

Upcoming Elections for Federal Office

The following states have elections for federal office in the next 90 days:

June 2022:

June 7: Primary Elections- California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota

June 7: Special Primary Election- California US Senate

June 7: Special General Election- California CD 22

June 11: Special Primary Election- Alaska (Congress At-Large)

June 14: Primary Elections- Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina

June 14: Special General Election – Texas CD 34

June 21: Runoff Primary Elections: Alabama, Arkansas and Georgia

June 21: Primary Elections- District of Columbia and Virginia

June 28: Primary Elections- Colorado, Illinois, Oklahoma and Utah

June 28: Special Primary Election- Oklahoma US Senate

June 28: Runoff Primary Elections- Mississippi and South Carolina (if necessary)

July 2022 – 30 Day Notice:

July 19: Primary Election- Maryland

July 26: Runoff Primary Election- North Carolina

August 2022 – 60 Day Notice:

August 2: Primary Elections- Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri and Washington

August 4: Primary Election- Tennessee

August 6: Territory Primary- Virgin Islands

August 9: Primary Elections- Connecticut, Minnesota, Vermont, and Wisconsin

August 9: Special General- Minnesota CD 1

August 13: Primary Election- Hawaii

August 16: Primary Elections- Alaska and Wyoming

August 16: Special General- Alaska U.S. House

August 23: Primary Elections- Florida and Oklahoma

August 23: Primary Election – New York

August 23: Special Primary Runoff Election- Oklahoma US Senate

August 27: Territory Primary- Guam

September 2022 – 90 Day Notice:

September 6: Primary Election – Massachusetts

September 13: Primary Elections – Delaware, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island


Register and request your ballot by your state's deadline. You can use FVAP's easy online assistant at www.fvap.gov/FPCA to walk you through each section of the form. After you finish filling out the FPCA, print it, sign it, and send it to your election office. Most states accept the FPCA by email or fax while some require it by mail. Check your state-specific guidelines at FVAP.gov.

Once you receive your requested absentee ballot, vote and return it as soon as you get it. Remember to carefully follow the instructions, especially if a "security envelope" is required, and sign the package as indicated when returning it.

To save time, send voted ballots electronically if allowed by state law. Voters can check if their state accepts completed absentee ballots by email, fax, or via an online portal at FVAP.gov/guide.

If a requested ballot has not arrived, use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) immediately at www.fvap.gov/FWAB. It works like a backup ballot. If your official absentee ballot arrives after sending in the FWAB, complete and send in the official ballot, too. Only one will be counted.

Make sure the voted ballot is received by your state. Go to FVAP.gov, click on your state and then the "check the status of your voted ballot" button.

To find your state's election website for specific information on candidates, elections, contact information, and links to your local election offices, visit our contact page. You can also reach out directly to your election office for status updates on your registration and absentee ballot.

Additional Information for non-UOCAVA voters: Uniformed service members, their families, and Department of Defense civilians who are currently stationed in the same location as their voting address may visit vote.gov to register to vote and request information from their local election office to vote locally.

COVID-19 ELECTION UPDATE - FVAP is working closely with state election offices, the Military Postal Service Agency, and other federal agencies to bring you up-to-date information on possible mailing delays. Please visit FVAP.gov/COVID-19 for the latest information on any international postal disruptions or contact your installation military post office.

The Department of Defense is required to send this email notification starting 90 days before each election for federal office. This information is current as of May 31, 2022. As updates may occur, please check the election calendars and state guidelines at FVAP.gov for real time information.


If you would like more information about the Federal Voting Assistance Program, or need help with the absentee voting process, please go to FVAP.gov, call 703-588-1584 (toll free 1-800-438-VOTE or DSN 425-1584), or email (vote@fvap.gov).

This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us, on behalf of: Federal Voting Assistance Program · 4800 Mark Center Drive, Mailbox 10 · Alexandria, VA 22350-5000 · fvap.gov · 1-800-438-8683 · DSN 425-1584  

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