

LAST DAY to save on Lieb's renown chromaticism techniques and concepts.

Modern Chromaticism Techniques and more!

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A sale for everyone seeking new avenues of self expression..

 For ALL musicians. He is a rare combination of world-renown artist, award winner, and master educator. He has revealed to thousands of frustrated musicians a new inner voice they never knew they had. No one has better  explained the elusive art of chromaticism in modern improvisation. Are you ready to find your hidden inner voice?
Finally, an all-encompassing exploration into the "playing outside" techniques of the masters. The unexplored awaits. Read on and CHANGE EVERYTHING!
Band Directors: Now your combo is complete! Introducing the long-awaited drum edition to the popular "Real Easy Book - 3-Horn Edition" series. Now, everyone in the combo can have a guidebook!
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