



Dog Interrupts Game To Demand Belly Rubs From A Goalkeeper

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 08:03 PM PDT

This dog has guts! A playful Labrador interrupted a soccer game and demanded a belly rub in Gori, Georgia. Many players tried to catch the dog and remove him from the field, including the referee. Instead of feeling scared or threatened, the dog thought they were playing a game and happily ran away from them. The dog was eventually coaxed to get off the pitch. No one really knows where the dog came from or how it got into the field.  

Image credit: Reuters 

Disney Characters Brought To Life In Stunning Photographs By kazkovuykyiv

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 08:02 PM PDT

These stunning photographs by kazkovuykyiv depict several Disney icons in real life. From Snow White to Belle to Rapunzel, the characters were photograpped in a gauzy wonderland setting. The photographer enlisted the help of some Ukrainian celebrities to play the roles. Check more photos below!  

Image credit: Facebook

New ‘Cat-Fox’ Species Discovered In Corsica

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 08:01 PM PDT

The ghjattu-volpe, also known as a 'cat-fox,' was once a mythological being among shepherds. However, thanks to a project on Corsica, this being has been proven to exist! According to a genetic analysis, the cat-fox could actually be a previously unrecognized species of wildcat. 

Researchers hope that its genetic information will be distinct enough to be recognized as a new subspecies, at least. 

Image credit: Pascal Pochard-Casabianca /AFP 

Lost Puppy Seeks Refuge In His Vet’s Office While Waiting For Help

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 08:00 PM PDT

When a puppy in Thailand ended up getting lost, he managed to make his way to the perfect "help desk." It happened to be the Putahracsa Veterinary clinic, where the puppy had received his vaccines months earlier. The pupper sat outside until the staff recognized him and proceeded to call his family. 

Photo:Facebook / Putahracsa Veterinary Clinic

Teenager Goes Blind After Eating Pringles And Fries For Years

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:49 PM PDT

Leave some space for fruits and vegetables on your diet, please. No one said anything about a fast-food ban! 

A teenage boy became blind after a long period of eating just Pringles, fries, plain white bread, and occasional processed meat. According to Dr Denize Atan, who treated him at Bristol Eye Hospital, "his diet was essentially a portion of chips from the local fish and chip shop every day," In addition, the doctor states that "he also used to snack on crisps – Pringles – and sometimes slices of white bread and occasional slices of ham, and not really any fruit and vegetables."

With the boy's lacking diet, he developed vitamin B12 deficiency, which can lead to reduced color vision and other eye problems. In addition, he suffered from Arfid, also known as avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. His vision deteriorated after not continuing his supplements, which was against medical advice. 

Image credit: Fernando Andrade

Teddy Roosevelt's Pitchfork Prowess

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 05:10 PM PDT

We know that President Theodore Roosevelt was a veteran, a fitness buff, and an outdoorsman. He always tried to stay in shape, and was no stranger to a hard day's work, even while in office. Roosevelt camped outside, even when it rained, and was known to pitch hay with the best of them. This endeared him to working people, except for those he outworked in public. In fact, he managed to leverage his physical strength to influence others in many ways. In other words, he wasn't above making hay out of it. This account quoted from a magazine was published in the Essex County Herald on November 22, 1907.

A delegation from Kansas visited President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay. The president met them with coat and collar off, mopping his brow.

“Ah, gentlemen,” he said, “dee-lighted to see you—dee-lighted! But I’m very busy putting in my hay just now. Come down to the barn with me, and we’ll talk things over while I work.”

Down to the barn hustled president and delegation.

Mr. Roosevelt seized a pitchfork and—but where was the hay?

“John!” shouted the president. “John! Where’s all the hay?”

“Sorry, sir,” came John’s voice from the loft, “but I ain’t had time to throw it back since you threw it up for yesterday’s delegation.”

Oops. The subterfuge is delicious, but it only underscores how fit the president was that he did that day after day. Read about Roosevelt's adventures in hay, camping, and more at Second Glance History.  -via Strange Company 

(Image source: Library of Congress)

The Stories of Six Historical Exorcisms

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 04:27 PM PDT

Exorcism is a ritual used to remove demons that possess the bodies of people. Casting out demons goes back at least as far as the Bible, and is usually associated with the Catholic Church. However, exorcism has occurred in Pentecostal and Evangelical churches in more modern times. There is no doubt that people will occasionally show symptoms that couldn't be explained any other way in the days before modern medical science, that today would be diagnosed as mental illness or even physical ailments -or a combination. The spiritual belief in demons can go a long way toward making them seem real. But whether or not you believe that demons can possess people, the rituals used to cast them out are very real, and some have been extensively documented. Some appeared to have been successful, while others were lifelong battles, and even more left no documented followup. Read the accounts of six documented historical exorcisms ranging over the past 400 years at Mental Floss.

Apple Is Developing Augmented Reality That Will Beam Images Directly into Your Eyeballs

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 08:06 AM PDT

The common joke is that, eventually, advertisers will be able to buy space in your dreams to sell you stuff. We haven't arrived at that future yet, but we are making progress.

Apple Insider, a website that keeps up on the latest news about that corporation's products and services, notes that Apple recently received a patent for a product called "Apple Glass." It isn't simply a wearable augmented reality projector. It's a "direct retinal projector." This machine would use the human eyes themselves to experience the visual overlay.

So although it's not quite at the level of a holodeck on Star Trek, it is conceptually similar to the synaptic stimulator on the Star Trek:Voyager episode "Equinox."

-via Dave Barry | Image: USPO

Going for the LEGO Millennium Falcon World Record

Posted: 29 Oct 2021 07:27 AM PDT

There are Guinness World Records for everything under the sun, including individual LEGO sets. Paul Ufema set a Guinness World Record in speed for putting together the LEGO Colosseum set in February. That's more than 9,000 pieces, and he did it in less than 14 hours! Well, once you've had the thrill of setting a world record, you want to feel that thrill again, so Ufema plunged ahead, this time tackling the LEGO Millennium Falcon, which has 7,541 pieces. He put the set together in 16 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds, which is a world record time. But there was a problem- one piece left in the box.

Did the LEGO company give him an extra brick? Where did that brick belong? Ufema did a thorough investigation and was ultimately disqualified from the record. But he has our respect, nonetheless. -via Laughing Squid

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