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The Biggest Moment in the History of the Cannabis Industry?

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I Traded In Opioids for Cannabis - and Never Looked Back

David Fessler | Engineering Strategist | The Oxford Club

Dave Fessler

In 2012, I went on a business trip to the beautiful Rancho Santana resort on the coast of Nicaragua.

I was prepared to settle in for a relaxing week of connecting with subscribers and sharing investment ideas.

Upon arriving at "the Ranch," I was anxious to hit the beach and enjoy the waves. Having grown up near the New Jersey shore, I was a big fan of bodysurfing: riding the waves without a surfboard.

I'd done it hundreds of times before. The only difference between bodysurfing in Nicaragua and New Jersey is the size of the waves.

At that time of the year, the waves were 6 to 8 feet in height - about twice the size of the New Jersey waves I was accustomed to.

I convinced two co-workers to join me. In retrospect, that decision saved my life.

The first two waves I rode into shore were fantastic. I turned around and saw another one building that I wanted to catch.

There was just one problem.

I had ridden the last wave in so far that by the time I waded out to catch the next one, the water wasn't quite deep enough. And when you're bodysurfing, you want a lot of water beneath you in case you wipe out.

I was on top of a 6-foot wave when I realized I had gotten ahead of it. I was staring down at wet sand that looked awfully far below me.

With no water to cushion the blow, my neck slammed onto the sand. I saw stars and was violently tumbled around.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself facedown in 8 inches of water, holding my breath. And I had a big problem.

I was paralyzed from the neck down, unable to move or lift my head up to breathe.

As my co-workers lifted me up, I said, "I can't move anything! Drag me onto the beach." They were in as much shock as I was.

Fortunately, a nurse from the local medical clinic was showing a visiting doctor the beautiful beach just as I was being dragged out of the water.

The doctor immediately immobilized my neck while the nurse helped arrange my transport to a hospital in Managua, Nicaragua.

There, it was determined that I had a spinal contusion. That's a serious bruise to the spinal cord.

The impact of my injury caused my spinal cord to swell up. That cut off all nerve signals to everything below my shoulders.

It took about two years and a lot of therapy for me to regain about 90% of my pre-accident movement.

Now... when I was at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital, the doctors over there started me on 50 milligrams of OxyContin two or three times a day.

When I left Good Shepherd, I had it down to 10 milligrams three to four times a day.

I never became addicted. Nor did I feel any adverse side effects.

But I always wondered whether there was a better way to treat my nerve pain.

About six years ago, my eldest son suggested to me that I try cannabis.



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I hadn't touched the stuff since college.

But I had heard about its health benefits, so I was eager to give it a shot.

The effect was like night and day. My nerve pain dissolved. And I found that I no longer needed OxyContin.

And I'm not the only one. I know about a half-dozen people who were treated at Good Shepherd for nerve pain.

They ALL sing the praises of medical cannabis.

And I've read about some incredible stories too.

There's Charlotte Figi, the little girl who suffered from horrific seizures. Before she started taking CBD oil, she was having seizures every 30 minutes.

By the age of 5, she had lost the ability to eat, walk or talk.

But in the first week of taking CBD oil, she didn't have a single seizure.

Her seizures came down from 300 a week to only two to three a month. And her ability to walk, talk and eat returned.

And then there's Rick Simpson. In 2003, this Canadian engineer discovered three strange bumps on his arm.

They turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer.

He decided to coat the cancerous bumps with his homemade cannabis oil.

Within four days, the growths had disappeared.

For me personally, I believe I'd still be on opioids if I didn't have access to cannabis.

It really works. And I'm grateful to live in Pennsylvania, where medical use is legal.

I look forward to the day when medical cannabis is legalized at the federal level - and more people can gain access to this life-changing treatment.

My colleague Chief Trends Strategist Matthew Carr believes this change is imminent. And he's made it his life's work to prepare investors for this very moment.

In 2017, he gave readers the chance to transform their wealth when Canada voted on legalization.

And he's doing it again right now - but for the U.S.

That's why he teamed up with cannabis legend Bruce Linton.

Linton founded Canopy Growth Corp. (Nasdaq: CGC), Canada's largest licensed producer. And he was a key player in Canada's legalization movement.

He and Matthew had a fascinating discussion about when legalization will occur in the U.S... and what investors should be exposed to in order to maximize their profits.

Check out what they had to say by clicking here.

Good investing,



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