

Man Spins Apple Fast Enough For It To Explode and more...

What a time to be alive. Spinning an apple fast enough to literally get it to explode is one of those things that you probably never thought you'd actually see happen, a couple decades ago or so. But here we are. In all of its glory you can feast your ...
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Man Spins Apple Fast Enough For It To Explode and more...

 In This Issue...

Man Spins Apple Fast Enough For It To Explode


What a time to be alive. Spinning an apple fast enough to literally get it to explode is one of those things that you probably never thought you'd actually see happen, a couple decades ago or so. But here we are. In all of its glory you can feast your eyes on an apple that's spun so fast that it explodes. And, you can see it all happen in slo-mo. Beautiful stuff. 

Submitted by: (via The Slow Mo Guys)


Programmer Takes Revenge On IRS Phone Scamming Company


This programmer managed to write a script that proceeded to call phone scammers 28 times a second, which resulted in service denial and prevented any future scams. If that ain't the work of some kind of modern day hero, I don't know what is. Those scammers had no idea what they were walking into. 

Submitted by: (via Nicole Mayhem)


Math Proves That Santa's Life Is Terrible


The Santa Clause is the heartwarming family tale of Tim Allen murdering Santa Claus which seems like a pretty good deal until you do some math and realize that single night of delivering presents lasts thousands of years thanks to Santa's magical time-stopping powers. Which makes us wonder, did Tim Allen actually kill Santa, or did Santa fake his death to escape from the endless torture of being Big Man Christmas? We investigate with Movie Math!

Submitted by: (via Cracked)


Bank Manager Insists On Being Unreasonable, Older Siblings Get Involved

While older siblings might be prone to picking on their younger siblings, there's also something strangely consistent about how they'll go to war with anyone that takes on that role that's not in the family. This bank manager clearly underestimated the older siblings that'd eventually get involved. Should've given out that grown up card before the other grown ups got involved. Check out some more juicy revenge drama with this dude who flipped the script on some nightmare neighbors.


Text - r/pettyrevenge Join u/Nefirzum • 21h 1 3 3 Don't mess with my family lul I did not do the revenge but it was made for me. New at this and not English so sorry for the spelling. TLDR at the bottom. Background. I grew up almost exactly between two small villages. A and C. Since our house belonged to the same postal route as village A we did all our postal and banking in that village. Even when I went to school in village CI still did banking etc in A. When I eventually got a job and apartme


Text - Around 2006 We had just gotten a shopping mall there, smack in the middle of nowhere, and one of the shops processed payments a little different from what we were used to. Normally when you pay it reserves the amount that you can't touch, and after two days it goes as payment. The thing they did was that they reserved the amount, then released it just to withdraw the whole amount from the month in one go. So if you use like 50 to buy food a little bit at a time and darn I still got 50 lef


Text - I came in and got greeted by one of the cashiers, who turned out to be an old classmate, and I explained about my card and she explained why it got eaten. So I was like just order me the same one. And she was like wait you're grown up now you can have a VISA. And I was like oh darn you're right. That would be so much easier since we're close to the border and I couldn't use my old card for internet shopping nor in other countries. She started processing an application and we were talking


Text - I left that bank crying feeling so bad and like a loser. I called my mother and told her and she just blew up. So we talked a while but since it was my break I went back to work. I was glad that day I was moving the lawn (maintenance at the mall) which takes about five hours so I could be alone. About an hour later my mother calls me up. And I barely answered before she just 'The bank is gonna call you soon lII talk to you later' click... Ok? And two minutes later a new number called and


Text - -Hi this is the office manager at bank C how are you?- Ehhh fine?-We seem to have had a misunderstanding about the card. You know there are several packages of VISA accounts.-Ehh ok no I heard nothing about that you just looked at me and chased me off.-Ehhh yeah umm ahhh why don't you come in and we'll get you sorted ok?-Ok. I hang up all confused, tf happened? He sounded all bashful and apologetic. Way the opposite from when he was nose in the air in the bank. But I went up and he greete


Text - -Did it go well?-I got a VISA card? How what happened?-Well I called the head of bank A (our personal banker for years) and told her what happened. She was not happy. She said she'd call him and set him straight about the overdrafts.-That was all it took? He didn't trust me? (Don't really explain the royal treatment)-Oh no she also told him that for his information, the girl you just turned away, her three older brothers are CEO in three companies that ALL do their banking with us in the

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Work Memes to Blunt the Daily Grind

Work sometimes feels like a total racket, but it's something we all have to do, so at least there's that. In addition to knowing your coworkers have to go through the same thing, there's also work memes to help get through the day. Do work memes make work easier? Not necessarily. But they are a pretty decent alternative.


Workwear - Boss: Why aren't you working? Me:I didn't see you coming.


Lip - Maybe if i work hard Go above and beyond Never use sick or vacation days The company will notice And appreciate


Text - My boss: Why are you so late? Me: Why are you so obsessed with me?


People - Me walking into work with my two hours of sleep Let's get this UN A bread


Style - (•_^) <) )P Per ( (> my (•_•) <) )> e-mail


Human - Me if my boss thinks I'm ever dressing up for work ever again. StupidResumes


Text - EVERY COMPANY: we'd like to promote "mental health in the workplace" ME: how about employing more ppl so the ppl employed are less pressured and paying them more to offset the stress of spiralling living costs and also giving ppl perm contracts EVERY COMPANY: lol no not like that




Workwear - When you convince your boss it's a two person job, just so you can chill with your homie boon


Text - lawful good neutral good chaotic good Warmly, Best, Cheers, lawful neutral true neutral chaotic neutral Thanks, Sincerely, Sent from my iPhone lawful evil neutral evil chaotic evil Regards, No sign-off Ciao,


Nature - When you are having a good time then you start thinking about life


Bottle - Lots of work done today WORK DOCUMENS


Human - My boss New hire with hope in their eyes Me ready to shit on our company any chance I get


Clothing - Labor rights in the US, a visual guide HEY, BOSS, DO WE GET VACATION DAYS? rtv6. YOUR JOB IS A VACATION-- FROM POVERTY. rtv6.


Collar - When you forget to submit your timesheet


Whiskers - Designer Client


Motor vehicle - Client Requirements Client Budget


Ocean - It, when it do People not thinking that it be like it is


Cheek - Me coming to work at 6 am after going to bed at 2 am samon.without. the L


Product - me 30 minutes into my 15 minute break


Product - Me after graduating college and using my degree to simply send and receive emails 40 hours a week. 123RF 123RF


Lip - When you leave things for tomorrow and tomorrow arrives


Organism - Me: Fuck work I don't really give a shit about this 9am shift! ** 8:55am ** Me: @Miinute! Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit


Comfort - I be drowning in champagne, but the "cham" is silent


Elbow - When you send an email and immediately go to the Sent box so you can "read it from their perspective"


Lip - When they open Powerpoint and you see slide "1 out of 243"


Text - hey buddy @ComicsHey interviewer: how are you with excel me: i hate it interviewer: an experienced user then


Finger - When you're tired as shit, but you've gotta get ready for work

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Tumblr Thread: The Unsettling Reason For Unrealistic Animation

Here we are yet again with the wonderful, wandering minds of the Tumblr world delivering just the kind of informative, and unsettling thread that really takes the brain for a trip. Apparently, there's an actual reason why us human beings can feel the cringe chills come on when animation seems to be too realistic. It's called the uncanny valley effect. What makes the effect so unsettling, is reflecting on why we could've developed that kind of "survival instinct" in the first place. Was it because there used to be some sort of alien monster thing scouring the globe back in the day that was a threat to homo sapiens' survival? Maybe so, maybe so. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with these cooks that bonded over their dysfunctional family members.


Organism - *157 % 15:01 vrabia Folgen NEON NO @Neon woof studios: ok it's absolutely imperative that the audience knows which one is a GIRL wolf and which one is a BOY wolf studios, every single time: ok wait I got it 3:09 AM - Apr 19, 2020 - Twitter for Android pipocaflamingo Folgen Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too.


Animation - @ *I 57 %O 15:01 pipocaflamingo Folgen Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too. pipocaflamingo Folgen It's amazing how people in the notes and comments are absolutely FURIOUS at me for the included Frozen comparison. Special shout out to everyone trying to prove that real people look like this. fastascardboard Folgen


Head - all @ *i 57 % O15:01 fastascardboard Folgen ORIGINAL TheMamelessaoll MY EDIT Roosa Karsson Not to mention that when people edit these


Blue - @ *I 57 % O15:02 Roosa Karsson Not to mention that when people edit these characters to have better facial proportions, the originals look like bizarre fish people. simonalkenmayer Folgen How humans draw themselves is always fascinating to me despairgyaru op why are you speaking like you aren't human i'm scared simonalkenmayer Folgen Eh...perhaps read my blog description. 61below Folgen


Text - ll @ *i 57 % 15:02 hauntedcreek Folgen K simonalkenm... Follow The Creature's Cookbook Welcome. You may call me Simon or Simone. I am the author of the Creature's Cookbook novel series, but more importantly, I'm a very old anthropophagic cryptid, or "people eating monster". Yes, a real one. No, not a clever performance art piece or a plea for attention. My books are classified as fiction, but that is entirely the point. I eat humans and I write about it, and for some reason, people find i


Text - ll @ *i 57 % コ15:02 helloitsbees Folgen this post has EVERYTHING hyenasnake Folgen I think I know the reason for why people prefer "unrealistic" animation. For some reason, humans really don't like things that look like humans but aren't quite human. Hence why a lot of people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and The Polar Express. It looks too realistic to us and sets us off. Scientists call this the "Uncanny Valley" effect and its thought to be an evoluti t


Text - @ *i 57 %D 15:02 Scientists call this the "Uncanny Valley" effect and its thought to be an evolutionary tactic for survival. The funny part is. No other animals that we know of experience the uncanny valley effect. Only humans. Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival? soft-necromancing-crow Folgen Oh hell yeah this is what l'm here for niuniente Folgen Which leaves the quest


Green - @ *I 57 %D15:02 athelind Folgen Okay, I've seen this thread a dozen times before, but not with this addendum. vrabia Folgen i made the original post in the throes of unmedicated depression because that's where my sense of humor was at the time. i don't check my activity page. seeing it barge onto my dash months later with +250k notes and this exchange attached to it like a bunch of rattling tin cans attached to the tail of a rabid dog running loose is fucking WILD look-at-all-those-fando


Text - @ *i 57 % コ15:02 masochist-incarnate Idk why dont we ask the "people eating cryptid" who claims to be from a species that's easy to hide and apparently passes as human who's like, 3 reblogs above this? princesshamlet Folgen Crewmate There is 1 Impostor among us fuckingconversations Folgen Hey fun fact; Back when Homo sapiens weren't the end-all of hominids, we also had some other two legged "humanish" cousins like the Neanderthals, Denisovians, and more! There were nine different species


Text - @ *i 57 % 15:03 There were nine different species of "humans" By 10,000 years ago, they were all gone. The disappearance of these other species resembles a mass extinction. But there's no obvious environmental catastrophe - volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact - driving it. Instead, the extinctions' timing suggests they were caused by the spread of a new species, evolving 260,000-350,000 years ago in Southern Africa: Homo sapiens. Neanderthal skeletons show patterns of trau


Text - @ *i 57 % 15:03 Basically: the reason we as Homo Sapians find other human-ish figures unsettling and have an instinctual fear/aggression response called "The Uncanny Valley" is because we literally TOOK OVER THE WORLD by hunting down and killing every other hominid on the planet. Dunno if the "9 species of hominid genocide" was a result of uncanny valley or the cause of it, but it's a pretty sure bet to guess they're linked. Read more about it here :) isaacsapphire Folgen This is a wonder

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Revenge Of The Week: Parents Use Trees To Block Occupancy Permits

Man, it sounds like these rude developers were insistent on being as unreasonable as possible. They clearly underestimated the lengths that folks would be willing to go to, to stop their efforts. The rest is history. Talk about a sweet symphony of pro revenge. If this story of revenge got you going, check out this story where a landlord wouldn't pay for electricity during winter, so the tenant took a nuclear revenge.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/PhuckingPhabulous • 14h + Join 1 8 1 Parents use trees to block occupancy permits Obligatory, on mobile. So my parents bought their house in the early 90s in a very expensive city. They bought the garbage house on the block & 30 years later it's quintupled in price. This is relevant - my parents live in a very upscale suburb of said expensive city, think San Francisco, New York. The city is run by old ladies who don't allow anything. Drive thrus are not permitted in the sub


Text - Anyways my parents live on a granite hill with a gorgeous view of the valley. This hill is very windy. Imagine my parents have a long rectangular house (mid century to help you imagine) and the hill & street wrap around one end of the rectangle going up hill. The curve is basically a U. There is another shallower curve below us so it's basically an upside down S. Large trucks CANNOT get up their street. They can't make it past the first turn, much less the turn at my folks' house. Mid siz


Text - Okay so to the story - The sweet elderly neighbor above my parents' house passed away a few years back. She had a beautiful well maintained mid century (albeit all original) with a gorgeous view. Not much property but the view is amazing. Of course developers snap it up, not realizing how much of a bitch it is to get permits in this stuck up suburb. That's hurdle #1. Instead of modernizing this gorgeous mid century, the developers of course need to rip it down to the studs and completely


Text - Developer switched to medium large trucks. And started driving over my parents' property. My parents also have a brick mailbox that is part of the fencing. They hit the mailbox so hard it moved the mailbox and the fence. Remember how my parents live on a hill? Yeah that fence is part of the retaining wall. They were also continually doing damage to the edge of my parents property by driving over it. Important part- the trucks were so big, they were hitting one of my parents trees on the t


Text - Welp, fortunately for my parents we have a nosey Nancy Nextdoor who loves to be the neighborhood watchdog (we've known her 30 years, she's polite friends with my parents at this point). Anyways she's big into conservation. Her garden is amazing. She ran into my mom and my mom told her what's happening. She goes, oh just report it to the city. And the plan was hatched. All of the neighbors had a meeting at my parents house (they'd done damage to I think 4 different neighbors at this point)


Text - At this point the new house is almost complete and theyre filing for their occupancy permits. Well the city decides that they can't have their occupancy permits until an arborist goes and checks on my parents' trees! So guess what? They'd done some significant damage to the trees. The city decides to block the permits until the developers have paid for some kind of shit with the trees (sorry I can't remember the details, I'll have to ask my dad). Also they have to repair all the mailboxes


Text - Long story short, it took them 1.5 years to finally get the occupancy permit. The house then sat on the market for another 2 years (overpriced and ugly and a 'party house' built in a wealthy suburb on a street with no parking?). My parents think they took a huge loss on that development based just on property taxes alone. Karma. Edit: my dad reminded me that since they did damage to the retaining wall, they also had to send an engineer out to check the damage and they had to pay to rebuil

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Twitter Thread: Hilariously Dumb Bits Between Partners

If you've ever found someone special to share some time with in this mad world, you've likely participated in carrying on some hilariously dumb but highly addictive bit with your partner. You probably had no idea why you were doing it, and why it was so funny without fail every time, but you continued to do with admirable, stubborn persistence. 


Screenshot - livebloggingmydescentintomadness Follow Sophia Benoit @1followernodad Literally nothing on earth is better than repeatedly doing a bit your partner doesn't like 10:51 PM · 26 Jun 20 · Twitter for iPhone Brona C. Titley @bronactitley · 13h Replying to @1followernodad Whenever my wife mentions being gay, I scream "YOU'RE GAY???!" at her, as if I've just learnt it for the first time ♡ 14 t7 91 3,947 Rich James @richjamo · 20h Replying to @1followernodad Whenever my wife comes into the


Text - C. D. Ford @c_d_ford · 1d Replying to @1followernodad When I'm playing video games I tell my wife I'm dedicating my victory to her and she hates it. Q 14 27 43 2,779 cynthia, she's a really cool dancer @tart.. · 15h v Replying to @1followernodad There's a sign out front of a church facility down the street that has the word "rector" on it. Every time we walk by l yell "Rector? Damn near killed 'er!" and start laughing hysterically 5 27 8 592 Clams Rockefeller @ClamsLaRock · 13h I had a si


Text - Queen Astro Babby Jess @SpicyAstroBa. · 9h Replying to @1followernodad I pretend to be angry and say "I'm going cycling, don't wait up." Then proceed to get on the stationary bike in the living room adjacent to the couch he's sitting on. 27 1 165 Donnacha Bolger @DrDonieBaseball · 20h Replying to @1followernodad My wife HATES the smell of veggie sausages. Whenever I make them I rush into whatever room she's in and use a sausage as a microphone to REPEAL interview her with. It's the corner


Text - Douglas King @douglascodes · 15h Replying to @1followernodad I do "That was the name I used to dance under" bit anytime there is a good phrase. A sign that says "Hot Wax" "That was the name .." An ad for "beef tips." "That was.." White gravy. "That was..." Нeavy cream "That was...." %3D 3 107 Matt Ayling @MW_Ayling · 12h Replying to @1followernodad Whenever I see an RV towing a car I gasp and tell my wife, "good lord look how close that guy is tailgating that RV!" She hates it 68 Burden E


Chin - ABRATHO. IAm TheScott @scottb804 · 13h Replying to @1followernodad I tell my wife more often than I'd like to admit that "P'Il be making a note on your performance evaluation". She hates that. It's been a decade. 27 ♡ 42 Xander King @pastelxbreeze · 16h Replying to @1followernodad I call my boyfriend sport and champ and bud like a midwestern dad because I'm 6 months older than him. He HATES it and then I squish his cheeks and say hes throwing a tantrum and I swear to god I can see his sou


Text - LAPD Tampon Investigations Unit @Ra... · 15h Replying to @1followernodad The only bit my wife really hates is the Borat voice. The best was when she had an appointment with a midwife. I looked her right in the eyes, slipped into the Borat voice, and yelled "Mid-wiiiiyyyfe!" She murdered me. 1 27 2 112 AHR - Wash Yer Hands @ahopeross · 15h Replying to @1followernodad Too many to count. My favourite may be my ongoing gag that every time I'm responsible for something that I deadpan that I th


Screenshot - lacey @lacefaced · 13h Replying to @1followernodad My husband says "gas lamp" in place of "gaslight" on purpose as a form of "gaslamping" me. 27 5 2 310 Jeff The Tweeter @DonJewxote · 15h Replying to @1followernodad Acting like I have no idea what she's talking about midway through a conversation. Works with a person, place, or thing. "Gonna hang out with Jimmy after work" "Cool tell Jimmy I said hi" "Who?" 3 163 L Mitch @L_Mitch23 · 19h Replying to @1followernodad I mix up less and


Text - acab @wherbkat · 12h Replying to @1followernodad My wife is an RN at an ICU in nyc. I started to drive her to work when the pandemic started. When she would put on her mask to get out of the car I would shout "Masquerade!" in the way they do in Phantom of the Opera. Did that for like a month. 27 3 3 153 Char Char Binks @little_lotty · 14h Replying to @1followernodad I like to do this thing when my husband asks me to do something. I put my shirt over my head like a hunchback and say "yes m


Ear - dinosaur dumps @FaaipMusic · 12h Replying to @1followernodad I've been sending my wife this photo for weeks 35


Text - Lindsay Lee Wallace @lindsaywallace · 22h Replying to @1followernodad It's this kind of opinion that enables people like my partner to do things like constantly pretend that a faceless man from another dimension is standing in the corner of our room making custard, and frankly I won't stand for it 1 63 Hummus @hummus_tea · 11h This is such an amazingly specific bit I can't help but applaud them for it 1 27 11 Lindsay Lee Wallace @lindsaywallace · 10h yeah his name is The Bellhop and he ha


Text - Rhi Meow Replying to @1followernodad Every night when I need to get out of bed (while both awake) I roll over my boyfriend instead of getting out of my side I also get in the same way @Rhimeowmeow · 16h 27 1 O 116 Jamieson Bruce @JamiesonBruce · 15h Replying to @1followernodad Whenever tubas are mentioned around here (this happens surprisingly often), I always make reference to the fact that my SO used to play the tuba. She hates that. Also, she has never played the tuba. 1 157 kenzie @ke


Chin - Daniel Says Abolish Police @DGarraston · 15h Replying to @1followernodad My partner hates puppets, she thinks they're weird and creepy so every now and then when I'm talking to her from the other room, l'll pop my hand around the corner and do the hand puppet thing. GIF ALT 27 1 154


Text - Billy Christ @RedLetrCrusader · 14h Replying to @1followernodad When my wife says anything close to a truism I say, "It's like that old song:" then I make up a twangy country song anout it. If I really want to bug her l'll make up a whole back story about the song. 2 27 2 79 JM @Jamesjr54 · 12h Need examples. For science. 1 27 10 Billy Christ @RedLetrCrusader · 11h The last hit was "You're Gonna Need a Bigger Spatula Than That" by Plumber Eddie and his Set of Pipes, the founder of a short


Text - I purposely mispronounce words like faux and tsunami. I just get glares as she knows I do it on purpose lol dramaro My hubby is a big car enthusiast, specifically Subarus. He does the "Subie Wave" anytime he meets another modified Subaru going down the road. I swear up and down that I've never seen anyone return the wave and that I don't believe it is actually a thing. O purpledefendorprincess s thewillowtree3 My girlfriend is still adamant that haggis don't exist. When she comes to visit


Text - Every time there's a love or sex scene on TV and my wife is in the room, l'll pick one of the kids and say, "That's how you were born." I've also used it during weird scenes, like with the facehuggers in aliens and when Quato first appears in Total Recall. Drives them all crazy. O mikeoliveri S saturdayboy


Text - I tell long elaborate stories with absolute convictions but it's just a convoluted setup to a pun. My wife doesn't believe anything I'm saying anymore until l'm done and she can confirm there was no pun. Also l'll make statements about myself that are completely impossible and get offended that she didn't know. Like she'll say "Oh, let me pop that pimple" and l'll go "Why would you say that!? You know I don't have skin!" PRESS START kneghx S turnoffthestars


Text - My kids and I pretend to fall fast asleep as soon as my husband walks into the room we're in. I mean, awful fake snoring, muffled giggles. Just horrible acting really. And he always pretends we've died a horrific carbon monoxide induced death. werekeepinittogether 3 yespumpkindoodlesthings

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Wholesome Memes To Keep The Feels Pumpin'

In this world of pain and guarded sarcasm, it's important from time to time to actually acknowledge that sometimes things can matter or at least be kind of nice. Wholesome memes can help keep things moving in a way that many of us might agree is sort of healthy. If nothing else, wholesome memes keep the feels intact.


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Tagged: aww , wholesome , Memes , lol , nice , meaningful , good

Stellar Manager Handles Layoff Like a Boss

So many people have been absolutely burned by layoffs in the past that seeing a story like this is a rare and welcome diamond in the rough. This person acted with the kind of understanding and responsibility that a cool manager should. For another story of a boss actually being great, here's a story of a VP who pulled rank and got canned by a cool CEO.


Boss has to layoff staff, gets them rehired - Text - Posted by u/dogredsox 1 year ago What's the best job quitting story you can tell? 96% Upvoted


Boss has to layoff staff, gets them rehired - Text - shortadamlewis 13.3k points · 1 year ago 4 3 8 O I had to lay off my entire staff (and myself) with 8 hours notice. I was the contract project manager on a government project (office type work). At our periodic review on a Thursday, the government announced they would not be renewing our contract and our last day was Friday (the next day).


Boss has to layoff staff, gets them rehired - Text - I brought everyone into the conference room first thing the next day, let everyone know that we were all out of a job and that today was everyone's last day. I had everyone email me their resumes, and we went over everyone's on the conference room projector and updated them over the course of the day. I then printed out "reference" sheets for everyone, and we all spent the remainder of the day writing letters of recommendation for each other.


Boss has to layoff staff, gets them rehired - Text - LukeTheApostate 5.2k points ·1 year ago You, individually and as a group, are exceptionally good people.


Boss has to layoff staff, gets them rehired - Text - [deleted] 553 points · 1 year ago This reminds me of my favorite superintendent at my last job. We were downsizing and cut down 2 crews unexpectedly. The call had come from the highest up. We had not expected this and had just told them they were safe. The superintendent lays them off and tells them they all have jobs and to walk into another companies office on Monday. He then put in his two weeks citing that upper management had over stepped

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Tagged: wholesome , boss , fired , job , work , nice , story

Tumblr Thread: Ask Culture Vs. Guess Culture

No can be a complete sentence. This informative Tumblr thread does a deep dive on the differences between "Ask Culture" and "Guess Culture." At the very least, it'd be nice if some folks read this and are able to learn a helpful thing or two about being a more functional communicator. It can give someone who has a hard time saying no all kinds of anxiety if you continue to ask and ask, and guilt trip on top of that. Learning to accept a "no" right off the bat, is a crucial thing in life. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with these cooks that bonded over dysfunctional family members.


Text - mefitours-blog-blog Ask Culture and Guess Culture "One of my wife's distant friends has attempted to invite herself to stay with us, again," writes the exasperated owner of a prime 2 bedroom apartment in New York City in this Ask MetaFilter question. "She did this last March, and we used the excuse of me starting a new job and needing to do x, y, and z as well as the "out of town" excuse for any remaining dates. This got us off scot-free, but we both knew the time would come again... and


Text - The first few answers give this poster very direct advice: Just say no. No need to give an explanation, it's her who's being rude by asking. Others give him advice that was probably more like what he was expecting: other ways to be vague like claiming that it's “One of those random 'Life in NYC things." Another thread of discussion popped up around whether or not the woman asking for a place to stay was being rude. Some posters couldn't understand how simply asking to stay in someone's ap


Text - In Guess Culture, you avoid putting a request into words unless you're pretty sure the answer will be yes. Guess Culture depends on a tight net of shared expectations. A key skill is putting out delicate feelers. If you do this with enough subtlety, you won't even have to make the request directly; you'll get an offer. Even then, the offer may be genuine or pro forma; it takes yet more skill and delicacy to discern whether you should ассept. All kinds of problems spring up around the edge


Text - Obviously she's an Ask and you're a Guess. (I'm a Guess too. Let me tell you, it's great for, say, reading nuanced and subtle novels; not so great for, say, dating and getting raises.) Thing is, Guess behaviors only work among a subset of other Guess people - ones who share a fairly specific set of expectations and signalling techniques. The farther you get from your own family and friends and subculture, the more you'll have to embrace Ask behavior. Otherwise you'll spend your life in a


Text - After this comment many users, including the original poster himself, began to use these terms in discussing the issue. And why wouldn't they? Ask Culture and Guess Culture describe two valid yet opposing ways of interacting with the world with very little value judgment given to them. Framing the argument as such was a stroke of utter genius by tangerine, broadening the perspective of many who participated in the discussion and adding to the general lifebuzz.


Text - aeveee This is fascinating. My mom was, I think, a variety of Guess culture. She disliked telling her kids no to reasonable requests. We learned to make flat/information statements like "I'm going to need a ride after school on Friday," and if she responded with another flat stament like "I have to work until 5 on Friday," then we knew we had to problem solve an alternative. My parents divorced when I was 12. One summer spent with my dad when I was 16, he blew up at me. "Why don't you jus


Text - Thoughts: -I wonder how many failed relationships and divorces have mixed ask/guess culture as a component? -I wonder how many other like me there are- trained in both cultures due to a mixed marriage-and what this does to our own relationships. -why is this not a widely known thing? Good god it seems a HUGE facet of effective communication and l'm only just hearing about it at 51 years old? Is there a book about this somewhere? Dammit...


Text - ford-ye-fiji My mother is an asker and my dad is a guesser and sometimes I have to butt in and translate what each other is trying to say XD I didn't even know there was a word for it!! tellmevarric I learned to give people permission to say no to me. A lot of people, more than I ever expected, have trouble saying no, especially when, like in the original post, it's because they just don't want to, not because they have a reason. (As if not wanting to isn't a valid reason... but I digress


Text - When I was a teenager visiting family, apparently my aunt got tired of having to ask me and my sisters what we wanted all the time and asked us to speak up and said 'if you don't ask, you don't get. At the time I thought this was partly a lesson in gaining self confidence but at the same time I realized if I just ask and not expect everyone to guess, I can get more of what I need out of life with less stress. Fast forward to now. My mother is still an extreme Guesser and three of my siste


Text - ford-ye-fiji My mother is an asker and my dad is a guesser and sometimes I have to butt in and translate what each other is trying to say XD I didn't even know there was a word for it!! tellmevarric I learned to give people permission to say no to me. A lot of people, more than I ever expected, have trouble saying no, especially when, like in the original post, it's because they just don't want to, not because they have a reason. (As if not wanting to isn't a valid reason... but I digress


Text - And if they say no, I don't ask why, I don't get passive aggressive and I don't get angry or upset. I don't dwell on it. They've said no and that's final. I thank them, then I move the conversation on. Two of the most valuable things you can learn is how to say no and how to accept no.

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Man Flips The Script On Nightmare Neighbors

There's no realization as dauntingly stressful as the one where you learn that your neighbors are total waking nightmares. This dude bided his time though, and was able to quite literally turn his neighbors' worlds upside down. Suffice to say, they underestimated who they were picking on. Everyone has their breaking point, and you can only bully and pester someone so long before they take matters into their own hands. Check out some more juicy neighbor drama with this woman who built a fence to keep her neighbors out of her pool.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/ChickenFashionShow • 15h + Join 6 3 14 I did to my neighbor what they did to others. To start I bought a house with the intention of doing a flip. When I moved in the self appointed "block aptain" let me know who they were the first day. Sadly, they were my next door neighbors. I tried to be friendly but listening to them I realized how horrible they were and tried to keep still be civil. My significant other kept saying "just wait for it to be our turn."


Text - They bragged about, though their contacts with the city, forcing people to make improvements on their houses, getting undesirable renters out of the houses and just harassing people in general. I as I worked on flipping my house the wife became a worse thorn in my side. To start, she demanded put up a fence so people would quit cutting though my yard and scaring her. Then, her and the husband demanded I take care of the weeds in the yard or they will do it and bill me. After that a storm


Text - Needless to say I began to ignore to them so she became a constant gnat and moved onto another target. Then one day as I was tearing down my deck for a patio I realized she put a feral cat colony on a section of my property, I had wondered why all the stray cats were around and I finally found out.| reached out to the city and demanded it be removed, but they said she followed the law on getting it in place. As I tried to to get it shut down she began unhinged behavior from standing in he


Text - I started by filing a HRO/Harassment Restraining Order against the wife and had it granted ex parte with the evidence I provided, or course she contested as it was 'defamatory to her character.' Before the hearing the husband tried to physically intimidate me. So l filed one against him and it was also granted ex parte. In the hearing it came up that there was and HRO against the husband as well, they dogged being served until I had it published as a means of service. I started to make co


Text - For example, as I was having my front door replaced, needing a building work permit. I knew they were doing internal remodeling so I called a city inspector and they were fined for not a having permit. As she ranted at the inspector he looked at my window and saw I had mine displayed. Their back porch became horded so I a made another call to a city inspector and they had to clear it out. Then they had a broken window on the porch door so alled an inspector and they had to replace the doo


Text - Through all this they had up cameras to prove they were not doing the things I said i.e. hitting the fence. They also pointed a camera at my back yard. As it was legal to point a camera into my yard and a part of my HRO was her intrusive watching behaviors I gave the camera the middle finger on my way to and from my garage. When she complained, with the city tiring of her, their response was she was admitting to intrusively watching me.


Text - The fight over the cat colony came to an end when I realized one of the cats had a serious disease and I began to capture them and turn them into animal control. Don't worry, animal control was part of the feral cat program so they would not be put down but the neighbor would have to pay a fine to get each cat out or have the colony closed. Finally I caught the sick one and it had rabies, part of the program was for her to capture each new cat have it vaccinated. Something she admitted to


Text - The city now had to act to close the colony, the person at animal control who wouldn't respond to my complaints was fired. The neighbors called in a city mediator who we met with presented all the evidence and said we would not meet with them, and provided extremely racist tweets they made about neighbors. The city cut ties with them as "community leaders." With their power to bully gone and having spent what I can only imagine in fines and repairs, like they did to numerous other neighbo


Text - Finally, when I listed my house it was sold while theirs was still on the market. As a final F-you to them I reported to the county they had both the new and old house listed as their homestead, meaning they were paying less in property taxes so they got hit in with more fines on my way out. 4 9.9k 3 1, Share 592

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Tumblr Thread: Cooks Bond Over Dysfunctional Family Members

Man, without fail the wandering minds of Tumblr always seem to deliver gems when we need them most. This particular time we've got some cooks bonding over their nasty, dysfunctional family members, and ultimately uniting to bring us all some sweet recipes from their respective homes. Really might have to get down with that meatloaf as soon as possible. 


Text - @ schizophrenicarchivist-remade-d When I was little my mom's meatloaf was my favorite food. But ONLY her meatloaf. I didn't like anyone else's, and she told me that she would teach me how to make it when I was older. And when I was like 19? She finally taught me, but she told me never to tell anyone else and I was like weird but okay Anyway, she was super fucking homophobic and abusive to me when I told her I was gay, so here's the recipe 4-6 Ibs of Hamburger/turkey burger 1 pk onion soup


Text - You can get almost all of these ingredients at the dollar store, and have leftovers if it's just you. The leftovers make great tacos if (taco seasoning is also like a dollar). Enjoy your revenge loaf O comfynb Follow here's a mashed potato recipe from my homophobic mother that i swore to never share that would pair perfectly! (6 servings) -2lbs red potatoes -1 cup butter (2 sticks) -1 cup cream cheese (1 pack) -Chives (optional) -Salt & Pepper to taste 1. drop those bad boys (potatoes) in


Text - 3. Drain 4. Mash (usually they're small enough you can use a fork if u don't have one of those squashers) until its a pretty chunky mix 5. add the other stuff. Keep mashing I like my mashed potato consistancy more lumpy but its all up to you!! Peel the potatoes or keep them on, it literally makes the creamiest fluffiest mashed potatoes which she always served with the nastiest fuckin meatloaf lovelyladylavie Follow Now if anybody got some revenge rolls and revenge green bean casserole we'


Text - A kreature-ofthenight Follow Got room for desert? Cus my Grandma was just a generaly evil old hag who was abusive to my mum and my siblings also you guessed it since I came out I was not said hello to at christmas She made pretty god Dampfnudeln (its like a sweet bread rool you eat hot and with vanilla sauce) 1. Put 300 gram flour into a bowl and make an indent in the middle 2.combine 20 gram yeast 1 tea sp. Brown sugar 3 tbsp milk mix until smooth 3.mix into part of the flour but leave a


Text - 5. add 1/8 liter luke warm milk 30 gram Sugar one pack of vanilla sugar a pinch of salt 2 eggs and knead the dough until smooth 6. put 1/8 luke warm milk 30 gram of Butter 1 pack of vanilla sugar into a heat resistant glass bowl and let melt (the glass bowl is quite important) 7. Form about 12 dough rolls and put them into the milk


Text - 8. Cover with a lid (any lid will go it does not need to be sealed air tight) Let bake in the pre heated oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes or until they start to get brown and fluffy 9. Serve with vanilla sauce or fresh fruit clover11-10 Follow Behold the Fuck You buffet maximumninjavoid Follow Reblogging because revenge IS tasty angryschnauzer Follow And in this case, served hot. #fuck the idea of hoarding recipes #and fuck these abusive homophobes 204,714 notes

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Most Infuriating Myths About Men

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the most frustrating myths about men. Whether it's assuming that the only thing men want 24/7 is just to fornicate, or that men can't express their emotions in a heartfelt, sensitive way as well -- men go through their own battles. Maybe some of these will hit close to home. 


Text - PM_Me_UrRightNipple • 19h S 10 Awards I don't want to fuck every single girl I see or talk too, I've had plenty of genuine conversations with women for the sake of conversation. All my friends thought I was flirting with this girl at the bar a few weeks ago but we were just talking about the mandalorian Reply 4.0k


Text - Kaladrax182• 18h 6 Awards A man who like to be around children must be a creep. I understand the need to be vigilant, because there are sickos out there. I just worry what others imagine or might when I'm out playing with my daughter as she grows up. I shouldn't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks, but I don't feel like I should have to prove my intensions with my own child if no one is being hurt. Reply 1 3.7k ...


Text - wehosh • 19h 1 Award Men think about sex every 2 minutes or whatever stupid number they're using. Reply 1 2.7k ... +


Text - buh-roken • 19h When watching their own children and someone says "Aww look who's babysitting today." A Q Reply 4 1.0k 3 ...


Text - Here_To_keep_It_Real • 20h We all have sex on our mind 24/7 Maybe horny teenage boys and lonely old men. Reply 1 1.3k 3 ...


Text - JustAnAwkwardPotatoe • 18h 5 Awards That all men cheat. Bitch I cant even get a girlfriend, how do you think Imma cheat? Reply 1 2.9k 3 ...


Text - Samisoy001 • 18h That we just want sex. I just want to be in relationship. Maybe I am the oddball, but sex has always been secondary to me. Reply 4 329 ...


Text - Bong-solo_420•20h "Men can't care for children" Reply 987 ...


Text - Mcfangus • 18h That were all dumb emotionless bone heads. Think of Ray from everyone loves Raymond. I hate that show with a passion for how it portrayed men as basically morons. Reply 297 ...


Text - Notasupervillan • 17h 3 1 Award I was listening to Anna Faris's podcast and had to turn it off when she said "men aren't used to getting criticized". What the fuck? How do you figure? Not only have I been criticized my whole life, but people assume we don't have feelings and think nothing of doing it. What an arrogant thing for her to say. Reply 1 903 3 ...


Text - codered434 • 14h "Men and women can't be just friends." What the fuck is this!? I've had lady friends my whole life, and no, as it turns out I can be friends with people and not want to have sex with them. I just think this one is senseless, and it propagates the idea that people should avoid each other on a friendly basis because they're a different gender. Reply 1 524 3 ... +


Text - Yurak_Huntmate • 19h "Men can't multitask" go fuck yourself + Reply 610


Text - DavidOfBronco013 • 18h "Men don't cry" and "Man up!" These sayings used as an excuse to ignore a man's need for emotional support. Being seen as weak because you express your emotional vulnerability. Sometimes I have to cry in a corner and cry quietly else I could get in more trouble at home. It's the worst thing. Q Reply 1 237


Text - XAXDUKEXFANX • 20h That we are lazy parents, only taking the kids when the woman can't Reply 198 ...


Text - Komi_sanisbestgirl • 20h 1 Award That men can't feel sadness + Reply 388 ...


Text - MaethrilliansFate • 11h That we can't have a friend who just happens to be a girl without it being some weird "friend zone" shit. My best friend is a girl and l'm not secretly in love with her, we're not some weird Boothe and Bones "will they won't they" situation, the answer is we won't. I swear I can't go five fucking minutes hanging out with her without someone asking me when I'm going to make a move or if we're a couple or if l'm gay. I'm crazy about women but l'm just not crazy about


Text - hugga12 • 20h 1 Award I feel like the phrase toxic masculinity is dropped too casually just to stir up emotions in men Reply 270 3 •..


Text - obelisklicorice • 15h 1 Award That men aren't compassionate or warm. That we aren't nurturing and caring. That we aren't expressive of emotion. That's bullshit! It seems that the emotions we do express are the ones women don't value coming from us. They hate to see us happy. I can say that women do not express emotions because they deny their anger. Whenever they are angry or upset they NEVER admit it or express it. Women will smile in each other's faces and pretend to like each other. Me

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Guy Eats Family's Donuts, They're Devastated

Finally, we have a good old fashioned TIFU that's just believable enough to make this story all the more entertaining. You can all but picture the dude trying to exercise some self restraint in the face of the maddeningly tempting sweet donuts, and ultimately failing miserably. From there, it sounds like he pretty much just committed to robbing that poor family of their precious donuts. With that being said, it's definitely a wholesome and relatable TIFU for anyone that's ever tried to snack on something sweet, and fail to not overdo it. Once you start, it's pretty much impossible to stop, when it comes to those sweet donuts. 


Text - r/tifu Join u/Kangar • 6h 2 2 1 1 2 TIFU By Ruining Dessert for Everyone M So, I was about 10 years old when this fuck-up happened. My family had rented a cottage with another family and we were there for a week. We had a blast playing on the beach, swimming, fishing-all the usual fun things one associates with the summer. Both families had brought along their own groceries etc., and we would sit together for meals every night. They had a couple of kids that were close to the ages of my s


Text - Anyway, about mid-week, I was getting tired of the food we brought, and I started to snoop through the other family's food. It's always interesting to see the food that other families eat. I was jealous to see that they had all the fun sugary cereal, which my mother refused to buy. Then I struck gold. They had a twelve pack of those mid-size donuts with icing sugar. These are the kind that come in a cardboard sleeve, six donuts in each row, and then wrapped in clear ce see the donuts. Fuc


Text - The package had not been opened though, and this posed a significant problem. I thought about it for a time. I went away, and then came back and looked at them again, and I periodically came to stare at the donuts throughout the day. Every time though, I came to the conclusion that once I opened the box of donuts, I was fucked. The next day, on one of my scheduled visits to stare at the donuts, I couldn't take it anymore. I carefully opened them, thinking I could expertly reseal them and


Text - I hid the remaining donuts high up on top of a cupboard, and casually ate the rest of the donuts over the rest of the day until they were all gone. To further hide the evidence, I discarded the packaging in a trash can that was on the beach. I was satisfied that I gotten away with it. That evening, the two families had dinner, and we are all enjoying ourselves, and then my Mom says: "It would be nice if we had something sweet!" Of course, Mrs. Smith, from the other family says: "Guess wha


Text - The woman goes into the kitchen, and you can hear her open every single cupboard. She opens the fridge. You can hear her grumbling to herself. She opens all the cupboards again, and then again. She then gets her keys and goes out to the car. Nobody at the table knows what I know though, and that is we will not be eating any donuts tonight. After what seems like an eternity, she finally gets back to the table, quite angry and upset that she can't find the donuts, and then her husband says:


Text - This gets her even madder though, and she snaps at her husband and says: "I DID NOT LEAVE THEM AT THE STORE." The husband didn't volunteer any more suggestions after that. The family had no dessert that night and I was to blame. The donuts were awesome, but the guilt was a heavy burden for ten-year-old me. Throughout the rest of the week, every now and again, the lady would say: "I sure wish I knew what happened to those donuts," and my guilt would be rekindled. Mrs. Smith, if you're out

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Tagged: FAIL , Awkward , ridiculous , tifu , food , Reddit , dining

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