

Missouri Agriculture Updates: Ag Matters. Beef Month Preview. Century Farm Deadline.

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April 29, 2021

Chris Chinn

Loan options for young farmers, ag businesses and small towns

I love our farm deeply, but the farm I see today is not the same farm that has always been there. It has taken decades to build what we have now. An essential part of developing, modernizing and expanding our farm was the help from the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority.

This financial arm of the Missouri Department of Agriculture helps make possible the visions that farmers and agriculturalists have.

When we first started out on our own almost 25 years ago, Kevin and I secured a Beginning Farmer loan from our local bank using an "Aggie Bond" issued by MASBDA. With MASBDA's guidance, we also paired that with Missouri's Linked Deposit Program for a low-interest loan.

MASBDA helps make funds available for producers, agribusinesses and small businesses at competitive interest rates. MASBDA administers loans, loan guarantees, tax credits and grant programs.

One of MASBDA's most popular and impactful programs is the Beginning Farmer Loan Program. MASBDA helps administer this Aggie Bond program for the state of Missouri. This program provides tax-exempt financing through local banks for beginning farmers to buy things such as land, livestock and equipment.

To read Director Chinn's full Ag Matters column, click here!

Beef Cattle

May is Beef Month

Missouri consistently ranks third in the nation for beef cows and continually provides food for the state, nation and world. To celebrate that great news, May is recognized as Beef Month in the state of Missouri! Our state boasts more than four million head of cattle and calves annually on more than 53,000 farms. These farms encompass more than 10 million acres across the Show Me State. These farms are important to the state's economy, creating nearly 40,000 jobs. The most recent estimates of the beef industry's impact shows Missouri's beef industry produced nearly $2 billion in sales.

Beef is recognized as one of the most nutrient dense foods with 10 essential nutrients that supply at least 10% of the daily requirements in one 3-ounce serving.

Throughout the month of May, make sure that you grab a burger or steak and thank a Missouri beef producer for the work they do to feed the nation.

To learn more about the beef industry in Missouri, click here!

Black and White barn

MU Extension extends Century Farm application deadline

University of Missouri Extension is extending this year's Century Farm application deadline in recognition of the state's bicentennial. 

MU's Marshall Stewart says extending the application deadline to June 1 will give eligible farm families an opportunity to apply in this 'special year.' This year, a one-time recognition will also be given to 'Missouri Founding Farms' which have been owned by the same family for 200 years or more.   

Missouri Farm Bureau President Garrett Hawkins calls family farms the 'cornerstone' of the rural way of life. He says one family farming the same ground since the birth of Missouri takes dedication and hard work which the Missouri Farm Bureau and MU are proud to honor.  

Farms must have been owned by the same family for at least 100 consecutive years to qualify as a century farm.

To learn more about MU Extension's Century Farm program, click here!

Photo of the Week

Jimmy Williams (left) was honored last weekend with a Distinguished Service Award by the American Association of Grain Inspection and Weighing Agencies at their annual meeting in Nashville. Before taking over as the division director of Weights, Measures & Consumer Protection, Jimmy served as Administrator of the Grain Inspection Services Program for more than a decade. In total, he has been a committed to public service for nearly 30 years in a variety of agriculture related careers. Congratulations, Jimmy!

Grain Inspection and Warehousing Division LeadershipFooter

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