

Absolutely Bonkers "Glitch In The Matrix" Moments and more...

The universe is stuffed to the brim with an infinite amount of mysteries. There's so much to this life that we'll never understand. To make it even more endlessly strange, many of us have experienced those unexplainable "glitch in the matrix" moments ...
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Absolutely Bonkers "Glitch In The Matrix" Moments and more...

 In This Issue...

Absolutely Bonkers "Glitch In The Matrix" Moments

The universe is stuffed to the brim with an infinite amount of mysteries. There's so much to this life that we'll never understand. To make it even more endlessly strange, many of us have experienced those unexplainable "glitch in the matrix" moments where it's as if reality itself bugged out for a hot second. This can manifest as weird patterns that escape logic altogether. So, buckle up and brace yourself for this rollercoaster of bizarre stories. 


Intriguing Pet Drama People Have Witnessed

Contrary to the belief that pets just sit there and mope all day, many animals have rich inner lives filled with jealousy and rage. There's dogs out there herding lawn roombas and cats out there being eloquent, melodramatic divas. There's cats Lion Kinging other cats off balconies and jealous horses up to no good. Animals are just as petty and vicious as the rest of us.


Tumblr Thread: Foiling The Psychic Ice Cream Cat

Live with anything long enough and you're bound to notice some patterns. This tumblr user found that for some mystical reason, their cat knew exactly when there was going to be ice cream, so it became a process of tricking the cat. It fits into the long line of tumblr users who seem to notice things about their cats, like how cats are just eloquent enough to be melodramatic.


Delectable Looking Things That Aren't Quite Food

Reality has a habit of looking way too delicious for it's own good. There's just too many dice, coins and bits of rock out there that look like cookies, candy and gummies. There's too many car fluids that look like refreshing beverages. There's even snakes that look like bananas and that's not fair. There's just too many delicious looking things that aren't food.


Man Tells Wife He'll Open Separate Bank Account Amidst Finance Drama

Marriage brings with it a whole lot of hurdles. You've agreed to share your life with someone, and that oftentimes implies a shared bank account. If there isn't a flow, a mutual understanding between partners over how that money's going to be spend, then a whole lot of drama can end up breaking out. It sounds like this guy's wife is operating on a very different frequency for what she considers to be sound investment opportunities. So, he consulted the moral judges of Reddit's AITA community to see whether or not he'd be in the wrong for choosing to open a separate bank account if her habits don't change. 


Most Annoying Things People Say To Sound Intelligent

The internet's full of mind titans and obnoxious "brainiacs" that spew off half baked sentiments that are wrapped up in flowery words with the intention to flex those fragile egos. Unfortunately, these brainiacs are blinded by the love they possess for hearing themselves talk, and thus don't realize that everyone else is having none of it. Hopefully you don't find yourself realizing you say a lot of the things mentioned in this list. But, if you do, never too late to change. 


Girl Expects 60% Discount On Offerup

It seems as if this world will truly never run out of wildly entitled human beings. We're not sure what compels folks to trouble other people with their unyielding series of irrational demands. This girl certainly needed the wakeup call that she was given. Hopefully it takes. Check out more entitled folks and their wild boldness over here


Weird Encounters Delivery Drivers Had

It used to be that pizza delivery drivers bore the brunt of the weirdness, but now that people can have basically anything brought to their door, it widens the scope of strange and intriguing situations strangers can have with each other. 20 pizzas to an elks lodge? Makes sense. 20 bunches of bananas to a hotel room at 3 in the morning? Well, hopefully they tip well as an apology for what you're about to see.


Parent Lets Daughter Exclude Lazy Neighbor From Yard Business

This parent decided to consult the moral judges of Reddit's AITA community to see whether or not they were in the wrong for letting their daughter exclude an apparently lazy neighbor from their yard business. Folks seem to be in agreement that the parent didn't do anything wrong. If anything, they could've been serving up a little wakeup call to the neighbor. For some more drama between neighbors check out these passive aggressive notes that were left by angry neighbors


Absolutely Delicious Cake Fails

Nothing warms our hearts like being able to feast our eyes on some rather gnarly cake fails that missed their mark by a long shot. Hopefully the folks that created these disasters were able to have a nice laugh about it. 


Wife Yells At Husband For Eating Her Food

Anyone who signs up for marriage dives into the experience knowing that it'll likely come with its fair share of meltdowns over the pettiest of matters. You spend enough time with anyone, anyone at all, and you're bound to start having an issue or two with them over something. In this case, the wife was completely fed up with her husband because he kept eating her food. She's wondering whether or not she was in the wrong for calling him out like she did. 


Inanimate Objects That Seem a Bit Upset

If you've ever had the vague feeling that someone was upset with you, then why not indulge that feeling with the sight of inanimate objects that seem to be angry, frustrated and scared! There's just something about us that wants to see faces in things. Whether that's a fun creative exercise or a millennia of fear forcing us to look for predators, it sure seems like some inanimate objects have a whole lot of personality.


Unfortunate Moments of Failure and Chaos

As much as we'd like the forces of darkness and confusion to leave us alone, mistakes, failures, errors and blunders still find their way into our lives. It's not a graceful life; one of dropped phones and exploded pipes, but it is the one we are given. All there is to do is take it in stride and sometimes expect that the world is merciless.


People's Pettiest Pet Peeves

It's AskReddit threads like the one we have here that can remind you that there are a whole lot of people out there being proactively stressed out, frustrated, and straight up angered by the very same things that make you tick. It could be those moments when folks comment on the food that you're eating, or perhaps it's the people that leave cooking time on the microwave instead of clearing it. You'll likely connect with at least one of these petty pet peeves. 


Employee Tells Coworkers Everyone Can't Afford A House, Awkwardness Ensues

This employee decided to ask the moral judges of Reddit's AITA community whether or not they were in the wrong for telling their coworkers that everyone can't in fact afford to buy a house. Apparently their coworkers didn't take too kindly to them sharing that widely recognized reality. If anything it seems like their coworkers could've handled the sentiment that they shared with just a bit more grace and understanding. 


Tumblr Thread: The Staggering Recklessness Of Humans In Star Trek

We can always bank on the brilliant, wandering minds of Tumblr to lead us down rabbit holes where various aspects of universes like that of the Star Trek universe, are obsessively overanalyzed. Basically, this Tumblr thread pays mind to the fact that humans are regularly equipped with technology that's light years beyond their understanding, and such a situation paves the way for complete chaos throughout space. It's really a fun way to shift your perspective on how other civilizations throughout space actually view humans in the Star Trek universe. Check out some more funny Tumblr gems unleashed from the depths over here


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