My close friend and colleague Karim Rahemtulla underwent open-heart surgery this month. We were all incredibly worried... but I'm happy to report he's doing very well. His first words after the surgery... "How's my favorite stock performing today?" This guy... what an animal. He's worked in the markets for more than 35 years... And I don't think there is anyone on Earth who loves stocks more... and especially one stock in particular. That's why he asked about it right away. Karim has been working on a new presentation he's calling "The Last Great Value Stock." This situation is so urgent - and the stock is such an incredible bargain - that he specifically scheduled his onstage presentation just before his surgery. (Like I said, he's an animal.) This goes to show you just how much he believes in this stock... and how much money it could make you - if you act quickly. It's about a company that just experienced a major reversal. Income, including equity sales, swung from a $4.3 billion loss in 2020 to $3.5 billion in the black in 2021. 
That's actually a higher income figure than Tesla or Disney. Yet Disney is 35X more expensive than this stock. And Tesla is 84X more expensive. This stock - which trades for less than $2 - could go to $50 tomorrow and STILL BE CHEAPER THAN DISNEY! It could go to $100 and still be cheaper than Tesla! Why? Nobody can explain it better than Karim. Watch his presentation on The Last Great Value Stock right here. Karim is a superstar, and this is one of the great stock finds of his entire career. Be well, Andy P.S. Reversals can create major moves for stock prices. For example, in 2020... Avis had a $684 million loss. In 2021, that reversed to an $813 million profit. As a result, the stock jumped from $37 at the start of 2021 to a peak of $300 in November. That's how powerful a reversal can be. So you can see why Karim believes this under-$2 stock is set to rocket higher in the months ahead.
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