

I don't care if this sounds corny.

Indiana, you helped MPower Change make history in 2021 and I need to know: can we continue to count on you?

MPower Change

As salaamu alaykum, Indiana—

I'm not going to be shy about this:

There is nothing I love more than when our movements for justice win.

Repealing Trump's Muslim Ban, slamming Big Tech in the media, and scaring the wits out of the far-right every time a Muslim uses their right-to-vote for a better future. 

The only thing sweeter than that is making it all happen with MPower Change members like you, Indiana.

I don't care if that sounds corny, it's absolutely true and we need your help to keep winning. 

Today is a beautiful opportunity to make a donation in solidarity with MPower Change's vision for a future free from systemic Islamophobia.

Donations as small as $5 help power the teams and tech we need to run our trainings, voter mobilizations, and rapid response campaigns against Islamophobia.

Will you chip in, Indiana?

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