

The World's Pettiest Revenges and more...

Oh boy, we've got a fresh collection of people taking ridiculous petty revenges on one another. Some folks just refuse to let other people's unconscious behavior roll off their back, and instead they proceed to hatch masterful, crazy petty revenges. ...
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The World's Pettiest Revenges and more...

 In This Issue...

The World's Pettiest Revenges

Oh boy, we've got a fresh collection of people taking ridiculous petty revenges on one another. Some folks just refuse to let other people's unconscious behavior roll off their back, and instead they proceed to hatch masterful, crazy petty revenges. These people certainly held nothing back. 

Check out another juicy petty revenge tale with this sister who always stole her sibling's food, so the sibling took revenge at the graduation.


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/Amebl • 6d A1 &1 & 6 21 e3 39 8 4 1 Sent my primary school teacher a copy of my university diploma As the Austrian school system may be unfamiliar to most a short explanation. After primary school children (age 10) will enter either Hauptschule or Gymnasium ( a school not for performing sports) depending among other things on grades earned during the last year of primary school. This system is sometimes compared with the schools in Great Britain of the 1940-1960 wi


Text - Ms Baker ( not her name) my teacher I this last year of primary school hated to have me in her class, first I could not sing (she lead the school choir) and second I was a handicapped kid that they had failed to get rid off to special education school. The first thing she did was assigning me seating at the back of the room, all other kids were rotated regularly in seating, I stayed there. This lead to some problems due to misheard instructions or words during dictation. At the end of the


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/McNuggeteer • 2d 1 1 4 3 2 She Challenged Me So I work in a small office with a small parking lot. This morning I parked in the front spot. During my break I decide to go to Taco Bell cause I know l'll be missing lunch cause I gotta go shopping. My co-worker who was sitting in her car smoking at the time I left saw me leave and when I came back she was in my previous spot. I don't say anything about this, but inside my mind I'm like 'Alright, I see how it is. Let's


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/LuLuLoopy • 7d + Join 2 9 1 1 She ruined a surprise party on purpose This happened when I was a kid, I was just reminded it of, I was about 11 and my grandmother was about to turn 75. Our family is pretty scattered around but we made a trip every year to see her in the summer while she was alive and have a family reunion.


Text - Now this particular year my mom who is granny's daughter, suggested we all return the month after the family reunion for her birthday and a family dinner. My moms brother and her niece (not that brothers daughter but daughter to her dead brother) immediately jumped all over the plans, invited half the town and turned it into a massive surprise party, excluding my mom from the plans. My mom said nothing in the plans continued, we went for the usual, scheduled trip and the family reunion. W


Text - We stayed in town about a week to spend time with her and when we all were leaving one of my aunts remarked that we really surprised Granny, it was then my mom started cackling like the wicked witch of the west. It turns out that when we were there previously, my grandmother was sad that we were leaving, She told my mom that she didn't want everyone to leave until my mom took the opportunity to tell her "don't be sad we're coming back in a few weeks for your birthday. Don't tell anybody.


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/Papa_PizzaBoi • 3d Don't touch my food A short petty story... I usually invite my siblings to eat out with me like twice a month, and usually I'm the one paying. So I take my brothers my sis and her boyfriend for a little lunch to a buffet, nothing major. Well this buffet let's people order custom items (think a hibachi) so I order. We all sit and have a fun chat then the food is ready I go pick it up then I move away to wash my hands before eating, I'm starving by


Text - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/wonderlandsfinestawp • 2d Hog all the parking at the top of the hill? Enjoy waiting to get out of the driveway! This happened years ago, back when I was still working residential healthcare. One of the houses that I worked at had a really steep driveway that lead from the road up to the front door/garage. There was room to park at the top of the driveway, in front of the entrance, and there was more than enough room for two cars to park side by side in this area. S


Text - Cue a coworker whose name I couldn't remember if I tried. In addition to the healthcare work, she was also a correctional officer and had this "I'm boss/l'm better than you" air about her. Which explained why she liked to park her truck right in the *middle* of the parking area at the top of the hill, taking up both spots. I mentioned it to her two or three times, that if she parked a bit further over to the right or left, we would both be able to park there and I wouldn't have to go thro


Text - The next night I was relieving this particular co-worker at this particular house, sure enough, she had her truck hogging up the entire upper parking area. So I pulled my car up right behind hers, blocking her from pulling out. I clocked in, checked in with her about any important information about the clients, then excused myself to the bathroom while she got ready to leave. Less than thirty seconds after going into the bathroom, she's knocking at the door to inform me that my car is blo


Text - Naturally, I act shocked. "Oh no! You can't get around it? Shoot, I thought for sure I left enough room for you to get around it! Alright, so sorry about that, just give me a minute and l'll be right out." I then proceeded to kick back and play on my phone for the next ten minutes, leaving her standing outside the bathroom door with an attitude so strong I can practically feel it pulsing through the door. Once I decided she waited long enough, I made a show of flushing the toilet and wash


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/mcg42ray • 20h + Join 1 Run a red light in front of me? Talk to the cop who's just behind me. I don't like red light runners. It's really dangerous. But I got my revenge. Once. This was (mumble) years ago. I was doing my usual commute and had just missed a light so I was first at the intersection and others were lining up behind me. It's a sunny day in California so l'm just looking around and I spot a CHP (California Highway Patrol) car in the next lane over and one car


Text - As the light's about to turn green I see across the intersection a car approaching fast in the left turn lane to turn in front of me, and it's clear that they're not going to succeed at beating the light. It's not even going to be close. My light turns green, I start to move forward as if I didn't see them, then slam the brakes and hit the horn, and they go zooming past in front me. It was all for show and I didn't even get into the intersection, but sure enough, Mr. CHP noticed and makes


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/mundane_days • 2d + Join 1 2 2 e 2 3 2 Don't live here and keep parking in my assigned spot? I didnt want to give the ending away in title. Little background. I live in an apartment complex that has been taken over by new management. Hes a great landlord, but has been slow to truly implement some rules in the leasing contract. One of the rules is this: only one parking space per owner. Meaning, visitors must park on the public street in front of the building.


Text - Now, when I first moved in, last year, they didn't have assigned spots, so you would just kinda park wherever. This past summer, landlord and maintenance spent an entire day re-painting lines and assigning each spot a number to correspond with apartment numbers. It has been brought up in memos and meetings that he will start to implement the towing of non-authorized vehicles and has even hired someone to keep track of this (apparently) This hadn't been an issue until I went back to work.


Text - This last time though? Pissed me off. I was getting my kids in the car to take them to school. There's this car that is creeping the parking lot, and I know saw me parked in my spot. They left. I happened to get out of the parking lot just in time to see them turn back into the lot. I followed them back in and my suspicions were confirmed. He parked in my spot. I pull up, with my window down, and yell at him that I live here and that is my assigned parking. They moved.


Text - Again, I had to work that night. I leave, and come back to find a DIFFERENT vehicle parked in my spot. This would make 5 different vehicles in the span of two weeks. (There are also signs posted in front of each spot that only one spot per owner and violators will be towed) I parked directly behind them. I ended up blocking the previous car that I yelled at and the new car (I was horizontal compared to their vertical) and made sure I left room for other vehicles to get through the lot. Yo

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Tumblr Thread: Elves Are Flat Earthers For A Reason

As it turns out, Legolas doesn't need to worry about that silly horizon. Nor does any other elf in Tolkien's wild word. Tolkien lore actually shines light on the true nature of elves, and their ability to see the world as a flat disc, while everyone else sees it as a globe. Pretty fun stuff. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this thread about the crude king of satire, Skweezy Jibbs.


Text - S mckitterick philosoverted-deactivated202006 Do you ever lie awake wondering how the heck Gimli knows what a nervous system is systlin Clearly dwarves have medical knowledge far more advanced than that of the other races. gallusrostromegalus His Majesty Dr. Gimli, son of Gloin, Neurosurgeon, M.D. bagginshield gimli trying to explain his studies to legolas, a flat-earther


Text - hubris-i #*scroll down* #*remember that middle earth is canonically flat for elves and round for everyone else* #*scroll back up & smash that reblog button" fridge246 tired: legolas took gimli to valinor with him because they were bffs/in loveletc. wired: legolas took gimli to valinor to prove the world was flat after arguing with him about it for decades jemthecrystalgem Sorry it's what to elves


Text - Text - dvandom So, in Tolkein lore, the world was originally flat, with most of the land in the middle (hence Middle Earth). But the Numenorians (men who were rewarded with their own Atlantis-equivalent island for service in the first big war against Melkor, but eventually Power Corrupts etc) tried to invade the uttermost west which was basically Elf Heaven. To put an end to that sort of thing, the creator of the world Bent The World and made it a sphere...but left elves able to treat it


Text - Text - mckitterick me: that can't be right me: (looks up "Tolkien flat earth") Wikipedia: Moon & Sun orbitthe Workd Ships sail to Aman Aman Middle- Flat World 1* & 2 nd Ages Valinor earth Númenor Beleriand drowned in War of Wrath (end of 1s4 Age) The Changing ofthe World and The Downfall of Númenor If Men sail they go in a circle Aman Middle- Round World 3rd Age onwards Valinor Elves sail 'The Straight Road' earth Undying Lands sundered from Númenor drowned the World


Text - Text - The Downfall of Númenor and the Changing of the WorldT 113] Tolkien's legendarium addresses the spherical Earth paradigm by depicting a catastrophic transition from a flat to a spherical world, in which Aman was removed "from the circles of the world".[3] This transition from a flat to a spherical Earth is at the center of Tolkien's "Atlantis" legend. His unfinished The Lost Road suggests a sketch of the idea of historical continuity connecting the Elvish mythology of the First Age


Text - Text - in Plato and other deluge myths as a "confused" account of the story of Númenor. The cataclysmic re- shaping of the world would have left its imprint on the cultural memory and collective unconscious of humanity, and even on the genetic memory of individuals. The "Atlantis" part of the legendarium explores the theme of the memory of a 'straight road' me:


Text - Facial hair

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Massive Mountain Bike Jumps Along A Ridge


This is one of those insane, impressive mountain biking videos that just kind of blows your mind. I feel the secondhand fear just watching this dude tackle these gravity-defying jumps. Must've been some magical kind of adrenaline rush. 

Submitted by: (via The Athertons)


Neighbor Gets Hostile With Gramps, Gramps Teaches Neighbor A Lesson

Man, nothing quite sinks the spirits like when you realize you have a nasty neighbor next door. We're all just trying to coexist reasonably peacefully, but some neighbors make that seem like an unattainable reality. Take this neighbor for instance. Grandpa tried to have a simple chat with the dude, and the dude proceeded to be nasty, and shove Grandpa's considerate kindness right back in his face. Well, Grandpa pulled off quite the successful long con from there. 


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance u/[deleted] • 1y + Join 1 3 3 Neighbor tells Gramps he should "mind his own damn business". That advice costs neighbor most of his yard and a car. L Gramps had just moved into a retirement park with a lot that backed up to county land that was a nature preserve. His backyard was basically non-existent, but he didn't mind as he got to look out over the preserve, however he did marvel at how his next door neighbor's backyard extended a good 8ft past his, giving neighbo


Text - Gramps tried to be friendly with all his new neighbors, exchanging phone numbers and the like, and one day he noticed the next door neighbor was putting down expensive pavers that extended from his back door all the way to the old fence posts that designated the preserve boundary. Gramps watched the neighbor yank the three rickety fence posts out of the ground and move them back an extra two feet into the preserve before pounding them back in, then started to clear the land, intending to


Text - Nothing happens that year, but the following year when most of the park emptied out to head north for the summer the county comes by to check on the preserve. Gramps notices them going back and forth behind his neighbor's house, the workers are pulling out maps and taking photos and making phone calls and soon more guys show up. Turns out neighbor has moved the posts several times over the years, and in reality his backyard is supposed to be even smaller than Gramp's backyard! To make it


Text - Gramps goes over to read it, and it states that neighbor was in violation of encroaching onto protected lands, he has 30 days to move his car, tear up the pavers and pay a fine of $11,000 (because of damage to endangered species who inhabit the protected lands, as well as trespassing fees). Failure to do so within 30 days will result in golf cart & car being towed and impounded, pavers will be dug up and carted off at neighbor's expense and the fine will increased for every additional day


Text - 30 days comes and goes, so a week after that Gramps has quite the show as first the car and cart were towed, pavers were dug up and hauled off, and the old fence posts and ropes were replaced with metal posts embedded into buried cement bases, connected by steel cables. Whole process took several weeks to finish, but the preserve looked a lot more legit when they were done. A few solar cameras were installed so the county could monitor the wildlife (and encroachers) remotely, meanwhile mo


Text - By November the snowbirds were flooding back into the park, including neighbor. That was Gramps' 2nd show of the summer as neighbor reads all the notices, digging down until he reads the first one, then runs out back and starts screaming and cussing up a storm before running back to his car to dig out his cell phone so he can call the county to find out where his car and golf cart were. Gramps stays indoors to avoid the guy as he is frantically trying to unload his car, turn on his water


Text - Three days later neighbor catches Gramps outside and asks if he was here when the county "stole his car and destroyed his backyard". Gramps said he was, and neighbor says "well why didn't you call me when you saw them putting notices on my door? You had my number up north!" Gramps said he had thought about doing that, but figured neighbor would prefer him to "mind his own damn business", so he decided against it. 35.1k 587 ↑, Share

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Plane Makes Emergency Landing On Highway


A small plane had to make an emergency landing on a Minnesota highway, hitting an SUV in the process. No injuries were reported. Luckily for everyone, the pilot of the small plane was Craig Gifford, an award-winning acrobatics pilot. He said he had to make the emergency landing after experiencing engine failure. All in all, not a bad person for the job.

Submitted by: (via WKYC Channel 3)


Frustrated Owner Posts All The Stuff Their Cat Steals

Some cats bring home dead animals. This one brings home other people's stuff. Sometimes cats are just terrifically weird, like this cat that loves being in the fridge. Sure, it's likely this cat loves stealing gloves, but it goes without saying that this could also be the perfect cover for a person who loves to steal too. For a wholesome cat story, here's a tumblr thread about a human who befriended a cat that doesn't meow.


Yellow - Karen •.. Visual Storyteller • Sep. 2 We think this may be a pool toy. My cat was only able to find one glove in the last couple of weeks. So she has been bringing home sponges, a badminton birdie and today this thingy. If this thingy is your's I am happy to return it. I would really like to know what it is though. Also happy to return the birdie and the glove. The sponges were disposed of. SPLASH! OO 70 48 Comments • 4 Shares


Eyewear - Karen Neighbours Aug. 12 • Laity/122 area - if you are missing these pm me. My cat was out stealing again. Like Comment Share 64 Tina N Bad cat, bad cat, whatcha gunna do! 7 139051 SEATE 3 Write a comment... GIF 5 4- O.


Organism - Karen N Neighbours May 14 • "Tis the season - my little mostly feral cat is stealing again. Mostly gardening gloves (this time a headband as well). Last year she brought home 20 pairs of gloves, some nice ski gloves, shorts, socks and some underwear. Also some balloons and other random stuff. She is obsessed with gloves though. If any of these gloves or this headband belong to you send me a pm. Ams


Red - Karen Neighbours Jul. 30 I'm going to keep posting here because I am hoping someday someone will recognize their missing gloves. Last week 3 of a kind and today a matching pair. If these are your's please pm me and I will give them back. For those of you that haven't seen my previous posts - my little mostly feral cat steals gloves and lots of them. Like Comment Share


Purple - Karen Neighbours Sep. 10 • Today's gift from Cricket. If you want your boat back send me a pm Like Comment Share b 58


Canidae - Like Comment Share 1

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Tagged: stealing , pets , lol , Cats , funny , burglar

Man Tries To Scam Hotel, Hotel Squashes Attempt With Camera Evidence

Man, the people in this world that try to lazily pull fast ones on the hard working folks in the customer service industry, are something else. This guy was certainly in over his head when he tried to collect a refund from a hotel with a crappy excuse. He wasn't ready for them to have the camera evidence to debunk his little scam. Nice try, bud. 


Blue - E r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk u/mstarrbrannigan • 192d + Join 1 When a scammer thinks they know the tricks Long Just before 2pm I checked in a guy. Normal check in, nothing noteworthy. Just before 3pm he returns, keys in hand. I think nothing of it, we call them "boom boom rooms." Except when I get to the window to collect the keys, he tells me there was an issue with the room. He thinks the shower was leaking because the floor in the bathroom was all wet.


Text - Okay, sorry about that. Let me call maintenance. I start to step away, and he starts saying that it actually just looks like someone got water all over the floor and housekeeping didn't clean it. Well, I know the housekeepers and I know a fuck up like that just ain't gonna happen. So I tell him l'm going to have maintenance come be sure because we don't mess around with water leaks. Even though I was already starting to see red flags. I step away to make the call before he can say anythin


Text - So I finish the call and go back to the window. I ask him if he wants to stay in that room, or if he'd like to switch. Actually, he wants a refund for the issue. I apologize and say in this case I can't issue a refund more than fifteen minutes after someone has checked in, and it had been an hour since he checked in. We're having maintenance come look at the room, and I offered a different room. That's what I was able to do. He then tells me he was only in the room for fifteen or twenty m


Text - That's leaving out the part where the nearest Doove and Boosters is in the next town over, and there are a number of hotels much closer to it. Again I tell him I can't issue a refund. If he'd like to take it up with the Owner tomorrow he is more than welcome to do so. He reminds me that they have more people coming, and I ask him if he would like his keys back. He would not, he wants a refund so he'll call the Owner tomorrow. He also hands me his business card, and asks me to pass it on t


Text - I scroll back to right when he's checked in, and hit fast forward. About five minutes after he checked in, he heads into the room with a girl he was not with at check in. The Owner returns while I'm fast forwarding to see when they left the room. There is nothing wrong with the shower. It's obvious though that both the bed and shower have been used. The couple leave the room forty minutes after they entered, not the fifteen to twenty minutes the guy had claimed. The Owner asks me to pause


Text - So I hit play in order to switch from forward to backward and we hear them laughing on the camera, because oh yes dear reader, the camera has a microphone. So I scoot the video back far enough so he can get a look at their faces. We hear them talking, not saying much of anything of significance. Then we hear, "I'm going to go get a refund haha [inaudible as he laughs and moves away from camera]." No you're fucking not. Update: He did not call today, and the Owner didn't call him. I strong

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25 Dad Jokes That Are Dangerously Dadly

Of all the things dads contribute, some of the most memorable are slews of horribly wonderful puns in the form of devastating dad jokes. Yeah, they're kind of horrible but what sackful of puns isn't. It's best to take the decent ones with the godawful and just tip your hat to the great spirit of dads.




Superman - You know, one of the other team members said you sound more like an owl than a bat. Avengergram Who!? Who!? Avenererie Avengergran




Facial expression - 5 feet 9 inches Height? Weight? What am I waiting for?


Job - How's that kid doing that swallowed those coins? No change yet.




Hair - OSaw A Moose On The WayTo Work This Morning How Do You KnowHe Was On His Way TO Work? imglip.com






Sky - This is an arial view of San Francisco from 7,200 feet This is a times new roman view of San Francisco from 7,200 feet


Yellow - How grapes are made.


Font - I've just released my own fragrance. Nobody in the car seemed to like it.


Text - If you notice cows sleeping in a field, does that mean it's pasture bedtime?


People - You're a unit of power harry. I'm a Watt?




Text - 80 8 Eight Tolerate






Technology - Ineed a headlight. Sure, what for? PWER Sol can see at night.


Cat - himalayan himawalkin






Text - HOW TO WRITE GOOD 1. Avoid Alliteration. Always. 2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 3. Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat. 4. Comparisons are as bad as cliches. 5. Be more or less specific. 6. Writes should never generalize. Seven: Be consistent! 8. Don't be redundant; don't use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous. 9. Who needs rhetorical questions? 10. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.


Natural foods - Do they allow loud laughing in Hawaii, or just a low ha?


Feather - I'm sorry Ms. Jackson.

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Girl Gets Choosey About Biology Notes

Um, low key when you have a classmate kind enough to offer to share their notes with you, you don't proceed to ask them to type them up at 1am. Clearly, this girl was in need of a swift little reality check. Get a load of some more entitled folks with their increasing demands over here.


Blue - 3 i Today 12:58 AM Do you have the bio notes ? Yeah I do. You need them? Thank god hahaa you're the only one who's up this late I swear Quick question tho - did you write them?


Blue - No problem And yes I did Oh loll you're writings kinda messy lowkey. Is it possible you can type it up and send it to me on google docs ? No? l'm not gonna type my notes is like lam lol


Blue - I can send a pic tho but that's it All you have to do is type the notes lol it's not hard Please I have a pic of my notes, do you want it or not? I thought you were nicer hah Cool e good luck on the test

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Twitter Thread: Cheesecake Factory is A World of Contradictions

Anyone can tell you that The Cheesecake Factory is a building full of paradoxes. It's like it's telling you with all its heart that it wants to be fancy with all the lighting and the columns, and then you sit down and drink out of a plastic cup. Cheesecake is great, but the place itself really makes you think "how does this place still exist?" Maybe it fits the bill of "a place people can agree to go to." @MaxKreigerVG got extremely deep about America's gaudiest Cheesecake vendor.


Text - max sledroom @MaxKrie... If you want a fully immersive "postmodern design hellscape" themed dining experience I highly recommend dinner at The Cheesecake Factory from a design perspective that place is fuckin wild and I'll talk a little bit about why The


Text - @Max... · 13h Replying to @MaxKriegerVG max sledroom The Cheesecake Factory essentially grew out of a Los Angeles bakery business. Then, in 1992, they brought on hospitality designer Rick McCormack and shit went off the rails We're talking VICTORIAN- EGYPTIAN-ROCOCO OFF THE RAILS O 14 17455 O 5,499


Text - @Max... · 13h I mean check out this exterior max sledroom greco-roman cornices, seashells above the pseudo-arched doors, topped with a dome airlifted from fucking st. basil's 口口 O 11 17 405 O 4,957


Text - max sledroom @Max... · 12h v The interior is a world of aesthetic chaos that feels like a mix between a Fry's Electronics, an overgrown Panera, and a laser tag arena. It's / sensational/. Palm trees sit aside 2000's-chic glass lighting fixtures, French limestone floors, mosaics, fresco- like murals... 16 27742 6,450


Text - max sledroom @Max... · 12h v Pseudo-Egyptian faces top columns with hybrid palm frond/ lotus blossom designs and pseudo-heiroglyphics. It's unchecked white exoticism/ orientalism run amok w a huge budget. Some elements like the face's "third eye" and the Sauron- like sconces borderline on occult flavor. O 45 L7719 6,345


Text - TCF blasts you w/ a "luxury dining" aesthetic while cutting some / bizarre/ corners. They serve you water in tankards, seat you in wicker chairs at marble tabletops. Then you realize your tankards are plastic, your wicker is plastic, and your table is vinyl-lined particle board. O 15 27478 O 5,611


Text - Both ostentatiously gaudy and consistently cheap, from the fake plaster walls to the fake wicker chairs, TCF is almost reminiscent of a theme park. The more you stare at this and see elements like the tacky booth cushions and glass dividers slowly emerge, the more surreal it gets 18 27459 5,106


Text - max sledroom @Max... 12h The unchecked frenetic design doesn't stop there. Look at the goddamn menu. Or should I say FOUR MENUS - menu, "skinnylicious", drinks, cheesecakes (not desserts, that's different!) It is the most intentionally obtuse culinary document I've ever seen. It wants to DISORIENT YOU Csecake Factory More than 10 legendary Monday - Friday 4:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. in Our Bar APECIALTY COCKYAILS Moror S.0 LONG hLAND IC TAT S00 27621 O 5,478 32


Text - max sledroom @Max... · 12h v -"Quick Bites" -Appetizers -Glamburgers -Specialties -Pasta -Sandwiches -Steaks/Chops/Fish/Seafood -Pizza -"Super Foods" -"Skinnylicious" (???) are all separate sections. there is no rhyme or reason to them. this menu is not your friend. it is actively trying to mislead you. 20 27451 O 6,219


Text - mid-menu advertisements for the RESTAURANT YOU HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN TO DINE AT are frequent and deliberately make you lose track of your spot here's one, w/ an entire page of flavor text this thing feels like a god damn playbill. all the tcf's a stage, and we are but its players welcomet More than 10 legendary INE FRINT CONTMINS Ot r cINMIMING Q 15 27771 8,200


Text - @Max... · 12h v after wandering the menu a while, helplessly, you order and the food arrives. it's good. not bad, not great, but good. better than an applebee's, better than a friday's. i wanted to say i hated it, but in truth, i couldn't. that was probably the most disappointing part of all. max sledroom O 12 27 252 O 4,461


Text - @Max... · 12h v And then, at the end of it all, in a cold lonely counter cooler, the max sledroom cheesecake. my location placed it near the lobby/exit, far from the dining area. alone. The namesake dish feels utterly inconsequential by the time you reach it. Perhaps it meant something once.


Text - max sledroom @MaxK... · 11h v To conclude: There is nothing more quintessentially "American capitalism" in flavor than The Cheesecake Factory Wealth run wild. Chaotic visual fantasies realized w no aesthetic discipline. An obsession with appearance of luxury. Gross excess that excels at feigning its quality Q71 273,253 15.3K


Text - @MaxK... · 11h It feels like a relic of another era, max sledroom one where such a vision was sold to the American public as a utopian concept. It, like the brief period of neoliberalistic prosperity that made it possible, is a fever dream made manifest. Enjoy it while you can. 55 17479 5,980 max sledroom @MaxK... · 11h v wow uh this blew up huh 32 27 28 2,564

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People's Creepiest Theories On The Nature of Reality

Most of us aren't scientists, but we do have decent imaginations, so boy are we compelled by weird and freaky explanations for existence, aliens and free will shenanigans. Weird stuff happens all the time, like these people's weirdest butterfly effect moments from small decisions. Armchair theories on existence get to be a lot, so here are some lighter conspiracy theories people believe for fun.


Text - Freelancer47 2.9k points · 6 days ago - edited 6 days ago G There's a high likelyhood that there's far more serial killers out "practicing their craft" 5 2 e & 3 More today than there were back in the 1970's, the supposed "height" of serial killer activity.


Text - jesseHoS 37.5k points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago 4 O 3 3 3 & 4 More That my mother-in-law keeps "accidentally" leaving things at my house because she is slowly moving in.


Text - General-LeeAnxious 36.9k points · 6 days ago 2 6 & 20 More We've all pretty much heard of Uncanny Valley (the creeped out anxious feeling when you look at something that's humanoid but there's something clearly wrong with it. Like the wax figures at Madame Tussaud's or that AI robot Sophia) But my favorite theory to come out of it is that we get that strange feeling because somewhere along human evolution we've learned to be wary of things that look human... but aren't.


Text - cyainanotherlifebro 26.0k points · 6 days ago - edited 5 days ago 3 4 S $4 The theory that the last moments of consciousness before death can feel like a literal eternity, and where your mind can create entire realities from blissful to horrifying. So in a way the threat of enduring a hellscape of eternal suffering is very real no matter what you believe.


Text - AndysBrotherDan 23.7k points - 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago A 8 O 12 9 & 13 More A lot of comments bringing up the Fermi paradox to explain the lack of evidence of extraterrestrial life, when by all accounts we should be seeing alien life all over the universe. Here's another, unsettling, explanation: if you're scuba diving above a coral reef, and you know that there SHOULD be fish all around you, but you don't see any, it's most likely that they have learned that for some reason it's i


Text - nuclearjanni 20.3k points · 6 days ago 5@3 34 Years ago when I was seriously dating my 3 now wife, almost every time we started to have sexy time her mother would call up. Seemed strange, then disgusting when we found the hidden camera when moving her out.


Text - ChuckeyT 18.3k points · 6 days ago · edited 5 days ago 2 Our "world" is out perception of our surroundings in our 3 dimensional life. It's possible that we are living amongst beings, things and events that we cannot experience because we are 3 dimensions and they are not. e 3 2 & 2 More


Text - mikedorty 16.8k points · 6 days ago 2 3 3 That you might be aware of everything happening to you during surgery, the anesthesia keeps you from moving and causes you to forget.


Text - nalc 16.3k points · 6 days ago O 2 & 3 More The theory that Carson Wentz and Prince Harry switched lives in 2019 and that's why Wentz sucks at football and Harry left the royal family


Text - Sexycoed1972 16.1k points · 6 days ago 2 9 4 2 37 8 4 Cosmology can be disturbing. For instance, I recently learned of dead end trips. There are some destinations that you shouldn't try for. It's possible to travel so far away from where you started, that the expansion of the universe will exceed the speed you were travelling at. You can't return home, because home is receding faster than you can travel. You can't reach your destination, because it too is receding faster than you can trav


Text - eculilumab 16.0k points · 6 days ago 9 8 2 e7 & 2 More It's scary that there are thousands of serial killers out there at any 1 given time who often just blend in with the rest of society and live normal lives. Many will never be caught.


Text - IamPenguin_0917 15.2k points · 6 days ago 2 2 The Butterfly effect. It makes me feel like deciding edited 6 days ago whether to choose black shirts or white shirts would increase or decrease my chances of dying young.


Text - Tressel44 13.7k points · 6 days ago Humans are scared of things that mimic them too perfectly, the theory is that we developed this because there was a super predator of some sort that would mimic us and kill us. But we never knew what happened to it


Text - applezombi 12.1k points · 6 days ago The Gaian Bottleneck theory. Basically the reason we've never encountered or been contacted by aliens is because they're all dead. Every alien species that evolved to form advanced societies eventually outgrew their planet and destroyed themselves. Like we are.


Text - ZeDitto 11.3k points · 6 days ago · edited 5 days ago 26 3 33 8 2 That humans almost went extinct. 70,000 years ago a volcano in Indonesia erupted. There's theories that we have a genetic bottleneck around that time. Took our population down to 10,000-3,000 (like the size of one small town). Lots of fresh genetic material died with those who were lost and the resulting inbreeding could have resulted in some genetic diseases that have made their way into humans today. Without this event, w


Text - smedsterwho 11.1k points · 6 days ago 32 8 I'm in a nursing home with dementia in 2060, and all I'm doing is reliving this moment of November 2020.


Text - yer_maws_a_username 10.2k points · 6 days ago S 8 Spontaneous combustion. I watched a strange but true episode about this as a child and was convinced I'd randomly burst into flames one day. I'm over it now but that was my top fear for a long time. obamium-11 5.9k points · 6 days ago S I've looked into it, nearly every case happened while the person was drinking and smoking at the same time, which kind of explains it


Text - Joedirt7309 9.6k points · 6 days ago The theory that scented candles starting getting poor reviews at the same time COVID hit the US. Makes you wonder how many people have mild COVID before we even knew about it, pairing the lack of taste and/or smell as one of the main symptoms associated with mild COVID cases.


Text - Dawn_of_Enceladus 9.3k points · 6 days ago 32 82 8 Some time in the future, if we don't disappear before, humans will probably be able to bio- engineer themselves to avoid death by old age. Most probably only the richest people would get this, founding an immortal elite of dynasties that will be able to rule nations by themselves, while common people simply keep dying as always. Now almost everyone think of death as something normal and unevitable, as part of our nature. But then, in that


Text - TheRavingRaccoon 7.3k points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago S2 There's a theory that the universe is expanding and compacting again, repeated forever, and that which each expansion we relive history all over again but with slight differences. Remember that time you had deja vu? Some people think you're seeing a previous version of history play out... which means you're stuck reliving your life... forever. It's a darker spin on the multiverse idea, I əsoddns


Text - wisequackisback 4.3k points · 6 days ago "There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams


Text - liberatedhusks 3.0k points · 6 days ago · edited 6 days ago Philosophical zombies. Theory that a good portion of the human race lack consciouS experience. If you've ever dissociated or done something and don't recall(driven home but have no recollection, your brain acting on auto pilot) thats what they are like. They do everything required to be human, they ape emotions, go through life. They just lack sentience.

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Man Tells Girlfriend To Stop Making TikToks About Them

Even though this guy's girlfriend might be putting together those TikToks out of the kindness of her heart, that doesn't mean that it's also not generating a whole lot of flack for the poor guy. The dude's already just trying to muddle through a reasonably peaceful life as a soldier on a military base. Last thing he needs is to get continually roasted by fellow soldiers on his base, for the ridiculous TikToks his girlfriend keeps churning out. Maybe if she just steered the focus away from their relationship, and put it on other stuff, it'd work out a bit better for everyone. 


Text - AITA for telling my girlfriend she needs to stop making Tiktoks as they're so embarrassing? Not the A-hole I'm currently deployed and if you're unaware TikTok has a ridiculous amount of military users, its so fucking cringe. I swear Tiktok is like 90% cringy edgy preteens and teens, military, and creepy old men talking to the preteens. Anyways my girlfriend makes a lot of tiktoks about how much she misses me and about army girlfriend stuff. She'll post stuff like #armygf She also has a ra


Text - So here's some of the tiktoks she's made. She's done the classic "I'm coming home" song which plays over her hugging me when she meets me. There's millions of those on tiktok. SHe's posted tiktoks about how she upgraded when she dated me, putting pictures of me and her ex together, how she went from dating a boy to a man. She made another one about how she went from thinking one direction was her dream men, but then she met army men. She's made tiktoks going off about how much she misses


Text - dothepingu • 21h • Partassipant [2] 3 4 Awards She is mining your personal, private life for content. That is not okay. Tell her that you are uncomfortable having private information shared on TikTok. That is not being controlling, that is having privacy. She can make videos about her own life and interests without using your texts or images of you! NTA. Reply 1 7.2k


Text - Jordak_keebs • 21h • Partassipant [1] O A 4 Awards NTA. She cares more about her image as an army gf than she does about her relationship. + Q Reply 4 16.1k ...


Text - SmoochNo • 21h • Partassipant [3] NTA. This isn't about her showing love for you, if it was, she would care about how her actions are making you feel. This is about her thirst for attention. Reply 937


Text - a79j • 21h • Partassipant [2] NTA. Your problem is with her making Tiktoks related to you which is understandable. Think of it this way, if you put up embarrassing pictures of her which you think are cute just out of love and affection on the internet, would she be okay with it, even if she doesn't look her best or whatever? Same thing. Her actions are causing you difficulties and it's not a big sacrifice from her end to stop. Reply 604 ...


Text - 404brainnotf0und • 20h NTA. Seeing this type of attention seeking behavior makes me feel so embarrassed for you. Your relationship is between you and her, not her and her many followers. This is not a show of love. It's about her need to get attention from others and playing the "I miss my soldier" card is an effective way to do that. Also, posting your PRIVATE conversations is a major invasion of privacy. You are not in any way In the wrong for asking her to stop that at allI. The simple


Text - alieninmyskin • 21h • Partassipant [1] 3 4 Awards NAH. She's doing what she enjoys and that's okay. You're annoyed and embarrassed because, let's be real, Tik Tok is super cringey and embarrassing especially if it's grown women and men doing it, and that's okay to feel that way too. I'm more concerned that your girlfriend is a dependa. She's making being a military girlfriend her entire personality and that's...weird and embarrassing in itself. I think you have more issues on your hand th


Text - colourelectric• 14h NAH. It sounds like you have only asked her to stop now.. If she has been on tiktok because it's something she enjoys and she's trying to express her love without realising how detrimental it is for you, than I don't think she's been an AH. Regardless of her intentions though, it is unnecessary and is making your situation harder than what it needs to be. Your relationship is personal (especially your texts) and it doesn't need to be broadcasted to your colleagues. You


Text - nbhpyfd • 12h 10k followers and she can get the creators fund & she can get paid per views, so you could tell the people that are roasting you "thanks for the money". Tiktok is also extremely varied, the fyp is based off other videos you heart. If you heart a bunch of military stuff, you'll see more military stuff. I get a lot of animal videos... I think she should consider your feelings on the matter. My bf doesn't want me making any videos or having a bunch with our kids in them, so I d


Text - AnnieBannieFoFannie • 17h NTA. Not only is it embarrassing, but it could negatively affect your career. She's She's violating PERSEC and will probably violate OPSEC if she keeps this up. Shut it down now. She needs an identity outside your job. Does she claim your rank for herself too? Q Reply


Text - baddy1974 • 17h NTA. I'd run if i were you this is the beginning of The Debbie the Dependa Show. You know where she shares your rank, she thinks she had say so with command. + QReply ...


Text - TheWizardColin • 5h • Partassipant [1] NTA - you're right that tiktok appears to be all about kids and teens.. um, how old is your girlfriend? And when she's asking you about being a supportive/ appreciative boyfriend, how is this supposed to support you? Is she collecting "likes" and sending them to you to help the troops? Maybe she can bundle them up with "prayers".. all that shit is literally nothing for you, and it's all to boost her social media status; you're simply a ..... useful t


Text - dontworryitsme4real • 21h NTA - You can express how her actions affect you. You can also talk about finding a boundary between her social life and your personal life. There are some things you can negotiate and others you have to accept. I cant tell you where those lines are. You have to keep in mind shes getting a lot of positive feedback from being the "Army GF waiting on her BF" As far as other service people near you that are hazing you: Smile and say "she lets me do pervy things, you


Text - nolechica • 18h • Partassipant [1] NTA, she needs an identity that isn't solely your girlfriend or she will ruin your career. Reply Vote ...


Text - blizzaga1988 • 17h • Partassipant [3] NTA Honestly, I've seen the "he's a marine" TikTok and while it's absolutely hilarious because it's so cringe, I couldn't live with myself if I was a part of that TikTok. So.. I 100% get it. Plus it just sounds exploitative of what you are doing. Reply 1 Vote 3 ...

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Ex Wife Demands Man Remove Stuff From Storage, Malicious Compliance Ensues

All kinds of toxicity and pettiness can come to the surface when ex lovers are muddling through nasty breakups. This particular scenario involves an angry ex wife who demands that her ex removes all of his stuff from their storage unit. He proceeds to do just that, but it would seem that his ex wife was not ready for him to take the request completely to heart. 


Text - r/MaliciousCompliance + Join u/vark4731 • 3d 2 1 2 1 3 1 Ex Wife Told Me To Remove All My Stuff From Her Storage Unit. So I Did M My ex wife and I split because she cheated. So our separation was quite tumultuous (she still hasn't apologized for the act of cheating and still denies it even though I know beyond any reasonable doubt that she did). I was incredibly hurt at the time and l'll admit I wasn't acting my best. But I still tried to treat her fairly.


Text - When she left we agreed that she would take over the payment on our car because she needed it for work. Our other car was totally paid off and I couldn't afford the payment on the one that she drove. But I agreed to leave my name on the loan because her credit didn't qualify (tbh I didn't really have an alternative). I told her that she could keep it for as long as she made the payments. And that off she paid it off I would immediately sign her over the title. But if she started flaking o


Text - Well, we inevitably got into a disagreement over the parenting of our children (I can't remember exactly what it was about tbh). And she randomly showed up with the car. Handed me the keys, and said "have fun figuring out how to make the payments" (she knew I couldn't afford them). And then ended with a "and get all your s*** out of MY storage unit" (we hadn't finished untangling the mess of items in our jointly owned storage unit, but she wanted it done immediately because she was mad).


Text - She called me a day later screaming about it telling me that she had filed a police report. I just laughed knowing they wouldn't do anything because it was my property. THE STORY GETS BETTER: as it turns out she was just angry and actually wanted the car back. Well the day after she had dropped it off on me I got into a freak accident and totaled it (everyone was okay). So she ended up without a car and I never had to make a single payment on it. The universe wanted to maliciously comply

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Horrible Managers That Employees Needed To Quit

The old saying about how people don't quit terrible jobs, they quit terrible managers, is certainly proven true in this AskReddit thread about some of the world's absolute worst bosses. Some people should never be put in a position of power, where they can make other employees' lives plain old miserable. 


Text - TapeEaterVHS• 23h I had been running the restaurant for weekend nights for 3 years. These were not easy shifts ... 5pm - 3am. Still, I was a night owl and it was my pleasure. I took some days off and went to a hot spring with my now wife. Upon driving home I noticed my leg hurt and within 2r hours was in the hospital for an infection that would take 3 antibiotics at once to deal with. I called in sick 3 days in advance. My AGM told me it was cool, heal up, and that they would co er my shi


Text - oryx506 • Ta 1 Award Probably the worst boss I ever had was at a McDonald's. We had a younger manager for the first 10 or so months I was there, then they decided to bring in a second manager from another store. For the first week or so he was fine, until one day one of the 16 year old girls that usually works drive thru was put on the grill for no reason. She got grease on her shirt and the manager said she looked like a pig and to clean it or go home. She left crying. The next day anoth


Text - WarCarrotAF • 1d O 1 Award My manager hasn't been great pre-covid, but as soon as our company was forced to shift to mostly WFH, she lost it. She demanded unpaid overtime and is of the mindset that WFH is always going to be less productive than working in office, because she says she gets 1/4 of her own work done when WFH. She also volunteered our department as the pilot project to go back into the office when cases were at an all time high, but she herself was not coming in. In addition,


Text - princessnanny • 23h 1 Award As a nanny it's weird when your boss is a mom with no actual experience in being a boss. The worst boss I worked for wasn't that bad when I first started working for her. Over the course of the year she kept adding more things for me to do. I wasn't just taking care of the baby. I became their maid too with no pay increase. Eventually it got even worse and I was basically her personal assistant. She got a taste of power and completely abused it. As a young 19 y


Text - RegularEvening • 22h I was 18 or 19 working my first job. He criticized my lipstick saying that it was an ugly color, recommending that I wore a bright red lip to go with my bright red uniform shirt. He didn't like my choice of all black shoes. He didn't like the way I mopped the floor, taking the mop from me to show me how to “properly" do it. He even told one of my coworkers that she couldn't wear a sports bra under her uniform. I quit a few days later. Reply 1 2.0k 3 ...


Text - swingsandwhatnot87 • 1d HR discussing private matters about staff to other staff. She was a disgusting person in general anyway and many other things but this was the final straw. E QReply ↑ 3.1k 3 ...


Text - IronArtificer • 21h Worked in an agency environment. Big clients and big expectations, but we had a fairly small staff for all the projects we took on. Late nights were expected and some nights I barely had time to eat before I had to sleep to go in tomorrow. Me and a few others tried to ask for structural change to get some breathing room between projects. We were always ignored by upper management and my boss. But, hey, they get us pizza after a big project, so we can't complain, right?


Text - I went to my boss to hand in my resignation. I gave him 2 weeks notice. This is somehow a thirty minute conversation telling me how miserable l'll be at this other company and how good I had it here. I hadn't even mentioned the name of the new company, so I knew he was talking straight BS. I went back to work, thinking I had my 2 weeks confirmed. However, my boss then pulls me back into his office and says he's going to let me go today. Like right now. Get your things and get out. I did s


Text - Bad-Brains • 1d l'd kill it with my efficiency scores all quarter but when the time came for raises I was given an impossible task. When I couldn't complete it that was the reason cited for not giving me a raise. Our company grew and grew and became more and more profitable because the jobs were getting bigger and bigger, and a lot of us would stay late and work overtime - but hardly anyone was getting raises. If they were it was a cost of living raise being passed off as a genuine raise.


Text - fortuneandglorykid • 21h 1 Award Currently trying to leave. I'm salary. If I work any amount under 40, she docks it. If I work over 40, I get my salary pay. A few weeks ago I worked 2 days out of the week then discovered I had been around a Covid positive person and I started developing symptoms. Work sent me home, I got a test and work had me stay home until I got the results 4 days later, negative. Even though I'm salary, my paycheck showed up HUNDREDS of dollars less than normal and my


Text - NimpyPootles • 21h The client let slip how much they were paying for me. In one month they paid more than my annual salary. I asked my boss for a pay raise and was told there was just no money available. I said l'd give them six weeks to find the money and she laughed at me as I wasn't "the type to give ultimations". When I handed my notice in (after securing a better offer from another company) my boss's boss offered me a 50% raise to stay. Reply 2.3k 3 + ...


Text - maybenomaybe • 21h My best friend and I worked at the same small company, under a horrific boss (think Miranda Priestley from The Devil Wears Prada, but with early onset dementia). My friend got a great new job and gave her notice. In an effort to get her to stay, our boss offered her my job. I don't know why the fuck she thought my friend would accept. She knew we were friends, we'd even booked off the same week of holiday to travel together. Of course my friend said no, and I handed in


Text - LaLeeTwin • 1d Being called into my managers office to be "coached" because I missed one day of work in a two month time span to attend my aunt's funeral. The first thing the manager said was, "I would have done the same thing." She then proceeded to have me sign paper work instructing how to avoid absenteeism to put in my work record. That day I decided to nope the heck out of there. Reply 1 1.4k 3 ...


Text - Higher_Math • 1d 1 Award My boss was fine, the company was terrible. When I realized I didnt have a pension and could get one at a competitor I booted. Reply 1.9k ...


Text - fluffy_bunny_87 • 22h 1 Award When a recruiter cold called me and said "oh you work at x? I'm sure we can get you at least a 10% raise somewhere else". I started looking around and got a 27% raise a month later. 5 years at the new place and I make about 66% more than I did when I left the previous job that I was at for almost 5 years. | Keep an eye on places like Glassdoor. Know what you are worth. Don't work for a discount unless there is a really good reason. Reply 1 194 3 ...


Text - disjointedOne • 22h It was a smallish company, less than 40 employees. My boss encouraged inter-departmental fights with others departments. And when I refused to participate, my team ghosted me. I went to the CEO indirectly a few times. Finally lost my patience, scheduled a 1-on-1 with the CEO and told him he was running a shitshow, and if he didn't take actions A) B) and C) fast, the company would fail, but l'd be gone long before. Three weeks later they walked me out. A year later, the


Text - shorty_kelley8615 • 22h Tl;dr: boss does everything to makes his employees hate him and then expects us to still want to work there. I've worked at my current job for over a year and a half. The reason l'm leaving is because l've worked my ass off for them and the one moment I was trained for (I mean like 5+ months of training) they gave to their daughter asap. I also found out that I almost wasn't given my raise because the boss deemed my behavior as "inappropriate" all from little thing

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People's Most Embarrassing Office Christmas Parties

Office Christmas parties have a tendency to spiral out of control quickly. It could be all the aggressive enthusiasm and nerves that are already engrained into the holiday season, or people just letting themselves go a bit too much in honor the season. But alas, sometimes people manage to keep it together and actually have a genuinely, reasonably mannered good time. It's rare, but it can happen. 


Text - ghoulishgirl • 3y• ? It was my first "adult job" at Citifinancial, and they rented out Medieval Times for the holiday party. We all got two free drink tickets and decided to try to get the strongest drinks I could think of-Long Island Iced Teas. I thought I could handle my alcohol, but those were strong. Long story short, we were all really into cheering for our knight. I was standing on a chair cheering, and promptly fell right off. The good thing is only a few sober people seemed to not


Text - goblinish • 3y • ? I wore and ugly Christmas sweater, red plaid slacks and reindeer earrings while everyone else was in their work clothes (suits). I stood out like a sore thumb for sure. But people had told me they dress Christmasy for the party. W hat they meant was red ties with a snowman tie pin or snow flake jewelry or little details like that. No one told me that Christmasy meant "well add an almost unnoticeable amount of Christmas to your normal outfit". I embraced it though and ma


Text - [deleted] • 3y It was my husband's. I was pregnant and just starting to be at the point where I couldn't hide it (16-18 weeks?). There was a bar and I went to order Sprite because I was crazy obsessing over caffeine and thought Coke or Something would be "bad." They didn't have Sprite. I bawled. Like a crazy person. Bartender made me orange juice and seltzer filled with cherries and limes. 496 ...


Text - [deleted] • 3y The party was held in the basement of a restaurant on a slick/snowy night. I made my entrance by slipping and falling down the entire flight of stairs, dead sober. My coworkers all said it was like something out of a slapstick silent film. 1 55 ...


Text - intergalacticpup• 3y I was the girl in a white sweater with Jagermeister spilled down the front of me, making an obnoxious scene about everything. 98 ...


Text - ShirtlessGirl • 3y I told my boss that I thought he hated me because of how he treated me. He denied it. I was fired later that next year. 21 •..


Text - Alkaia1 • 3y • ọ Played too much beer pong at a party and started going on and on about how awesome Cheech and Chong where and how it would be so awesome if there was a woman version of Cheech and Chong. 18


Text - chemchick27 • 3y • ? As someone who lives in Utah and works for the government, l'm amused at these stories. Government holiday parties are generally during the work day, with a potluck ir catered lunch. Absolutely no alcohol or crazy shenanigans. Just some good food and maybe, maybe a crazy holiday sweater or two. Vote ...


Text - upcrashed • 3y Knocked over a table full of beers and just like...ran away-even though the entire company saw me do it. Also licked a co-workers ear on a dare that same night. Thank God I had jury duty after that. I stretched that shit out. Vote ...


Text - batarians • 4y• ? My boss made out with a mop. It's always the quiet, serious ones. 46 ...


Text - tallulahblue • 4y • ? I went to a really great one yesterday. We went to the staffroom after junior prizegiving and there was bubbly and snacks. Then some teacher friends and | performed the dance we'd been secretly rehearsing for the last 2 weeks as entertainment. It was a dance battle between good and bad fairies as to who gets to hand out the secret santa presents. The other teachers loved it. everyone went to a restaurant on the waterfront with amazing views in all directions. We ate


Text - After the meal and entertainment most of us went and sat in the sun on the pier and had singalongs with a guitar. A few people jumped in the water. Then we all came back in and had karaoke / dancing inside. There was an after party at one of the teachers' houses where we ate pizza and had more dancing and singalongs until about 2am. I told a couple of my new friends that I loved them and they said it back. I ended the night tipsy and tearing up because I won't be seeing most of these peop


Text - jojewels92 • 4y • ? Iremember going to my dad's company Christmas party one year where his boss thought he was funny and took a bolt out of one of the trays they were using to bring food in. They wee wheeling the food fine, unit they hit a little bump. 50 lbs of mashed potatoes went flying everywhere and then he slipped face first in them and knocked his tooth out. Emergency dentists are very hard to find. 1 11 ...


Text - pope_hat • 4y Our CEO got drunk and announced that he would be taking the entire company on vacation to Cancun. Ten months later, he did. (yeah, I work for one of "those" startups.) 3 ...


Text - missintent • 4y We rented a room in a fancy steakhouse for dinner and brought a company in that set up casino games for entertainment (gambling isn't legal in our state). Note, there was no actual money involved and they were only there for our entertainment, it wasn't like we were just at a casino. I was a few bottles of wine deep and talking to my friend at the roulette table while the dealer was talking. He interrupted us several times to say something and finally said to me "if you we

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Man Takes Nuclear Revenge On Karen Landlord

Shady and greedy landlords are the absolute worst. There's no denying it. What we have here though is a totally different kind of terrible landlord. This particular landlord put their tenant in harm's way with an inconsiderate demolition project, and a whole lot of other bad stuff. If you're looking for some more juicy landlord revenge drama after reading this tale, check out the time a landlord tried to keep a security deposit, and then a petty revenge ensued.


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/hasad802 • 2d 1 2 3 3 5 1 Refuse to pay $60 to fix my roof; okay; I'll close your building site down and cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars! Names, places and timeframes have been changed as per rules. Characters in this story: My friend (Who I will call Brian), Bullying demolition man we will call Keith, greedy property developer we will call Karen and the insurance assessor.


Text - This tale of this nuclear revenge happened a while back and is a work in progress. It is too good not to tell and I will try and keep you updated down the track. Brian's neighbour is a typical greedy career landlord that left their rental house in disrepair. The poor tenant was living in the cold house, raw sewerage leaking on to the lawn and holes in the house that you could see light coming out of the house. After multiple requests from Brian, Karen refused to get any repairs done. When


Text - Brian and his wife with their limited funds were able to get sufficient lending from the bank and offered to buy the house and do it up themselves to improve the neighbourhood or rent it out as there is a massive shortage of rental properties in our local county. Greedy Karen did not want to sell, nor did she want to spend a cent on the house to remedy the rodent problem. She also did not care about the effect the house was having on aesthetics of the street.


Text - (It is important to know that Karen and her wealthy family have over a hundred rental properties and due to lax tax laws in this region, they do not pay a cent and can get tax write offs when their properties deteriorate then can claim on this as a loss- Long story short, some of them appear to be leaches on our society and are one of the reasons property prices are so high and rent prices are sky rocketing in our area. Her Husband is also the chairman of the states landlords association.


Text - Fast forward five years and Brian finds out the house is going to be demolished to make way for some new houses to go in on the small section. That's good news at least, though Brian and his wife were anxious about how smoothly the demolition would go due to the fact the houses are quite close to each other. This is important for later: Prior to demolition the company doing it had to get samples from all sides of the house to check for asbestos. Either Karen made it difficult for the comp


Text - Demolition day came around and Brian was concerned that no safety barriers had been put up to protect his house from falling bricks of the chimney nor was there anything from stopping dust and debris going all over his new deck and porch area. Later that day, Brian had the pleasure of meeting Keith. Keith is the demolition company manager that is well known around the district for only caring about money and has little regard for people or property. Keith was doing the demolition himself


Text - Brian phoned up demolition man Keith to ask about what went wrong. Keith initially played down the damage... despite there being 200 bricks laying on Brians roof. Even with the damage done, no apology and the rude attitude of Keith, Brian kept his cool. "Since I did a little bit of roofing when I was younger, I can fix up the roof if you just get me four new sheets of roofing iron and we will call it even. Don't worry about paying for paint, I can sort that out when I paint the whole roof


Text - "Not happening pal, your roof is f*cked anyway, Il'll get you a sheet of second hand roofing iron from my yard to repair the the damage on roof and I can come and hose off the dust off your deck and dog kennel". Queue the nuclear revenge. The revenge was not intentionally nuclear but Brian had a dilemma that his roof was damaged and he needed it repaired, there was rain and snow forecast later in the week and he shouldn't be out of pocket having to buy new materials to fix his own roof up


Text - Brian got in contact with his insurance company and due to the issue involving a roof, a building assessor arrived that day to assess the claim. The assessor would then be able to seek damages from the landlord or demolition company if he found them to be at fault. Brian also reported the demolition company to the local health and safety authorities due to their lack of safety precautions used when doing the demolition. The assessor got on to the roof with Brian and was mortified to hear


Text - "Luckily thanks to covid we already have masks on Brian, this here looks like it is asbestos... I don't know how they got the sign off to get this house knocked down in this manner. You don't know at the time of being exposed to this stuff but if you breath in these fibres it can cause serious diseases later on in life including lung cancer. I'll get this sent off to the lab for testing and will be in touch".


Text - Fast forward another day and Brian was contacted by his insurance company. It turns out the side of the house that wasn't tested was clad in asbestos. Not just any bad asbestos, the worst possible type you can get. Insurance will be seeking damages to replace Brians whole roof not just the damaged part. The cost of replacement is likely to be around $20,000 USD. This is the cheap part. The demolition site has been shut down by local authorities and there needs to be a massive decontaminat


Text - The cost for this clean up will likely be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars but who will pay for this is unknown at this stage. Whether it is Keith or Karens insurance or them personally, time will tell. In regards to Brian, his family and their dog potentially being exposed to the asbestos, that is another battle for them to fight and I will keep you updated. brief update 1 I have just been on the phone to Brian for half an hour. His work place were very sympathetic and paid for hi


Text - Brian is worried now that the landlord is going to try make his life hell. She is also a lawyer apparently. Karen was the person that offered the old roofing iron apparently not Keith. She spoke to her husband who said that because the bricks dinted the roof it means it must have been rusty and old so doesn't need new iron put on. Keith did however go nuts at Brian for getting insurance involved and also the health and safety investigation unit who are currently doing the investigation. I


Text - Brian asked the investigation office person by phone about what to do about his dog and if they needed vet checkup etc. They were 1m away from the fence which is about a foot from the asbestos when it was broken up. They responded saying "do you think your dog will live more than 20 years? if not I probably wouldn't worry". Brian is also thinking the landlord is probably scheming revenge of her own. Brian paid for a new fence himself a few years back to border Karens rental as when he mov


Text - Brians plan is that he will pull the nice expensive fence down entirely and put 600mm high chicken wire mesh up as this is all that is required by law and there is nothing she can do about it legally as he paid for and built the fence. I will continue to keep you all updated. Also as I know the local newspaper editor I have offered to go with Brian to discuss this story with them once the investigation is completed if Karen tries to make life difficult and also expose Keith for his dirty

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