

Guy Gets Panicked Call From Mom, Checks Her Car, Bear's Chillin Inside and more...

Just in case you needed another friendly reminder on the value of locking your car doors, let this guy's investigation into seeing what could've set off his mom's car alarm be a lesson to you. With that being said, this has to be one of the most ...


Guy Gets Panicked Call From Mom, Checks Her Car, Bear's Chillin Inside and more...

 In This Issue...

Guy Gets Panicked Call From Mom, Checks Her Car, Bear's Chillin Inside


Just in case you needed another friendly reminder on the value of locking your car doors, let this guy's investigation into seeing what could've set off his mom's car alarm be a lesson to you. With that being said, this has to be one of the most historically chill reactions of all time. 

Submitted by: (via goinupthegranby)

Tagged: surprising , wtf , bears , parenting , mom , Video , animals

Chef Marco Pierre On Throwing Out Guests


If you've ever found yourself looking for a proper rundown on why rude and entitled customers should rightfully be kicked out of a restaurant, look no further. Infamous Chef, Marco Pierre, beautifully breaks down why he threw out guests like he did. Basically, this is the manager that all the Karens of the world need to meet. 

Submitted by: (via Ephemeral Solidity)


Reporter Confronts Preacher About Lavish Lifestyle


Just in case you haven't already seen this, Kenneth Copeland is notorious for leading a ridiculous lavish lifestyle, while arguing with possessed eyes that "it's for the ministry." Apparently the ministry really loves things like private jets. 

Submitted by: (via Inside Edition)


Dumb Boss Cuts Chef's Overtime, Ends Up Paying Anyway

In order to get things done, you need people to work for you. And in order for people to work for you, you need to pay them. It's a simple formula, but managers have an extremely hard time grasping that. Why is it so difficult? Here's another incompetent manager who forbid overtime and ended up paying for it.


Text - O r/MaliciousCompliance · Posted by u/CopChef 18 hours ago 11 4 3 S 14 E & Change me from hourly to salary to cut my pay. ОK... oC L This takes place in the "before times" when people could eat out and gather in large numbers. I used to work as a chef, for an owner who liked to micromanage things and was a bit narcissistic. I'd been working there about 3 years, getting good reviews, customers loved me, updated the menu. Made everything from scratch, people used to think the place was open


Text - The increase in sales and income went to the owners head. He was always spending money on frivolous things and squandering cash. Sound system, stage for the event space, ect. One example, I needed a new Alto-Sham, a used one would have sufficed, nope he bought the top of the line one that could be used as a smoker too $12k vs what I wanted could be gotten used for $1,500. Granted I enjoyed that piece of equipment, which after I left they no longer use the smoker function. Years later I st


Text - So to save money he puts me and my Sous on salary effectively cutting my pay by about $10k a year. My Sous netted a loss of $2k/yr, if we were to work at our current level of effort. During all of this the owner is saying he is not expecting us to work over 40 hours a week, EVER. He even has this written into our contracts. So with the extra time off at home with family it is ok, I still like the job and my staff. During the slower time this was great. Also during this time I had won a lo


Text - Just prior to the holiday season my Sous wants to go back to his home country for 2.5 months, November, December & January peak crazy time for us. I have good help and am good with it, owner approved the time off. Owner thinking I am gonna save him some $$ that holiday season by working my usual 70-80 hours a week. Nope, cue the malicious compliance. I start writing the holiday schedule, Sous is on vacation, I have my 40 during key prep times and peak business times. The rest if my staff


Text - running pretty smoothly until the owner realizes I'm not there like I always am during the holiday rush. He's in the kitchen more trying to micromanage my staff, giving them poor advice contradicting my directions and timing for events, screwing up the small parties my staff could handle while I am off. After a few weeks of this he realizes he's going to be paying the staff out more in overtime than he saved on moving me and my Sous to salary. He starts demanding I work more hours to stop


Text - Now with my Sous returning, I'm burned out from the constant micromanaging & gaslighting by the owner I hand the reigns to my Sous and change careers after 25 years in the industry and never look back. TLDR, micromanaging owner cuts my pay by $1Ok a year to save money, due to owners stupid spending habits. Says in contract not required to work over 40hours a week. Busy holiday season only work 40, rest of kitchen staff gets overtime, and no money is saved.

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Tagged: boss , manager , restaurant , lol , dumb , overtime , stupid

Winter Life Pro Tips To Glide Through The Season

Someone on AskReddit got a helpful, informative AskReddit thread going about various winter life pro tips that can help any of us weather the next round of wintery days with grace and as little stress as possible. Just look at this collection of helpful factoids as your own guide to avoid unwanted fails. 


Text - NAbberman • 5h Keep a prepared kit in the back of your vehicle. Hell, keep it in it at all times. All are useful for every season, but when you add winter to the equation things get deadly. Should include this as a bare minimum: -Blanket -Jumper Cables -Light amount of dry food with some water -Flashlight -Something reflective -First Aid kit -Single use Handwarmers -Spare Clothes


Text - RodeoBob • 5h Drink more water! In the summer, you don't need to be reminded to drink water and hydrate. But in the winter? You're wearing layers to wick sweat away from your body, the humidity in the air gets really low, and you're not feeling hot, so you don't always remember to drink enough water. Drink more water; kidney stones are no fun!


Text - WallabyJones509 • 6h You may think those hand warmers are uselesS, but trust me there's situations where you'll really wish you had them. Always keep a pack on you.


Text - JessyLeigh2796• 5h Lip balm and hand cream!!


Text - Lost_Gypsy_ • 5h Put the window insulation kits on. You lose up to 55% of your homes heat through windows. This will drastically help your electric bill and minimize the draft. My wife is working on it today actually, and I will finish when I get home.


Text - ItCameOutOfACan • 6h Nylon base layers are by far the warmest but so hard to find now.


Text - moderate_extremist • 5h When you're really cold and shivering a bit, you'll find your shoulders are tensed up and elevated. Relax your shoulders and bring them down to your sides. It's weird, but it makes you stop shivering and feel much warmer.


Text - InannasPocket• 5h Layers are your friend, but cotton sucks because it doesn't keep it's insulation value when wet/ damp. Wool, silk, and some synthetics will still keep you warm even if they get wet.


Text - caddywhompus12 • 4h If you live in a place with snow, make extra sure to wear sunscreen on sunny days, as the snow can reflect it even more than usual/ without snow.


Text - HiddenLayer5 • 2h Drinking alcohol does not warm you up. You actually lose heat a lot faster with booze in your system.


Text - defnotmartha • 3h Keep a set of ice spikes in your purse/backpack/ etc. I live in Ottawa and we get a lot of freezing rain and ice. I have a little pocket in my purse where I keep set of spikes, and while I usually only use them 2-3 times a year, it really saves me, and let me walk places with reasonable confidence at a time when other people are all falling down. Falling might seem kinda funny, but ice is really hard and you can seriously hurt yourself from a fall on the ice. I also keep


Text - GeraldFord210 • 2h When walking on icy surfaces, think like a penguin. There is a reason penguins walk how they do; it keeps them stable on the slippery surfaces they are accustomed to walking on. Take short steps. Keep your arms out to your sides for balance. And it is counter-intuitive, but lean slightly forward while you are walking. This will help you keep a good center of balance and reduce the likelihood of slipping and falling.


Text - Dawashingtonian • 5h the air in winter is really really dry. both inside and outside. just because there's snow doesn't mean it's humid. also with heaters running now the air inside is dry too. this is why people get chapped lips and stuff in the winter. drink lots of water, always have chapstick.


Text - the-magnificunt• 4h Hang your bath towel above/below/near (but not on) the heating vent in the bathroom for a toasty warm towel straight out of the shower.




Text - DomMaserati13 • 5h Keep a cheap sheet or tarp on top of your car overnight, if it snows you can immediately just pull the snow off in the morning super easy as opposed to spending 20 minutes brushing it all off and ending up looking like Tony Montana after a night out


Text - _frisco • 4h Get a "sunrise" alarm clock, AKA an alarm with a light that gradually brightens before the alarm goes off - it makes it a little easier to get up in the pitch darkness of winter without wanting to throw up


Text - derpado514 • 4h Become a regular at a good Pho place... Pho is like pure goodness and you get some rare beef too...can't go wrong.


Text - avorrh • 4h Go outside in shorts and tshirt every so often. Take cold showers, or at least end your shower with some cold water. Cold weather acclimatization is a thing, trade a little bit of suffering now in return for a lot less suffering later.


Text - Ande64 • 4h Sun. No matter how freaking cold it is get sun. Sit by a window ten minutes a day, even if it's cloudy. Amazing antidepressant.

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Manager Tries To Embarrass Employee, Hits Self-Destruct Button

You know the revenge was of a professional manner when the manager ends up literally quitting. It sounds like this particular manager was all kinds of incompetent. When they went ahead and brought that report to the attention of the rest of the office, they in no way anticipated their employees fighting back like they did. 


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Man Downs Whole Cup Of Cuban Espresso, Teleports To 5th Dimension

Just in case you were thinking about shaking up your daily caffeine fix with something new and magical, this Cuban espresso story should absolutely serve as a cautionary tale to never underestimate, well, a Cuban espresso. This dude unknowingly purchased a fast pass to the fifth dimension as he downed a full Cuban espresso. Fair to say that he's humbled at this point. 


Text - 8 mins So, here's the story about how my day got absolutely destroyed just as it just began. Another guy from another company here at the Port and I get along quite well. I got here early to the port to get a head start on some of the days work, and he tells me, "Hey, I got some coffee in the shack over there if you want some".


Text - Me not being the one to turn down a free cup of coffee, especially this early in the morning, I accept it. I go in there and drink the cup of coffee. That's where this gets bad. Now mind you, at this point in time, he


Text - had a cup of coffee in his hand, and he said there was coffee in his office. I get in there and see the cup and I figure it's just an extra cup of coffee that someone didn't want or something. Holy shit, was I wrong. As I quench my thirst and down the last sip of the black, robust, but tastily sweet coffee, he comes into the shack with little shot glass sized plastic cups and says, "Hey, I forgot these in my tru-" mid sentence he notices me throwing the cup away and his mouth falls open.


Text - styrofoam cup along with small, plastic demitasses to share with other people. You see where I'm going with this? As he sets the mini cups, demitasses, down on the table he starts to laugh and at that point I had begun to realize my whole perspective on this plane of existence, is about to be flipped upside down by the pure octane/adrenaline fucked Cuban deliciousness in my veins. I had just drank a whole cup of nothing but pure 100% Cubano espresso. To give you a perspective, a shot of C


Text - It is now 10:30, almost a good 2 and a half hours later and my legs still won't stop twitching, I've pulled forty-two, 40 foot shipping containers across the port with my bare hands, and I can see and smell colors. O Like Comment Share

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Student Writes Joke Essay About Flat Earth, School Takes It Seriously

Man this student sounds like they'd be a prime recruit for the Flat Earth movement. They wrote a joke essay about the earth being flat, and the school ended up taking it so seriously that it manifested in them implementing a whole bit about the earth actually being round, into the curriculum. I'd say mission accomplished in the way of the student playing a solid little prank. 


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Weird Crimes People and Their Families Did

Everyone's sense of morality is different. Sometimes people steal stupid stuff for the thrill, or get caught up in extremely specific counterfeiting operations. None of these things are things any of us should be doing, but they still happen. And sometimes people only later learn that something is illegal after the fact.


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Tagged: wtf , strange , crime , crimes , illegal , weird , law

Entitled Stepfamily Plays Holiday Manipulation Game, Revenge Ensues

It sounds like this entitled family got exactly what they deserved. Nothing quite brings the blood to a boil like a whole bunch of toxic manipulation. This family was certainly laying that on real thick. Gifts can really end up being their own kind of weapon. If you're looking for more juicy holiday content check out some of the most ridiculous requests that mall Santas received


Blue - r/ProRevenge u/EisForElbowsmash • 20h + Join 8 e 5 3 6 B 6 Mess with my christmas? Pardon me as I ruin yours I posted this in r/entitledparents and it was suggested that you might enjoy it here. I have edited it slightly to comply with the rule 9 for this sub, enjoy. TL:DR at end. This slow burn starts a full year and a half before my plan came into effect. Earlier in the year, my Dad quite sensibly suggested that with the size of our family Christmas party, we skip a generation with gift


Text - Me - 28 year old (at the time) heavyweight mixed martial artist and strength coach AKA small time athlete working a day job to barely make rent in addition to training full time. Martha - Stepsister - 40ish, an aging mombie who's only assets are starting to sag too much for them to be assets anymore, leaving her with no other definable personality traits Jane - My oldest Niece 12, Stepsister's Daughter, imagine the most vapid tweenager stereotype you can and multiply it by 1000


Text - Tim - My Oldest Nephew 9, Stepsister's Son, living proof that you're never to young to be an asshole Robert - Stepbrother - 36 Formerly cool dude who gave up on life when his kids were born, years later would gain back enough willpower and gumption to physically assault his wife Tammy - 6 Bro's daughter - Sweet and shy girl, terrified by my mere presence, the wisest of the bunch IMHO Bubba - 7 Bro's son - A generally nice kid who at this time was partway into evolving into an asshole afte


Text - Tammy has brought a Nintendo DS and all the kids are struggling to see/play it together, so I foolishly offer to loan them mine to lighten the load. Tammy agrees to share with Jane, and Bubba agrees to share with Tim. Having stupidly deprived myself of my means to escape social obligations, I go to the living room to acquire that much older cure for not wanting to deal with other people; alcohol. Not even having had time to pour a dram, my trained ear picks up from the kids room the unmis


Text - I shout for Martha, informing her that if she doesn't get in here to break things up before I count to 10, I would have a stern conversation with them. She turns up and separates the kids and I retrieve my DS. Instead of giving Tim a lesson on sharing and not hitting people, she proceeds to berate Bubba (the kid who was beaten) for not simply giving up the DS to her little piece of shit and making her son look bad. Jane simply lets out a tweenage sigh for the ages, and tosses the other DS


Text - Robert - Hey Elbowsmash, while I really appreciated the gifts last year, you should really get something for the kids this year instead, Christmas is all about the chiillldlrreeeeen after all. Me - No, I turn up to chat with you and dad and Oma, I really don't give two shits about the kids. Robert - That's a mean thing to say about my kids, don't you care about them? Me - You cared about them so much that at the last party, you couldn't be bothered to break up a fight where your son was b


Text - Me - He was literally beating your child. You didn't put pics on social media for a week because of the bruises. If thing 1 were an adult and had that kind of bad day, l'd have had a stern conversation with him and convinced him peacefully to lay on the floor until the police arrived. Robert - Well Stepsis and I were talking and we think you should buy stuff for the kids next year instead of us. Me - Well l'm happy not to buy you anything, but I'm not getting crap for the Martha's little


Text - Me - Done Now l'm sure they wish it has been this simple, but unfortunately it wasn't and I certainly wouldn't have written such a long winded story if that were the payoff. Thanks for bearing with me so far, we're almost at the end. A few months later, about 2 weeks before xmas, I get an email form my dad with links to various toys (mostly from toys r us, which still existed at the time). When I call him back to ask what that's all about, this conversation ensues. Me: Hey whatsup? I got


Text - Me: I don't buy for that generation remember? And I already sent you my contribution to Oma's cruise Dad: You need to get stuff for the kids, don't you want them to look up to you as an uncle? Me: Not really. Also what part of my life suggests to you that they ought to look up to me as any sort of role model? You'd be better of telling them to grow up to be rockstars. Dad: Not the point, christmas is about the chiildreeeeennnnnnn, if you don't get them this stuff, I won't put your name on


Text - Dad: Will you get the stuff or not? Me: Well guess my name isn't going on the card then, this will cost me more than a month's rent, so you can take this list and grease it up real nice... Dad (Interrupting): Calm your jets, this is what they want. Me: I'll get them a token something but l'm not taking out a loan. Dad: Fine, just make it something they enjoy Me: If what I get doesn't put a giant smile on each and every one of their faces, I'll buy you dinner at a steakhouse of your choosi


Text - So, Christmas rolls around and my wife and I have bought not just 1, but 4 gifts for each of the little ones, and wrapped them all beautifully. My dad (correctly) assumes its all probably from the dollar store, but it's nicely wrapped and he gives me a look of approval as I place it under the tree. My wife and I schmooze for a bit and then suggest that since we brought a several gifts for each of the kids, why don't they open one each before dinner so they have something to do while they


Text - Less than 1 minute later, the first blast from the airhorn (Tim's gift) can be heard in the hallway clearly be my wife and I as we make our way to the elevator. I have no idea how much of the bulk pack of silly string (Tammy's gift) or the 36 rainbow pack of off brand sharpies (Bubba's gift) ended up on he walls, but I do know they repainted the place the next month. Whether or not the pile of slap on bracelets we got for Jane ended up on the wrists and legs of the parents as they tried t


Text - I may never know if they opened the rest of their presents (everyone got a copy of each of the other's gifts, you know, for fairness, plus a bunch of gross and mildly inappropriate temporary tattoos). In the confusion none of them noticed either me or my wife leaving. I'm certain at some point they did notice the pretty gold envelope addressed to "The parents" on the tree. Inside was a very pretty card, blank but for the following note: "This was a warning shot from off the top of my head


Text - I never bought anyone steak dinner, however I enjoyed several more Christmas's with my Oma and Dad until they passed and I stopped seeing that side of the family at all. No mention of this incident, or gifts for the kids was ever made again. TL:DR - Entitled stepfamily manipulate my dad into coercing me into buying each of their crotch goblins gifts even though I'm not supposed to buy for that generation. They get what they fucking deserve (what they deserve being airhorns, a 36 multicolo

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Weird Al Tells A Wholesome Life Story

In this day and age, if you don't like Weird Al, frankly there's no hope for you. The man is a national treasure. What can't he do? He's hilarious, makes great music, and here he is telling a wholesome story from his past. Patrice Y must be sunken with regret, having missed a chance with the person who would become one of the most beloved living Americans.


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Trash-tacular Moments of Garbage Behavior

Say the nice things you want to about planet earth, this place is still abounding with selfish behavior, dizzying mediocrity and all kinds of trashy moments riddled with garbage-ness. There's folks parking on top of grave sites, stealing stuff from kids, and many more trashy moments that belong on garbage island.


Finger - I met him on facebook 9 years ago. I knew that he was married with kids because his wife was always tagging him. I dated him anyway. Other sidechicks came and left because of his wife but i stayed with him. Last month he finally broke up with his wife. Today he proposed to me and i said yes. My advise to other women is that you will never be a side chick forever. Pon't lose hope your time will come. Pon't ignore inbox messages of married men on Facebook.




Handwriting - TULIP STRET STOP If You Prk :In mypot I'll Break %our FuckIng Windows Have a nice Day




Twig - Beware of Dog! This dog tends to wander and cheat on his wife. The dog answers to Steve found return to if This dog should NOT be trusted!!


Text - n. Dec 7 Holiday lights wiring cut twice. I'm so disappointed in whoever feels that they think it's a nice thing to do to a neighbor by repeatedly cutting the wires to our holiday lights. It's been a very difficult year and I feel dismayed that someone feels like they need to trespass on our property and vandalize our lights. Disgraceful behavior. Like Q 54 22


Text - 42 CG Caroline > Today 8:47 PM I miss u I miss you too Sorry that was apart of a drinking game | am sorry


Barbecue grill


Text - To the GUY with ZERO children who parked in the undercover PRAM PARKING ONLY bay to keep cool when it was 40C the other day-I hope you enjoyed the note I left you written with the shitty nappy smeared on your drivers door I specifically reserved it after using the parent changerooms after finally finding a bay in the hot sun far from the centre entry. CAN I HEAR A FUCK YEAH FROM THOSE PARENTS OUT THERE WHO DEAL WITH THESE ASSHOLES ALL THE TIME?!!! DO 31 61 Comments Like לו Comment Share T


Text - ... Life is short. Go head and cheat on him sweetheart. 7:24 PM 11/26/20 - Twitter for iPhone 1 Retweet 25 Likes 5d ... Replying to @ can i cheat on her 01 15d ... NO




Handwriting - I do have Covid-19 So Clean this toble EMfectively! thinks




Motor vehicle


Text - day at 12:42 PM BPSS. LMAOO SOME LITTLE KID WAS HOLDING A PS5 I SNATCHED IT OUT OF HIS HAND AND WENT HOME WITH IT 2020 finally did me some good A made a child cry but do I have regrets? No I do not


Leg - a Lives in O 18 miles away (Outdoors (Working out) (Art) Climate ChOkay what the fuck smiley rip gramps but my ass looks cute there


Product - 4:11 4:11 LTE I stay wrecking cars PSA Inecer'said I was proud of wredking cars, It's stupid asi. I just cheated my license test a never really learnedthe rules or the road toh CUALITY ONTE Send a chat Send a chat


Text - They had to make a sign... What actually happened... for this sign to be needed? NO HORSES ALLOWED IN BATHROOMS ANYONE FOUND WASHING A HORSE IN THIS BATHROOM WILL BE CHARGED CLEANING COSTS


Games - Getting a new couch today KETCHUP


Electronic device - th Walmart Supercenter - Medford 49 ndowt Save Time, Swipe No gldy e VISA Dude are you freaking kidding me...


Text - what's .. happening Angelina County 1h · A Saw this at the Dollar store in Lufkin on Timberline Dr. aaa We're Open aking a = Exempt rchase? Maning Save Time By stering Online at yDollar.com/TEP your checkout code. e to Kegter Oe! Aociate for Ausistance LYODOLIAN Sorry for the inconverence, but we only have 3 buggies due to the Customers taking the honie WE ID Tobacco &Alcohol Purchases Open nksgiving Day Because We Care y, November 26 .6. am pm "elcome to OUT ILYODOLLAR


Pink - 1d• : How did I miss hearing about this until now? The Winter wonderland event at Noarlunga costing $30+ per head to enter. I can't stop laughing.. SNITAS MORSIO book


Motor vehicle - DISCOVERY

24. Clear boots on a hot day. Not a great idea.

Trousers - NEW YOR unday


Text - 1 Search .ll 13:45 9 43% Home Favourites Recent -0- - ana vitwS 2 h. 0 Hey group I just wondered if anyone was selling any cheap puppies as l'm thinking of getting one for Christmas for my daughter. I'm not too bothered about the breed though as she will probably be bored of it by mid January and I'll have to end up selling it on Facebook to get some money back important for her to have some entertainment over the festive period and puppies are Still though, I think it's so00000 cute and

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History Memes That Are As Good As Books Probably

Knowing just enough history to get history memes is one of the few joys of life. It's also probably one of the only tangible benefits of having paid any attention in history class. They say history repeats itself, so there'll be a refresher course soon enough. To continue digging through the past, here are more history memes to become one with time.


Animation - What people think Cold war was: What it actually was da fuck they doin ova der да фуцк тхеы доин ова дер


Dress shirt - Early farmer communities Cats hunting rats so they don't seeing them as holy for protecting their harvest starve


Purple - Facebook historians: *argue over whether Rome, Greece or China was the greatest civilization of the ancient world. Rome, Greece and China: Let's celebrate what unites us all: Hating Persia


Animation - Leonidas: *Gets Killed* The Persians: Thats great, with their King dead Spartan Morale will be at all time low. The Spartans: A. B, C, D. E, F G. Someone should've told you not to fuck with me.


Face - Greek culture DEP AD Romans


Human - The Praetorian guards Roman Emperors thinking they are safe made with mematic


Interaction - Car Salesman: *slaps roof of trireme* this bad boy can fit so many damn legionaries on it


People - The Catholic Church introducing selling indulgences (buying away your sins) in 1095: @yourhistroyplug It's much and it isn't honest work


Cheek - King:*dies* His eldest son:


Nose - So why did you help America during the Revolutionary War? France: I don't care if you win I need lose England to




Headgear - The samurais after a few trade deals with Europeans:


Blue - Me at 3 AM Could Jack the Ripper have been a woman?


Amber - Scientist: hey we should be careful with this radiation stuff Marie Curie: T


Finger - Outdated Tactics New Technology WWI


Smoke - Europe every couple decades father, i crave violence


Finger - Major war in Europe exists* Great Britain Now this looks like a job for me nade with mematic




Fictional character - "Nazi Germany committed some of the worst war crimes in human history" Japan:


Green - People haviligx fought in both world wars and gotten through the Stock market crash t Kal gamab, Boorfers


Nose - C* BALKANS Why are you looking at me like that? Just memories.

Submitted by:


Tumblr Thread: The Origin Story Of NORAD's Santa Tracker

Sometimes an innocent little fail like a typo can go on to inspire an epic, time-honored tradition like rabidly checking the NORAD Santa Tracker. This Tumblr thread breaks down how a small typo in a Sears ad resulted in the North American Aerospace Defense Command having a special phone. So many kids' childhoods have been all the better for it. Gotta keep that Christmas spirit alive while you can. Check out some more random gold from Tumblr with this post about the time that an Ultima Online gamer nuked their fellow players right out of orbit


Text - voroxpete But none of these stories even come close to the best one of them all; a wrong number is how the NORAD Santa Tracker got started. Seriously, this is legit. In December 1955, Sears decided to run a Santa hotline. Here's the ad they posted.


Carnivore - SEARS HEY, KIDDIES! OC AND Co ON MY ME24 RY IMAS CALL ME DIRECT TELEPHONE JUST DIAL ME 2-6681 de k Sere d Care Call me on my private phone and I will telk to you personally any time day or night, or come in and visit me at Sears Toyland er SANTA CLAUS


Text - Only problem is, they misprinted the number. And the number they printed? It went straight through to fucking NORAD. This was in the middle of the Cold War, when early warning radar was the only thing keeping nuclear annihilation at bay. NORAD was the front line. And it wasn't just any number at NORAD. Oh no no no.


Text - Terri remembers her dad had two phones on his desk, including a red one. “Only a four-star general at the Pentagon and my dad had the number," she says. "This was the '50s, this was the Cold War, and he would have been the first one to know if there was an attack on the United States," Rick says.


Text - The red phone rang one day in December 1955, and Shoup answered it, Pam says. “And then there was a small voice that just asked, Ê»Is this Santa Claus?': His children remember Shoup as straight-laced and disciplined, and he was annoyed and upset by the call and thought it was a joke – but then, Terri says, the little voice started crying.


Text - "And Dad realized that it wasn't a joke," her sister says. "So he talked to him, ho-ho-ho’d and asked if he had been a good boy and, 'May I talk to your mother?' And the mother got on and said, 'You haven't seen the paper yet? There's a phone number to call Santa. It's in the Sears ad. Dad looked it up, and there it was, his red phone number. And they had children calling one after another, so he put a couple of airmen on the phones to act like Santa Claus."


Text - "It got to be a big joke at the command center. You know, 'The old man's really flipped his lid this time. We're answering Santa calls,' " Terri says. And then, it got better. "The airmen had this big glass board with the United States on it and Canada, and when airplanes would come in they would track them," Pam says.


Text - "And Christmas Eve of 1955, when Dad walked in, there was a drawing of a sleigh with eight reindeer coming over the North Pole," Rick says.


Text - "Dad said, "What is that?' They say, 'Colonel, we're sorry. We were just making a joke. Do you want us to take that down?' Dad looked at it for a while, and next thing you know, Dad had called the radio station and had said, “This is the commander at the Combat Alert Center, and we have an unidentified flying object. Why, it looks like a sleigh. Well, the radio stations would call him like every hour and say, 'Where's Santa now?' " Terri says. For real.


Text - "And later in life he got letters from all over the world, people saying, Thank you, Colonel,' for having, you know, this sense of humor. And in his 90s, he would carry those letters around with him in a briefcase that had a lock on it like it was top-secret information," she says. "You know, he was an important guy, but this is the thing he's known for."


Text - “Yeah," Rick [his son] says, "it's probably the thing he was proudest of, too." So yeah. I think that might be the best wrong number of all time. Source: http://www.npr.org/2014/12/19 /371647099/norads-santa-tracker-began -with-a-typo-and-a-good-sport amy-vic OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS.

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Guy Fails To Set Parking Break, Catches Car Rolling Down Driveway


Anyone who's ever looked up and saw their vehicle rolling on its own accord knows this mental journey of confusion and frenzy. Hopefully you're in a position to jump into that sucker before it has the chance to hit anything. Luckily this guy was in just the right place to make a move.

Submitted by: (via Robert Bardwell)

Tagged: automobile , FAIL , cars , lol , dumb , parking brake , win

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