

Your Signature Is Needed: BAN inhumane and barbaric trophy hunting


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Trophy hunters are BRUTALLY SLAUGHTERING gray wolves and sending them closer to extinction!

Trophy hunters have NO MERCY when it comes to killing innocent animals. And right now, the states bordering Yellowstone National Park, where many gray wolves roam, are permitting hunters even more freedom to MASSACRE this beloved canine.

They will bait hungry wolves to attract them outside the park's protections or chase them down with helicopters to exhaust and weaken them before gunning them to shreds. They will plant excruciating leg traps and choking snares designed to maim these helpless creatures. They will pummel over wolves with snowmobiles and even dynamite helpless wolves seeking refuge in their dens. Friend, these completely barbaric hunting methods are not only gruesome and cruel, but they are threatening to wipe out the gray wolf population forever. Sign the petition to BAN inhumane trophy hunting tactics before it's too late to save gray wolves >>

Even with current protections in place for gray wolves within the grounds of Yellowstone, trophy hunters ILLEGALLY SLAUGHTERED 25 wolves just this year, wiping out an ENTIRE PACK.

Once roaming freely in their native regions, this iconic North American species only occupies less than 10% of their historic range, with only about 6,000 gray wolves remaining. And if we don't STOP the trophy hunters from annihilating the vulnerable wolf population, these beloved canines could lose their final chance of survival. Will you take action right now to help protect gray wolves from extinction?

Thank you for protecting wolves,
Friends of the Earth


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