

Karen Manager Orders Employee to Print a Video File, Gets Fired and more...

You don't need to know much about computers to understand that being asked to print a video file is a stupid endeavor, but this manager wasn't having it. Apparently this was the last thing on top of a pile of other complaints that led to her ...
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Karen Manager Orders Employee to Print a Video File, Gets Fired and more...

 In This Issue...

Karen Manager Orders Employee to Print a Video File, Gets Fired

You don't need to know much about computers to understand that being asked to print a video file is a stupid endeavor, but this manager wasn't having it. Apparently this was the last thing on top of a pile of other complaints that led to her professional demise. Sometimes managers really don't know whats up, leading to stories like this employee who robbed a museum to prove a point. Here's one about an Aunt Karen who offered exposure for art payment and her scam fell apart.


Guys Try To Move Pottery, Lose Battle

After what seems like an eternity of trying to get this giant pot onto the back of a little flatbed, and succeeding for a second, the forces of gravity weren't going to let these guys enjoy their pot-hauling victory. What can you do? Well, other than getting the camera person to help.


Ryan Gosling Can't Handle Greg Davies' Insane Story

Few things are quite as enjoyable as watching someone get caught up in a cycle of helpless hysterical laughter. Every time you see Ryan Gosling go to recompose himself, he dissolves yet again into a puddle of laughter. What a story that Greg Davies told, at that. 


Pilot Shows Off Superhuman Skills In F/A-18 Carrier Break And Landing

Man, you've got to be fully present and tuned in to pull off a wild stunt like the one we have here from this pilot. Dude's got some mad skills. 


Entitled Karen Thinks Army Cadet Works At McDonald's

You just never know if you're about to cross paths with a ferociously entitled, plain old belligerent Karen who is determined to enact chaos and misery upon someone else's existence. In this case, we have no idea what must've been going through this entitled Karen's brain. It's almost like some of these people only get angrier when they're rightfully corrected on their prior brain fart. Sounds like this Karen absolutely got put in her place. For some more ridiculous Karen drama check out this story about a Karen who took her sweet time in a handicap space, and then proceeded to get blocked in


Weird Garbage People Tried Selling On The Internet

People come and go, but our crap persists. With that, people try selling some weird junk online. You never know what someone might find in their attic or make in their backyard and try to spin into a collectable. From horrible furby-based art projects to literal piles of trash, people get clever and try to sell ridiculous junk online.


Mistaken Bozos Who Didn't Get The Joke

Remember, if someone says something confusing, incomprehensible, or absurdly dumb but also has dozens or hundreds of people responding positively to it, that's probably a joke. Some of us have a compulsion to state the obvious or even call other people stupid when they aggressively miss the joke, and that only serves to plunge them further into their hole of lameness. Just give it an extra second of thought or risk sliding into the ranks of mistaken people who missed the joke by miles.


Man Improves Company Efficiency, Management Disbands It, Business Takes A Hit

Every now and again you come across a company that clearly doesn't deserve the employee that they have under their belt. This is a clear, glaring, painfully obvious example of such a situation. Let's just say that the company in question certainly doesn't seem to enjoy the aftermath that they very well brought on themselves. 


Highly Unadvisable Life Pro Tips

There's nothing like some life pro tips that are entirely devoid of ethics, and could basically be seen as some immoral real life cheat codes. Of course, most of these are completely nonsensical and should not/could not actually be practiced in the real world as we know it. With that being said, they're definitely entertaining. If this got you going, check out some more bad life pro tips that won't help at all, over here.


Seemingly Harmless Things That Are Surprisingly Dangerous

Not every hazard in life is going to have a creepy signto accompany it. Some really common things like sitting a certain way or picking flowers can have hidden dangers. It's hard not to get a little anxious after reading about the surprisingly dangerous things in everyday life, but at least it's better than not knowing the dangers of ignoring your dryer lint.


Man Continually Violates HOA Rules, Asks If He's In The Wrong

We're no strangers to rather gnarly stories about the HOA making people's lives miserable. It sounds like by the nature of its very existence, the HOA just gets all up in people's business, and harasses them to no end. In this guy's case, he just wasn't having it. Naturally, the HOA didn't take too kindly to that attitude. For some more drama from the world of HOA madness, check out this story about an HOA member getting a neighbor's car towed, and then the favor that was returned


Employee on Last Day Leaves In Middle of Transaction

The last few days at a job can be a cornucopia of not giving a heck. And when it comes to staying late on your last day, only the rapidly decaying, invisible bonds of convention are what keep people from just going screw this I'm out. After dealing with enough ridiculous customer demands it sure has got to feel good to just leave in the middle of a customer interaction.


Entitled Folks And Their Never-Ending Demands

Is it really doing anyone a favor to be angry that a store is closed at closing time, or that someone charged you full price for an item? These entitled folks sure seem to think so. While most people have a good idea of what fair and decent behavior is, there will always be an entitled few with unreasonable demands and delusions of bullying other people into giving them free stuff.


Egotistical Dude Underestimates Milk Gallon Challenge, Pays The Price

You very well might've heard of someone or another trying to tackle the infamous milk gallon challenge. It's a challenge that invites the most inflated of egos to push their bodies quite literally past their limits. It sounds like this dude vastly underestimated the kind of toll that the milk challenge would take on his body, and ended up paying the price dearly. 


Twitter Thread: Real World Implications Of The Avengers

Naturally, the Marvel movies portray all those iconic superheroes in such a way that there can oftentimes be a skimming over of the finer details, finer details that look like a whole lot of busted mailboxes and cars. If you have someone like Thanos roll into town to square off against the Avengers, you can pretty much count on your local grocery store being uprooted from the literal face of the earth. Also, probably every other store. 


Woman Refuses To Cover Pregnant Coworker's Workload, Gets Called Out

Oh boy, buckle on up for some more fun drama between coworkers. This time around, we've got a woman dealing with being called out by her pregnant coworker because she refused to pick up her extra work when she was on maternity leave. It seems totally reasonable that she didn't want to deal with the extra work, and especially when you factor in the fact that the lady had an assistant who could deal with the work while she was out. The moral judges of Reddit's AITA community were in agreement that her decision to not cover the extra work was in fact totally understandable. 


Funniest Ways People Failed At Everyday Tasks

We're all prone to moments of utter failure where we're left feeling just about as clueless as the very moment we came into this strange and disorienting world. It's good to be humbled by our own dumbness every now and again though. Keeps the fragile ego in check. Maybe these people's own hilarious moments where they failed at everyday tasks will serve to make you feel a bit better about your own blunders that still haunt you at night when you're just trying to catch a restful night's sleep. 


Man Makes Popcorn Blaster To Feed His Poultry

Just in case there's anyone out there looking for creative ways to go about feeding their poultry, this guy right here might've introduced the rest of the world to a truly inventive, fun way to get the job done. Seriously, with a popcorn blaster on hand you might actually look forward to what otherwise might feel like a menial task. We're ready for more of these videos. 


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