

Department of State Launches the Climate Entrepreneurship for Economic Development (CEED) Initiative

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11/03/2021 02:32 PM EDT

Office of the Spokesperson

The United States announced the launch of the Climate Entrepreneurship for Economic Development (CEED) Initiative at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).  The initiative aims to address the climate crisis and contribute to economic development by nurturing entrepreneurial climate solutions.  To achieve these goals, CEED draws upon new and existing Department of State programs and connects climate entrepreneurs with peer thought partners, industry mentors, and partnership opportunities needed to scale innovative climate solutions.  CEED also enlists private sector partners to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to driving green growth globally.

As Department of State's Managing Director for Global Partnerships Thomas Debass announced at the U.S. Center at COP26 on November 3, CEED is a public-private partnership between the Department of State, through its Office of Global Partnerships and in coordination with the Office of the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and LinkedIn, Salesforce, and General Electric (GE).  The Department of State will accelerate climate solutions by connecting U.S. industry leaders and business accelerators with climate entrepreneurs in developing countries, catalyzing access to capital and expertise and facilitating strategic exchanges of people and ideas.  Through the CEED partnership, the Department of State's extensive networks and specialized programming focused on people-to-people exchanges, curated delegations, and entrepreneurship diplomacy will further enhance efforts by climate-focused entrepreneurs and CEED partners.

LinkedIn will provide vital information on economic trends to CEED partners to help them adapt jobs and skills to meet the climate challenge.  LinkedIn will use its platform to enable CEED stakeholders – including multinational employers, accelerators and green entrepreneurs – to communicate, connect, and engage with one another across the full spectrum of CEED initiatives around the world.

Salesforce will leverage its extensive networks, capital, and expertise to enhance all areas of CEED programming, including its newly announced $300 million fund in support of new climate investments towards reforestation, ecosystem restoration, and climate justice and action.

GE will engage across all aspects of CEED programming, providing expertise, delegates, speakers, and mentors.  GE will also leverage networks and information from its research centers in Niskayuna, New York and Bangalore, India, and will share the company's aviation, energy, and healthcare expertise with CEED entrepreneurs pursuing climate and sustainability solutions.

To learn more about the CEED initiative, please visit https://www.state.gov/climate-entrepreneurship-for-economic-development-ceed and view a recording of the launch event via the U.S. Center's YouTube channel.

Private sector stakeholders that are interested in joining CEED may contact the Department of State's Office of Global Partnerships at partnerships@state.gov or visit https://www.state.gov/s/partnerships.

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