

How We Beat Nancy Pelosi at Insider Trading

Semiconductors are in extreme demand. The U.S. government wants to bring chipmaking back home, and at the center of this new initiative is one small company.
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Wealth Daily

How We Beat Nancy Pelosi at Insider Trading

Politicians are greedy, corrupt, and evil by nature. They enact laws they don't have to abide by. It is often postulated that most of the problems in the United States would be solved with just one law mandating that Congress must abide by the very laws it passes.

But no, our public servants play by a different set of rules. You name a set of circumstances from health care to pensions to travel, and there is a separate rule for our esteemed statesmen.

Insider trading is no different. If you or I bought or sold based on knowledge that wasn't made public, we'd go to jail faster than you can say "Martha Stewart."

But it's different for Congress. Through her husband — who conveniently owns a hedge fund — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been killing the market using insider information.

The Pelosis recently bought chipmaker NVIDIA Corp. (NASDAQ: NVDA) with inside knowledge of a bill that was working its way through Congress. After they bought the stock, shares jumped up around 15%. The options shot up even more.

You see, Congress was about to pass a $52 billion giveaway to semiconductor companies in an attempt to get them to onshore production. Bringing semis back to the United States is a good thing.

New Robot Has Tech Execs Scrambling

You might not believe this is even real, but I assure you this video has been left unedited.

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Semiconductors are the most important technology in the world today. They're present in every tech product a company creates — from your phone to your computer. They're in your car and even in the defense systems that keep our country safe.

Without this linchpin technology, these things simply wouldn't function. But there's a problem the U.S. is NOT a major manufacturer of this technology. Since the 1990s, we've been outsourcing semiconductor production, and now our supply is almost ENTIRELY dependent on a handful of companies, most notably Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC). 

The U.S. government wants to bring this technology back home, and at the center of this new initiative is one small company. 

It just went public in mid-2021, and it's still under the radar of most mainstream investors — but not for long. In the last month, the stock went up 114%, much more than Nancy's NVIDIA.

You see, the Department of Defense recently classified this company as a "trusted supplier," which is a very rare classification.

It did this because this company is the only 100% U.S.-owned and -based chipmaker in existence, which is why the DOD just gave it $170 million to make custom chips for space and medical devices. 

The #1 Company to Jump-Start a New Era of Nuclear Power

There's a brand-new type of fuel that's about to usher in the next generation of nuclear energy...

And the demand for it is HUGE. 

Because an entire fleet of smaller, safer, and cleaner nuclear reactors are coming online right now... 

And they can't operate without this specific fuel, which is the only kind potent enough to power our electric grid 24/7...

The U.S. government granted one company the ONLY license to produce it here in America...

Read more about the sole U.S. company producing this fuel right now.

As Reuters reports:

[These chips] work when exposed to high levels of radiation in spacecraft and medical devices. The U.S. military also uses such chips to ensure electronics will remain functional in a nuclear conflict.

That's pretty badass.

Just last week, the company announced plans to invest $1.8 billion for a chip research and production facility in Indiana.

Unlike the rest of the market, this stock has been flying. The government (with the fortunate help of the world's greatest trader, Nancy Pelosi) has now decided to bring chip production BACK to America!

This means investors could be about to strike it rich once again as all that money flows back into the country.

And because there's only one 100% U.S.-owned and -based company capable of making custom chips for America's top companies and our military...

The profits could be MUCH larger than we've ever seen before. I'm talking close to 100x returns. Learn how to easily take advantage of the GREATEST opportunity of the decade!

All the best,

Christian DeHaemer Signature

Christian DeHaemer

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Christian is the founder of Bull and Bust Report and an editor at Energy and Capital. For more on Christian, see his editor's page.

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