

New Videos from the Library of Congress, June 29

The Healing Power of Song, String Quartet Sensations and Behind the Book

Watch these videos just added to the Library of Congress website.

Post Traumatic Stress & Music: The Healing Power of Song
A panel discussion that explores the efforts of musicians and music-based organizations to reach out to veterans diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress, and share their stories of how vets have used music to cope with traumatic experiences. The panel of expert musicians, veterans and musical organizations will be introduced by Gary Sinise, actor and founding member of the Lt. Dan Band.

Pavel Haas Quartet with Boris Giltburg
Now firmly established as one of the great string quartets performing today, the Pavel Haas Quartet returns to the Library virtually with an exciting program of inimitable works. Offering one of the classic Bartók quartets alongside one of their signature works by Smetana, the Czech powerhouse is joined by pianist Boris Giltburg for Brahms' piano quintet, the holograph manuscript of which is held at the Library of Congress.

Behind the Book: Great American Translators Edith Grossman and Mario Vargas Llosa
Nobel Prize in Literature recipient Mario Vargas Llosa and his longtime Spanish-to-English translator, Edith Grossman, discuss their work together. Throughout her celebrated career, Grossman has also translated works of other writers such as Gabriel Garcia Márquez, Mayra Montero and Miguel de Cervantes. 

Armenian Question, Humanitarian Intervention, and Anglo-American Visions of Global Order
Charlie Laderman, a recent Kluge scholar, discusses his new book, "Sharing the Burden: The Armenian Question, Humanitarian Intervention, and Anglo-American Visions of Global Order." In the book, Laderman looks at the Armenian struggle for survival in the early 20th century, and the way that it forced the U.S. to consider its role as an international power in a new way.

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