

Creepy and Imposing Signs That Aren't Messing Around and more...

They say what you don't know can't hurt you. The "they" in that phrase seems not to have ever heard about dangerous heavy equipment, poisonous trees, and looming monkey attacks. These creepy signs make their message clear about what's coming for whom, ...
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Creepy and Imposing Signs That Aren't Messing Around and more...

 In This Issue...

Creepy and Imposing Signs That Aren't Messing Around

They say what you don't know can't hurt you. The "they" in that phrase seems not to have ever heard about dangerous heavy equipment, poisonous trees, and looming monkey attacks. These creepy signs make their message clear about what's coming for whom, and that's probably a good thing. Even though these terrifying signs speak the language of fear, they're still trying to tell us something, and that's better than nothing.


Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

Um, the fact that this guy's wife told his coworker to basically back off, and said coworker continued to bring meals after that, makes this a very unsettling situation, indeed. Not even unsettling as much as it's just plain old inappropriate. If anything, it seems like something far more extramarital could be afoot in this unfortunate "love triangle."


Wholesome Memes For a Serving of Positivity

Life can seem like a big swirling pool of negativity sometimes, but it's important to remember that you have the ability to stop and focus on what's important. It's probably better for us in the long run to spend at least some time thinking about the things that make us happy, and baby that meanswholesome memes for a shot of niceness.


Karen Thinks Employee Is Line Cutter, Gets Humbled

The garden variety Karen is known for obstructive outbursts, and this one was no different when she convinced herself that an employee was trying to ruin her day. Even given an explanation, she wasn't ready to back down. For another Karen with nonsensical demands, here's a Karen who demanded a delivery driver check her groceries out.


Tumblr Thread: A Vulcan Gets a Cat

Seeing our own actions through the eyes of a more coldly logical being lets us poke fun at the absurdity of our own lives. Plus it doesn't hurt that Vulcans are a fun concept to play around with anyway, as evidenced by this tumblr thread of a human on a Vulcan ship. Pet ownership is weird, and our relationship with cats in particular is fraught with unique and strange meaning. Especially when you get into specifics like this tumblr thread on how cats are just eloquent enough to be melodramatic.


Demanding Customer Wastes Their Own Time for Four Cents

Sure, if the hill you're willing to die on costs four cents out of the charity bin, go ahead and die on that hill. Customers sometimes make demands with stupid implications, like this customer who wanted a pound of chicken wings and got less wings or this guy who demanded to ride in a go kart with no engine.


Deceptive Products Designed By Real Jerkwads

"Passing the savings" on to the consumer is great and all, but what really matters is that you're passing the actual product to the consumer. Everyone has had a moment with lying packaging, trick containers and misleading and awful products that ended up being more cardboard and air than anything else. The lengths some manipulative and terrible products will go to is something that feels like it should only exist in cartoons.


Entitled Folks and Their Unconventional Audacity

The absurd audacity of entitled people knows no limits. There's a kind of personality out there who's able to jump through as many logical hoops as it takes to make any self-serving request seem reasonable. There are bosses who will expect workers to pay for their own materials, landlords who see no problem asking people to pay 6 months up front, and complete strangers who will get angry at you for not sharing your Netflix password. It's amazing, watching how laughably bold entitled people will get.


Facepalm Moments Made Possible By The Brutally Stupid

We live in a world where humans are free to make their own choices, and that means people can be as facepalmingly dumb as they want. It makes you rethink whether or not this whole civilized society thing is even a good idea to begin with. Just hearing the stupid things people say in full confidence is enough to want to live in a cave, but here we are. There's more and more classic facepalm moments of dumbness every day.


Employee Counters Customer's Belligerence With Intelligence And Training

Let it be duly noted that engineers are dangerously sassy when they're bored. With that out of the way, this dude's account of dealing with a terribly belligerent customer is nothing short of glorious. Sometimes, the best course of action when confronted by a customer who seems bent on making your shift miserable is to counteract all of their toxic nonsense with pure brainpower. Check out another wonderful tale of malicious compliance with this man who followed contracted hours, and the destruction that ensued within management


Tumblr Thread: Researchers Are Ridiculous With Naming Things

So many of us take for granted just how ridiculous some of the names of scientific things are. It's fun to take a moment and appreciate what kinds of wild thought processes went into naming various objects of observation. For some more gold from Tumblr check out this post about how trees are low key monsters. Just a tad bit unnerving. 


The Most Dangerous Things People Have Eaten

We've all heard stories about stuff like poisonous blowfish, but when you really think about it, there's a surprising number of foods that can kill you. It's not just poisonous foods, but also strange and specific allergies, extremely dodgy and less than hygienically stuff, or just something you might just choke on. There's a wide world of dangerous food out there, and many of us have found ourselves on the wrong end of the spoon. People will also eat the worst things, simply out of politeness.


Guy Prescribes Dose of Own Medicine to Scammer

If a scammer tries to get at your hard-earned money, you're justified in, nay obligated to, feed them a bunch of absurd lies and waste their afternoon with your goofdom. It's simply what's done. For some extra scammer drama, here are some influencers getting called out for their lobster scam as well as Scammy Tammy wasting a seller's time with her dumb scam.


Hilarious And Aggressively Petty Posts From Neighbors On Nextdoor

Anyone who has ever moved into a new place knows that the experience can be marked by a bit of stress over what your new neighbors are going to be like. It can be a bit of a gamble. Sometimes, you think you're moving into a place next to a perfectly reasonable human being, and then come to find out that they're nothing short of a waking nightmare. The folks that are featured in this collection of ridiculous posts on the infamous Nextdoorneighbor app seem like they could be quite the handful. 


Woman Tries to Save Money on Power, Floods Entire Basement Instead

Man. What an absolute FU. And also what a stupid way to wire in a switch to a sump. 

Why on gods green earth would you wire both the light and the sump to both function off of the same switch? That sounds like putting mines in a soccer field and being surprised when it all goes horrible wrong.


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