You are subscribed to Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor for U.S. Department of State. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. 03/30/2022 09:12 PM EDT Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor I. Requested Objectives for Statements of InterestThe Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) from organizations interested in supporting capable and professional Cuban-led civil society groups, on and off-island, to better coordinate efforts to promote democratic reforms and accountability for human rights. PLEASE NOTE: DRL strongly encourages applicants to immediately access SAMS Domestic or in order to obtain a username and password. For instructions on how to register with SAMS Domestic for the first time, please refer to the Proposal Submission Instructions for Statements of Interest at: The submission of a SOI is the first step in a two-part process. Applicants must first submit a SOI, which is a concise, 5-page concept note designed to clearly communicate a program idea and its objectives before the development of a full proposal application. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants the opportunity to submit program ideas for DRL to evaluate prior to requiring the development of full proposal applications. Upon review of eligible SOIs, DRL will invite selected applicants to expand their ideas into full proposal applications. Context: Independent civil society organizations in Cuba are increasingly strained by the growing number of human rights defenders and democracy activists fleeing the island to escape persistent harassment and repression or who are forcibly exiled by the Cuban regime. Organizations are weakened by loss of institutional memory, organizational capacity, and morale when their leaders or prominent members are forced into exile. Additionally, recently exiled Cuban civil society leaders face a number of barriers to continuing their advocacy efforts off-island. Connecting with diaspora-led organizations is often difficult because of the number and diversity of these organizations. As a result, recently exiled Cuban civil society leaders, who have the potential to be connectors between on-island and off-island activists, often resume their work in relative isolation. These challenges exist in addition to the fundamental struggles they face from being exiled, such as the need for legal and psychosocial support. The individual challenges of integrating recently exiled Cuban civil society leaders into diaspora-led activism reflects a broader barrier to coordination between on-island and off-island civil society. Currently, Cuban activists lack the tools and support needed to organize around a consensus-based strategy, with limited viable structures to coordinate effectively or generate consensus among the plurality of Cuban civil society networks both on island and off island. DRL's goal for this project is to both mitigate the weakening of independent civil society organizations in Cuba and capitalize on the knowledge of recently exiled civil society leaders by fostering stronger strategic linkages within and between civil society organizations based on and off island. GOAL: Promote democratic reforms and accountability for human rights through empowered recently exiled Cuban civil society leaders and strengthened coordination between on-island and off-island activism in support of democracy and human rights in Cuba. OBJECTIVES:
Recognizing that the barriers to on-island and off-island coordination are significant, DRL expects this project approach to be iterative. The project should budget time and resources to test multiple approaches for network and consensus-building that are validated and informed by the experiences of recently exiled Cuban civil society actors, as well as other forms of evidence. Other on-island and off-island actors are currently working to address this challenge as well, and gathering their experiences and lessons should be part of the program approach. DRL expects this approach to include a formative evaluation that assesses the progress of the piloted networking activities during the period of performance. This evaluation will be designed in collaboration with DRL upon award, but should be assumed to include regular qualitative data collection, analysis, and adaptation based on feedback from program stakeholders. All programs should aim to have impact that leads to reforms and should have the potential for sustainability beyond DRL resources. DRL's preference is to avoid duplicating past efforts by supporting new and creative approaches. This does not exclude from consideration projects that improve upon or expand existing successful projects in a new and complementary way. Programs should seek to include groups that can bring perspectives based on their religion, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, and/or sexual orientation and gender identity. Programs should be demand-driven and locally led to the extent possible. DRL requires all programs to be non-discriminatory and expects implementers to include strategies for integration of individuals/organizations regardless of religion, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, and/or sexual orientation and gender identity. To maximize the impact and sustainability of the award(s) that result(s) from this RSOI/NOFO, DRL reserves the right to execute a non-competitive continuation amendment(s). Any non-competitive continuation is contingent on performance and availability of funds. A non-competitive continuation is not guaranteed; the Department of State reserves the right to exercise or not exercise the option to issue non-competitive continuation amendment(s). Activities that are NOT typically considered competitive include, but are not limited, to:
Programs that are NOT funded:
II. Eligibility InformationOrganizations submitting SOIs must meet the following criteria:
Applicants may form consortia and submit a combined SOI. However, one organization should be designated as the lead applicant with the other members as sub-award partners. DRL's preference is to work with non-profit entities; however, there may be some occasions when a for-profit entity is best suited. Applications submitted by for-profit entities may be subject to additional review following the panel selection process. Additionally, the Department of State prohibits profit to for-profit or commercial organizations under its assistance awards. Profit is defined as any amount in excess of allowable direct and indirect costs. The allowability of costs incurred by commercial organizations is determined in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at 48 CFR 30, Cost Accounting Standards Administration, and 48 CFR 31 Contract Cost Principles and Procedures. Please see 2 CFR 200.307 for regulations regarding program income. DRL is committed to an anti-discrimination policy in all of its programs and activities. DRL welcomes SOI submissions irrespective of race, ethnicity, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or other status. Any applicant listed on the Excluded Parties List System in the System for Award Management ( ( and/or has a current debt to the U.S. government is not eligible to apply for an assistance award in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR,1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR,1989 Comp., p. 235), "Debarment and Suspension." Additionally, no entity or person listed on the Excluded Parties List System in can participate in any activities under an award. All applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Excluded Parties List System in to ensure that no ineligible entity or person is included in their application. Organizations are not required to have a valid Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number—formerly referred to as a DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number—and an active registration to apply for this solicitation through SAMS Domestic. However, if a SOI is approved, these will need to be obtained before an organization is able to submit a full application. Therefore, we recommend starting the process of obtaining a UEI and registration as soon as possible. Please note that there is no cost associated with UEI or registration. III. Application Requirements, Deadlines, and Technical EligibilityAll SOIs must conform to DRL's posted Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI) for FY 2021 Cuba Statements of Interest, as updated in March 2022, available at Complete SOI submissions must include the following:
Primary organizations can submit one (1) SOI in response to the RSOI. SOIs that request less or more than $500,000 may be deemed technically ineligible. Technically eligible SOIs are those which:
For all SOI documents please ensure: and SAMS Domestic automatically log the date and time an application submission is made, and the Department of State will use this information to determine whether an application has been submitted on time. Late applications are neither reviewed nor considered. Known system errors caused by or SAMS Domestic ( that are outside of the applicant's control will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Applicants should not expect a notification upon DRL receiving their application. DRL will not accept SOIs submitted via email, fax, the postal system, delivery companies, or couriers. DRL strongly encourages all applicants to submit SOIs before Wednesday, May 4, 2022, to ensure that the SOI has been received and is complete. IV. Review and Selection ProcessDRL strives to ensure that each application receives a balanced evaluation by a DRL review panel. The Department's Office of Acquisitions Management (AQM) will determine technical eligibility for all SOI submissions. All technically eligible SOIs will then be reviewed against the same four criteria by a DRL Review Panel: quality of program idea, addressing barriers to equal participation, program planning, and ability to achieve objectives/institutional capacity. Additionally, the Panel will evaluate how the SOI meets the solicitation request, U.S. foreign policy goals, and DRL's overall priority needs. Panelists review each SOI individually against the evaluation criteria, not against competing SOIs. To ensure all SOIs receive a balanced evaluation, the DRL Review Panel will review the first page of the SOI up to the page limit and no further. All Panelists must sign non-disclosure agreements and conflict of interest agreements. In most cases, the DRL Review Panel includes representatives from DRL policy and program offices. Once a SOI is approved, selected applicants will be invited to submit full proposal applications based on their SOIs. Unless directed otherwise by the organization, DRL may also refer SOIs for possible consideration in other U.S. government related funding opportunities. The Panel may provide conditions and/or recommendations on SOIs to enhance the proposed program, which must be addressed by the organization in the full proposal application. To ensure effective use of limited DRL funds, conditions and recommendations may include requests to increase, decrease, clarify, and/or justify costs and program activities. DRL's Front Office reserves the right to make a final determination regarding all funding matters, pending funding availability. Review Criteria Quality of Program Idea SOIs should be responsive to the program framework and policy objectives identified in the RSOI, appropriate in the country/regional context, and should exhibit originality, substance, precision, and relevance to DRL's mission of promoting human rights and democracy. Projects should have the potential to have an immediate impact leading to long-term, sustainable reforms. DRL prefers new approaches that do not duplicate efforts by other entities. This does not exclude from consideration projects that improve upon or expand existing successful projects in a new and complementary way. In countries where similar activities are already taking place, an explanation should be provided as to how new activities will not duplicate or merely add to existing activities and how these efforts will be coordinated. SOIs that promote creative approaches to recognized ongoing challenges are highly encouraged. DRL prioritizes project proposals with inclusive approaches for advancing these rights. Addressing Barriers to Equal Participation DRL strives to ensure its projects advance the rights and uphold the dignity of all persons. As the U.S. government's lead bureau dedicated to promoting democratic governance, DRL requests a programming approach dedicated to strengthening inclusive societies as a necessary pillar of strong democracies. Violence targeting any members of society undermines collective security and threatens democracy. DRL prioritizes inclusive and integrated program models that assess and address the barriers to access for individuals and groups based on their religion, gender, disabilities, ethnicity, or sexual orientation and gender identity. Applicants should describe how programming will impact all of its beneficiaries, including support that specifically targets communities facing discrimination, and which may be under threat of violence. Program Planning A strong SOI will include a clear articulation of how the proposed program activities and expected results (both outputs and outcomes) contribute to specific program objectives and the overall program goal. Objectives should be ambitious, yet measurable, results-focused, and achievable in a reasonable time frame. Ability to Achieve Objectives/Institutional Capacity SOIs should address how the program will engage relevant stakeholders and should identify local partners as appropriate. If local partners are identified, applicants should describe the division of labor among the applicant and any local partners. SOIs should demonstrate the organization's expertise and previous experience in administering programs, preferably similar programs targeting the requested program area or similarly challenging environments. For additional guidance, please see DRL's posted Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI) for FY 2021 Cuba Statements of Interest, as updated in March 2022, available at V. Additional InformationDRL will not consider applications that reflect any type of support for any member, affiliate, or representative of a designated terrorist organization. Please refer the link for Foreign Terrorist Organizations: Project activities whose direct beneficiaries are foreign militaries or paramilitary groups or individuals will not be considered for DRL funding given purpose limitations on funding. In accordance with Department of State policy for terrorism, applicants are advised that successful passing of vetting to evaluate the risk that funds may benefit terrorists or their supporters is a condition of award. If chosen for an award, applicants will be asked to submit information required by DS Form 4184, Risk Analysis Information (attached to this solicitation) about their company and its principal personnel. Vetting information is also required for all sub-award performance on assistance awards identified by the Department of State as presenting a risk of terrorist financing. Vetting information may also be requested for project beneficiaries and participants. Failure to submit information when requested, or failure to pass vetting, may be grounds for rejecting your proposal prior to award. The Leahy Law prohibits Department foreign assistance funds from supporting foreign security force units if the Secretary of State has credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. Per 22 USC §2378d(a) (2017), "No assistance shall be furnished under this chapter or the Arms Export Control Act to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country if the Secretary of State has credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights." Restrictions may apply to any proposed assistance to police or other law enforcement. Among these, pursuant to section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), no assistance provided through this funding opportunity may be furnished to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country when there is credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. In accordance with the requirements of section 620M of the FAA, also known as the Leahy law, project beneficiaries or participants from a foreign government's security forces may need to be vetted by the Department before the provision of any assistance. If a proposed grant or cooperative agreement will provide assistance to foreign security forces or personnel, compliance with the Leahy Law is required. Organizations should be aware that DRL understands that some information contained in SOIs may be considered sensitive or proprietary and will make appropriate efforts to protect such information. However, organizations are advised that DRL cannot guarantee that such information will not be disclosed, including pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or other similar statutes. Organizations should also be aware that if ultimately selected for an award, DRL requires all recipients of foreign assistance funding to comply with all applicable Department and Federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to the following: The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards set forth in 2 CFR Chapter 200 (Sub-Chapters A through F) shall apply to all non-Federal entities, except for assistance awards to Individuals and Foreign Public Entities. Sub-Chapters A through E shall apply to all foreign organizations, and Sub-Chapters A through D shall apply to all U.S. and foreign for-profit entities. The applicant/recipient of the award and any sub-recipient under the award must comply with all applicable terms and conditions, in addition to the assurance and certifications made part of the Notice of Award. The Department's Standard Terms and Conditions can be viewed at The information in this solicitation and DRL's PSI for FY 2021 Cuba SOIs, as updated in March 2022, is binding and may not be modified by any DRL representative. Explanatory information provided by DRL that contradicts this language will not be binding. Issuance of the solicitation and negotiation of SOIs or applications does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the U.S. government. DRL reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase proposal budgets in accordance with the needs of the program evaluation requirements. This solicitation will appear on, SAMS Domestic (, and DRL's website Background Information on DRL and DRL Funding DRL has the mission of promoting democracy and protecting human rights globally. DRL supports programs that uphold democratic principles, support and strengthen democratic institutions, promote human rights, prevent atrocities, combat and prevent violent extremism, and build civil society around the world. DRL typically focuses its work in countries with egregious human rights violations, where democracy and human rights advocates are under pressure, and where governments are undemocratic or in transition. Additional background information on DRL and the human rights report can be found on VI. Contact InformationSAMS Domestic Help Desk: Please note that establishing an account in SAMS Domestic may require the use of smartphone for multi-factor authentication (MFA). If an applicant does not have accessibility to a smartphone during the time of creating an account, please contact the helpdesk and request instructions on MFA for Windows PC. Helpdesk: For assistance with accounts and technical issues related to using the system, please call the Contact Center at +1 (800) 518-4726 or email The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. See for a list of federal holidays. For technical questions related to this solicitation, please contact Except for technical submission questions, during the RSOI period U.S. Department of State staff in Washington and overseas shall not discuss this competition with applicants until the entire proposal review process has been completed and rejection and approval letters have been transmitted. |
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Request for Statements of Interest: DRL Reconnecting Cuban Exiles with Cuban Civil Society
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