



Hardcore Safety Measure

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 02:26 PM PST

If you're going to rate how hardcore roller coasters are from a 1 to 10, they are a certified 10. In fact, everything about roller coasters are hardcore, from the design, the experience, and the security measures. And did I mention that roller coasters are hardcore?

Image via Engrish.com

Microtransactions Are Now At Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:12 PM PST

When Assassin's Creed Valhalla was released last month, people were surprised that the XP boost packs, which were present in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, were nowhere to be found in this game. However, that only seemed to be temporary. Now, over a month since the release of the game, Ubisoft has introduced the controversial microtransactions into it.

The XP boost was controversial in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, not only because players felt microtransactions didn't belong in a full-price single-player title, but due to Odyssey's slow levelling process and level gates. This led some fans to claim the grind was there to deliberately encourage players to buy boost packs.
Speaking to Game Informer, a Ubisoft representative explained why the microtransaction had been added to Valhalla through an update.
"As more and more post-launch content becomes available, we want to give the option to players to advance their progression. Utilities allow players who lack the time to fully explore the world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla to be able to acquire the game's best gear, as well as other items, by accelerating their progress. For instance, these players can purchase maps that uncover some interesting locations in the world, but would still have to visit and play them to get their rewards."

What are your thoughts about this one? Do you think the game is a bit unfair to those who can't afford microtransactions?

(Image Credit: Ubisoft/ Wikipedia)

A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Draw A Dolphin

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:12 PM PST

Smart, charming and playful. These are just some of the reasons why dolphins are one of the most beloved animals. And one of the ways you can show that you love these animals is by drawing them. But how do you do it? My Modern Met provides us with a step-by-step guide on how to draw a dolphin. Check it out over at the site.

(Image Credit: Claudia14/ Pixabay)

Dogs With Ponytails, Because Why Not

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:12 PM PST

Think you got the best ponytail game in town? Think again, for these dogs have it better than you. And when I say better, I mean like ten times better. Don't believe me? Then check these photos of dogs with ponytails over at Dogs Addict.

(Image Credit: Dogs Addict)

The ‘Ngiueh’ Song By Bill Wurtz

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:12 PM PST

Now here's a song that's very easy to learn. And when I say easy, I mean it's very easy. This song only consists of one word, so it really doesn't take that much time and effort to master the song. Just give yourself at least 5 seconds. Or even 3 seconds will do.

(Image Credit: Bill Wurtz/ YouTube)

Hawk Perches on Christmas Tree

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

Scotland — The North East Police Division, alongside some folks from North East Wildlife and Animal Rescue Center (or New Arc), responded to a call from a family one afternoon. The family apparently had an unexpected visitor who flew in through an open door in their house. That visitor then perched on a branch of their Christmas tree. The visitor was a sparrowhawk.

New Arc officials said the hawk was examined and determined to not be injured. The bird of prey was released outside.
"The New Arc assisted the Police this afternoon when they apprehended an intruder suspected of stealing X-Mas fairies. After a full body search she was released without charge," the rescue group said in a Facebook post.

The North East Police Division remarked on their post that this was "definitely a change from a partridge on a pear tree."

I wonder what made the bird go inside the house. What do you think?

(Image Credit: THE NEW ARC/ Facebook)

(Image Credit: North East Police Division/ Facebook)

It’s A Burger With No Bun

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

Why have a burger with a bun when you can have one with none, but with more meat in exchange? From November 20 to December 3, Burger King Japan sold the Extreme Chou (超, meaning "super", "ultra" or "extreme") One Pound Beef Burger. The burger, which has four patties and no bun, weighs over 500 grams and over 1,200 kcal.

Those who order the burger will get a sticker that reads, "I did it. Extreme Chou One Pound Beef Burger."

Would you have ordered this burger?

(Image Credit: Burger King/ YouTube)

Santa Claus Rescued from Power Lines

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:32 AM PST

An unnamed man in Rio Linda, California, is known to the neighbors for flying around in his powered parachute. On Sunday, he dressed up as Santa Claus and headed out with the aim of delivering candy canes to community children. But instead, he got caught in the overhead power lines!

"A powered parachute lost power on takeoff near a school in Rio Linda, Calif., and then hit and became suspended in power lines around 11:00 a.m. local time (Sunday)," said a spokesperson with the FAA.

Power was shut off to about 200 customers in the Rio Linda area during the rescue, according to Sac Metro Fire.

"Immediately after power was shut off, we were able to move firefighters up into the power line and then lower the pilot — Santa Claus — down to safety," said Chris Vestal with Sac Metro Fire.

Neither Santa nor anyone else was injured. -via Boing Boing

Why Almost All Christmas Music Is From the 1940s and 1950s

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST

While every successful singer eventually does a Christmas album, which may have a single, they are mostly cover versions of earlier Christmas hits. And you can't beat an original. The most familiar, comforting songs of the season come from the 1940s and '50s. The reasons for that have to do with the epic changes in how we consume music and entertainment in the middle of the 20th century. After those Christmas classics were introduced and became classics, any new version of the same song just seems unnecessary. -via Digg

Holiday Greeting Cards for a Peculiar Year

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:30 AM PST

Redditor olives4me designed her family's Christmas card to be the encapsulation of 2020. They weren't the only ones who made personalized greeting cards that couldn't be used for any year other than this one. And some were even for sale.

See 21 of these cards that people sent in remembrance of 2020 at Buzzfeed.

What Makes Ketamine Effective in Combating Depression?

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

Ketamine was discovered in 1956. The drug was used initially as anaesthesia and in pain relief, but researchers have been looking for new uses for the drug ever since its discovery. Last year, the drug was approved for patients with major depression but who are treatment-resistant, and compared to standard antidepressants, it proved to be very effective.

Unlike standard antidepressants, which can take several weeks to have an effect, ketamine works within hours. Until now, little was known about the molecular mechanism that triggers the antidepressant effect of ketamine on the brain.

But what makes ketamine so effective in combating depression? The answer may be found in a group of proteins called 4E-BPs, which are involved in memory formation.

Learn more about the study over at MedicalXpress.

(Image Credit: Benjah-bmm27/ Wikimedia Commons)

Sleepy Skunk's Move Trailer Mashup 2020

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

Despite the fact that movie theaters were closed for a big part of the year, and many productions were postponed, 2020 still had movies. And like every year, Sleepy Skunk made an artistic and emotional mashup of those movies with footage taken from their trailers. See it in widescreen mode at YouTube. If you stayed home this year and don't have a multitude of different streaming services, you may well find something here you want to explore further. There's a list of the movies here. This video contains NSFW language. 

Google’s Portrait Light Enhances Photos Using An External Light Source

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

Photographers knew a long time ago that the best way to make people look good in photos is by using secondary flash devices that are not attached to the camera. The photographer then positions these flash devices with various factors in mind, such as the angle of the subject's face, as well as other light sources.

Google designed Portrait Light with this concept in mind. Portrait Light is a feature on Google's Pixel phones "that can be used to enhance portraits by adding an external light source not present at the time the photo was taken."

The engineers explain they achieved this feat using two algorithms. The first, which they call automatic directional light placement, places synthetic light into the scene as a professional photographer would. The second algorithm is called synthetic post-capture relighting. It allows for repositioning the light after the fact in a realistic and natural-looking way.
The software is available in newer Pixel phones. Older camera users can try the new software on the Google Photos online service, while it's built into newer phones. Users can either accept the automatic enhancement provided by their phone or change it manually.


(Image Credit: Google/ TechXplore)

Police Respond To “Break-In” That Was Apparently Only A Music Video Shoot

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

December 8. Pembroke Pines, Florida. Police arrive at a men's clothing store after responding to a call. The witness who called stated finding two men with rifles storming the place. The witness, however, did not know that the scene was staged. And so,...

… officers arrived to find a music video filming, all with the store owners' knowledge.
The guns were not real and the men holding them were actors in a video, said Amanda Conwell, a spokeswoman for the Pembroke Pines Police Department.
Pembroke Pines officials said the city had not given a permit for the filming, and the shopping center's management team said in a statement that it was also not aware of the video.
"We are extremely disappointed that our guests' experience and peace of mind were compromised this morning ... and unfortunately proper protocol was not followed in this instance," property manager Annette Alvarez said in an email obtained by The Herald. "We are very thankful for the Pembroke Pines Police Department's immediate response and their assistance in expeditiously resolving this unfortunate situation."
Those involved were not charged because they had permission to be in the store and did not display the fake guns in a threatening manner, Conwell said.

Whether it was real or not, the police here are worthy of praise for responding quickly to the call.

What are your thoughts about this one?

(Image Credit: cocoparisienne/ Pixabay)

The Best Cold-Weather Protein Drink Recipes

Posted: 22 Dec 2020 10:29 AM PST

Recovery drinks are essential for those who work out regularly, as these greatly help in replenishing energy and the fluids lost during workouts. However, most recovery drinks such as chocolate milk, and fruit smoothies, are designed for warm weather, and not for the cold. So what should you drink as you work out this winter season? And how do you make that drink? Outside Online provides us with easy-to-make recipes of cold-weather protein drinks. See them over at the site.

(Image Credit: Ajale/ Pixabay)

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