record of being selfless at all. For some more juicy wedding drama check out the most entitled bridezillas of 2020


Text - r/AmltheAsshole + Join u/twindrama543 · 10h 2 WIBTA to not have sister as maid of honor after trying to outshine my engagement Sorry for bad formatting from cell phone and throw away account So my twin and I have always had this low key competition going on. She always had to be the center of attention. While growing up I just gave up and let it happen, it was easier than fighting. I never got to have my accomplishments recognized because she would always have something that everyone need


Text - Every family get together is all about her. From how much money she makes at her new job, or how horrible her bosses treat her so she quits, to how her life is so difficult and we wouldn't understand(8 hr job with 30 min commute), or how easy my life is because I just go to school and work part time. She is very narcissistic. And never thinks about how her actions or words effect people. She started dating a guy last year and he proposed to her after only dating for 4 months. (I'm not hat


Text - Last week my bf of 7 yrs proposed. I was super excited. I called my family members crying with the news. Not even 48 hrs afterwards, my sister started sharing pictures of her and her husband in a photo shoot saying "since she is never going to get the wedding she always dreamed of she decided to get these done as a gift for the family". They were hastily done photos done by their friend and not a professional. Here's where I may be the AH. I told my mother that I don't want my sister to b


Text - rileygreyy • 10h · Supreme Court Just-ass [148] NTA. Better to not give her any more chances to make your success and life all about her. Reply 1 1.7k •..


Text - EngineeringOwn2299 · 10h · Partassipant [3] NTA. You don't owe her just because she asked you. You know your sister, you know what she is like and you know she's going to make your wedding about her. She couldn't even let you have your proposal. Q Reply 1 259 3 ...


Text - MightyMary007 · 10h · Commander in Cheeks [269] NTA. Your wedding your rules. The maid of honor's job is to have your back 100% and to step up and help with planning, etc. No way does your sister qualify. Reply 121 ...


Text - unrelatable12• 10h NTA It's your wedding. You get to pick who's in it. No one has time for a narcissist drama queen on their big day. Btw, congratulations! Q Reply 1 76 3 ...


Text - russianbabe7092929 • 10h · Partassipant [2] NTA. it's your wedding and you aren't obliged to make your sister the MOH Reply 37 ...


Text - schux99 · 10h NTA. This I say because I have two sisters and neither is going to be MOH or even a bridesmaid at that. Weddings are about the Bride and Groom. You should do what makes you happy, not what others want you to do. Reply 23 ...


Text - songintherain • 9h · Asshole Aficionado [19] NTA. Sisters don't have the right to be maids of honors. You can have whoever you want as your MOH. You do you Reply 11 3 ...


Text - FiniteCommunist · 3h NTA - I actually see this situation going two ways. Either your sister is MOH and sucks, takes away all the attention, finds multiple ways to steal the spotlight and just altogether ruins your day. If your sister is the 'secret' MOH and your friend is the 'real' one, there will inevitably be a fight where sister realizes she isn't maid of honor, or she will again steal the spotlight and be insufferable. If you ask your friend to be MOH, you will probably deal with som


Text - msbeesy • 10h • Asshole Aficionado [18] NTA - you should have people with you that you want by your side. But unfortunately i doubt it will be enough to stop her OP! Good luck! Reply 1 10 ...


Text - ConsciousCard · 10h · Asshole Aficionado [14] NTA - I think a smart rule is to have people in your wedding party who will be supportive and helpful to you. Not anyone who will cause additional stress and drama. If your sister isn't that person than she just isn't that person. Reply ...


Text - cultoftwinkies • 9h NTA your sister would be nothing but trouble. How about phrasing it something along the lines of how it would be cruel to your sister to be MOH since she had to postpone and you don't want to rub her nose in it. Reply 7 ..


Text - KineticSerenity • 10h NTA. She gets to choose what happens at her wedding just as much as you get to choose what happens at yours. She'll have her time to shine, you have every right to have yours. Reply •..


Text - desert_red_head · 9h · Partassipant [1] NTA. Not only are you under no obligation whatsoever to have your sister as your maid of honor, but I would also probably reconsider even inviting your sister to your wedding. She couldn't even let you have a few moments to share your engagement news without trying to upstage you-Lord knows what sorts of antics she would get in on the day of the wedding. It's your wedding. Do what will make you happy (and sane)! Q Reply 1 5 ...


Text - TheBuzzWuzz •7h NTA I don't even need to read the story, you can choose your own maid of honour. O Reply 3 ..


Text - meeka_me · 7h NTA- you are not obliged to include your family in your wedding party or your life. If your family pushes the issue, you don't even owe them an explanation, but if you want to explain, then you have years of examples. O Reply ...


Text - hungry_likeafox •6h NTA but..if she's going to be there anyway, would it be better if you had some control over what she wears and what she does during the ceremony? Reply ...


Text - Confident_Profit_210 · 5h NTA and save yourself the hassle and don't invite her to the wedding period. 100% she's going to attention seeking stunt at your wedding reception E Q Reply ↑ 2 2 3 ...


Text - commonsense2021 · 1h NTA, don't make her your MOH, but...it takes more than one person to compete, and you have the power to stop this silly pettiness. (I have an irish twin, so i sort of get it, my sis is competitive, if she raises the flag I congratulate her and don't engage but my family doesn't indulge any foolery so i lucked out there.) If your family has been blind to it for this long they're not going to change - your mom is never going to stop wanting/willing you guys to be bestie


Text - PrettyFlyForAJedi7 • 3h NTA - If you want to compromise in a small way, give your sister a reading to do at the ceremony. One that could easily be skipped over if she goes nutty but play it up to make is seem important & satisfy the narc tendencies. Reply 1 Vote 3 ...


Text - JeanBlancmange · 3h NTA. Your twin does not have a birthright to be your MOH. Please pick your friend, i.e. the person YOU want by your side on your wedding day (other than your groom of course lol) Reply 1 Vote ...


Text - PearlClutchingNinny · 2h NTA but realize no matter what you do your sister is going to show her ass and try to steal the spotlight on your day. It happened to me with my problematic family member. If I had just added her to the wedding party it would not have happened because she would have had to be dressed like the other bridesmaid. She showed up at the wedding in a red satin dress cut to her navel. We've been married 35 years now and my family still talks about the wedding that X showe


Text - Muncie4 · 2h NTA. Know who gets to pick your bridal party? You. If you want Elvis, Hitler and JFK to stand up for you, that's your right. There is no requirement that family be in the bridal party. There is a tradition that you have younger person, a single person and a married person but people often break those traditions with ease. Invite who you like for your party and if anyone doesn't like it, that's on them. Reply 1 Vote 3 •..


Text - CrabMom15 · 1h NTA. When my fiancé and I announced our engagement to his family in the group chat, his cousin immediately posted a "baby bump update". It was her 3rd child and she was like 25 weeks along. This group chat hadn't been used in weeks. Some people just can't let you have the spotlight for 5 minutes. Your sister will be one of those people at your wedding. Don't let her take it from you and your fiancé! It's your day! Q Reply 1 vote 3 ...


Text - LyriumLychee · 1h NTA - Being the maid of honor is an HONOR, it means you are there to help the wedding go smoothly and helping the bride with whatever they need. She has clearly shown you she can't set her ego aside...I would say it was never an option. Reply Vote ...


Text - lavaheadaddy · 1h NTA for sure but are you really going to let your mom plan one of the most important days for you and probably make it a miserable memory in the future?? Reply Vote ...


Text - DutyValuable · 1h NTA. Have your friend as the MOH. If your mother never said anything about it, would you feel guilty? You need someone who has your back who will not cause drama, and I think we both know your sister is going to try to sabotage something. You might want to consider having someone on sister duty to make sure she doesn't show up at your wedding in a wedding dress or announce right before your vows that she's pregnant. Reply Vote ...

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Tagged: aita , drama , FAIL , wedding , family , twins , Reddit

Tumblr Thread: Violet Beauregarde Should've Won Willy Wonka's Factory

Tumblr's wandering minds are always down to lead us down wild rabbit holes with their compelling fan theories and astute observations. Recently, we were taken on quite the rollercoaster when it came to an analysis of "The Incredibles" by the Tumblr world that really spared no details. In this case though, we have a Tumblr thread that puts forth a solid case for why Violet Beauregardewas in fact robbed of a rightful victory, and should've been put in charge of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. 


Lip - evayna Violet Beauregarde should've won Wonka's chocolate factory Have I watched the movie in the last decade or more? No. Do I have iron clad evidence to support my argument? Yes.


Text - 1. She's the most knowledgeable about candy. She's committed to it, and knows her stuff. When Wonka holds up a little yellow piece across the room, she recognizes it immediately. She was able to switch to candy bars for the sake of the contest, so we know she has personal discipline and is goal oriented. Also, two major projects play directly into her strong suits: the 3-course- meal gum that Wonka failed to make safe (gum) and the neverending gobstopper (longevity). 2. She's the most fit


Text - 3. She's the most sympathetic to the Oompa Loompas. She critiques Veruca when Veruca demands to buy one. More importantly, Wonka has been testing the 3-course-meal gum that 'always goes wrong' on Oompa Loompas while he presumably just watches. Violet is ready to put herself on the front line, instead of treating the Oompa Loompas as disposable, and would therefore be a better boss. 4. Her personality 'flaw' is the most fitting for the company. In the moralizing Oompa Loompa song, they jus


Text - 5. Her misstep in the factory is reasonable. Wonka shows everyone a candy he's very proud of. Violet is like "oh sick, that's gum, my special interest." Wonka is then pulls a "WRONG! It's amazing gum!" So in the very moments before she takes the gum Wonka has mislead her just to belittle her. So when he's like "I wouldn't do that" why should she give a shit what he has to say? She's not like Charlie over here who's all "Sure Gramps, let's stay behind while the tour leaves and secretly dri


Text - So Augustus contaminates the chocolate river. Charlie sneaks around and contaminates the vent walls. Veruca destroys and disrupts the workspace. Mike knows exactly what will happen to him and transports/shrinks himself deliberately. Violet had no idea what the gum could potentially do to her, and caused no harm to anyone or anything but herself. Lastly: Can you imagine Charlie filling Wonka's shoes? That passive, naive boy? Violet is already basically Wonka. She's passionate, sarcastic, c

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Twitter User Harasses with Precariously Balanced Cups

It's well known that the internet is weird. The flavor of that weirdness varies a lot. Do precariously balanced cups count as harassment? If you're the type of person whose blood boils looking at imperfect and frustrating things, then probably. Those cups man, why aren't they more on the table, man?


Text - wint @dril 3h user named " beavis_sinatra " has been terrorizing me since 2004, by sending me pictures of cups that are too close to the edge of the table 17 1,514 3,837 @beavis_sinatra @dril 3/22/16, 5:49 PM












Fluid - MI.












Glass - 00




Display device






Drinkware - HAP









Submitted by:

Tagged: twitter , cups , balance , lol , ridiculous , dumb , weird , stupid

Cursed Images From The Rancid Pits Of The Underworld

Ah, yes, good old cursed images. Cursed images are one of those strange and unfortunate things that the vast and unpredictable online world seems to consistently cough up. If anything, cursed images are there as a reminder that life can always get a little bit more uncomfortable. The weirdest thing about cursed images as well is that they literally hurt to look at sometimes, but they're also so hard to look away from. If all this cursed craziness got you going, check out a collection of cursed food abominations over here.


Text - Faith Movies with a good baseball scene HIGHN SCHOOL MUSICAL twilight UGUSIENE No likes


Ingredient - lla Gelato 1巧克力 抹茶 草冰淇淋 Void 芝麻




Motor vehicle


Motor vehicle




Telephone booth


Van - VI


Mode of transport - ENST


Retail - Low Price Lawn & Garden 131331羽 Cheese Balls Me Dee






Bottle - TO US 1 DEPT 00071 PO 6917221743 ITEM OSS21as1 Q8326 25% ir Lumbar Manager Chai ORT ERGONOMICS UTLTY 02/14/19 BONUS 25% MO 06:36 WEM OFF! ACTIV weot re MOWY BEE HONEY E MOVINE EMOVIE olut -1 BEE RAW HONEY COMB RAW


Motor vehicle




Road - SI









Submitted by:


Fun Informative Twitter Thread On Bathroom Breaks In Space

It's a lot easier said than done when it comes to taking a leak in outer space. I guess you'd expect nothing less. Everything seems to have an innate tendency to grow far more complicated as you drift further away from this particular rock that's flying through space. Mary Robinette Kowal provides an equally entertaining and informational Twitter thread on the backstory surrounding astronauts' experiences with trying to functionally use the restroom while on missions in outer space. 


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Let's talk about peeing in space. Several people, in response to my NY Times essay, have said that women couldn't go into space because we lacked the technology for them to pee in space. 11:00 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 73.9K 31.2K people are Tweeting ab..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette When the Mercury program was proposed, doctors were worried that people would not be able to urinate or even swallow without the aid of gravity. And yet, they still made plans to send a man into space. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 7.1K 393 people are Tweeting about ..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette When Alan Shepherd became the first American man to go into space, it was scheduled to be a fifteen-minute mission. Up. Hello space! Back down. They made no plans for peeing. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 7K 292 people are Tweeting about th...


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ O @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Launchpad delays meant that Shepherd hit a point where he needed to go. Badly. He asked Mission Control for permission to go in his suit. After consultation with flight surgeons & suit technicians, they gave him permission to do so. So he wet himself & still went into space. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 8.2K 423 people are Tweeting about ..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Later, they solved this problem by developing a sheath, that looked much like a condom. It worked great in testing, but when the actual astronauts used it, the sheath kept blowing off and leaving them with pee in their suits. Was this about extended time in the spacesuit? 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 6.3K 330 people are Tweeting about ..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette The sheaths came in smallI, medium, and large. It turns out, the men were all saying that they needed a Large sheath. They did not. Subsequently, the astronauts called the sheaths were called "Extra-large," "Immense," and "Unbelievable." 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 17.8K O 1.5K people are Tweeting abo..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette They had to tape a bag to their ass to poop. That worked well for Gemini and Mercury. And by well, I mean there was still urine in the capsule and it stank of feces. Apollo needed a different solution. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 6.4K 280 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Alas, they stillI had to poop into a bag, but for peeing, they could slip on a condom attached to a valve, turn the valve and have their urine sucked into the vacuum of space. If you timed it right. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 5.9K O 238 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Open the valve a fraction too late, and urine escaped to float around the cabin. Open it too early and the vacuum of space reached through the valve to grab your manhood. Apparently, the venting of pee into space is very pretty. It catches the sunlight and sparkles. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 O 10.2K 682 people are Tweeting abou.


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette For the spacewalks, the Apollo astronauts were back to condoms that collected the pee in a bag in the suit. Buzz Aldrin was the second man on the moon, but the first to pee there. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 O 10.8K O 1K people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette During Apollo13, everyone who has seen the movie knows that Fred Haise got sick. Do you know why, though? After the accident, they couldn't use the regular vent, because it needed to be heated to keep the ре from freezing. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 5.2K O 224 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette The alternate system caused droplets to float around the ship. Mission Control told them to stop dumping ре. It wasn't meant to be a permanent ban, but the crew didn't understand that. So they were stashing pee in every bag or container possible. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 5.2K O 203 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette The fastest option was to store it in the collection bags they wore in their suits. Haise kept his on for hours and hours, basically bathing in pee. He got a UTI and then a kidney infection. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 6K O 243 people are Tweeting about th..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Finally, a decade later, NASA decides to send women into space. NOW they have a reason to come up with how to handle peeing in space if you don't have a penis. To launch and for a spacewalk, they developed the MAG Maximum Absorbency Garment. It's a diaper. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 8.4K 9 506 people are Tweeting about ..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette The men switched over to using those because it was more comfortable and less prone to leave pee floating around the cabin than the condom sheath. They also developed a zero-G toilet so that astronauts no longer had to tape a bag to their ass. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 6.7K O 300 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Peeing or pooping in space is now a lengthy process, involving a fan, a targeting system, and a fair amount of prayer. Fun pooping in space fact: Without gravity, the poop doesn't break off as it exits your body. You have to reach back and help with special gloves. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 10.1K O 1.3K people are Tweeting abo..


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette Peeing is a little more straightforward. It's basically a funnel, a tube, a bag, and a fan for suction. Sometimes though, the toilet breaks down. At that point, they return to using "relief bags" taped to their ass and "manual urine containment." 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 ♡ 5.3K O 225 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@ @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette During a malfunction, it is also possible for a giant floating globe of pee to exit the toilet. Fun fact: Due to chemicals, it is bright purple and acidic. Fun fact: Poop regularly escapes, which is why you never eat a milk dud found floating in the ISS. 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 9.4K 628 people are Tweeting about .


Text - Mary Robinette Kowal@E @MaryRobinette Replying to @MaryRobinette All of which is to say that the reason women didn't go into space had nothing to do with lacking the technology to pee. We didn't have the technology for men to pee in space when they started either. And some days, the best solution is still a diaper or a bag taped to the ass 11:01 AM · Jul 19, 2019 12.3K 989 people are Tweeting abou.

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Ultima Online Gamer Nukes Fellow Players Out Of Orbit

If you spend enough time endlessly wandering the massive realm of an online roleplaying world you're apt to encounter some fellow players that are just petty, evil masterminds. Anyone ever get baited to wander into the wilderness in Runescape, then get surprise ko'ed, and lose all of your stuff that you spent hours acquiring. Well, with that being said we can't say we've ever seen a player pull off such an unforgettable, hilarious, absolutely vicious nuclear revenge. The attention to detail when it comes to this revenge is what elevates it to being nothing short of art. 


Text - officialgarrusvakarian greyyourwarden shock if fallout 76 really is a world where "every character is a real person" & there's no NPCS im making it my civic duty to be like this lowly tavern barkeep and then once i've established enough of a rapport i'm going to nuke all of west virginia and it will be in character


Text - teamoplayero someone help where's the screenshot of some post somewhere about the mmo player who barkept for a longass time then fucked absolutely everyone over


Text - yes-sica God I spent countless hours as a teen playing on a heavily modded and roleplay enforced ultima online server. I played Cedric Sartone, simple farmer turned tavern owner who eventually turned it into THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN. It was poppin every night, I was buddies with every adventurer, soldier, mage, druid, and rangor that played the game. After thoy went out and grinded their skills and did their quests, I was waiting for them with a warm fire and plenty of ale. I'd buy their in


Text - Little did they know I had a side hobby, I was brewing massive amounts of the most gamebreakingly toxic poison possible. For over a year I roleplayed with these people as a simple barman, pretended to be their friend and confidant, and then during a harvest festival where every player on our server was in attendance and I was payed to provide the food and drink. I poisoned every last morsel of food, every drop of drink and after the reagent delivered his speech and all of these fools rais


Text - Now this was a permanent death server (hardcore rpers mind you) and some had been playing those characters for 8 years and there they all were, collapsed and dying. Soon they were all unconscious, as you could only die if you went unconscious three times in one day or if a certain psychotic bartender came and cut off your head... which I did to every player in our group of 38. They were all there, and unfortunately so was I. Revenge against what, you ask?


Text - So the server had a pretty strict policy regarding pvp and pk, essentially the GMs had to determine if there was in character justification for any instance of disputed player killing, obviously my situation prompted a call for an investigation. I understood those rules from the start though, and I kept a written log in the game where I detailed my character's building hatred of every single other player character in the world. He would keep track of every little thing from petty slights,


Text - So Elias was always whistling, well I recorded how infuriating Cedric found it in his journal, and soon he had multiple journals packed full of a thousand reasons an unstable maniac could use to justifiably (re: server rules) murder anyone. The reagent who was also the server admin had some ornate cloak with a custom texture, so I wrote like three pages about how pompous it was, and extrapolated what kind of insutfferable prick he must have been for wearing it.


Text - I would just write one or two things down every day for over a year, so I had many books full for the GMs to locate in the tavern basement and read through. The result was that they found my massacre to be in good form and in-character, so the server was not rolled back and instead they decided to reset and implement a new landmass they had been working on. Some people were really pissed off, mostly a handful of the veteran players who had been top dog for several years in their little gl


Text - I only did any of it because my first character was murdered by some overzealous asshole who just used his character to project his inferiority complex. He killed me on my second day on the server because I wandered into the funeral of his friend (it was taking place in the middle of town and there was a crowd, of course I was curious) and because I was not invited and he was a known prick it was found justifiable for his character to kill mine because of the emotional turmoil blah blah.

Submitted by:


Twitter Thread: A Man's Observations On First Proper Christmas

Mohammad Hussain's one amongst many unfortunate folks who have had to cancel their holiday plans due to the ongoing pandemic. It's been a historically difficult year, for sure. But throughout all this adversity, it's on us to mindfully work to identify the silver linings when we can. It would seem this guy was able to bring some humor with his observations on his first proper Christmas in the states. It really can be quite the intense holiday filled to the brim with preparations, and all the food and drinks. 


Interior design - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain Growing up, my Muslim family never celebrated Christmas. This year I am not going home, because pandemic, so my roommates are teaching me how to have my first proper Christmas. I am approaching this with anthropological precision. Here are a few observations.


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHus. · 3h Replying to @MohammadHussain Observation 1: Christmas is a part time job that you have from mid-November to the end of December. From the outside looking in, Christmas always seemed pretty simple. I always thought you put up a tree and then gave gifts to family. This is a lie. 22 Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHus. · 3h Do you want to sleep in on a Saturday? Too bad. Go put up some lights inside the house. Oh you want to sleep in on Sunday? Too bad. Go put u


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. 3h v Observation 3: You can buy yourself a gift but you can't stuff your own stocking. I don't understand this one but I told my roommate I bought stuff for my stocking and they said that's not a thing. I don't care. I bought myself mint chapstick and I will fake surprise. 20 Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. 3h Observation 4: Your gift budget does not matter. You can set this budget as high as you want but the perfect gift will always be $10 too expensive.


Christmas decoration - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain My roommates encouraged me to buy my own keeper ornament. They told me to find something that made me smile and that was special to me. I bought this one and I am very happy. It is an everything bagel.


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. 3h Observation 6: ORNAMENTS ARE EXPENSIVE. That cost me $15.99. That's more than three everything bagels. I am furious. For what it cost, you best believe that I am insisting that it be passed on to my great grandchildren. If they break it I will haunt them. 27 1 24 Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHuss.. · 3h Observation 7: The religious aspect of Christmas is optional. T really like this one. If I was to suggest having a secular Ramadan to my mother she would h


Text - Mohammad Hussain @MohammadHussain To wrap things up I want to applaud longtime Christmas celebrators. This is a lot of work and very tiring. I will say I am having a very pleasant time. I am learning that I enjoy Christmas music and gift purchasing. I am also learning that I do not enjoy peppermint. 4:32 p.m. · 19 Dec. 20 · Twitter Web App

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Uber Passenger Gets in Wrong Car, Hilarity Ensues


Man, you've really got to make the extra effort to show your Uber/Lyft drivers how much you appreciate them, whenever you use one of the ride share apps. Those poor drivers end up in the middle of all kinds of ridiculous situations with entitled, drunken, or just straight up clueless passengers. This guy handled the whole misunderstanding with an admirable amount of class though. 

Submitted by: (via Moonlight Driver)

Tagged: drive , FAIL , uber , driving , ridiculous , funny

Times Tech Support Faced Waking Nightmares

There's no question that tech support people need heroic levels of patience. If you're working tech support you can pretty much rest assured that you're about to encounter some hopelessly lost soul at some point that really never should've bought a computer in the first place. Some of these moments of tech support gore are straight up heinous. Not to mention the cringeworthy levels of imminent danger that are evident in these gnarly tech fails. Check out some more tech support gore with this story about an employee being stalled for four hours over a "broken mouse."

1. Holding things together by a thread.

Electronic device - Oudo c. We 1N 1 14 A 1 ... 1. hp slease col. is 10 47, New Looand-060O 441 147

2. When the teacher needs a lesson in screen protectors.

Electronic device

3. Aw, bless Nan's heart.

Product - 7h:0 My nana said her laptop hasn't charged for over a month, and when I looked to see the problem, I saw she had plugged an iPhone 4 charger into the SD card slot. Chat (32) 3/21/2020 4, 8 王 5 CO G .3 453 P te

4. When you put the PC next to a literal heater

Audio equipment

5. When you spill water on the laptop and try to dry it off with a heat gun.

Electronic device - F3 F4 FS F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PrtScr Inse #3 2$ & 4 R T 6. A G H 3. C V M Page Up Alt Ctrl Alt <- Ho

6. They shipped thousands of dollars worth of computers with no packaging material.


7. Computer wouldn't boot, but it was also glued to the desk.

Wood - DELL

8. No. Just no.

Display device

9. Apparently the GF's Xbox 360 hard drive was rattling.

Orange - A-RAM might

10. "The PC won't turn on."


11. Maple Syrup and Laptops shouldn't be packaged together.

Text - Samantha Ruddy @samlymatters Apparently putting maple syrup and a laptop in the same moving box is a bad idea. Tradueix el tuit ThinkPad 2:20 · 14 de jul. 20 · Twitter for iPhone

12. The Mac wouldn't turn on, but what else is going on here?


13. Go home adapters, you're drunk.


14. So that explains the spotty internet.

Infrastructure - 44 119 E310848 24 AWG 4PR (U ROHS eLiant Enbancee

15. Those "refurbished" controllers are tricky.

Photograph - Y

16. Brilliant solution to a broken clip.

Cable - ct Performance

17. When you upgrade the phone but are loyal to the old screen protector.


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